Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 841: Central War (Part 1)

Remember [New] in a second! The three demigod formations formed three protective circles, and once the outer formation was attacked, the two formations in the inner circle and the core circle could jointly share the pressure.

This is also the mystery of the formation here. Jiang Heng has been watching all over the fortress recently when he has nothing to do. Looking at the cumbersome inscriptions all over the sky, he is fascinated to learn.

"These formations are all from the hands of Chen Banshen from the Southern District, and this Taoist is indeed a veteran of formations. However, in my teacher's opinion, these formations are still a bit rough.

If you, my apprentice, want to learn this way, you will have the opportunity to recommend a professional formation master from the empire to you in the future, that is the real amazing formation master. "

Today, nothing happened. The demigod Xingyun also walked around with his apprentice in the fortress, and he couldn't help but chuckled when he saw his interest.

"Everyone in the formation of the empire?" Jiang Heng was a little curious.

"However, Master, besides the Formation masters, does the Empire also have the Forging masters and Alchemy masters?" Jiang Heng asked.

"Of course there are, if you think about how many years ago our New Great Zhou was established, and there are many secret treasures from the old Great Zhou, these are unimaginable backgrounds.

right! It is the background! In terms of background, my Great Zhou Empire is the strongest! "

Said that this nebula demigod is proud of everything.

"In the empire, there are countless skilled craftsmen of all kinds, as well as countless literati. In fact, many people think that our Dazhou is on the way of cultivation and is not good at machinery.

Not really, we have our mechanical skills too.

Not long after the appearance of the Ultra-dimensional Empire, the Great Zhou Empire established a research institute, and now it has cracked many technologies of the Ultra-dimensional Empire.

It is only the core technology of the super-dimensional empire, and it has never been possible to create a truly mechanical intelligent life.

But we don't care about that, after all, life with flesh and blood is the real life, and those are heretics and demons! "The nebula demigod opened up the conversation box, one after another, and it was obviously ironic when he said that the super-dimensional empire.

"The empire still has mechanical technology?" Jiang Heng knew that the empire had mechanical technology, but listening to Master's tone, it seems that the skills are not low!

"Of course! The current technology is enough to use mechanical means to create mechanical weapons comparable to semi-divine weapons. And if we don't crack the technology of the super-dimensional kingdom of God, some super-light-year starships cannot be manufactured on a large scale, but they have been attacking us. Technical limitations. Of course, if you are a demigod, you don’t need a star gate, it’s just that the star gate is more convenient.”

Xingyun half-thought for a moment and turned his palm over, and a small thing appeared.

It was a shape that looked like a hexagonal rhombus, and the whole body was purple exuding a very charming light, which looked very mysterious.

"this is...."

"This is a small reconnaissance plane with a speed of up to light years. It has been driven and can go directly to tens of light years to transmit information and collect intelligence."

Jiang Qiu was surprised, the technical content of this is not low, not to mention the black technology of this gadget's ultra-long-distance communication method, it is extremely difficult to condense the light year engine into such a small point.

"This thing is an extremely difficult technology for us Dazhou, but it is a very common technology in the super-dimensional kingdom. For us, such a small device is expensive, but for them it is just an ordinary mass creation."

Nebula demigod sighed: "Things like this are scattered in almost every inch of land ruled by the super-dimensional kingdom of God, and there are even such arrangements in many other places in the universe."

"So whether it's me waiting for the Great Zhou or the Temple of the Gods, I don't really want to go to the super-dimensional kingdom of God to fight! Because no matter where I kill, the opponent can arrive at the first time, and any strategy is useless!"

Listening to these, Jiang Heng silently wrote them down.

But anyway, I estimate that I will rarely set foot in the territory of the super-dimensional kingdom of God. After all, the real super-dimensional kingdom of God is in a higher-dimensional interface. Of course, they still have some occupied areas in the main universe, but the situation is probably not much better.

However, Jiang Heng soon remembered the ethnic group on the side of his golden jewelry. It was a sharp weapon for him to practice cheating and he had to help them solve their difficulties.

"By the way, apprentice, I remember that you opened the way, what kind of avenue did you open?" Xingyun half-consciously remembered the matter of Jiang Heng's opening the way before.

"Returning to Master, this path is called Qi Dao, and it seems to be related to another martial arts perception!" Jiang Heng thought for a while and said bluntly without intending to hide it.

"Martial arts comprehension?" Hearing this, Xingyun's demigod became a little interested.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng also directly explained the method of cultivating the body, and the method of accumulating qi in the orifice points.

"This method is quite interesting!" Demigod Xingyun said with emotion after hearing this.

"Using the acupoints to accumulate qi, wouldn't you have energy in all the acupoints in your body?" Xing Yun asked half-godly.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng directly swelled the acupuncture points in his body, and immediately each acupuncture point shone with brilliance, and there was a surging energy flowing in the acupuncture points, which was as powerful as a mountain roaring and a tsunami.

"I didn't expect that the Qi Jin method commonly used at the level below the domain master can burst out such power, not bad! It's just that this method is still a small way for a teacher. Even if the Qi Jin power that you have stored in the acupoints is not enough right now It's just the initial level of the main level."

The demigod Xingyun shook his head for a while, this kind of small way is really not reliable, such a massive amount of energy can only be so powerful, which is much weaker than the power of the physical body and the power of the laws of the temples.

"Returning to Master, I feel that this method still has potential to be tapped, and the potential is huge!" Jiang Heng argued somewhat.

However, the demigod Xingyun waved his hand: "Okay, you can study this method once in a while, don't get addicted to it, Xiao Daoer really doesn't need to spend a lot of energy!"

Seeing this, Jiang Heng thought for a while and still didn't say anything.

In fact, Jiang Heng thinks that Qi Dao has great prospects for development, and since the development of Qi Dao, Jiang Heng also has a clear understanding of the road to cultivation after Qi Dao.

That's compression!


Before, it was the increase, and the emphasis was on the increase.

And the next step is to compress these quantities to the extreme, and continue to compress until they are so solid that they can no longer be compressed, which is the next level.

Now Jiang Heng is already trying, for example, the energy of the five orifices in his body has been compressed to the size of a grain of rice.

And these rice-grain-sized qi will flow back to Dantian for integration and compression again.

Until all Qi Jin turns into a small ball, I believe its destructive power will be extremely terrifying.

Jiang Heng got this idea from Lu Yixin.

This is the case with Lu Yixin's previous sword cultivation method. He kept accumulating Qi, and then compressed it to a silk thread to cut it out. Its power is enough to fight across the ranks.

Of course, Lu Yixin was too weak at that time, and his compression of Qi Jin was also very limited, and he only roughly consolidated Qi Jin.

And Jiang Heng's solidification of qi at this moment is hundreds of millions of times Lu Yixin's original solidification level, which has reached the point of shocking hearing.

Originally, Jiang Heng wanted to demonstrate a deeper level of Qi Dao methods in person, but it can be seen that his master is very repulsed by this, so he had no choice but to give up.

The two talked while walking, and they said some heart-to-heart words.

For example, Jiang Heng talked about how he stepped out of the Qinglan Realm step by step, from becoming the number one martial artist in the Milky Way to entering the Tianshuang Empire, to the current major events in the past, all in a concise manner.

And Xingyun demigod also mentioned some of his own past, at this moment, the master and apprentice seemed to have no secrets at all, so what to say. But both parties know that it is impossible to tell the outside world about some very secret things, such as hole cards and the like.

The experience of the demigod Xingyun is relatively ordinary, but there are some hardships in the ordinary, so it can be regarded as an ordinary legend.

Demigod Xingyun, formerly known as Xinghao, is the eldest son of a demigod-level senior general who was seated by the Southern King of the Great Zhou Empire.

It is said that if his ancestors are traced down, they can be traced back to the old Zhou period. I heard that Xing Hao's ancestor was a small nobleman in the old Zhou period who had a territory of a hundred super galaxy clusters.

It’s just that the old Zhou was destroyed, and after the establishment of the new Zhou, his ancestors were purged and almost became pariahs. Fortunately, his ancestors knew how to change the door and wall at the beginning of the establishment of the new dynasty and swore allegiance to the then-incumbent Southern King.

However, even so, because Xing Hao's ancestors surrendered, they are still not considered as the confidants of King Nan, but can only be regarded as a marginal figure.

Since then, the Xinghao clan has not fallen down, and for millions of years since the ancestors fell, the Xinghao clan has never stepped into the realm of demigods. Many tribesmen who joined the army were just small soldiers under the command of the Southern King.

The best one is just a little commander, but after Grandpa Xinghao stepped into the false demigod after Grandpa Xinghao stepped into the false demigod, Xinghao's family just started to recover a little bit. There is a hint of color.

And it wasn't until Xing Hao's father rose up that he stepped into the realm of demigods in one fell swoop, and even broke through to the fifth rank of the median, and finally gradually entered the more important circle under Nanwang's command.

It can be regarded as being reused by Nanwang's subordinates, so far the Xinghao family can be regarded as rising.

But the good times didn't last long. Xing Hao's father fell during a battle with the temples. Fortunately, Xing Hao also stepped into the demigod state at this time so that the group would not decline again.

Now the Xinghao clan can be regarded as a moderate aristocratic class in the area ruled by the Southern King. There are many talents in the clan, and there are many strong domain masters, but there is still only Xinghao who is a semi-god-level strongman.

For this reason, Xing Hao did not hesitate to take over the task of dormant in the Alliance of Hundred Nations in order to provide a guarantee for the clansmen. This is why Xing Yun demigod at this time came into being.

"Master really paid too much for the relatives!" After listening, Jiang Heng couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Hehe! Maybe, I was really passionate about being a teacher back then, and thought that as long as I did everything for the sake of the growth of the group, I would do everything. But now that I haven't been back for so many years, this kind of thinking has faded a lot. It might be different to let the teacher make the decision." Xing Yun said with a half-godly smile.

The fact is indeed true, he has come here too much, for him now this Nebula Sect and the disciples in front of him are all to him, as for relatives, it seems that they are not too important.

"However, Master, some time ago, I saw that the southern district and our eastern district seemed to be on guard? And I feel that the demigods on our side seem to be somewhat conflicted. I wonder if there is something hidden?" Quite a few, Jiang Heng thought about it for a while and asked questions that bothered him before.

"Haha! You're talking about this, you can see this clearly." Hearing this, Xingyun couldn't help but smile half-heartedly.

"That's right! We have a lot of conflicts, but the main reason for this conflict is suspicion!"

"Suspicious?" Jiang Heng was suspicious.

"Well, it's just that we all doubted our respective goals. Don't you think that our demigods are all focused on breaking out of the encirclement? Want to fight to the death with Ba Yu's bastards?"

The demigod Xingyun glanced at Jiang Heng meaningfully: "When the strength is low, there may not be so many thoughts, but the higher the strength, the more things need to be considered.

Some need to be considered for the ethnic group, some need to survive for themselves, some need to be powerful, and some need to be further deployed. There are various reasons that you can't guess or figure out. There are too many reasons for the game between demigods. "

"Do you understand what I mean?" Xingyun looked at Jiang Heng half-heartedly while speaking.

"I think the master wants to tell the disciples, there is no need to think too much, we are all about purity. Thinking too much will be a drag!" Jiang Heng thought for a while and bowed his hands in a respectful voice.

"Not bad!" Wen Yan Xingyun nodded with satisfaction.

"My physical martial arts warriors pay attention to purity! No matter how conspiratorial or tricky it is, we just need to break it with one effort. The more we care about those twists and turns, the easier it is to be dragged down! You are right to think so!"

Demigod Xingyun was very satisfied with his apprentice being so enlightened.

The two chatted through sound transmission from the beginning to the end, and with the demigod Xingyun here, they were not afraid of someone eavesdropping.

Just as the two continued to walk and chat, there was a loud roar in the distance, and then a big hand was seen across the sky and slammed towards the fort here!

"How dare!"

Seeing this Xingyun demigod shouted violently, his body shot up violently, and the big hand volleying towards the sky slapped head-on.


A wave of crimson blood-red air surged The big hand froze violently, and the palm of Xingyun demigod roared to a stalemate.

The two stood in a stalemate for a while, but soon the phantom of the giant palm exploded into countless fine light powders and dissipated.

"How courageous! Dare to make a move and dare not come out to see?" Xingyun demigod stared straight at the distant void.

At the same time, several demigod auras in the fortress also burst out and flew upwards one after another.

At this moment in the fortress, there are also piercing alarms, and countless monster lords, the Lord of Galaxy, and countless warriors rushed to their respective posts.

At the same time, a ravine opened in the void in the distance, and densely packed starships and huge and ferocious starry sky behemoths appeared in the ravine!

One after another, the aura of demigod is particularly eye-catching, especially a huge palace is located on top of the largest starry sky behemoth. Above the palace is the tallest throne, and on the throne sits a heroic man in gilt armor man.

This person's charisma is extraordinary, and there is a terrifying aura circulating, and there seems to be a golden glazed star shining in the back of his head!

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