Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 814: Sword Without God (Part 2)

Remember [New] in a second! "Sword Wushen! This old man knows it, he is a pioneer of the way of the sword, a high-ranking existence of the seventh rank." Patriarch Tianshuang stroked his beard and chuckled.

"Jian Wushen has heard of this person before, and he is indeed from an undisciplined background. This person is unruly, and the empire and all the temples have thrown olive branches at him. Now, is he going to side with the empire?" The twin ancestors also shook their heads .

It seemed that both of them were very curious and puzzled that a high-ranking demigod like Jian Wushen would come to his aid.

Xingyun demigod has been observing the words and deeds of these two people, his eyes are slightly narrowed as if thinking about something.

"Actually, I've always been curious about why the temples didn't attack us quickly after they raided our Hundred Nations Alliance, but stayed here to play this Gu raising game with us."

Xingyun murmured demigodly, his eyes still fixed on Tianshuang and Shuangsheng.

"Heh, Brother Xingyun was joking. The formation of Ba Yu has already been set up. This is obviously to refine a living being pill. The living being pill understands all living beings. This is very helpful for the middle to step into a high position without losing oneself and resisting distortion. Great help, Brother Xingyun won't fail to see this, right?" Patriarch Tianshuang said immediately after hearing the words.

Hearing that the demigods present nodded in agreement, although they are still far away from this level, they have heard of the name of Zhongsheng Pill, which is one of the evil pills in the pantheon. .

"Maybe, after all, the birth of a high-ranking demigod is of great help to the temples, but this still doesn't make sense. Can the temples value the development of the hegemony so much? They even personally sent a high-ranking demigod to help out ?”

There was already a hint of coldness in the words of Xingyun demigod.

"What does brother Xingyun mean by this? Could it be that the actions of the gods have other meanings?" Patriarch Tianshuang asked with a look of surprise.

Seeing that these two people were gradually escalating their anger, although the demigods present wanted to warn them, the topic obviously had a deep meaning, so they patiently waited and watched the changes.

"Hmph!" Xingyun snorted coldly with a flash of half-god eyes: "I don't know if there is any deep meaning in the temples, but I know that Jian Wushen is not just as simple as a casual person. As far as I know, he was with three Shenshan moves around frequently, and Sanshenshan is one of the forces second only to the three major forces, so it is not easy for such a giant to suddenly intervene in our place."

"Three Gods Mountain? This old man doesn't know that Jian Wushen has such a relationship." Patriarch Tianshuang looked astonished and stunned.

"Senior Tianshuang seems very puzzled, he just doesn't know whether it's real or just pretending." Xingyun said softly.

"Brother Xingyun, it's better to be careful with your words! Although this old man's strength is weak now, he is not to be manipulated by others!" Old Ancestor Tianshuang's expression turned cold when he heard the words.

"You two, don't hurt your peace. Now that a third-party force has entered the arena, isn't this a good thing for us?" As the weakest demigod of Sick, this society hastily warned.

"That's right! That's the reason! Right now, we'll discuss together how to break this situation!" Siji Demigod also nodded endlessly.

"I'm just thinking about some things, since Senior Tianshuang doesn't want to talk about it, then forget it."

Seeing that everyone is like this, the demigod Xingyun doesn't want to make any trouble at this time, and it is true that they are the weakest side at the moment and should help each other in the same boat.

"Since brother Xingyun said so, let's think about whether we should ignore the previous contract and make another move?"

The twin ancestors spoke suddenly, and these words made everyone present look excited, and even the demigod Xingyun turned his eyes.

"That's right! Right now, when the Hegemony's method is in decline, two demigods have been killed. Now they are trapped in the shackles of the formation and no foreign aid will come. This is the opportunity for us to attack and kill a wave!

Killing all of them, this sentient beings formation is all about yin and yang. If one side is completely wiped out, it means that the formation is broken, and we will be able to kill a glimmer of life in the chaos outside! "The twin ancestors' eyes lit up at this moment, and they spoke with great interest.

"Not bad! It's interesting. I said that I want to compete with the **** of the hegemony again!" The four poles and demigods kept clamoring for fear that the world would not be chaotic.

The atmosphere at the scene became lively for a while, but both Tianshuang and Xingyun looked pensive, as if they were weighing something.

"What worries do you two have? This is a god-given opportunity, don't wait for me!" The twin patriarch looked at the two with some confusion.

"It's true that time doesn't wait for me, but have you ever thought about whether the Three Gods Mountain is an enemy or a friend? What if the Three Gods Mountain and the temples are attacked by us instead?" Xingyun demigod pondered.


Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but look at each other, and after a while, the twin ancestors retorted: "But this is not the way right now, I really have to sit and wait to die!

The layout of the temples of the gods is clearly intended to allow no one to use us as alchemy materials! It is risky to fight out, but it is better than waiting here to die for nothing! "

"That's right!" Patriarch Tianshuang nodded in agreement.

"Brother Twins' words are justified, we'd better solve the troubles right now before we talk about it."

Seeing that everyone agreed with this, Demigod Xingyun could only nod slightly.

"Since that's the case, I will find a chance to kill them quietly after setting the rules. I have to do some concealment methods!"

"It's not difficult, but the juniors below have to make a big noise, we can get together and act quietly, and we can't even discuss with the South District. I feel that there is a big problem in the South District!"

Patriarch Tianshuang nodded and analyzed.

Seeing that the ancestor Tianshuang said so thoroughly, the demigods present were not surprised at all. There must be people with two hearts among them, and most of them know this well.

"There is a problem in the southern district, and I am worried that we also have problems here. It might as well be like this. We will stay here for a few days and no one will leave and supervise each other. During the period, we only need to issue an order to attack with all our strength, so that the juniors can gather more people. Just create a layout that wants to destroy the hegemony in the central area with the elite."

Xingyun demigod looked around without any scruples. Hearing that although the faces of the people present were different, they didn't have many objections. After all, if they objected to this kind of decision, they would definitely think that they had ulterior motives and would be easily caught and hurt. Even some real spies must not show it at this moment.

In this way, the decision-making among the high-level leaders was made so quietly, and even the South District still didn't know about it.

At the same time, outside the super galaxy cluster, one after another starships are patrolling around the super galaxy cluster, and from time to time, a powerful master of the domain is patrolling the situation along the edge of the super galaxy cluster to prevent any mistakes.

And every other distance, there is a demigod with strong aura sitting in it, who seems to be on guard for something.

"Why did the ancestor even come over to sit in person in person this time, the work of this kind of inspection can be left to us juniors, so you don't want you to come here in person!"

A flagship starship with a volume of one million meters is slowly sailing in the starry sky. In an elegantly decorated and quiet cabin, three peak domain masters are smiling at the person sitting in the first seat. Hands bowed, the attitude was very humble.

This is the main starship of Yueshan Sect, a second-level noble force under the command of Hegemony. Yue Shanzong is also one of the demigod forces responsible for maintaining the normal operation of the formation.

It's just that under normal circumstances, the work of patrolling and maintaining the daily operation of the formation is entrusted to the domain master-level powerhouse under the command of the demigod. It's just that the situation is a bit different recently.

Sitting in the first seat was an old man with an old face and wearing a khaki-colored mechanical armor. He stroked his beard slightly and sighed softly: "Do you think my ancestor wants to come here to inspect? It's not the meaning of the base camp!"

"Base camp? Could it be that what we did wrong made your ancestors implicated?" Hearing this, several disciples said in a panic.

They know very well what the base camp is, that is, the Hegemony Alliance Council composed of three first-tier top forces.

The three factions are the main members of the council, while the demigod powerhouses of the remaining second-tier forces serve as ordinary councilors. Although they have the right to speak in name, those three factions have truly dominated the will of the hegemony alliance from beginning to end. top power.

"That's not true. You have done a good job during this time. It's just that a killer came out of nowhere. A while ago, he suddenly attacked and killed him. It's outrageous that everyone besieged this person and was able to retreat completely!"

Patriarch Yueshan shook his head and sighed repeatedly, feeling that his small arms, calves, and neck felt a little cold.

"There is such a strong person?" Hearing that the three disciples all showed astonishment, in their cognition, their ancestors were super masters, and as for the super existence of the three leading forces in the base camp.

It is even more unbelievable that someone who dared to break into the base camp could escape unscathed. After all, it was the base camp, a place where a group of demigods gathered.

"Don't be surprised. As the saying goes, there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the sky. This person is a high-ranking demigod. It is normal to be able to do this, but next time he will not be so lucky."

Although Patriarch Yueshan shook his head and sighed, there was a trace of reassurance on his face.

He knew that the time law senior sent by the temple of the gods had arrived at the base camp. As long as that guy dares to kill again, there will be no return.

"Then I don't know why the base camp asked the ancestor to come here in person? Could it be that the embryo-killing raided the base camp and dared to destroy the big formation?" A disciple was a little puzzled.

"There are also concerns about this. This person's sudden attack must have a plan, maybe it is to rescue the remaining evils of the hundred nations in the formation!"

Patriarch Yue Shan sighed slightly, now that the base camp has figured out the origin of that person's existence, but the purpose is still half-understood, but the necessary precautions are still issued.

"Then ancestor, you can just sit here, and we will take care of the inspection work." The disciple quickly laughed along with him, and the ancestor finally came down to inspect them.

Patriarch Yueshan nodded slightly and didn't take it seriously, he was the Patriarch of Yueshan Sect and the one who was the one who asked Yueshan Sect to ask for benefits from the headquarters.


However, at this moment, the entire starship trembled violently, as if being hit by something, and immediately after that, all cabins lit up with dazzling red alarms.

"What's going on? What do the nearby patrol frigates do?"

The disciple ran out while cursing angrily.

"He's here!" However, Patriarch Yue Shan's face was already pale.

This made several disciples not understand why.

Patriarch Yue Shan has ignored them for a while, and now he has started to think about how to protect himself.

Almost instantly, he took out a jade tablet and crushed it directly.

"Damn it, I don't know if the thing made by the base camp works well!" Patriarch Yue Shan was worried, terrified to death.

There is no sign of the enemy in his perception now. This is both a good thing and a bad thing. The good thing is that the opponent is still far away from here, and the bad thing is that the opponent is so far away. There is no need to run.

"However, even if the base camp reacts, it will take two or three breaths for them to rush through the star gate."

Patriarch Yue Shan was thinking in his heart, he didn't know when the opponent would kill him, if he could kill him within one breath, then he could only take one or two breaths of effort.

But can it really be done?

"It doesn't matter! Death will drag on!"

With a roar, Yue Shan demigod directly cast the secret method, and a thick force of the law of the earth surged out and quickly gathered on his body, strengthening his divine body at an incredible speed.

I saw that the nearby meteorites and barren planets were rapidly dissipating, as if the internal mass had been evacuated in an instant.

"Although my patriarch is not good at fighting, but in terms of life-saving, even a middle-ranking demigod is not too far behind!" Patriarch Yue Shan felt ruthless in his heart. This time, he paid the price of burning the law of origin. I can't hold back!

"As long as it can be delayed, the base camp will definitely reward you!"

Under the balance in his heart, Patriarch Yueshan was somewhat expecting that the other party would come. After all, as long as he held the other party back and waited for all the powerhouses from the base camp to arrive, he would be doing a great job.


However, at this moment, the clear and sweet sound of the sword's cry resounded deep in his soul.

Patriarch Yue Shan was taken aback for a moment, feeling a little strange, but what followed was a tingling pain that penetrated deep into the soul level, accompanied by the rapid shattering of the deep level of the physical body.

It was as if endless sword energy suddenly poured into the divine body to molecularly kill every divine organization.



Patriarch Yue Shan uttered a final and saw his physical body began to collapse rapidly, countless flesh and blood were torn apart, turning into a cloud of blood mist that exploded completely.

Without bones and pieces of meat, it was as if Patriarch Yueshan's body was made up of blood and water. This method of destroying muscles, viscera and bones in an instant was terrifying.

However, these changes are not limited to that. From time to time, there are fine things in the air vibrating at a high frequency, and the splashed blood mist has not yet fallen on the surrounding walls, and it begins to split and dismember again.

No! It should be said that under the cutting of this high-frequency vibration, the blood mist is rapidly evaporating.

A blurry figure is also trying to escape, but a ray of sword energy has been injected into the eyebrows, and then this ray of sword energy is like a seed, and it begins to explode quickly in the soul of the ancestor of Yueshan , proliferating rapidly at a geometric rate.

"No! I don't want to die! I am the Patriarch of Yueshan Sect! Save me! Save me!"

The soul was screaming sharply, but everyone around him could save him, because at the moment his body disintegrated, his three disciples had already turned into the tiniest dust in the universe, and even their souls were chopped off in two. net.

As countless souls were torn apart, Patriarch Yueshan turned into countless remnants, but the sword energy remaining in the air still did not let him go, until it completely turned into nothingness.

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