Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 837: Impart supernatural powers (below)

Remember [New] in a second! The figure of this man is a little blurry, as if covered by clouds and mist, but it can be vaguely seen that he is wearing a golden chain mail with carved dragons, a pair of cloud shoes walking on lotus root silk, and wearing a A purple gold crown with phoenix wings.

The overall appearance is mighty and extraordinary, like a champion Hou Yong is irresistible, with a square sky painted halberd in his hand, holding a weapon in his hand, his figure is suspended in mid-air, just looking down at Jiang Heng.

It looks like the gods are looking down on the mundane!

When Jiang Heng saw this person, he saw a wave of bravery and a monstrous evil spirit. It was the temperament that came out of fighting in the mountain of corpses and blood. It's as chilling as there are endless lines of elite fighters standing there.

What a terrifying martial arts will!

Jiang Heng felt this kind of martial arts will for the first time, and the overwhelming coercion made Jiang Heng's heart palpitate. Even if the opponent is just a blurry figure, even the will of martial arts is very weak, and at this moment, he feels a sense of suffocation.

"It's barely in my eyes now!" The blurry phantom eyes were constantly scanning Jiang Heng with divine light, and then nodded in satisfaction after a while.

"Since that's the case, please senior give me the disciple?" Xingyun demigod hurriedly bowed to the phantom in the midair after hearing the words, with a slightly respectful attitude.

Jiang Heng was very surprised by Xingyun's demigod's attitude. Who is this blurry phantom in the midair?

To be able to make myself, a half-god master in the middle of the physical body, treat him so respectfully.

"Wait...this honour? What does this honour mean?" Jiang Heng thought of many possibilities in an instant, but none of them seemed reasonable. There was only one explanation that made sense.

Of course, there are self-appointed kings, vassals, or emperors in this universe, but those are mostly ignorant and ordinary mortal dynasties.

Among the demigods, most of them dare not proclaim themselves, and the few who dare to proclaim themselves are mostly high-ranking demigods, super existences who truly rule the world.

In addition, titles such as Hou are only legal if they appear in the Great Zhou Empire, otherwise they will be sanctioned by the Great Zhou Empire. Of course, some powerful high-ranking demigods are not included in this list, and the Great Zhou Empire has no experience to sanction them. At most acquiescence.

"Heh! Of course you don't need to mention this matter, and this matter has nothing to do with you in the future. Since this son accepts this opportunity, he has to agree to several conditions!"

Chao Xingyun demigod said a few words, then Tong Tianhou turned to look at Jiang Heng and asked in a deep voice, "Boy, would you like to worship me as a teacher? To worship me as a teacher, you have to agree to a few conditions for being a teacher, and you can agree if you are a teacher." Teach you the supernatural powers to pick up the stars. It’s okay if you don’t ask, but you won’t get anything! I’d rather the supernatural powers rot in my stomach!”

Hearing this, Jiang Heng raised his head and looked at this phantom. The state of the other party did not seem to be in a living state, but more like a kind of remnant after death. Although the other party's soul was still powerful in Jiang Heng's view, it seemed that there were many incomplete.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Heng looked at the demigod Xingyun.

Seeing Jiang Heng's actions, Xingyun demigod didn't say anything on the surface, but he was quite satisfied in his heart. His apprentice was quite a sensible person and knew how to ask his opinion.

"You can decide for yourself, I don't mind!" Xing Yun said with a half-godly smile.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng was secretly relieved, he naturally wanted to learn supernatural powers, but if the demigod Xingyun disagreed, he would not dare to do such a disobedient act in front of the other party.

Then Jiang Heng kowtowed without any hesitation, and said respectfully: "Apprentice Jiang Heng pays homage to Master!"

Seeing the phantom of Tongtian trembling slightly, his eyes showed a trace of complexity, although he tried his best to conceal his tone, he still couldn't help saying excitedly: "Okay...Okay! Get up!"

"Come with me!"

Seeing Jiang Heng standing up and Tong Tianhou catching him with his big hand, Jiang Heng only felt an invisible force restraining him, seeing that Jiang Heng didn't resist and let the opponent catch him.

However, Tong Tianhou took a step forward, leading Jiang Heng directly into a strange and strange space.

Jiang Heng raised his head and looked at the grotesque world in front of him.

Almost instantly, Jiang Heng knew that this place belonged to the high-dimensional world, because the many space anchors he had set in the main universe could no longer perceive at this moment.

Here, the field of vision has become very complicated, and everything seen in the field of vision has become overlapping and even bizarre, full of various distortions and distortions, and can even distort the mind to a certain extent.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Heng quickly closed his eyes, and began to explore here consciously.

"This place is a cave in the fifth-dimensional world for my teacher. I have never brought anyone here before. You are the first!" Tong Tianhou sighed faintly.

"Thinking that I, Li Xi, have traveled across the universe of the galaxy and conquered the main universe and the worlds of various dimensions for nearly tens of millions of years. I never thought that I would end up like this in the end!"

Hearing this, Jiang Heng was a little confused, but he still listened carefully, trying to guess the identity of his master from these few words.

"Hehe, you must be thinking about who I am now!" Tong Tianhou seemed to guess what Jiang Heng was thinking and said lightly: "Since you are my apprentice and my only apprentice, then it's okay for me to tell you.

His teacher is Li Xi, the all-weather master of the Great Zhou Empire! He once led the elite of the Great Zhou Empire to fight many times with the twelve **** guards of the temples. He once beheaded three high-ranking demigods. Nearly a hundred of the middle-ranked demigods died in the hands of this marquis. There are countless low-level demigods. The domain masters who died in the hands of this marquis are even more numerous! "

The more Tong Tianhou talked, the more excited he became, and it seemed that the more he talked, the more he touched the most hated thing in his heart.

"But it ended up like this, so you worship me as your teacher, and the first thing I need you to promise me is that you must join the Great Zhou Empire!"

Tong Tianhou looked directly at Jiang Heng, and his words had a hint of killing intent.

Jiang Heng was shocked by the other party's identity at this time, and it took him a while to react and he was a little puzzled: "Master, it was because of the injustice of the Great Zhou Empire...then why did you let the disciple..."

"Only by joining them can you become their gravedigger!" Tong Tianhou sneered, his eyes full of hatred.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng only felt cold all over his body, what kind of hatred is there for this.

"I'm just afraid..."

"This request is not mandatory, but I want you to kill Nanwang yourself! Dazhou can be immortal, but Nanwang must die!" Tong Tianhou's eyes seemed to be shooting fire, and there seemed to be an indelible bond with Nanwang. Killing intent.

"Follow Master's orders!" Jiang Heng bowed his hands and nodded.

Feeling a little helpless in my heart, this request is really not simple, kill Nan Wang?

That is the existence of a super strong even in a high-ranking state. It is conceivable how difficult it is to deal with such a king of the Great Zhou Empire.

"Second thing, I need you to help me kill Tianmei Shao Siming!"

Tong Tianhou nodded slightly and immediately stated the second condition.

Shao Commander? ! valley

Hearing this, Jiang Heng's pupils shrank suddenly.

"Master...Master...Is this Young Commander the emperor's sacrifice to the most powerful creation god?"

Jiang Heng's throat was dry and trembling.

Shao Si ordered Jiang Heng to know exactly what kind of position this was.

In fact, it is the second person in a sacrificial department of the Great Zhou Empire. In an ordinary mortal country, it is the existence second only to the national teacher.

On top of the Shao Commander of the Great Zhou Empire, there is also a Great Commander. In general, this kind of position only needs to nod and salute the Great Zhou Emperor, instead of bowing down. The status is so high that even during a certain period of sacrificial offerings, the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty had to participate in the sacrificial offerings under the witness of the chief commander and the young commander.

It can be said that this position may not have much power, but it is definitely an existence second only to the Emperor of the Great Zhou in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Jiang Heng felt that he was going to suffocate, and he even regretted learning such supernatural powers.

Aren't these two demands tantamount to declaring war with the Great Zhou Empire?

"Young Commander Tianmei is the Commander Commander of Dazhou! She used to be my wife! At that time, she was just the daughter of a high official in the Central Dynasty of Great Zhou Dynasty. At that time, she was admiring me, and I didn't dislike her." she.

But after experiencing Zhanshentai, I only heard that this woman has become the noble young commander of the Great Zhou, which is really ridiculous! "

The bitterness on Tong Tianhou's face was immediately filled with murderous intent and hatred.

Jiang Heng thought about it for a while, and felt that his master was miserable enough, how many people he had offended. And why does it feel like the top of his old man's head is still a little green?

Of course, this kind of thought is only fleeting, and I dare not think about it in front of a demigod for fear of being seen through.

"There are only two requirements for being a teacher! I also know that these two requirements are too difficult for you now. Nan Wang had a high-level eighth-level strength a million years ago, and he passed it on with his physical body. Martial God's peerless martial arts secret art, he is comparable to a ninth-rank demigod.

Right now, his realm will only be high and not weak, but the further the demigod realm is, the longer it will take to improve. Maybe he is still at the eighth level, but it is too far away for you.

As for that poisonous woman, her cultivation is not very strong, she is only a low-ranking demigod of the third level, and now even if she breaks through to the fourth level, it will not be too difficult to catch up with your aptitude.

It's just that she is now a young commander, with a high status, and ordinary people can't get close to her at all. That's why I want you to join Da Zhou and climb as high as possible, the higher the better! "

Tongtian's tone was a bit lonely, and he also knew that the difficulty of this was no less than that of the Lord of Galaxy to challenge a demigod, it was too difficult, too difficult.

"Forget it, you do what you can, you just want to find someone to vent the pain of the teacher for so many years. If you really have the opportunity in the future, you should be cautious. I don't want to see my supernatural powers disappear!"

For some reason, Tong Tianhou felt that his apprentice might be more important. He had spent his whole life fighting on the battlefield and serving the empire. Now that he finally had a successor, he felt complicated emotions in his heart for a while.

"Master, please don't worry, once the disciple has the opportunity, he will do his best to avenge the master!"

Jiang Heng didn't know about Tongtianhou's grievances, but since he accepted the cause, he would bear the consequences, which didn't seem to be too much.

Of course, these are just promises, and if Jiang Heng can do it, he will do it with all his strength without endangering his own life.

"Okay, after talking so much, let's teach you supernatural powers!"

Tong Tianhou's expression changed, and the topic turned serious.

"The Star Reacher is a true supernatural power. Let me ask you what supernatural power is?"

Jiang Heng thought for a while, then hesitated and said, "Is it a means stronger than the secret method to tap one's own potential and explode stronger power?"

"This statement is only half correct!" Tong Tianhou said bluntly: "Supernatural power is actually a manifestation of a law, and its foundation is indeed a deep digging of one's own abilities, in order to truly activate supernatural powers.

Therefore, even if you only learn the first half of the supernatural powers, it is enough to increase your strength by several times! "

"A manifestation of a law?" Jiang Heng raised his brows, somewhat surprised by this statement.

"That's right! It's a manifestation of the law. There are two types of supernatural powers. One is the concrete manifestation of a single law. The other is the aggregated concrete manifestation of multiple laws.

For example, a legendary supernatural power of the Tao of the flesh body, the Bajiu Xuan Gong is a concrete embodiment of a single law! Eighty-Nine Xuangong is to refine the body nine times, and the last time even melts the soul and the body into one.

So far, he has cultivated eighty-nine profound arts, and the body and soul are indistinguishable from each other. And the body is the law, the law is the body, and so is the soul. The three are indistinguishable from each other.

After completing this method, the soaring combat power is unimaginable, and the physical body of Bajiu Xuangong can be called the strongest in the world. But the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, death is completely dead. There is no such thing as the rebirth of the spirit and soul, because the law, the body, the spirit, and the soul are all one, so there is no such thing as a soul after death. When you die, it disappears.

This is another point I said, any supernatural power has flaws and costs, the greater the cost, the greater the benefits you can get! "

Tong Tianhou's face was solemn and his eyes were full of solemnity, as if he was warning Jiang Heng not to practice immediately when encountering supernatural powers in the future.

"In addition to this, the representative supernatural power embodied by multiple laws is Wuxing Mountain, also known as Wuzhi Mountain.

This kind of supernatural power is to smelt the law of the five elements and within one palm, and also to be proficient in formations, and to engrave the extremely cumbersome fusion formations in the hands.

Once this method is cultivated, with one palm, it is like the evolution of the Five Elements Dao, all of which seal the heavens and the earth and it is extremely heavy, the terrifying weight is enough to crush the same level of physical martial arts. But the price of practicing this method is also extremely high, that is, the palms are easily abolished.

The five elements seem to be complementary to each other, but converging them into a group can cause extremely serious damage to the physical body, ranging from permanent damage to the palm of the hand, even with the original solution of the law of life, it cannot be cured. In severe cases, the body collapses and dies.

This method must be used with caution, otherwise if you don't have a strong physical body and use it rashly, you will be courting death. "

Tongtian continued to explain, his experience was extremely vast, and he told Jiang Heng many supernatural powers.

For example, the universe in the sleeve, such as the thunder in the palm, the realm in the palm, the five-color light, the finger of the gods, etc...

Jiang Heng was fascinated by hearing this, and at the same time, he was also somewhat suspicious, because the names of many supernatural powers were exactly the same as some myths and stories in his previous life memory.

"Could it be that there is some connection between the world in the previous life and the present world?"

Jiang Heng always thought that the earth could find a real place in the previous Milky Way, but now he is not so sure.

Now he even has the idea of ​​going back urgently to find out whether some earths really exist in this world.

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