Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 835: Mind Slayer

Remember [New] in a second! "Although it's a helper in the big formation, what I've found is a high-ranking demigod. With that senior doing his best, I think I can avoid some unnecessary troubles for the senior!"

Thunderstorm clapped his hands and explained with a smile.

"Can there still be a high-ranking demigod in the big formation?" Jian Wushen was a little suspicious when he heard this.

"Why is a dignified high-ranking demigod trapped here?"

Jian Wushen couldn't understand this, because although this large formation is powerful, the restrictions are also very strict, because it is not used to trap people or kill enemies. Its only purpose is to use the power of the laws that escaped after the constant fighting and death to gather together for alchemy.

Therefore, Jian Wushen is very clear that this thing is okay if it is trapped below the high position, but above the high position, at least it cannot be done with the strength of the hegemony. Not only does it need a high-ranking demigod-level formation mage, but also a mid-level sixth-order peak to sit in the formation Eyes can be used to arrange traps to trap high-ranking demigods. Rao is such a huge daily consumption.

"Uh, this senior, please forgive me. The person I'm talking about has not yet reached a high position." Lei Tian said in embarrassment.

"Don't you dare to mention it if you are not a high-ranking demigod? Could it be that this person is about to break through?" Jian Wushen frowned and shouted coldly.

"Uh... that's not the case, it's just that this person was at the peak of the sixth order in his early years." Thunderstorm shrank his neck even more embarrassingly.

"What about now?"

"Right now... the realm has fallen to a low level right now, and I was severely injured before." Thunderstorm felt a little chill on his neck.

"Do you really think that I have a good temper? I can kill you with just one breath! How dare you play on my head!" The sword intent in Jian Wushen's eyes seemed to be gushing out with that fierce Sword Qi pierced the thunderstorm.

"Senior, calm down! Senior, calm down!" Thunderstorm repeatedly argued: "However, in his early heyday, his combat power was already catching up with the high-ranking seventh-level demigods. If he is well prepared, even a seventh-level demigod is nothing. He will suffer a big loss at his hands!"

"Oh!" Jian Wushen raised his brows, he was interested in this kind of genius who can leapfrog and fight.

But immediately his face turned black and he cursed: "Get out of here! What can this person do since his realm has fallen? A trash!"

"Senior, please listen to me. It is true that the junior gave him some healing relics not long ago. I believe he has recovered a lot by now. It is possible that when he was defeated in the early years, there might be demons in his heart. If he does not cut To break this person's heart knot, I am afraid that his combat power will not be comparable to that of the peak period, so this junior also wants to ask the senior to help this person!"

Thunderstorm said and bowed again with a humble and sincere attitude.

"You are very calculating. After all, I am looking for my help. Sometimes I really want to kill you with a sword!" Jian Wushen narrowed his eyes and his face was full of playfulness, as if he was thinking about where to start. Cutting down is the most perfect sword.

"Senior was joking! This junior is nothing. Senior's sword is intended to kill the strong. This junior can't be the sword of senior by borrowing from an unknown person!" Thunderstorm repeatedly smiled wryly.

"Then how can I benefit from helping you?" Jian Wushen chuckled, "You'd better bring something practical, otherwise I won't have that patience!"

"Senior... let's see, that person used Frost Dao, and he was also a genius in his early years. Thinking about it, he left some treasures in the past. Maybe there are still one or two that can enter the eyes of seniors. If seniors don't dislike it .” Thunderstorm said with a smile.

"Frost Avenue?" Hearing that Jian Wushen was a little interested.

"Could this person be the ancestor Tianshuang who was famous hundreds of thousands of years ago?" Jian Wushen pondered.

"That's right! It's Senior Tianshuang!" Thunderstorm quickly agreed.

"It turned out to be this one. In this case, I don't want the rags you mentioned. Since it is to help this person, I will sell it for free. But I hope he can return to the peak as soon as possible, and even break through the seventh level as soon as possible. In this way, this seat Maybe there is the desire to kill him, otherwise he is not worthy of this seat!"

Hearing Jian Wushen's words, Thunderstorm burst into cold sweat. Good guy, Jian Wushen has been doing this for a long time to train his opponent.

Are all geniuses bad in their heads?

Thunderstorm doesn't quite understand Jian Wushen's thoughts.

"Okay, since I have promised you, let's start as soon as possible. Since you begged me, you must have the aura of Tianshuang Patriarch beforehand?" Jian Wushen looked at the thunderstorm.

"It's natural! Now that Senior Tianshuang is trapped in the formation, he can only use this method to kill his inner demons from the air."

As he said that, Thunderstorm flipped his hand and took out a piece of ice crystal jade tokens. The jade tokens exuded extreme coldness, as if they could freeze the soul.

Seeing this, Jian Wushen nodded with satisfaction on his face.

"That's right! This thing should be owned by Tianshuang in its heyday, so it can be seen that his accomplishments in Frost Avenue were really good."

Jian Wushen's eyes narrowed slightly, wisps of sword intent shot out from the pupils and entangled on the jade tablet continuously.

In the next moment, pictures floated out from the jade tablet, and the pictures were composed of countless ice crystals. From time to time, there appeared images of Ancestor Tianshuang fighting with other demigods when he was young, and there were many, many. It can be seen that Ancestor Tianshuang was almost the same type of person as Jian Wushen when he was young, daring to fight.

kill kill kill!

The picture seems to be full of this theme all the time, constant fighting, individual fighting, team fighting, group fighting, all kinds of fighting with demigods.

And the image of Tianshuang Patriarch in the picture gradually changed from immature to mature, until the next picture, a stalwart figure appeared in the picture.

Behind this figure floated two halos of light, one black and one white, as if pupils of two colors were staring at Patriarch Tianshuang in the picture.

The two sides in this battle were very fierce. Ancestor Tianshuang seemed to have used many means and all kinds of cards emerged one after another, and so did the opponent, but in the end, the opponent was superior and used a very weird law to offset the law of Ancestor Tianshuang. , and even rebound.

Jian Wushen's eyes glowed faintly as he watched this scene.

"It turns out that the heart demon is this person. Who is this person? Why haven't I seen such laws?" Jian Wushen frowned and looked at the thunderstorm beside him.

"This person... I don't know much about this person. No one has seen that battle. It was just a private invitation from Tianshuang Patriarch to fight with this person. But it seems that this person is a foreign species!"

Thunderstorm explained that the heterogeneous is also the master of the dual laws, except of course the combination of the physical body and other laws.

The heterogeneity really refers to the aggregate of the laws of the two pantheons, which itself is a product of a failed human experiment in the hands of the mechanical gods, the founder of the super-dimensional kingdom of God in the old Zhou Dynasty.

But failure is failure, but this kind of polymer, once it survives the initial chaos without distortion, will itself be an extremely terrifying existence, and its combat power dual attribute law may be second only to the top law in terms of level.

"Alien species! It turns out that there are still living alien species. I beheaded one before, and then I have been looking for the traces of these guys and wanted them to try my sword. The result has been fruitless. This time may be an opportunity."

While speaking, Jian Wushen glanced at the back of the black and white stalwart in the picture, flicked his fingers, and a ray of sword energy shot out and directly transformed into a phantom of Jian Wushen in the picture.

The person in the picture seems to be aware of the appearance of Jian Wushen, and the backhand is a black and white rotating picture. Once this method is struck, Jian Wushen feels that things around him begin to reverse. He had a hunch that the sword was stabbing forward, but the real stabbing direction might be himself.

Thinking of this, the sword Wushen stabs at himself, and sure enough, the sword energy reverses and stabs at the black and white picture.

However, after piercing the black-and-white picture, the sword qi spun for a while, circling in a circle and flying directly to one side.

"It's interesting!"

Jian Wushen, who saw this scene outside the screen, nodded slightly. If he didn't have a long-standing fighting intuition for this method, he might have found his way from the beginning.

The sword air quickly circled around the body, and the next moment Xuyingjianwushen released endless sword air all over his body, and the sword air roared and directly attacked the opponent overwhelmingly.

However, a round of black and white pictures floated behind the black and white Taoist, and the black and white pictures spun rapidly to form a strange vortex, and the sword energy rushed into the vortex and was quickly bounced away.

"Invincible defense?!"

Seeing this scene, Jian Wushen finally understood why Patriarch Tianshuang had no choice but to ignore this person back then. This person's defense was simply a cross-level existence.

The black and white aura swirled, those sword auras had been controlled by Jian Wushen all the time, but at this moment they stabbed towards Jian Wushen unknowingly.

"The control of the sword qi has not been taken away. Is this because he is distorting my perception and giving me the illusion of orientation?" Thinking of this, Jian Wushen phantom quickly restrained the sword qi, and the sword qi quickly disappeared and returned to the body.

Seeing this scene, Jian Wushen's face outside the picture showed a fighting spirit instead.

"Senior, can you slay this demon?" Thunderstorm kept looking at him, sweating a little.

Hearing this, Jianwushen's sword pupils yelled and cursed: "Can't kill him? I'm just trying the tricks of this demon. It's the first time I see such a strange way, so I have to study it carefully. Let me kill him with a sword!" killed him!"

Jian Wushen was annoyed, this guy who has no eyesight.


The next moment, Jian Wushen flicked his fingers again, and a ray of sword energy flew out of Jian Wushen's phantom in the picture again.

As this ray of sword energy entered his body, the godless aura of the phantom sword in the screen rose sharply, and he saw his eyes closed tightly, and a monstrous sword intent rushed out the next moment, but he didn't see any sword energy rushing out, but the picture The black and white Taoist in the middle stared round.

Immediately afterwards, a small hole appeared between the eyebrows of the black and white Taoist, and the figure of the Taoist quickly dimmed until he disappeared completely.

Almost at the moment when the Taoist disappeared, at the same time, the ancestor Tianshuang, who was discussing matters with Emperor Tianshuang, suddenly paused.

"What's wrong with the ancestor?" Tianshuanghuang looked at his ancestor, and always felt that the ancestor had become a little different at this moment.

The specific places are different, Tianshuanghuang may not know, but there must be changes.

If the old ancestor Tianshuang in the past was quite depressed and twilight, but now although there is still some twilight, his will has become extraordinarily cold, as if the ice that was about to melt is emitting extreme coldness again at this moment. ice.

"Haha!" Patriarch Tianshuang looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, his slightly hunchbacked body slowly became straight.

The aura on the body began to become deeper, the appearance of the body began to change rapidly, the creases all over the face began to fade quickly, and the white hair quickly turned black. After a while, Emperor Tianshuang saw a Tianshuang ancestor who was almost in his prime .

"Old Ancestor...Old Ancestor, you....Your injury has healed?!" Emperor Tianshuang was shocked and unbelievable, and immediately became ecstatic.

This is simply great news.

"Haha! It's done! It's completely healed!" Patriarch Tianshuang laughed, his deep voice shook the entire palace, and all the guards and servants in the room were oppressed by the breath and had to kneel down to salute.

"But the old man has to pretend again. It's been so many years, and the old man is still used to this appearance." As soon as the voice fell, the breath of the ancestor Tianshuang quickly restrained. When he looked again, the ancestor Tianshuang had returned to his previous state again. The appearance of twilight.

"Old Ancestor, why did you suddenly..." Tianshuanghuang was still a little unbelievable. A second ago, his own Ancestor looked like he was dying, so how could he suddenly be stronger than him.

"Haha! This old man can still fight demigods!" Patriarch Tianshuang laughed loudly, with phantoms of ice crystals constantly appearing behind him, releasing bright brilliance, as if he couldn't vent the surging power of law that had no place in his body if he didn't do this .

Seeing this situation, Emperor Tianshuang's eyes flickered and he didn't know what he was thinking.

But if you think about it carefully, you can understand that, after all, if the ancestor of Tianshuang is still the same, maybe the Emperor Tianshuang still has a chance to step into the realm of demigod. Now that his ancestor has recovered his strength, he will naturally not sacrifice himself to help his son become a god.

"Do you think that my ancestor and I will not be able to help you become a **** if my strength is restored?"

However, the patriarch Tianshuang had such good eyesight that he could guess his heir's mind just by looking at it.

"Old I have absolutely no such idea!" Tianshuanghuang hurriedly knelt down and saluted.

Emperor Tianshuang was a little terrified. Now that the ancestor's strength had recovered, the aura that emanated from him all the time made him terrified.

"You don't need to explain, I know what you're thinking. But don't worry, since the ancestor agreed, you can naturally do it. It's just a demigod realm. Although your aptitude is a bit weak, don't you still have some children.

If you want a quick success, sacrifice these offspring temporarily. If you don't want your ancestors to meet the Frost Avenue in the future, they will help you get a piece of the power of law.

However, the latter still requires your aptitude and martial arts will to be sufficient. But the former is simple, they are from the same origin as you, after absorbing them, stepping into the demigod will be much easier. "

Ancestor Tianshuang spoke indifferently, but what he said was enough to scare ordinary people.

However, upon hearing these words, Emperor Tianshuang didn't feel any discomfort but said pleasantly: "The ancestor is really willing to help me?!"

"Naturally, the ancestor still has a recipe for refining the blood of the same origin. If you want, I can open the furnace to refine it at any time, but it is not urgent. It is not too late to talk about it after getting out of the predicament here !" Patriarch Tianshuang stroked the white beard that had grown back again and smiled lightly.

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