Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1: for mistake

Hengjiang County, Dayan is a small and unremarkable county town.

Shangyue Building

The female school accompanying the drink saw the absent-minded look of the young young master next to him, so her lips parted lightly, "What's wrong with you, young master? Tell me about it, and the slave family may help you relieve your boredom, but don't suffer alone." It's easy to hurt your body!"

The young son laughed at himself slightly, "What's wrong with me? I don't have to worry about food and clothing! If you say I'm unhappy, are you happy?"

The girls' school secretary smiled awkwardly, this Mr. Jiang didn't come here once or twice, he was always in a hurry before.

This time, not only was he not in a hurry, but he changed his usual habit of listening to ditty tunes, and played this tune like those poor scholars.

But the girls' school book doesn't feel like it, as long as there is money to earn, it's fine. What's more, the young man in front of him looks like he is fifteen or sixteen years old. But the family is a big man with a head and a face in Hengjiang County!

Seeing that the girls' school secretary was just pouring wine for him with a smile, the boy couldn't help feeling a little bit depressed.

Ever since he came to this world, Jiang Heng felt that he was a bit out of place in this world. There was no air conditioner or games, only a family of beautiful maids and personal maids.

But Jiang Heng knew that this was not the life he wanted.

It has been nearly a week since he came to this world, and he has gradually understood the boundary of this body. It is a relatively remote small county in Dayan Country.

Great Yan has been in peace for more than 700 years. It is said that there are several countries nearby. But Jiang Heng didn't care about these. The first thing he did after he was reborn was to inquire carefully about the differences in this world.

It's a pity that there don't seem to be any immortal cultivators in this world, and there are even very few legends about immortals. Not to mention searching for immortals and asking, what I pursue is up to me.

well! Fiction misunderstood me, full of nonsense.

This world is more like the structure of Jiang Heng's previous life, the Ming Dynasty and the Song Dynasty.

"Oh, it seems that there is no extraordinary cultivation system in this world!" Jiang Heng sighed in his heart.

At this moment, Chang Sui Lai Fu, who had been standing by the side, reminded in a low voice, "Master, Master is probably coming back soon."

"Yeah." Jiang Heng nodded a little depressed, and waved his hand, "Laifu, give me the reward, let's go back."

Chang Suifu hurriedly took out an ingot of broken silver from his sleeve, put it on the table, and followed his young master out.

Lai Fu is Jiang Heng's long-term follower. He is only twenty-three or four years old and has a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek, but he still has a flattering face, and he looks like a dog leg.

The girls' school secretary didn't bother when she saw that there was a silver reward, and quickly collected the broken silver and happily sent the distinguished guest away.

After leaving the Shangyue Building, there was a carriage waiting outside. Entering the compartment, there was a pair of delicate and boneless hands holding a delicate fruit plate, peeling the fruit, and sending the fruit to Jiang Heng's mouth.

"Master, today is the master's return home, you can't play too late." The personal maid Xiaorou said softly.

The personal maid, Xiaorou, is only fourteen years old, but she is already very fresh. She is not tall, but even in the loose maid's clothes, she can still see her figure is graceful.

"Yeah." Jiang Heng nodded slightly, eating the pulp in his mouth, and lying leisurely on the cushion of the carriage. There was a sigh in my heart.

So decadent!

This is not the life I want!

The carriage was driving quietly, but after a few cups of tea, the carriage stopped.

Xiao Rou was about to ask questions, when Lai Fu's voice sounded outside, "The young master is going to have a funeral ahead, blocking the road! Oh, bad luck!"

Xiaorou on the side frowned slightly displeased, "Why is there another funeral? Go back to the mansion and let Xiaorou boil water for the young master to get rid of bad luck!"

Jiang Heng remained silent, just opened the curtain and looked out.

Sure enough, there was a funeral procession ahead, and it was estimated that they were going to be carried outside the city to be buried.

This is the eighth time this week this has happened.

"Aren't there a lot of dead people in the city?"

I am very puzzled in my heart, now is not the time of war, let alone the time when Huo disease is rampant. It started eight times a week, which is really weird.

"Hey! Unlucky, and dead again, I think if things go on like this, Old Wang's coffin shop in the east of the city is going to make a fortune!"

Pedestrians outside the carriage were discussing with each other.

"That's right, it's strange to hear that Liu Jia Erlang died!"

"Didn't it say that Erlang Liu Jia went to collect bills outside the city and suddenly fell ill and died suddenly?"

"Hehe, do you believe this too? When Liu Jia Erlang carried it back, the corpse stinks. Tell me, how can there be a corpse stink after only being dead for a day?"

"You mean?"

"It's unclean!"

"Erlang Liu Jia left a dead body after all. It is said that the outside of the city is not peaceful."

"No, I heard..." The man in the crowd suddenly lowered his voice and said in a low voice, "I heard that some time ago, a pair of merchants stayed in Zhaojiaji outside the city, but none of them survived the next day. , the corpses are broken.

Not only that, the guy who lives next door just didn't hear anything strange all night, do you think this is weird? "

"Haha, old man Wang, aren't you just a storyteller? Are you making up stories to scare me?" Someone saw through the identity of the man and laughed.

Jiang Heng's side is not far away, but he could vaguely hear it, but he put down the curtains and shook his head endlessly.


Jiang Heng can't believe a word. It has been a week since he was reborn, and he hasn't even seen a ghost. It's just an ordinary parallel ancient world.

It's just a rumor.

Jiang Heng thought a lot when he came to this world, especially after knowing that there were no extraordinary systems, his thoughts became much lighter.

He wanted to study in the past to gain fame.

The status of literati in this world is still very high, everything is inferior, only reading is Such classic quotations are also very popular in this world.

Jiang Heng also thought about obtaining fame and fame and then living a wealthy and extravagant life. It's a pity, after he was reborn, he knew that he had these from the beginning.

I also thought about building aircraft and cannons in this world, but unfortunately, I have almost forgotten about mathematics, physics and chemistry.

This is the sorrow of the scumbags!

So Jiang Heng fell into depravity, wouldn't it be a good day to open his mouth without worrying about food and clothing?

"Young master! The road is blocked. I saw that there is a calligraphy and painting seller nearby. I know that the young master likes these, so I bought them here for you!"

At this moment, the dog-legged Laifu's flattering voice sounded outside the car door.

"Bring it in!"

Immediately afterwards, a painting was sent to Jiang Heng.

Collecting antique calligraphy and painting is a problem when I was just reborn, and it may be influenced by the hundreds of millions of antiques sold by a certain person in my previous life.

Later, I found out that my own antiques were not very valuable in ancient times. Then it faded away.

Taking the painting and taking a rough glance, it is a picture of plum blossom and snow scene.

what! ~

With just this one glance, Jiang Heng could no longer move his eyes away.

It's not that the painting is so stunning that it is stunning, but that the moment Jiang Heng saw the scroll, he only felt an invisible warm current pouring into his eyes.

Finally, this warm current flows into the abdomen about an inch and a half below the navel, which is where the dantian is.

This warm current circulated in the abdomen for a while, as if it had been absorbed.

Jiang Heng only felt a warm feeling in his abdomen.

This is Goldfinger? !

Jiang Heng pondered slightly.

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