Master of Fist

Chapter 715: win-win!

"Senior Jiang Heng, please allow me to express my lofty respect to you again!" This time, the sixth prince Le was solemnly half-kneeling to salute. At this moment, he is not a prince, but an ordinary person expressing to a senior expert tribute.

He also understood that at first it seemed that it was only the existence of the domain master level at first, but in fact it was a powerful organization of six domain master level powerhouses.

Indeed, there are a total of six domain master level powerhouses, no matter where they are placed in the empire, they can be regarded as a powerful group that cannot be ignored.

What's more, there is a mid-term domain master-level Sanhua Chamber of Commerce president, and there are mid-term powerhouses in charge, plus five early-level domain masters, even late-stage powerhouses have to weigh in the face of such groups.

"Your Highness, you're being polite. Let's get straight to the point and talk about something practical." Jiang Heng waved his hand in a nonchalant manner.


Hearing that the sixth prince could not help being a little confused, did he want more benefits?

If you think about it carefully, it is indeed true. After all, there are a total of six domain master-level powerhouses. No matter which prince invests in such a huge force, who will not be able to welcome him?

That being the case, we have to be realistic, but when he thinks of this, Le feels a headache, if he can satisfy the appetite of the six domain lord level powerhouses now. He knew very well that it was completely impossible with his own family background.

After all, the main treasures of the domain are not simple, either the domain master-level pills that are useful to the domain master, or some domain master-level weapons, or martial arts cheats and the like.

At most, he can give some martial arts cheats, and there are some military equipment and elixir, but to satisfy six people...

Seemingly seeing Le's embarrassment, Jiang Heng smiled lightly and said, "Oh! Your Highness, you don't need to worry about anything. Since my avatar has already talked to you a little bit before, I naturally sincerely want to cooperate with Your Highness!"


"Yes! It's cooperation! I can promise His Highness now, and I can protect His Highness's safety for a long time in the future. In addition, I can also help His Highness when necessary. Of course, you also know that there is no such thing as good for no reason in this world, and there is no Evil for no reason, do you understand my Highness?" Jiang Heng smiled as if with great sincerity.

But these fell into Le's eyes, but for some reason, he felt that he was seeking skin with a tiger, but it was obvious that the other party was indeed very sincere.

Hearing Jiang Heng's promise, Le didn't lose his composure so much that he was overjoyed. Instead, he looked calm. He asked, "Then what can I do for senior?"

"It's very simple! At least the current matter is not a big problem for His Highness." Jiang Heng's tone became more relaxed.

"The first request is that I like His Highness to help me announce something, and announce it in your own name, Your Highness."

"What's the matter?" Le brows twitched, and a bad feeling suddenly came to his mind.

"Can you turn on the external monitoring of this starship? Yes! That's it, let's zoom in on the picture here!"

As Jiang Heng said, Le Ye kept zooming in on the designated area according to the instructions, and a virtual three-dimensional projection of a starry sky appeared in everyone's eyes.

It's just that compared to the calm faces of Jiang Heng and others, the pupils of His Royal Highness Le and Elder Su shrank suddenly.

"This... is this... an imperial warship?"

As a person at the central level of the empire's power, Le can naturally tell what the wreckage is in front of him at a glance, especially in one piece of scrap iron, there is still a piece of frost and ice crystals that symbolizes the emblem of the royal family!

"That's right! It is indeed a starship of the Tianshuang Empire. As His Highness has seen, it is indeed so."

Jiang Heng looked relaxed and indifferent, but Le was already short of breath at the moment, and at the same time his face was dull, his pupils dilated.

"This was an accident. In addition, I need to remind Your Highness that this was sent by your elder brother, His Highness. Before that guy claimed to be a general manager under His Highness. He wanted to recruit me on behalf of the First Prince, but you I also know that this seat has always kept its promises, since the avatar has already negotiated with His Highness, then this seat will definitely not break its word."

Jiang Heng shrugged his shoulders and then started his nonsense.

"It's just that it's not just His Highness who has a bad temper, even the people under his command are also bad-tempered. Seeing that I don't want to submit, I want to be tough. You have also seen it, Your Highness."

The tone of Jiang Heng's words could not be described as helpless and sad, and he looked like a vulnerable group.

The Longevity Ancestor beside him couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Not to mention, this kid lied without blinking at all, as true as he wanted.

"But...but...this..." His Highness the Sixth Prince felt dizzy, as if he had drunk several tons of alcohol in one go.

"I'm all doing this for Your Highness!" Jiang Heng's expression froze slightly, and his tone became a little more serious.

The change in tone was second. At this moment, Jiang Heng exuded a suffocating aura. The powerful and domineering aura made both Le and Su Lao tremble slightly, and the two quickly recovered from the shock just now. Come on.

"Senior, let's deal with it like this. I have no objection!" His Highness Six took a deep breath and said quickly.

As soon as the words fell, the terrifying aura that made the heart almost stop suddenly disappeared quickly, as if it had never appeared before.

"Your Highness still understands me! Does Your Highness know what to do next?"

"Of course, since the senior is cooperating with the subordinate, I will naturally let the senior have no worries. I will announce to the public that the Milky Way is under the jurisdiction of His Highness. Some people invade the Milky Way for no reason and even deliberately take action against the offerings loyal to His Highness. This is especially true for His Highness." With insulting words, my Highness couldn't bear to be humiliated for the glory of the royal family, so I had to kill this dog on behalf of my elder brother!"

After speaking, His Royal Highness Le quickly added: "Senior's situation is special, what I said..."

"Hey! It's okay, what you said is very good. You will say that later, not only to tell all the merchants stranded in the Milky Way, but also to let them know that this is not my seat's intention. It is really to share the worries of His Highness.

It is even more necessary to publicize it! "

Jiang Heng had already been preparing for this strategy when the avatar came into contact with the Sixth Highness. He knew very well that he had already made a name for that Highness before, so let alone deal with His Highness in his own capacity. It is impossible for the other party to be afraid, the only way is to pull the banner of another candidate for succession and use it as his own tiger skin.

This is also the only loophole that Jiang Heng can take advantage of in Tianshuang Empire. It is all things, except for external military and state affairs, internal affairs, if they involve the disputes of the royal family, it is often a trivial matter. melted.

"Don't worry, senior! I will do it! What about other requirements?" Le nodded, but he also knew that this matter would be a catastrophe for others, but it was just a matter of effort for him.

It's nothing more than having to bear the risk of offending the eldest prince, but it doesn't matter to him anymore, since he has already offended him to death.

Hearing what Le said, Jiang Heng called this kid to the truth in his heart.

"There are indeed some small requirements, such as some treasures and resources, I need these, and I need His Highness to help me with one thing!"

Jiang Heng is also not polite, the two are mutually beneficial.

"All the treasures I have accumulated over the years can be given to seniors, but what else do I need to do?"

"I hope His Highness can bless Yinliu's business."

"Yinliu?" Of course Le knows what Yinliu is, and even the prince is envious of Yinliu's ability to earn money. He knows very well that the resources Yinliu earns may not be as good as his own small coffers.

But Yinliu has only been running for how many years, and how many years he has been a prince, and from time to time his father will reward him with some rewards. If he really compares it, Yinliu's money-making speed has already surpassed that of his prince. It is estimated that Yinliu will be in a hundred years. The money he earns will exceed his prince's savings for many years.

"Please don't worry, senior, I will try my best to protect him. But you also know that Yinliu has become a favorite in the eyes of many dignitaries. I can manage some here myself, but..." on Le's face A little embarrassing.

But the fact is that, he doesn't have so much money to manage, as far as he knows, many powerful people are starting to unite, and it is said that they are planning to attack Yinliu, not to mention directly annexing, at least they will bite off a large piece of meat.

"You don't have to worry about this, all the management fees are paid directly by Yinliu, and you don't need to spend a penny on your highness. I just need to borrow the identity of your highness to put pressure on this group of people, and my friends and I will stand behind you and cheer for you." .”

"Senior, what do you mean..." Wen Yanle became hopeful.

"That's right! The two of them can't hide it at all!" Jiang Heng looked at Qingyue and Longevity Patriarch at the side. Today's incident is so big that all the foreign merchants and tourists in the entire star field are watching. Of course There's no need to hide it, it's time to stand up and show your wrists.

This is not only the time to show the background of the Milky Way, but also a great time to cheer up the prestige of the Sixth Prince!

Indeed, at this moment, the sixth prince Le was overjoyed. He knew very well how beneficial it would be to him once the news was exposed.

First of all, the most intuitive thing is that the wind direction of the entire royal family will change. He, the sixth prince who has been unknown and neglected, is likely to become a new star that attracts attention.

"Your Highness, that's great, that's great!" Elder Su's ecstatic sound transmission sounded in his mind at the moment, "After your Highness's visit, I believe that those vacillating guys will soon join His Highness's command to serve you!"

Mr. Su is also a sensible person. Recently, he can be said to have almost lost his running legs, just to shake people for His Highness, but none of those people didn't see the rabbits or scatter the eagles.

After all, His Highness the Sixth Highness had nothing to show for it before, and it would take a lot of risk to join rashly. Once His Highness the Sixth Highness fails to seize the heir, it is likely to bring disaster to Chi Yu's body and Dao Xiao.

So often those people want to ask for a piece of money for their lives, and the rewards they ask for are simply higher than the other. Some need a domain master-level peak-level weapon, some need a domain master-level mid-stage soul weapon, or a This semi-divine martial arts is not the kind of golden leaf martial arts.

Everyone knows that the Golden Page martial art is precious, and the price of using it is too high, so what they need is a simplified semi-divine martial art that was evolved from the Golden Page by a genius who evolved martial arts.

This kind of martial arts is even more attractive to domain owners than Golden Page martial arts, which drives them crazy.

Because it is very easy to choose, one can be used at the early stage of the domain master level, and the other may only be reluctantly displayed by the late domain master level or even the peak powerhouse, and even have to pay a huge price.

However, for these Elder Su, he is always scolding his mother in his heart. These things are more precious than each other. Even if it is the heritage of His Royal Highness, he can only take out one or two pieces, and it is not just one or two pieces for each item, but only one or two pieces in total. .

And all this has changed from now on, Elder Su is very clear that His Highness, who stands behind six powerful domain masters, will become the most popular candidate after His Highness. Even hotter than His Royal Highness, because His Royal Highness has many talents, and behind him is his mother, a super galaxy cluster empire, to support him.

One is a timely gift and the other is the icing on the cake. I believe many people know how to choose.

At this time, His Royal Highness Le was also very happy, he also thought of this, which made him more confident, even if the conflict between himself and the First Prince escalated again, he would not care.

"In this case, please fulfill the first request first, Your Highness can only come forward here. My seat and them are still injured, so I will take my leave first!"

Speaking of which, Jiang Heng, Qingyue and the others nodded towards His Royal Highness the Sixth Highness, stepped back half a step, and their figures were swallowed up by the space and disappeared into space ripples.

"What do you think, Mr. Su?"

After a long silence, His Highness the Sixth Prince calmed down and said.

"It's a good thing. Your Highness couldn't heal at all, but now they have shown more sincerity, haven't they, Your Highness?" Elder Su smiled looking at the ripple in space.

Le also nodded with a smile, space ripples, space ability is indeed the greatest sincerity.

They all know the bloodline talent of many affiliated galaxies in the Tianshuang Empire. In addition to the most common non-bloodline talent, which can only cultivate the body, there are also some flame talent, water talent, gravity talent, etc., and even There are also some individuals with foreign talent, such as the vice president of the Sanhua Chamber of Commerce, the snake-haired girl Poison Jade, who is a rare petrochemical talent.

In fact, these talents are not surprising, maybe Poison Jade's talent is a little bit better, but it's easy to be targeted just like that.

It can be said that Le is very clear about these talents. As one of the heirs of Tianshuang's blood, he also knows that the royal family can tolerate the existence of these because they have no such threat and no value to use.

In the eyes of the royal family, two conditions must be met for a bloodline to pose a threat to them, that is, the first bloodline talent itself is stronger than the Tianshuang bloodline, and the second is not only stronger than the Tianshuang bloodline, but also must be in concentration. It is stronger than the Tianshuang royal family.

As for what concentration is needed to be stronger than the Tianshuang royal family? In fact, it is also very simple, that is to have the background of becoming a demigod.

Obviously, the Milky Way in front of us may be stronger than the Tianshuang royal family's ice talent in terms of space talent, but it is far inferior in terms of foundation.

After all, there is a demigod ancestor in Tianshuang Empire, and there are many domain masters in the royal family. The power of these laws passed down was plundered by Tianshuang ancestor who killed other demigods of the same kind. The strength is evident.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if Patriarch Tianshuang falls, not all of his dissipated law power will return to the Ice Avenue, although most of it will dissipate and merge into the Ice Avenue for the possession of all other Ice Avenue demigods. But there are still a small number of remnants in the Virgo galaxy.

And just this small part is enough for the Tianshuang royal family to appear a demigod again, even if it is only a first-order demigod. Of course, the premise of this is to have this talent. Sometimes background does not mean talent, of course there is no background Being talented doesn't help either.

At least the Milky Way is like this now, they don't have enough space laws for them to step into the demigods.

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