Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 827: Can't kill?

Remember [New] in a second! The situation over there naturally also attracted the attention of Jiang Heng and the others.

However, a majestic imposing coercion swept away, and this coercion directly acted on the living body like a terrifying gravitational field.

The nearby transport ship docked on the stargate platform was crushed into pieces of paper almost instantly by an invisible force.

The entire platform was also crushed and exploded under a slight tremor.

Many domain owners began to fall like dumplings, as if this place was no longer a vacuum. Each of them fell straight down as if being grabbed by someone.

"Pseudo demigod realm!"

Tian Xingzi blurted out almost instantly.

"No! This person's physical strength has reached the demigod level, which is clearly the coercion of the demigod's physical law in the early days!"

When he said this, not only Tian Xingzi himself was surprised, but also the people listening beside him were greatly confused.

"Didn't it mean that demigods are not allowed to come to the central area during the war period?" Di Xingzi on the side looked like a ghost.

"Strictly speaking, this person is not considered a demigod, but his aura already possesses the level of a true demigod. His strength is comparable to that of a demigod, but his realm is still a little worse."

The star mark on Tian Xingzi's forehead shone with light, as if he was scanning the giant in the distance.

"This person is actually smart, he actually abandoned the demigod realm, and instead integrated the laws of the physical body into the physical body. As a result, the realm has been stuck there, but his strength is still growing slowly. However, these methods also make his physical body as tall as a mountain. "

"Then what should we do? A demigod and I are bound to be invincible!" Di Xingzi was a little helpless, although a martial artist in the physical body pays attention to meeting in a narrow way and the brave wins, but in this situation, he is looking for death!

"Uncle Master, can you quickly break through the formation?" Tian Xingzi also looked at Jiang Heng, and if he stayed here right now, there really wouldn't be enough people.

Even if the opponent is not a real demigod, and does not possess some of the strange characteristics of a divine creature, his own hard power is already there.

bang bang!

At this time, I saw that the giant with disheveled hair just exuded a breath, causing the physical bodies of all the weaker and closest domain masters to collapse in the early and middle stages.

This method is not much different from ordinary low-level first-order demigods.

“The taste is very ordinary!”

The giant took a deep breath, and the blood mist crushed by his breath was sucked into his nasal cavity one after another.

"No, there is still a very fragrant smell here!"

Master Jiu sniffed slightly with his nose, followed the smell with his eyes, and happened to look at Jiang Heng who Yaoyao was looking at, and immediately showed a cruel and ferocious smile on his face.

"It's you!"

As soon as the words fell, Jiu Ye's huge figure disappeared in place.

And at this time, Tian Xingzi happened to be asking Jiang Heng, and seeing the giant attacking, Jiang Heng grabbed the collars of the two of them and instantly disappeared into the space and disappeared on the spot.


A terrifying shock wave erupted from the place where Jiang Heng and the others were standing before, and the terrifying destructive power directly caused the nearby space to burst inch by inch. Trembling, the figure staggered and led the two of them to fall out of the gap in the space.

"What happened just now?" Tian Xingzi and Di Xingzi were still a little dazed and didn't realize what happened at that moment.

Jiang Heng glanced not far behind him, and happened to meet the gaze of the other party who turned his head and looked over.

"It looks like I have to fight a tough battle this time!"

Jiang Heng's face was solemn and serious. Hearing that Tian Xingzi and Di Xingzi gradually came to their senses at this time, they couldn't help but feel a bit earthy when they felt the giant's breath so close.

"Uncle Master! Let us come, let's buy some time for Uncle Master, Uncle Master, break the formation as soon as possible."

Taking a deep breath, Tian Xingzi still stood up and said.

"Yes! Although the two of us are far from opponents, we can still deal with each other!" Di Xingzi also nodded heavily.

The two Nebula sect elders knew very well Jiang Heng's importance to the Nebula sect, and it was no exaggeration to say that even if the two of them had to sacrifice their lives, they would have to protect the safety of their master and uncle.

"Let me do it!" Jiang Heng shook his head, he really didn't want to be arrogant, but the enemy in front of him was indeed far superior to Tian Xingzi and Di Xingzi, and they might be defeated by just meeting each other.

"When you find the right time, help if you can, and if you can't help, try to protect yourself and the disciples in the sect!"

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Heng had already stood in front of the two of them in a flash.

"It's pretty fast to escape, but it's useless. It's easier to eat it earlier!" Seeing that the food he was satisfied with came forward alone, Master Jiu couldn't help grinning out his sharp fangs, and let out a wild growl from his mouth. laugh.

"Be careful if you don't have enough people, you will lose your teeth if you don't eat the food!" Jiang Heng sneered.

"Big words!"

As soon as the words fell, Master Jiu jumped forward with a big stride. His body seemed huge and cumbersome, but when he moved, his speed far surpassed that of ordinary peak domain masters. Under the speed, if Jiang Heng didn't use space teleportation, it would be impossible to compare.

However, the other party slapped him with a palm, and if he dodges, the disciples of the Nebula Sect nearby will all die!

Seeing this situation, Jiang Heng's eyes flashed coldly, golden light appeared all over his body, and his body shape instantly changed, followed by a hideous humanoid monster with three heads and six arms, wearing scale armor and covered with barbs.

Grab the five fingers forward, as if grabbing a nebula into the hand. Without the slightest hesitation, Jiang Heng was at full strength in an instant.

Inspired by the power of Beihe Da Zhou Tian Xing's magical skill Dou Acuity, the eighty layer of Xingyun Palm exploded in his hand and slapped towards the opponent's palm.

After using the Brahma Martial Saint Body, Jiang Heng's stature is now indistinguishable from the opponent's. From a distance, it looks like two giants clapping their palms at each other.


A dull explosion erupted in the palms of the two, and an invisible shock wave was like a rapidly expanding vortex, constantly pushing everything around to sweep in all directions.

Dazzling light and heat began to burst out, and the palms of the two people in the core stalemate for a moment before withdrawing their palms.

Jiang Heng's figure was staggering, showing some signs of being unstable while flying upside down, while Master Jiu's figure was completely motionless in comparison.

But looking at Jiang Heng's expression was a bit disbelieving.

When will the food be able to resist, and nearly 70% of his palms did not kill the opponent with one palm, which surprised Master Jiu very much.


When he received the opponent's palm hard, Jiang Heng couldn't help coughing up blood again and again. He only felt that the internal organs and bones in his body were showing signs of bursting. They exploded one after another, which made Jiang Heng look a bit embarrassed as if he had been poured with blood all over his body.

"Good boy! You are the first one at the domain master level to eat my palm without dying!" Master Jiu snorted coldly.

"To each other! If you are a demigod, you can eat my palm and not die!" Jiang Heng also said ironically.

Gu Rong At the same time, Tian Xingzi and Di Xingzi, who had already been frightened by the impact, were a little frightened.

What happened just now, they almost didn't burp directly under the palm.

This is also the reason why the two of them are too close together, and they have the power of their own laws to protect the disciples behind them, so they suffered a big loss.

"What kind of name is this person? I don't think ordinary fake demigods are so powerful!" Di Xingzi said with lingering fear.

"I don't know what kind of name this person is. It seems that he is mainly based on the physical body, but there seems to be a trace of swallowing one. It is really difficult to deal with!"

Tian Xingzi also shook his head, his face was also very embarrassed.

The two of them suffered a big loss just now, their clothes were torn and clean, and their skin was bloody. Now, while recovering with the powerful self-healing ability of physical warriors, they ordered all the disciples to stay away from the core of the battlefield as much as possible.

The people here are all the elite of the Nebula Sect, so they can't just be lost here for nothing.

"Hey! Boy, you are crazy! Look at you, this is trying to destroy the star gate here. Now that the star gate is also destroyed by you, it makes sense for me to eat you as a reward, right?"

Jiu Ye grinned ferociously.

"Coincidentally, I also want to use you to make alchemy! You are such a big guy, and your flesh and blood are even stronger than ordinary domain master-level starry sky behemoths. It would be better to use your flesh and blood as medicine to make alchemy!"

"court death!"

Jiang Heng's words made Master Jiu furious again, and he was about to slap Jiang Heng again.

However, at this moment, Jiang Heng reacted faster, and moved directly to the top of the opponent's head in a flash.

With a flick of the fingers, strands of invisible blades went straight into the opponent's head.

what! ~

Master Jiu hugged his hair and let out a cry of pain. The severe pain in his soul made him feel a little lost for a while.

But he can temper his body to such a degree, which shows that this person is extremely tenacious, and he can adapt to such a little soul trauma in an instant.

However, when he came back to his senses, what caught his eyes was a scene of slashing down with a slender and slender blade in his hand.

The figure spoke indifferently, and immediately waved his hands down: "Slash God!"

Before the words could be completely finished, the blade in his hand, which was emitting infinite radiance, suddenly withdrew all its brilliance, and the next moment, a very thin ray of cold light appeared directly into the opponent's body.

The majestic space cutting power mixed with the terrifying power of physical law and the sharpness of the blade itself all acted on the opponent's body.

Jiuye paused suddenly when he was about to grab Jiang Heng, and the next moment he saw dense blood lines appearing on his body surface.

Turning his head slightly, Master Jiu looked at the blood lines on his body in disbelief, opened his mouth, and then his huge body spread out along these blood lines, turning into countless tiny pieces of flesh that exploded like blood clots Rainwater is generally suspended above the vacuum environment.

"Dead... dead?!"

Seeing this scene, Tian Xingzi and Di Xingzi both widened their eyes.

They didn't expect this at all in advance. They thought that their master uncle was just trying to be brave, maybe they would lose in two or three rounds, but they didn't expect the situation to reverse so quickly.

The disciples of the Nebula Sect who also saw this scene gave out cheers. I thought that a catastrophe was coming, but in a blink of an eye, the enemy had already been beheaded by my master and uncle.

At this moment, Jiang Heng, the great-uncle of the Xingyun Sect, suddenly became tall and majestic in the eyes of many Xingyun Sect Master disciples, and even really reached the point of being second only to the Sect Master.

However, Jiang Heng's face was extremely solemn, he didn't feel the pleasure of killing a powerful enemy at all, and some had a serious face.

Before the crowd cheered for a long time, they saw that the pieces of flesh scattered around began to gather together rapidly, and countless blood threads were quickly intertwined together, and Jiu Ye's figure soon returned to its original shape.

Some seams on the body surface are also recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and there is no sign of being dismembered at all.

Seeing this situation, the cheers on the scene instantly died down like a choke in their throats.

"How could this be?" Di Xingzi was in disbelief.

"This person contains a majestic body law, and his recovery power is far superior to ours. It seems that if you want to kill this mustache, you have to let the other party bleed! Otherwise, rebirth from a drop of blood is not an empty talk!" Tian Xingzi's expression turned Dignity gradually saw some clues.

Indeed, Jiang Heng sensed that something was wrong with that knife.

Because the opponent's aura showed no sign of weakening at all, it seemed that what was killed just now was just an illusion that did not kill the opponent's entity at all.

"You're so sinister, you almost fell into your trap!" Master Jiu twisted his neck and made a crackling sound, and looked at Jiang Heng even more ferociously.

"Don't mess with those useless things. If you want to kill you Jiuye, I can only kill you head-on, otherwise I won't be able to kill you even if I stand up and let you kill me!"

Master Jiu laughed wildly and didn't pay attention to Jiang Heng at all.

Jiang Heng's face just became more and more gloomy. It is true that what the other party said is true. It is very difficult to kill the other party, and the other party is even standing in a position where he can barely kill him.

It is impossible to consume more than the opponent, unless the physical law of the opponent's body is exhausted, but this is simply a dream.

"It seems that you are very confident, but you are right, I really can't do anything to you right now!" Jiang Heng flipped his hand and directly put the beauty knife into the gourd.

"It's good to know, if you are honestly eaten up by me, you may be able to suffer less!" Jiu Ye nodded, with that rampant appearance, he regarded everything like a chicken and a dog.

"Hehe! I just want to know if you are really invincible, so I want to try again!"

"try again?"

Hearing that Master Jiu hadn't figured out what it, he saw that the surface of Jiang Heng's body in front of him was cracked little by little, and blood was flowing down like a spring.

"Haha! If you don't want to be eaten by me, you don't have to hurt yourself, right?"

Seeing this, Master Jiu was taken aback and immediately burst out laughing.

But he stopped abruptly halfway through the laugh.

Because Jiang Heng's aura is constantly rising with the expansion of his body size, his epidermis is directly exploded, revealing a body full of bright red muscle texture, and this body is growing rapidly.

It's not the transformation method of the Brahma Martial Holy Body, this is the expansion and growth of the physical body in the true sense.

"Faxiang Tiandi?!"

This move is too recognizable, let alone a demigod, even an ordinary domain master can use this move to guess what it is.

Jiang Heng had already made the avatar comprehend the principles of Faxiang Tiandi before, the only difference may be the physical background and actual combat attempts!

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