Master of Fist

Chapter 772: Dao of the Sword 1 Clan and the Braves

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You don't need to ask everyone to know that this must be the handwriting of the demigod ancestor.

We must know that the formation is not the bigger the better, but also depends on the ability to control this super-large formation. At least as far as Jiang Heng knows, the master-level powerhouse of the formation that can cover an entire galaxy is far from being able to. driven.

"This formation has not yet been fully formed, and only about 10 million large formation hubs have been completed. According to this drive, it will eventually reach 100 million large formation hubs!" Jiang Heng couldn't help but sigh with emotion. The research has also reached the domain master level.

Although it is impossible to study the demigod formation, you can roughly see some ways.

"The power of the demigod should not be underestimated, but I don't know what the battle of the demigod will be like." Chen also sighed.

"It's better not to see the demigods fighting!" Ancestor Lie Yan couldn't help but said, "I heard that when the law of the demigod powerhouse unfolds, the power of distortion and the power of law are entangled with each other. That kind of power is not something we can intuitively see. Yes, the closer you get, the more likely you will be transformed into a monster."

Seeing that the topic was talked about, Jiang Heng couldn't help being curious: "You said that since the starry sky behemoth can compete with Xike demigod with the peak strength of the domain master level, then the starry sky behemoth is still so far behind. Why can the big ranks do this, are they not afraid of the power of distortion?"

Jiang Heng's experience is still too little, and it is far less comparable to these accomplished domain masters who have existed for thousands of years.

"It seems that because of the physique of the starry sky behemoths, it takes a very long process to turn them into deformed creatures. Even if a demigod powerhouse pours his own distortion power into them, it will take a lot of time. And this period is enough for both parties I've been fighting back and forth for a long time." Patriarch Lie Yan replied with a little thought.

Hearing that Jiang Heng bowed his head slightly, it made sense, after all, the smelting of planets and stars by domain master-level powerhouses is nothing more than using the huge mass of the planets to bear the power of their own distortion.

And the physique of the starry sky behemoth is comparable to that of a planet, just like the previous domain master-level behemoth whose physique is hundreds of times the size of a star.

It seems that there are benefits to being big.

"Isn't it possible that the starry sky behemoth clan can defeat the demigod with the peak strength of the domain master?" Xiaoya, the black-haired girl who hadn't spoken much, suddenly said.

This question made Patriarch Lieyan and Chen several people fall into deep thought, apparently they had never heard of such a rule in their minds.

"I do know that when a domain master-level peak powerhouse cultivates to the limit and can clearly feel the great river, he can forcibly suppress his connection with the great river, thereby delaying the opportunity to break through the demigod.

It's just that the defect is also obvious, that is, after a long time of suppression, the foundation will be stronger when stepping into the low-level demigod, but it is said that it is an extremely painful thing in that situation. Every minute and every second must endure extreme pain, and there is even the risk of losing control of the laws in the body.

Of course, if it can be controlled well, its strength must be at the top of the peak level, which is generally called the pseudo-demigod state. It means reserve demigod. "

Patriarch Lie Yan looked at everyone's reactions after speaking, and found that everyone was listening attentively, which made her cough dryly.

"It's roughly like this. Although it's not the time of war, if we really encounter such an existence, I think we can run away as far as we can. This kind of existence has initially possessed a trace of demigod power, and ordinary methods cannot be used here. Existence is like child's play."

"You are right, and this possibility cannot be ruled out." Jiang Heng nodded.

Even Jiang Heng is sure that there will be such existences to occupy more resources in the central area for his own strength in the early stage.

Jiang Heng didn't have any countermeasures for this. He was fine against the late domain master level now, but it would be extremely dangerous to deal with the pinnacle level, let alone the even more terrifying pseudo demigod powerhouse. He can only take one step.

At this time, the phalanx of the ninety-two galaxy fleet group slowly gathered towards the distant fleet group according to the instructions, and a large number of densely packed starship groups had already gathered there.

"Senior Jiang, it may take about three days for the next batch of star gates leading to the second galaxy to open. You may wish to come to this junior when the fleet is temporarily resting. Lord's little gathering!"

At this moment, the voice of His Highness the Sixth Prince's Music sounded in Jiang Heng's mind.

"Small gathering?" Jiang Heng didn't think it was so strange. It is normal for generals to meet and discuss before a big battle.

Not long after that, when the starship group and other starship groups gradually converged, Jiang Heng asked Hong to let the fleet rest in place, and then took Chen and his party to the flagship of Le's empire.

When they entered the flagship conference room, many people had already gathered here, besides the people from their ninety-two galaxies, there were also many people from other galaxies.

Jiang Heng glanced around, and finally the old man waved his hand at him. Seeing this, Jiang Heng didn't hesitate to take a group of his subordinates to sit next to the old man and the others.

"The elders are these comrades who rushed to the front line?" Jiang Heng took the lead in sending a voice transmission to the elders. I am almost blind to the situation of the domain masters and powerhouses in the empire, and I don't know many of them.

"That's right, but although the front line is serious this time, it's just a small battle during the war period. Compared with the full-scale war in the war period later, this situation doesn't need to use too much empire power.

So I also found out that the people who rushed to the front line this time are mainly half of the people from the four galaxies from the 92nd to the 95th galaxies. "

As he said that, the elder calmly glanced at all the domain masters present.

"There are a total of 42 domain owners here. In fact, we only need to meet the minimum quota of 30 domain owners. We obviously have too many this time,"

What the old man said was true, after all, the Tianshuang Empire didn't want to lose too many troops in the central area before the war. What's more, now knowing that the frontline battle situation is unfavorable, if you frantically invest in domain master-level powerhouses, it is likely to cause greater casualties.

As for why the number of people far exceeds the minimum threshold, I don't know the situation of other people, but Jiang Heng knows it.

Originally, the sixth prince said that only half of his men and horses should be used in this battle, not only the source of troops and the number of warships, but also the domain master level powerhouses.

But the situation on Jiang Heng's side is a bit special. If Jiang Heng only sent two domain masters under his command, Jiang Heng didn't want to see his subordinates go in like this.

So I took the lead, and on the one hand, I brought a domain master, whether it was Chen or any of the three sisters, so that I could take care of each other when I was in danger. On the other hand, he also wanted to experience the ferocity of the opponent for himself. He didn't want to wait for the battle period to face an extremely tragic war at one time, so that he could have a warm-up at least.

But what Jiang Heng didn't expect was that when he proposed to go, all the domain masters under his command responded without even thinking, and in the end only the snake-haired girl Poison Jade was left to guard the house.

In contrast, the old man's side is even more scary. Apart from the old man, only Lei Yuan participated in the battle. Besides, the rest of his group stayed behind in the Ninety-two galaxy. Obviously, the loss in the battle of besieging the giant beast Miserable can only be restrained this time.

And the Sixth Prince only brought two of them, namely the late-stage powerhouse Guangyao and a mid-stage Mingzong powerhouse, and the Eighth Prince also had two, but the only surviving mid-stage domain master and another early-stage domain master In addition, the eighth prince himself did not participate in this battle, probably because he did not want to take risks easily.

What surprised Jiang Heng was that the elders could play this time, something Jiang Heng hadn't expected. After all, the veteran was the most injured in the battle with the giant beast not long ago.

Generally speaking, it is difficult to restore the original injury after hundreds of years. Even if some taboo methods are used to temporarily restore the injury to the original state, it should be able to recover for a period of time, and it will take decades to recuperate slowly. yes.

However, when I saw him today, the old man's appearance today showed no signs of being seriously injured, his complexion was ruddy and full of energy, and his physical body was as imposing as a dragon, like an oven constantly emitting majestic energy, which was unstoppable.

This reminded Jiang Heng of the other party's longing for the blood essence of the giant beast.

"Could it be that there is a special way to absorb the power of essence and blood to the maximum?" Jiang Heng doesn't know the specific situation, but he can be sure that the old man has returned to his peak state.


It should be said that it is far better than that day, and in today's state, it is obviously much stronger than before. This is also the reason why I have the same physical body, so I can feel it so clearly.

"Why does little friend Jiang look at me like this?" Seemingly aware of Jiang Heng's burning gaze, the old man smiled and said.

"What secret technique does the elder have? The recovery speed of the physical body really amazes the younger generation." Jiang Heng asked directly without hiding it.

"It's nothing more than the talent of the bloodline. The efficiency of swallowing and absorbing blood essence is far better than ordinary people." The elder didn't hide it, he knew very well that even if he couldn't guess the specific situation, he could make a rough estimate of this kind of thing.

After all, he was too obvious before.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng was thoughtful.

"However, little friend Jiang, the battle on the front line is so dangerous this time, yet you have four domain masters fighting at one time. It is really courageous." The elder has long noticed that there are unexpectedly many people on Jiang Heng's side.

"The old man was joking, but the juniors just don't worry about them, so it's better to have someone to take care of them together!" Jiang Heng shrugged.

"By the way, can the old man introduce these comrades to the younger generation? It will be a long time in the future, and now that you know more about it, you can count as a bottom line, right?" Jiang Heng smiled provocatively.

"It's all a bunch of idiots, what's there to introduce!" Hearing the attitude of the elders, Jiang Heng was a little bit astonished.

"What's the surprise? This time, everyone is well aware of the risks involved, and no one wants to die. It's not that the three major galaxies from 93 to 95 are either the new domain masters who have no reputation at all. See This breath is vain and I know that these are quickly improved by various forces using various medicinal materials and instant martial arts, commonly known as medicine jars, a bunch of idiots!

That's something to look at over there! "

As he spoke, the elder pointed to a group of people sitting in a corner on the opposite side, there were only three people in the small number.

"This group of guys should belong to the Tyrannical Sword Sect. They belong to the Blade Clan. The avenue they master is the Dao of the Sword. Although it is one of the trails like other weapon avenues. But the Dao of the Sword and the Dao of the Sword are both high-ranking demigods. Yes, even though the average combat power among the same level is not comparable to our physical body.

But don't underestimate them, the way of the sword is more extreme, and it can often cause great destructive power at the cost of self-harm. "

Following the voice transmission of the elder, Jiang Heng also silently looked at the three people on the opposite side.

The three of them looked rather strange. Although they were humanoid, they had knives protruding from their arms that were as sharp as knives. They looked rather sinister and beautiful. In addition, their eyes were even sharper than knives. Generally, these three of them were talking with their heads buried. Staring at the sky, he doesn't care about others, but as long as his eyes are swept out at will, he can find the sharpness of the other party.

It seems that the opponent's eyes are a pair of extremely powerful eagle eyes, which can lock on the enemy in front of him and gain insight into its weakness in a very short period of time.

At this moment, Jiang Heng and the leader of the other party looked at each other. In an instant, Jiang Heng felt a slight chill on his back and a sense of extreme discomfort, as if his weakness had been seen by the other party.

The realm of these three people is not very strong, and they are quite satisfactory, except for the leader who is in the middle stage, and the two beside them are both in the early stage.

"Don't look into the eyes of these guys. Their talent can see through the weaknesses of the enemy in a short moment. Have you noticed that the faces of the three of them are very old, but if you say that they are actually less than ten thousand years old, can you believe it?" The elder laughed.

"But long live?" Jiang Heng was a little surprised, but he could see that the three people on the opposite side were extremely old, and the leader had half-white hair and many wrinkles on his face.

This kind of appearance is already equivalent to the middle-aged and elderly people who are thirty or forty thousand years old for domain master-level powerhouses.

"Their suzerain Dao Qiushui is very talented, but his age is actually only five thousand years old, and the other two deputy suzerains are about the same age.

Their laws have caused too much damage to the physical body and longevity, and every shot with all their strength is an extreme consumption of the physical body and longevity. Unless the strong man of the Dao of Life uses his means to treat these people, they may not even live to be 10,000 years old! "

The elder sighed for a while.

"This group should be the leader representing the ninety-five galaxies this It stands to reason that although the galaxies assigned are relatively backward, there should be many domain masters who can drive them. They could have temporarily hidden behind Take a rest, but the blade clan's habit of being brave and good at fighting has been deeply ingrained and cannot be changed."

Jiang Heng knew the meaning of the elder's words, which meant that the other party was the actual controller of the ninety-five galaxy, and his status was similar to that of the sixth prince Le of the ninety-two galaxy.

It can be said that the power in his hands is not small, but the other party has almost moved out his entire family property, just to fight.

"Except for these three little guys, the others are not very eye-catching. The leading forces of the two galaxies Ninety-three and Ninety-four are a bunch of rats.

This time His Royal Highness was able to fight this time, but the old man looked sideways. In fact, how could those idiots understand that now is the best time to fight.

It is not yet the warring period, and the combat power levels of both sides are controlled below the demigod level. If you don't play at this time, you can adapt to the opponent's strength early, and then think about adapting slowly, which is courting death! "

The elder sneered at the look of contempt on his face.

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