Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 825: Mix in and kill

"Who knows, I heard that the two ancestors above have fallen. I think we are doing coolies during this period of time. Don't even think about killing the remnants of a hundred kingdoms!" A galaxy lord shook his head dejectedly.

Although the higher-ups have blocked the news, you can see the clues of this kind of thing after a little observation, not to mention that when the demigods came back last time, many people saw that there were two missing.

"But it's aggrieved. Didn't you say that there are only a dozen demigods left in the hundred kingdoms? Why do these demigod masters still keep these guys? Wouldn't it be better to just take it all together!"

"You don't know that, do you?"

"you know?"

"How do I know this? This is something that the demigods should worry about. Maybe the demigods keep these people for other purposes? We are not demigods, so how do we know so much. We should patrol honestly and fight for more Earning some meritorious service to exchange for some resources is the most real."

"Resources are useless. If you don't fight, you can't earn military exploits. The military exploits that can improve your class status are the most real!"

A group of Galaxy Lords sat in the transport ship and chatted casually. They usually lead their subordinates to carry out routine patrols. In fact, they are very boring, and sometimes they also play cards with women.

In short, the military discipline of Hegemony can be said to be extremely corrupt, not to mention that there is no military discipline at all. But this is also normal, Hegemony is not an orthodox empire or sect organization.

After all, they are nothing but a large number of powerful rogues.

"Hey! Do you feel that something is wrong?"

At this moment, someone suddenly said.

"What's wrong? Isn't this starship still flying? And there is no alarm?" Someone was puzzled.

"No! Didn't you notice that the starry sky outside the window seems to have changed suddenly?"

Hearing this person's words, the companions on the side looked out of the porthole one after another, and there was indeed some change.

Originally, there should be a bright galaxy outside the porthole. After all, their star field belongs to the star planetary belt with rich resources, and it is not far from the station, so they can see many stars and starship tail flames.

It's just that the starlight here is dim right now, and it looks like a rather empty and barren star belt.


Just when a few people were puzzled, it seemed as if the space in the cabin was distorted in the vision of their group, and more than a hundred people appeared in front of them.

Although the breath of each of them was suppressed to the extreme, almost no breath leaked out, but if the distance was close, these galaxy masters keenly felt a terrible sense of oppression.

I saw that this group of people turned a blind eye to them, the masters of the galaxy, and were looking at the surrounding situation.

"It's not bad. I intercepted a starship in just a short while, and I don't know if I can get close to the station with this starship!" Someone in the crowd said the purpose directly.

The Lords of the Galaxy were stunned when they heard this, but when they reacted, they felt that they had lost consciousness of their bodies, and everything was frozen in place like a puppet on a string.

"Do you want to kill these people?" A domain owner said lightly, his eyes were slightly red, and at the same time, the eyes of the galaxy masters were also light red, which seemed to echo the person's eyes .

"Don't kill them for the time being. The defense of the station must be strict. Having them as cover will save you a lot of trouble." The one who spoke was none other than Tian Xingzi, the Great Elder of the Nebula Sect.

"In this way, I will trouble my uncle to move it back, and the plan can be implemented!" Tian Xingzi looked at Jiang Heng who was beside him.

Jiang Heng nodded slightly, and just waved his hand lightly, and the entire starship returned to the original star field under a burst of space distortion.

During the process, even the pilots of the starship didn't notice anything unusual. They just felt that the positioning of the star map seemed to be out of order for a moment, but because it was too fast, they just took it as an accident.

Looking at the densely patrolling starship group outside the porthole, and the many boiling auras in that planetary belt, it is obvious that this is the station established by the northern district of the hegemony in the central district.

"Then let's do it according to the original plan! Uncle Master, please send us to the location we have set in advance!" Xuan Xingzi was the one who spoke at this time.

He was the coach who attracted the firepower in this head-on fight, and with him were forty or fifty old domain masters. Obviously, these people carried out this mission with the determination to die.

Jiang Heng didn't hesitate. After a burst of space distortion, he and Xuan Xingzi's group went directly to the other end of this star field, which is also the most heavily guarded area in the station.

As everyone appeared here, they unscrupulously erupted with their surging energy and domain master-level coercion.

I saw that the muscles of these old men who looked weak and thin in a very short period of time swelled up as if they were inflated, and they were all monsters with muscular muscles.

"What happened?"

"It's an enemy attack! The remnants of a hundred kingdoms are coming!"

At the same time, all the hegemony domain masters in the garrison were blown up one after another, and it was too bad that they were touched to the door of the house.

The domain master of the hegemony has no discipline at all, and the temporary commander only restrains these people in a general direction, but he doesn't care about some insignificant things.

Almost instantly, dozens of domain masters rushed towards Xuan Xingzi with a burst of momentum.

Seeing a domain master in the resident leave the resident and kill him, Kui Jin felt a little uneasy for some reason.

"Brother Kui Jin, why are you worried?"

"That's right! It's just a group of remnants of a hundred countries, and this place is our base camp, so why not fear that they will take over us?"

Both Cang Hai and the old man surnamed Yan couldn't understand Kui Jin's attitude, but they didn't care about it. Anyway, there is a star gate in the garrison, and if the situation goes wrong, they can continuously call in reinforcements to kill him.

On the contrary, they don't want the opponent to run away in the face, and they might gain some military exploits by killing them like this now.

"I just feel that this matter is a bit strange. It stands to reason that they now occupy most of the territory of the central region, so there is no need to kill us. Moreover, we have been operating here for a long time, and there are constant reinforcements. There is no reason for them to dare to kill us so grandly!"

Kui Jin shook his head, frowning, he always felt that something was wrong.

"Heh! Brother Kui Jin, you are worrying too much. Maybe it's the successive victories that have made these remnants of a hundred nations dazzled by the victories." The old man surnamed Nightmare shook his head, obviously not interested in this, "Okay , let’s deal with these guys well, it’s a credit to be able to kill one!”

Speaking of the old man surnamed Nightmare, he wanted to lead the disciples of the Underworld Fire Sect under his command to fight.

"Old Nightmare, I'll go with you!" Cang Hai wanted to get up and leave, but he looked back at the frowning Kui Jin after thinking for a while and said, "Since Brother Kui Jin is worried, then you can lead your troops to stay in the garrison." , and that senior is also sitting in it, I think there will be no problem!"

Gu Mo heard that Kui Jin also thought of that senior, and some of the little pets he had prepared before had never been used. With so many backup players, he could handle it with ease no matter how much trouble he encountered. Unless the demigod comes in person. Otherwise, the resident would be impregnable.

After the starship wandered around the vicinity according to a fixed trajectory, driven by a domain master who manipulated people's mind, the pilot began to slowly move the starship towards the station.

There were patrol ships passing by constantly along the way, but after seeing this own starship and not feeling any abnormal smell inside the starship, they all let it go.

All the way through the first two lines of defense unimpeded.

The layout of the garrison is three lines of defense, of which the first two are the outermost ones, and only after crossing the third line of defense is the area close to the planetary belt.

It's just that the starship sailed here and was blocked by the patrol starship here.

"It is necessary to transfer to the starship when entering, please get off the cabin and change!"

A small commander of the domain master in armor flew to the front of the starship and stretched out his hand to block the way of the starship.

Although Hegemony has almost no restrictions on the overall discipline, it is still prepared for certain security precautions.

Hearing that dozens of people in the starship frown, even if they can hide their breath away from the starship, it is difficult to keep any breath from being noticed by the other party at such a short distance, and they are all new faces here. Said that as long as you leave the starship, you will be noticed by the other party immediately.

"Uncle Master, can the current distance be moved to the core area?" Tian Xingzi thought about the distance between the starship and the station outside the porthole.

"This equidistance is not a problem, but I can't carry too many people there at once. The more people I move, the bigger the space ripples will be. It's hard to cover up the past with the keen perception of domain masters." Jiang Heng Looking out the window, he frowned.

Hearing that everyone present frowned, if they couldn't catch everyone by surprise, then most of the plan would fail before it even started.

"However, I have another way, that is, I don't know if you have the courage!" Jiang Heng looked around the crowd with a smile,

"Why don't you dare!" A Nebula Sect disciple suddenly shouted dissatisfied.

Jiang Heng looked at the others again, seeing that no one had any objections, he said, "I can locate the space of the opponent's star gate at this distance.

So I think so, I directly use their stargate channel to teleport there, so that the location of the stargate can be destroyed as quickly as possible. Know whether there are strong guards near the star gate.

If we can't control the opponent's strength in the first place, I'm afraid that the movement here will alarm everyone in the resident. "

Jiang Heng frowned, and expressed his concerns.

"This is a way to insert yourself into the opponent's hinterland, so that the star gate will be directly blocked. I think this is feasible!" After thinking about it, Tian Xingzi still nodded.

"While the defenses over there are strict, I will surely catch them all by surprise when I wait for so many people to teleport there at once."

Indeed, so many of them have been prepared for a long time, and although the other party knows the importance of the star gate and arranged strong guards in advance, they will not maintain the situation of many strong guards all the time.

So as long as the speed is fast enough, they can even destroy the star gate silently.

"Then act here, and stop this person first!" As he spoke, everyone's eyes were on the overlord domain master who was blocking the way outside the porthole.

Seeing this, two domain masters walked out together soon. One of them was the Hongyan man who was good at mind control before, and the other was Di Xingzi.

Since you want to restrain the opponent in an instant, you can't give the opponent the slightest chance to react, and you can't let the opponent reveal the slightest bit of information.

"Two faces..."

As the two walked out of the starship, the man was startled when he saw Di Xingzi and the others, and was about to crush the jade token in his hand between words.

But soon the eyes of the man beside Xingzi burst into dazzling red light.

The man in armor suddenly paused, and even the subordinates of the man nearby stopped their movements and looked at the red-eyed man dully.

Di Xingzi did not disappoint everyone, and also made a move at this moment, with five fingers grasping directly through several big holes of the armored man, and at the same time, he patted a sealing formation with one hand directly on the opponent's dantian.

Using both hands again, the opponent's arms were directly twisted into a ball like a twist.

In just a short time, this person's dantian was sealed, his muscles and bones were temporarily returned, and his acupoints were severely damaged. It seemed that even if he possessed the secret method, he would lose the power of action and counterattack for a while.

"You... who are you?"

As this person was carried by Di Xingzi with one hand and thrown on the floor of the cabin, this person just came back to his senses, and a wave of severe pain pierced his cerebral cortex.

However, the armored man was shocked to find that there were dozens of strong men who were suspected of being domain masters standing here. Although the opponent's aura was very reclusive, but at such a close distance, he had a feeling that there was no one here. weaker than him.

Several auras were even terrifyingly strong, even vaguely surpassing his own Young Master Kuijin!

right! He is the initial domain master general of the Broken Gold Now he is under the command of Kui Jin.

"You are also a waste, you can't hold it in the blink of an eye. If you were not afraid of killing you and causing the phenomenon of heaven and earth, you would have died a long time ago. You should feel lucky!"

Di Xingcong, Di Xingzi's eldest disciple squatted in front of the armored man with a smile and reached out to pat him on the cheek, his face was full of jokes.

"Okay, don't waste time on this person." Tian Xingzi glanced at Di Xing never in a good mood, and then looked at everyone and said in a deep voice:

"My lords, the battle is imminent! After ten breaths, we will start to move, and we will all start to take great medicines and prepare to use secret techniques and hole cards. We must use thunder to quickly clear all obstacles near the star gate!"

Hearing this, everyone nodded solemnly. This battle is naturally extremely dangerous. Once a war breaks out, even if the nearby enemies are wiped out with thunder, the entire garrison will wake up.

At that time, you will face enemies from all directions.

Everyone didn't chat with each other, and one by one silently took out the big medicine distributed by the sect before departure from their storage rings.

Most of the secret methods have some hidden dangers. Unless the physical body is strong enough to ignore the backlash of this kind of secret method, most of them must take tonic before performing the secret method.

How much protection in advance with elixir can minimize this kind of backlash.

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