Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 819: Senior is full of treasures!

Remember [New] in a second! Jiang Heng nodded slightly. There are indeed many people who practice the dual principles of physical body and other avenues, but because of limited qualifications, many people still specialize in one avenue.

It's just that Jiang Heng still doesn't quite understand how this has anything to do with why he is so valued.

"If the old man said that the combination of physical body and space is extremely powerful, you should already have a deep understanding. You can advance or retreat. Especially the biggest factor restricting the strength of us physical martial arts fighters is not fast enough to escape. Short and medium distances are fine, If it is at some long distance or super long distance, we are just targets to be beaten." Xuanguizi said slowly.

Jiang Heng nodded in agreement, if he hadn't been afraid of exposing his space law, he would have the strength to sweep away all the peak domain masters of the temple system below demigods.

Of course, some top avenues such as the law of time are still not very sure.

"Senior, even though that's the case, wouldn't it be more perfect if the Dao of Time and the Dao of the flesh are combined?"

Jiang Heng thinks so. After all, the most important thing for a martial artist with a physical body is to mature his physical body. If he can maintain the posture of a mature man, the peak period will definitely last for a long time.

After all, even a demigod has a lifespan limit. For example, a low-level demigod has a lifespan of about a million years, a median of about 30 million years, and a high-level demigod of about 90 million years.

Of course, this is normal, as some avenues are special, such as the avenue of life and the special avenue of time, which cannot be used in common theory. And like the Dao of Life, as long as there are always enough laws of life to provide cultivation, then it is completely possible to step directly into high-ranking demigods or even true gods slowly and leisurely.

You just need to suffer slowly, but there are gains and losses. The Dao of Life has always had little combat power to speak of.

"This is different. The Avenue of Time is certainly good. It can be ranked among the top avenues. Time is indeed very strong. Compared with the path of space, the complementary effect of the path of time to the path of the body is much weaker." Xuan Guizi is another have opinions.

"Why is this? As far as I know, there is a three-body method in the Dao of Time. You can drag the past body, present body and future body, and you can completely intercept the strongest posture of your own physical body in a certain period of time. This must be extremely powerful for combat power. A big increase is right! And the time itself can also greatly maintain the peak state of the physical body. This is also beneficial for stepping into a higher level!"

Hearing what Xuan Guizi said, Jiang Heng was even more puzzled, time is really better than space.

Xuan Guizi, however, stroked his beard and laughed out loud. He looked at Jiang Heng meaningfully and asked with a smile, "Time travel is certainly strong, but if we have such a way, is it really a good thing for us physical warriors?" ?”

What Jiang Heng said in these words was somewhat incomprehensible.

"Why did the senior ask such a question?"

"After a long time, the three-body technique is too shackles for me to be a physical martial artist. The three-body technique is powerful, which is equivalent to having three lives. Even if only one body is left to survive after a fight, it will consume a lot of energy later. Some laws can also be slowly re-cultivated back to the other two bodies.

But is this really a good thing for us physical warriors? "Xuan Guizi asked again.

This time, Jiang Heng pondered for a while before realizing it, and couldn't help but smiled wryly, "Senior, you're right! The three-sense technique of time together is simply poisoning us physical martial arts!"

"It's good if you know! I don't need many lives in my physical body. If I die, I will die. The fight is the present. What matters is that a brave man wins when he meets on a narrow road. If he has the ability of the three-body method, it is certainly not safe." Not much, but it also subconsciously makes us feel that there is still a way out. This is not good for us to temper our martial arts will, and it will even gradually become our obsession and hindrance!"

Xuan Guizi pointed with a serious face.

"In contrast, the space one is quite suitable for us, space cutting and space teleportation, let me wait for the physical martial arts with super long-distance surprise attacks and short-distance super-powerful offensive methods. Isn't it just a heartbeat!"

Xuan Guizi even laughed at the end, he smiled like this. Jiang Heng also laughed out loud, not to mention that even he himself often plays micro-manipulation with the law of space. This feeling of dancing on the tip of a knife makes Jiang Heng quite obsessed.

"Possessing the ability of space is of great benefit to the martial arts will of us physical martial arts warriors, but we also need to have the ruthlessness to dare to fight and kill. Since we have this ability to move, we can continue to move towards those who are much higher than our own realm." The strong challenge.

Do you know which department in the Great Zhou Empire has the fastest advancement speed for physical warriors? "

As he was talking, Xuan Guizi's words suddenly changed, and Jiang Heng didn't react at first.

"Well, I think it's those elites who go to the battlefield to fight!" Jiang Heng said hesitantly, and he didn't know that the job department of the Great Zhou Empire could only think of the closest one.

"Wrong! Fighting on the battlefield can certainly cultivate a large number of strong people, but it is a big wave washing the sand, and those who can finally come out are the best among countless corpses.

This kind of advancement speed is already good, but it is still far behind Wuwei! "Xuan Guizi said in a deep voice.


Jiang Heng didn't know the specific departments of the Great Zhou at all, but from Xuan Guizi's tone, it seemed that the other party had a good understanding of the Great Zhou Empire's system. Could it be that this senior Xuanguizi was once an insider of the Great Zhou Empire system?

"Wuwei is also the assassination and intelligence department of the empire. This department is best at assassination and espionage, and their assassination targets are often higher than their own realm. The conditions for entering Wuwei are extremely harsh. First, you must It has to be personally recommended by the senior generals, and secondly, the first assessment for joining Wuwei is to assassinate an existence of a higher realm than himself in the temple of the gods.

After joining Wuwei, the empire is almost open to supplying its resources, but the mission of the millennium is also extremely dangerous, and there are almost no goals that are worse than its own strength. Sometimes it is necessary to go deep into the enemy camp and assassinate some important personnel who are protected by the strong.

It is also because of these many harsh conditions that every experienced military guard is one of the best in the same rank in the army.

And their martial arts will can really kill people! "

When it came to the end, Xuan Guizi's tone became a little bit heavier.

"Killing with martial arts will?" Jiang Heng raised his brows slightly. Martial arts will is his own coercion. Even Jiang Heng can do this kind of killing to kill some more ordinary galaxy masters.

Seeming to see through Jiang Heng's thoughts, Xuan Guizi sneered and said: "Don't think that they are killing ordinary people. Their martial arts will can already be embodied, which is similar to a tyrannical soul secret method. When facing the same level, they just You can easily crush the opponent with martial arts will!"


Jiang Heng couldn't help taking a deep breath, what the hell, using martial arts will to kill the existence of the same level?

"Don't you believe it!" Seeing Jiang Heng's appearance, Xuan Guizi decided to explain a little more clearly.

"Haven't you already passed Xiaoxing's martial arts will test?"

Jiang Heng nodded slightly.

"Then let me tell you now, it is only one percent of his martial arts will under normal circumstances, and most of his offensive consciousness has been dissipated. It is just a small means for you to understand. If he If you use all your strength, when an ordinary low-level demigod faces him, his strength will drop by about 50%!"

The metaphor of Xuanguizi is intuitive enough, and Jiang Heng was even more speechless. It was the first time he knew that martial arts will is so useful.

"And in this way, Xiao Xing is not qualified to be a martial guard, at best he is a reserve guard. Of course, there are not many martial guards, only a hundred of them, and they are all in the hands of the Martial King!"

"Wu Wang? This name is really domineering!" Jiang Heng couldn't help but sigh.

"Of course it is domineering enough. King Wu is the direct disciple of the God of War, and because of his status, King Wu has a detached status in the empire, does not participate in political affairs, and is independent from the dynasty and the four kings." Xuan Guizi said as it should.

"Hearing the remarks of the senior, it seems that the senior is also a member of the empire?" Jiang Heng looked at the other party's face and asked tentatively.

"You really have a lot of questions!" Glancing at Jiang Heng, Xuan Guizi's character is quite carefree and he doesn't shy away from anything. He nodded and said: "The old man was indeed a member of the empire before, and he was Xiaoxing's retainer before. After Xing inherited his father's position, I also served as a lieutenant by his side!"

"Retainer and deputy general? Could it be that the master is also..." Jiang Heng asked in surprise, only then did he know that his master had such a great background.

"Hehe, it seems that Xiao Xing hasn't told you yet, but I think you are very pleasing to the eye, I think I will talk to you in detail soon. By the way, do you have any good wine on you? Give it to me, a while I'm so hungry without drinking!"

As soon as Xuan Guizi said that, he directly spread his hands at Jiang Heng, as if you could figure out what to do.

Jiang Heng didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He really had a lot of drinks. Although his drinks were stored in the Jade Small World before, the Jade Jade Small World didn't bring it with him, but kept it in the Milky Way for the warriors of the Milky Way to provide them with a place to try. land.

However, Jiang Heng's current space attainments have already opened up another side of the secret cave. Recently, many disciples have come and gone to visit the Nebula Sect, and they have also received a lot of good wine and treasures.

So with a flick of his hand, the room was filled with wine jars.

"Haha! You're so cheerful, much happier than that guy last time!" Xuanguizi's eyes lit up immediately, and he couldn't stop saying, "You're still holding back, you still want some more!" benefit?"

Seeing that Jiang Heng was still standing still, Xuan Guizi immediately guessed what Jiang Heng was thinking.

In fact, it's not that Jiang Heng doesn't want to leave, but the door leading to the second floor must be allowed by this senior. What's more, Tian Xingcong is still in his womb.

"Let's do this! I'll let you feel the old man's martial arts will! I hope you can hold it!" When speaking, the old man Xuan Guizi was already smiling ferociously.

When Jiang Heng heard it, he secretly thought it was bad!

However, Jiang Heng couldn't help moving, and the other party seemed to have expected it long ago, so the martial arts will broke out before Jiang Heng took any action.


A roar erupted silently in Jiang Heng's mind, his whole body trembled violently, and a terrifying pressure directly crushed his body and soul.


There was no other possibility, Jiang Heng's legs went limp and he fell to the ground, a mouthful of blood spewed out, and blood flowed from the seven orifices. The soul was wailing silently, like a mountain of soul that hit Jiang Heng directly on the head with golden stars in his eyes.

The soul trembled and the consciousness was a little groggy. Naturally, let alone resistance, he could only subconsciously grit his teeth and hold on to this force.

"Boy! Resist this will with all your strength, you can't succumb to it, you have to resist!"

Xuan Guizi's voice resounded deep in Jiang Heng's soul.


I want to resist! I don't agree!

Jiang Heng's consciousness gradually slowed down. The will of the physical martial artist prevented him from being crushed under the feet of others. A strand of martial arts will began to gather and condense again, and began to contend with the majestic force on his body that was like the will of the universe.

However, as time passed, until four or five hours had passed, Jiang Heng only felt that his martial arts will had been exhausted several times, and he couldn't bear it anymore by relying on the golden jewelry to continue to share the pressure.

"Senior...Senior...the gap is too big, I...I...can't resist at all!" Jiang Heng yelled while vomiting blood.

"Haha! That's right! I have practiced for so many years, and my martial arts will have been tempered for so many years. If you can really resist me, then I have lived for so many years in vain!"

As soon as the words fell, Xuan Guizi quickly withdrew his will.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng vomited blood in his heart, and said in his heart that you know and remind me to resist like this, isn't it clear that you want to bully me?

"Haha! That's right, the old man is going to teach you a lesson today. This is also a lesson that the old man taught you. Let you know that I, as a physical Taoist, must dare to fight and fight hard, but I can't be like a stick in my head. , if you can't beat it, you have to escape!"

Xuan Guizi patted Jiang Heng's shoulder, and Jiang Heng wanted to vomit blood for a while. The old man looked so skinny that he really had a lot of strength.

"Okay, go back and tell Xiaoxing for me, let him bring more good wine next time, and let Xiao Jiu come here too, I don't know if that guy has improved in strength."

As he spoke, Xuan Guizi waved his hand and was about to drive Seeing this, Jiang Heng's face was black again.

"Senior, that Celestial Cong still has this door..." Jiang Heng pointed to the opponent's belly and then pointed to the door next door.

"Oh, I almost forgot!"

Xuan Guizi slapped his head, and immediately opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of phlegm, and saw Tianxing was spat out from the mucus all over his face and body, and he was dizzy.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng subconsciously took a step back.

Unexpectedly, the dazed Tianxing licked the mucus from the corners of his lips with his tongue, then his eyes widened suddenly, and he began to lick the mucus from his body continuously.


Fortunately, Tian Xing also reacted, and quickly coughed a little bit embarrassedly: "That...Senior Xuan Guizi also cultivates the Dao of Life, and his whole body is full of treasures. This...I couldn't hold it back for a while!"

"You kid, don't lick it in front of the old man, the old man looks weird!" Xuan Guizi kicked Tian Xing away and said a little angrily.

Avenue of life!

Jiang Heng couldn't help but looked at the old man again.

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