Master of Fist

Chapter 615: External forces

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"That's right, what should I do if something goes wrong in the imperial capital?"

When the middle-aged man thought of this, his expression sank a little.

Since the other party can control the entire East Realm executives silently, he can't guarantee that there will be no problems in the imperial capital.

"Husband, I... let's run away. Find a chance to resign, even if you don't want this position." The middle-aged woman sighed.

The couple are middle-level officials in the East Territory. Because his wife was ill, he deliberately asked for a few days off to take care of his wife. As a result, when he went to work again, he soon realized that something was wrong.

The reason why they can be discovered so quickly is that these are colleagues who get along day and night on weekdays. Everyone has worked together for decades. Suddenly, the personalities and habits of the people around me change.

In this situation, if it wasn't something wrong with him, it was something wrong with everyone around him.

Middle-aged people choose to believe the latter.

"I can't resign. If I resign now, they will soon find out about my abnormality!" The middle-aged bald man waved his hand and flatly rejected the proposal.

"But what should I do? I feel scared every day I stay here." The wife turned slightly pale.

Her family lived in the employee family area, and the neighbors here were all members of the imperial government, and she could clearly feel that the neighbors she used to be familiar with had become very strange.

Even in order to disguise, she had to learn their every move, pretending to be no different from them on the outside.

This kind of day is indeed like a tight string, the longer you stay, the more likely the string will break.

"The upper echelons of the imperial capital may be controlled, but those warriors may not be sure! Yes! The warriors are so strong and definitely not!" The middle-aged man couldn't help feeling distressed when he saw his wife, muttering and thinking about countermeasures.

"By the way, my husband, why don't we find the pillars of the country. I heard that they are the strongest in the empire, and each of them is a strong man with all-powerful supernatural powers. Tell them and tell them everything here!"

My wife went to the doctor in a hurry and said whatever came to mind.

"No! I heard that the most powerful person in the empire is the Great General. It seems that there is a Great General's Mansion in the imperial capital. It may be safest to pass the news to the Great General's Mansion!"

"General?" The wife was a little puzzled, as if she hadn't heard much about this character.

"It was the reward ceremony that was broadcast live by the Imperial Capital some time ago, and the video of that person was even distributed to grassroots officials for viewing. You may not have seen it, here is the information about this great general!"

After thinking for a while, the middle-aged bald man called up a video, which was clearly about Jiang Heng's battle in the southern border.

After watching the video, his wife's beautiful eyes widened, and there was a gleam of hope in her eyes.

"Honey, we...we are saved!"

"It's hard to say!" The middle-aged bald man waved his hand and said with a bitter face: "Even if we want to find the general now, we don't have a channel to contact him. And this matter can't be blocked by those people, so we have to ask someone in person Just go to the imperial capital."

Hearing that his wife is also disappointed, if they can go to the imperial capital, do they still need to worry about here.

It's just that they are afraid that they will be detained by someone with a heart before they leave the administrative star.

After all, these administrative officials are not allowed to leave their administrative planet without special circumstances, and who knows how many pairs of eyes are staring at them now.

"If it doesn't work, I can only trouble my brother-in-law. By the way, didn't you say that he has opened a freight company now? Find a way to contact him through private channels and ask him to go to the imperial capital."

Although his brother-in-law's family is also in the east, his freight company is now in full swing, with nearly a hundred transport ships under his command, and his business has expanded from the east to the middle of the north.

"Well, I'll think of a way." The wife nodded with a thoughtful look on her face.

However, at the same time, there were two people sitting and standing in an office with the highest specifications on the highest floor of the administrative hall not far from here.

The golden body of the sitting person is the gold that has completely taken this place into the palm of his hand.

As for standing humbly and kneeling opposite him, it was the somewhat rich and elderly Governor of the Eastern Territory, Nian Long.

At this moment, he stood in front of Jin with a respectful face, completely forgetting which country he was a citizen of, but the faint golden color in the depths of his eyes kept flickering and jumping.

"My lord Jin, this is all the information you need. All the current powerhouses of the empire are recorded in the book, including the technological means that the empire may have that the subordinate positions can master."

Hearing that Jin nodded in satisfaction, he quickly scanned the many materials in the projection screen in front of him, almost hundreds of millions of words, pictures and video materials seemed to be remembered in his heart in an instant.

"The information about the general of the town and the pillars of the town seems to be incomplete?"

After reading it, Jin glanced at Nianlong who was below, and his tone was a bit unfriendly.

"Yes...that's how it is. The generals of the town and the pillars of the town are top secret. Even though I am the governor now, my class authority cannot be accessed in my official title. Only His Majesty the Emperor can access their information. Okay." Nian Long said with some trepidation, as if he was afraid that the other party would be angry.

"Okay, you go back first!" Seeing that he couldn't ask why, Jin waved his hand impatiently, and Nian Long hurriedly backed out as if he had been pardoned.

After a while, after the sound of Nianlong's footsteps completely disappeared, a slender woman walked out from the office cubicle. This is a figure that can be described as extremely perfect. And the slender thighs, as well as the uneven figure, all exude the impulse to commit crimes.

The only fly in the ointment is that this person's complexion is a bit weird, unlike the yellowish white complexion of the imperial people, on the contrary, the whole body has a jade texture, and under the light, the skin has a shimmering feeling.

In addition, the face of the woman is very different from that of the imperial people. The facial features are more three-dimensional, and there are two short tentacles made of soft jade on both sides of the top of the head, and the tips of the tentacles are shining brightly.

The woman's hair, which seemed to be in a state of weightlessness all the time, fluttered freely, and she walked with crisp steps, sitting in front of this lord Jin like no one else.

"Mr. Jin, is this the product you showed us? But in my opinion, it seems that you have the final say here, so you can't sell it at a good price."

The woman's legs were crossed, her posture was graceful towards this Lord Jin, her eyes were indifferent and showed no respect to the Lord Jin in front of her.

"You don't believe me?" Jin glanced at the other party and said in a deep voice.

"Of course I don't believe in the famous Mr. Wan Jin. Of course, a big man like you won't joke with a small business association like ours. It's just that your reputation is indeed great, but if you want to sell it at a high price under the current situation, then forgive me I take the liberty, our chamber of commerce can't afford too high a price for a small business." The woman waved her slender hands as lightly as willows.

Hearing this, Jin pondered for a while, but his eyes were fixed on the woman all the time, but those golden pupils didn't have any desire, and some could only think and consider.

"What if I say that there is enough law power to cultivate a system of temples here?"


The woman's beautiful eyes widened immediately, and she couldn't hide her shock when she heard the news, so that she was completely lost.

"Hehe, I can't bear it anymore."

Jin chuckled, he was very satisfied with the other party's reaction.

"Mr. Wan Jin was joking." The woman also knew that she was a little rude just now, she smiled and said: "Mr. Many sellers offer quality sources.

These are trivial matters for you, but for a small chamber of commerce like ours, a galaxy with the power to cultivate the laws of a temple system is absolutely delicious. "

"Well, this news can be regarded as a little sweetness I gave you in advance. To be honest, I also want to sell it for a high price. But if you are in a hurry, it will take a lot to completely take this galaxy into your pocket with my avatar right now." effort."

"So...Master Wan Jin, do you want our Chamber of Commerce to also contribute?" The woman asked after thinking about it.

"I like dealing with smart people." Jin clapped his hands and showed a smile, "It's done, I can give you a 10% discount."

Hearing this, the woman's face was a bit ugly, Silver Teeth bit the corner of her lips and said with a sneer, "Mr. Wan Jin, your empty-handed, white-handed tactics really opened my eyes."

"And if I remember correctly, this galaxy named Milky Way has actually been recorded in the nearby Virgo Supercluster Alliance, and even has a complete star map. It's just that the value inside has not been discovered.

You must know that the most valuable thing to buy and sell this kind of goods, apart from information, is the star map, but we have the star map, and we need us to help you out. In the end, only 10% off? Mr. Wan Jin, do you think this is reasonable? "

"I think it's fine as long as it's reasonable." Jin said calmly, with an expression of being convinced of the other party.

"I remember that your chamber of commerce is called the Sanhua Chamber of Commerce, right? Oh, I remembered, it is the local chamber of commerce of the Virgo supercluster. The president and two vice presidents of your chamber of commerce are both female. There are probably two domain masters level?

By the way, let me think about the specific coordinates of your chamber of commerce..."

"Enough!" the woman shouted with a pale complexion.

"Everything is successful, but our chamber of commerce has a huge booth, and the power we can dispatch to such remote places is limited."

"Understood, at least one domain master and an elite team of more than 10,000 people. In addition, a galaxy-level cannon must be brought over. I am useful."

Jin talked eloquently, but every time he said a word, the face of the woman opposite him became ugly.

"Impossible!" The woman categorically retorted, "Our chamber of commerce only has two domain masters. It would be too risky to send one here, and why do we use galaxy-level cannons here? It is a super-galaxy group-restricted weapon!"

"Hehe, it's okay if you don't agree. I'll look for a stronger buyer. Your chamber of commerce is indeed too weak, and it's normal if you can't afford it. After all, this is a treasure land that can cultivate a demigod-level powerhouse."

Hearing Jin's strange voice, the woman gritted her teeth in anger.

"Okay, I'll report to the higher-ups about the master-level master. As for the galaxy-level cannon, may I ask why? If it's just for your personal needs, our chamber of commerce can sell it to you at the smuggling price."

The woman suppressed her anger and spoke in a calm tone as much as possible.

Hearing that Jin shook his head slightly, he pondered for a while and said, "I don't want that kind of weapon. You can bring it with you when you come here, and let you control it. There is a new trouble here."

"What trouble do you need to use a galaxy-level cannon?" The woman Liu Mei frowned, a little dissatisfied that the other party was hiding from him.

"You will know when the time comes, you go back quickly and I will wait for your good news."

Jin didn't mean to answer the woman, and he always took the lead in the conversation from the beginning to the end.

"Okay, in ten years at the earliest, people from our Sanhua Chamber of Commerce will arrive, and I hope Mr. Wan Jin can take care of one or two at that time."

The woman said lightly and was about to step out with her long legs.

"I'll give you five years at most! If you haven't seen your people after five years, then you don't need to use it!" However, Jin stretched out five fingers, and there was no room for negotiation in his tone.


The woman was short of breath, but she wanted to say harsh words but didn't dare, so she had to grit her teeth and leave in a hurry.

The woman came all the way to the roof of the administrative building, which was extremely empty, and there were several signs of the parking lot in the center.

She took a look and came to one of the empty aprons, stretched out her hand lightly, and saw light and shadow flickering in front of her eyes, and the next moment a small, streamlined shuttle that could only accommodate one person came. floating in front of my eyes.

This is a shuttle that does not belong to any design style of the empire. The jet at the end of the shuttle has many more cumbersome and special devices than the ordinary shuttle of the empire.

The woman got on the shuttle, closed the hatch, and immediately saw the shuttle levitate to a high altitude without activating any jets, and it was getting faster and faster.

The shuttle directly accelerated to the normal speed of light without opening any injectors.

Immediately afterwards, the shuttle began to vibrate slightly, the injector suddenly burst into a cloud of faint blue light, and the body of the shuttle also began to glow with a crystal-like transparent layer.

The next moment there was a whoosh, and the flying shuttle disappeared in place. If Qingtian Changchun and other space dao experts again, they would definitely feel that the space here suddenly wrinkled into a ball in an instant.

It seems that the space hundreds of thousands of light years away is suddenly folded together,

And if the scientific researchers of the Empire are here, they will definitely exclaim, space jump technology!

Of course, it can also be called a warp speed engine. In fact, the empire also has this, and it has even been widely used on many civilian spaceships.

It's just that the warp speed engine of the empire said so, but it's not so far from others.

For example, if the power of the warp drive of the empire is fully turned on, it can fold and bend an area of ​​one light-year at most. Using the warp drive requires a process of accelerative acceleration because the technology is not mature enough.

And the opponent doesn't need these preludes, and any space folding is hundreds of thousands of light years, and the speed is many times faster than the short-distance space teleportation of the Taoist powerhouse.

Maybe it only takes about a day for people to jump from the west of the Milky Way to the east.

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