Master of Fist

Chapter 786: each have their own ghosts

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The two chatted for a while before Jiang Heng left Shi Shiran.

The amount of information learned this time is already enough, and Jiang Heng has no other choice but to wait for the feedback from Nebula Sect later.

You don't need to be accepted as a disciple by the demigod himself, you just need to pass it on.

As for the opinions of the Tianshuang Patriarch, Jiang Heng thinks it is not a problem. First of all, he is not a direct descendant of the Tianshuang Empire or a warrior of the direct line. A conferring warrior like himself is a form of employment, and the Tianshuang Empire has little restrictions on whether he will stay or not. .

Especially at this moment, Jiang Heng didn't think that Tianshuang's ancestor would do anything out of the ordinary for his small role.

When I returned to the fleet group, I found that all my subordinates had been waiting for a long time.

"My lord, I heard that you were taken away by disciples of the Nebula Sect. What happened?" Patriarch Lie Yan couldn't help but asked anxiously.

Now their backbone is Jiang Heng, if something happens to Jiang Heng, they really don't know what to do.

"It's nothing!" Jiang Heng waved his hand and told the story of his encounter with Tian Xingcong.

"Worshiping under the Xingyun Sect?!" Hearing this news, several people were obviously a little shocked.

"The Nebula Sect generally does not accept external disciples, and the disciples of the sect are constantly selected by its sphere of influence to be specially suitable for the body. I did not expect the Nebula Sect to set a precedent for the master." Chen could not help but click his tongue.

"Perhaps I like the talent of your mortal body, my lord. If you think about it, even if you put it in the Nebula Sect, it must be at the level of the true lineage!" Patriarch Lie Yan couldn't help but admired, looking at Jiang Heng with a pair of beautiful eyes. The color of reverence. Even Xiaoya at the side secretly looked at Jiang Heng.

Although Jiang Heng felt very relieved when he heard the words, he still pressed his hands and smiled: "This matter has not been written yet, so let's not talk about it for now. Let's think about how to survive here. By the way, this How do you feel about the next battle?"

Seeing Jiang Heng talking about serious business, several people looked at each other in blank dismay and immediately became serious.

"My lord, in this battle, we have already realized that it is too dangerous to fight against the warriors of the hegemony by conventional means. If we are not careful, our lives may be in danger!" Chen replied first.

He had the deepest feeling about this fight except for Xiaoya. With his strength, he should have killed all directions in the early stage, but in the end, he just met an early stage warrior of the hegemony, and he was just barely able to draw with the opponent. This kind of contrast Let his self-confidence be thwarted.

"That's right! My lord, these Hegemony people obviously want to fight for their lives. Since they are fighting for their lives, we can only fight for our lives. Otherwise, if we hesitate, we may die like the first group of people." Lie Yan The old ancestor smiled wryly with a downcast expression.

Jiang Heng shook his head, and said in a little thought: "No! It's okay to fight for your life, but it can't solve the problem fundamentally. We can't compete with Ba Yu's group of people.

And each of you is very important to me, and I don't want any of you to perish. How about this, you go back and study these things, and see if you can deduce the loopholes or cover up in the past few days. "

As he spoke, Jiang Heng took out a small booklet directly from the storage space. This booklet was nothing but scraped out from the storage ring on the body of the overlord warrior not long ago.

This is a secret technique called Blood Throat Art, which is an extreme secret technique that every fighter in the hegemony knows.

Seeing this secret technique, everyone present has actually studied it carefully, and the description in it is indeed an extreme move. The main effect is nothing more than burning blood and laws to obtain short-term combat power beyond imagination.

It is not uncommon for this kind of secret technique to exist in Wanbaozhai and the black market of some private organizations at the domain master level, but most people just use it as a life-saving means and will not use it so easily.

Jiang Heng wants everyone to study it, in fact, it is just a comfort in his heart. In fact, this kind of secret technique can't be said to have any cover. After all, it is only a temporary increase method. Until the surgery backfires.

"In addition, let's practice one more combined attack tactics. Xiaoya is good at defense, Lie Yan is good at attacking, and Chen is in charge of the middle adjustment. The three of them will use a combined attack method. parrying power."

It was said that several people nodded. They were indeed thinking about the method of joint attack these days, and they had trained together for a period of time before, so there is not much problem in the cooperation of several people, and the progress of the cultivation is also very gratifying.

After explaining these things, Jiang Heng waved them back. Now that the fortress is being rebuilt, the hegemonic side has just retreated. I think it will be safe for a while in the near future.

At the same time, following Jiang Heng's departure, Tianxing immediately summoned a junior junior brother.

"You send this news back to my sect as soon as possible, preferably through a special channel. This matter may have to be decided by the suzerain himself!"

"Yes! Brother!" Hearing this, the early stage disciple didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly left.

This news is also passing through the star gate at an extremely fast speed and directly reaching the first galaxy in the eastern area of ​​the nebula sect.

One day later, the demigod Xingyun, the suzerain of the Xingyun Sect, was sitting in a chess game with Siji.

"Brother Xingyun, your mind is a little confused."

The chess game went as normal, and the four poles and demigods smiled and said, although there was a smile on his face, but because of practicing the law of anger, there was always a smear of anger on his face that couldn't be removed.

"I'm just worried about my disciples. I've even sent out the direct descendant to fight this time. To be honest, I'm still a little worried." Speaking of this, the demigod Xingyun looked at Siji and asked with a smile: "Siji This is the second batch, I don't think you sent any of your direct descendants this time, but you are also worried about their safety?"

"That's right!" The four-pole demigod nodded and sighed softly. The ordinary domain master under his command died as well. In the eyes of a long-lived demigod like him, it was nothing more than a group of people who would grow up every tens of thousands of years. Just an important role. But the direct line is different.

Each of the direct descendants bears the energy and careful cultivation of the forces behind them, and the loss of any one will make the forces feel extremely distressed.

"Yeah, no one wants the direct line to die, but brother Siji, it's not an option not to make a move now, you should let go. Otherwise, once the fighting period starts, I will end in person, and then we will kill these juniors." I can't even take care of it." Xingyun demigod shook his head and sighed softly.

"I have already decided that the third batch will let a few direct descendants go out to play. If they die, they will die. As long as they can produce a demigod, that's good. I'm afraid none of them will be successful!" Siji demigod His eyes narrowed slightly, his face revealing a pensive expression.

These words are also about Xingyun's demigod's worries. He was able to send his direct descendants to the end so boldly, and he also wanted to let potential disciples produce one or two demigods as soon as possible.

But he knew that being a demigod in the physical body was so easy to achieve. It's just that he is also broken now.

"However, you and I have walked relatively close recently, which will definitely make the other brothers doubt!" Xing Yun said suddenly.

Hearing this, Si Ji raised his brows slightly and couldn't help but sneered: "Why is Brother Xing Yun still afraid of this? Could it be that they don't know the twists and turns if we don't get close?

If you want me to say, there is no need to worry about this. The twins and Tianshuang took the lead in cooperating in private. These two parties are old bones, and I can't talk to them. "

The four poles and demigods cursed, ignoring the inappropriateness of the words.

"Oh, brother Siji, it's good that you don't worry, we still have to be consistent with the outside world, even if we unite in private, they can figure it out. But I always feel that there is something wrong." Xingyun frowned half-godly said with a frown.

"What's wrong? Brother Xingyun, are you talking about Tianshuang or twins?" Siji demigod asked suspiciously.

"Both of them! These two can be regarded as the oldest existence among nearly a hundred demigods in a hundred countries. It seems that these two are both in a weak state, but you also know that these two were in the past. prestige.

During this period, the two kept a low profile for hundreds of thousands of years, and they rarely showed up in every hundred-nation meeting. I don't believe that they have no other means! "

Demigod Xingyun expressed his doubts.

Hearing the words, Siji demigod curled his lips in disdain, "What am I supposed to be, but I'm just two bad old men. The means of twin births are indeed very treacherous, but I also know his means, and it seems that he can steal everything. Laws can also be divided into realms. If the opponent's skills are far superior to him, let alone being unable to steal and borrow the opponent's abilities. On the contrary, there will be a risk of backlash.

As for Tianshuang, this old guy was really powerful back then, and he used the Frost Law to span the entire Hundred Nations Alliance. Even in the early years, the Hundred Nations Alliance could unite because he contributed a lot.

But this guy suffered a lot. It is said that he should have fallen directly back then, but finally saved his life by relying on a treasure that contained the law of life. But even if he didn't die, I don't think he can recover much of his strength with the injuries he suffered back then."

"No! No! What I'm talking about is not that they hide their strength, but that there are other things that are wrong. I always feel that they have other backhands." Xingyun shook his head half-god and thought hard.

"Anyone else?" Hearing this, Siji Demigod became even more confused, he didn't quite understand what Xingyun meant.

"You mean they have arranged other powerful ones?"

"Perhaps! You know the real reason for this battle. It's nothing more than Hegemony wanting to use us to train soldiers. The demigods came second, and they wanted to train a few demigods by virtue of the cruel battlefield environment.

Although Hegemony will leave a way out for the winner in the end, you and I know very well that even if we win by then, we will either become a lackey of the temple or die! "

Xingyun thought for a while and said, "But I read the life history of this old guy Tianshuang, and I found that this person is not a person waiting to die. He is also very good at management and very sophisticated.

It's just like the way we acted in the past in a hundred countries, such as the seriously injured and dying people like the ancestor Tianshuang. But it is very difficult to exist in the Hundred Nations Conference for so many years. In normal times, I'm afraid that his strength and even himself would have been wiped out by me a long time ago.

However, the opposite happened. Not only did the old guy survive to this day, but even now he is still a member of the council.

With such a temperamental person, I don't believe that he doesn't know our final result in this battle, and I don't believe that he won't make other preparations! "Xing Yun demigod thought hard and pondered.

Hearing that the four poles and demigods nodded thoughtfully, he was not very impressed with Tianshuang Patriarch. "You suspect that he has other means, so what do you think it will be?"

As soon as this remark came out, both of them fell silent. It was hard to imagine that the laws they mastered were all related to fighting and had nothing to do with some laws of deduction and perception, so naturally they had no way of knowing.

"Hmph! Don't need to think too much about it. Even if this old fox wants to overthrow this day, it's not easy. Now we have entered the game. If we want to overthrow this day, we must first kill these ten demigods and break this big formation." Even so, I'm afraid that there are still many demigods watching the show outside, and it will be very difficult for them to interfere."

Xingyun demigod snorted coldly, hearing the words Siji demigod also nodded slightly.

"That's right, these remnant soldiers are the only ones left in my hundred kingdoms, just like the fish on the chopping board, if this old fox really has a way to overthrow this day, I will have to thank him.

But we have to beware of this old fox, so as not to be used as a pathfinder for others! "

The demigod Siji couldn't help lowering his voice as he spoke, and the demigod Xingyun knew the twists and turns in it.

"However, Brother Siji, what we need to beware of is not only Tianshuang, but also some people who have already made a choice in their hearts. We don't know about these people, but this person must be watching our every move in the dark. I guess God The old fox Shuang is also guessing who is that person, so he is also waiting!"

Hearing that Siji was half-divine, he couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat, and unconsciously glanced at Xingyun with a hint of inquiry.

"Brother Siji, you still don't believe me? Have you forgotten my identity? Do you think the Temple of the Gods may accept the service of a general of the Great Zhou?"

"That's right! I was suspicious!" Only then did the demigod Siji let out a sigh of relief. He was also frightened by what he said just now.

It can be said that there are a total of ten demigods in the east and west districts. It can be said that they were forced to unite No one knows who's mind. Some are desperate, some are hesitant, and some have long ago chosen to compromise. Of course, no one knows.

"This is a dark forest, whoever lights the torch first will die!" Demigod Xingyun sighed deeply.

"Hey, if I can save a life in this catastrophe, I will not refuse any brother Xingyun's request in the future!" Siji said in a half-godly voice.

The alliance between the two of them is generally headed by Xingyunzong. After all, the strength of both sides is on the bright side. Although his law of anger is not weak, it is still far behind the law of the flesh. What's more, the demigod Xingyun is a middle-ranked fourth-rank demigod, and his combat power is close to that of the median fifth-rank according to the laws of physical body.

And this can already be regarded as the most powerful on the surface among the ten demigods of the Hundred Kingdoms.

While the two were talking with each other in secret, a beam of faint streamer suddenly descended from the distant starry sky to the cloud layer, and then came all the way towards the main peak of the Nebula Sect.


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