Master of Fist

Chapter 570: Reversal of hunter and prey

"it is good!"

Qingyue responded quickly, thought for a while and then said: "Qingtian will assist you later, don't worry too much, your task is to take a shortcut and just block this guy for a while!"

snort! Start being a good person at this time? Jiang Heng patted his chest and smiled: "Okay! I will buy you a moment of rest, all for the empire!"

Hearing this, Qingtian and Qingyue couldn't help but look weird.

"This kid seems to be pretty good!" Qingtian said weakly.

"..." Qingyue remained silent.

The three people's communication and psychological changes seem to have lasted for a long time, but in fact they all happened in an instant. At this time, the star behemoth gradually began to accumulate strength again from a series of attacks.

"Do it!"

Qingyue shouted loudly.

Without any explanation, Jiang Heng took the lead. I saw Qingtian reach out and slap the void in front of him, and a space channel opened on the way Jiang Heng was moving forward.

The golden bird's figure slipped in instantly, and then directly appeared above the stellar behemoth.

The figure shrank rapidly and turned into the form of a six-armed and three-eyed demon, and a **** stick emerged from the palm of his hand.

The second layer of domineering body turned far away with all its strength, and the thirtyth layer of Jiuji suddenly exploded.

The muscles on the surface of the body squirmed rapidly, the figure swelled a circle, a majestic energy emerged, and the surrounding space faintly trembled.

The figure continued to fall towards the stellar behemoth, the changes in the body surface continued to surge, and the Three Fighting Technique suddenly broke out.

With both arms raised high, the momentum of the whole body exploded.

At the same time, Qingyue and Qingtian shot at the same time, and the two quickly opened the passage and approached the giant star beast from left to right.

Seeing the three ants attacking again, the star behemoth only felt that the fury in his heart was getting stronger. It is not what can bear the temper. Most of the time, they still act according to animal nature.

After looking at it, he quickly made a calculation, swung his big hand and threw it at Jiang Heng first.

This little bug is the closest, kill him first.

The terrible high temperature rose rapidly, and Jiang Heng only felt that his field of vision was completely covered by a vast expanse of whiteness. The terrifying high temperature directly burned all the clothes on the body surface, and even the hair was completely burned.

The power weakening ability of the second layer of the super-heavy body started to work, even so it still felt like being in the absolute high temperature. The 10,000 yuan heavy water was the first to be scrapped, and it was evaporated completely in the high temperature.

The second is that the incomplete Dao Realm artifact turned red and appeared to dissolve. Even the Hunyuan stick in his hand is the same. If it weren't for the high mass density of this thing at the beginning, it is estimated that the smelting will be faster.


A fiery shock wave surged instantly as the two collided, and Jiang Heng seemed to be directly hit at the core by a tyrannical force.

The figure flew upside down like a shooting star.

Jiang Heng cursed secretly, his figure spun rapidly in mid-air, and the Hunyuan stick in his hand was directly bent. Under the sheer high temperature, the body of the stick has a tendency to be soft, and it is directly twisted under the action of huge force.

Flipping his hand, he put it away, before he had time to think about it, his figure changed rapidly and turned into a flying Lei Peng again, the golden light suddenly appeared, and the thunderstorm on his body spread his wings, quickly stabilizing his figure.

It flapped its wings violently again, and after the blood mutation and its own blood further merged, Flying Lei Peng's body surface was golden and generous, and a cloud of thunder surfing directly erupted from his tail. Like a jet of sharp arrows passing through the dark void, the sound of thunder is endless, as if a **** who controls thunder has descended into the world.

The stellar behemoth, who was about to attack Qingyue Qingtian, caught a glimpse of the bug rushing forward again just now, and the emotions that had calmed down a little bit were aroused again.

I can't beat you to death!

The **** mouth opened suddenly, and a hot beam of light spurted out without warning. It is almost the same as before, but this time there is no charge, relatively speaking, the power is much lower. Even so, its power is far from what Jiang Heng's current physique can resist.

The big golden bird is like a golden thunderbolt, rising at nearly twenty or thirty times the speed of light and constantly breaking away from the trajectory of the light beam.

Seeing this scene, the stellar behemoth's pupils were full of bloodthirsty. When it swung its head, the light beam was like a long whip chasing Jiang Heng continuously.

"Quick! Quick! Even faster!"

Jiang Heng, who turned into a flying Lei Peng, vibrated his wings like crazy, and the power of thunder continued to surge, and the speed gradually climbed to the limit of thirty times the speed of light.

Even so, the stellar behemoth can swing its head faster, he only needs to shake it slightly, and the beam of light will follow Jiang Heng like a shadow.

And at this moment, Feitian Lei Peng's figure suddenly disappeared as he charged into the void in front of him.

Ok? !

not good!

The stellar behemoth, who sensed something was wrong, stopped its energy breath instantly.

At this moment, a golden figure with six arms and three eyes suddenly rushed out from the left side of his face. It was Jiang Heng who was transforming in the space channel.

Use Qingtian's remote assistance to open the space channel to personally attract this guy's attention,

"Ants dare to come and seek death!"

With a roar in my heart, the energy accumulated in my body will explode again.


Suddenly, the sound of a saber blare resounded, followed by tens of hundreds of white silk saber glows erupting instantly, rushing straight at the face of this stellar giant like an impenetrable gust of wind and rain.

The Time Knife shot out suddenly, and the Time Knife held by the six arms was in Jiang Heng's hand at this moment, as if a long and narrow knife light was cut out one after another.

The Time Knife, which always cuts everything, instantly cuts out hundreds of blades of light. The light of the blade quickly cuts through the scales on the face of the stellar giant beast, and cuts through the inner and outer layers of muscle tissue.

The sharpness is unstoppable, and the extremely strong body is constantly being torn apart like tofu.


Jiang Heng was like a madman, the muscle skin of the six arms was constantly cutting deep grooves of blood under the action of the escaping knife energy.

The blood spurted out, not only the fiery red energy blood of the stellar behemoth splashed out, but also Jiang Heng's blood evaporated by the surrounding high temperature as soon as he flew out.


The stellar behemoth let out an extremely painful howl for the first time under this continuous slash. It really hurts.

The blade energy that Jiang Heng slashed out was nearly 10,000 meters long. Compared with the physique of the stellar behemoth, in fact, he was like an awl constantly piercing it.

Indeed, compared to such a huge body, the time knife can't cause large-scale injuries even if it is sharp.

The main reason is that the Time Knife is an incomplete product. In addition, the energy level in Jiang Heng's body has not yet reached the level of Taoism, and he has never practiced the knife technique. It is obviously impossible to cut out a bigger and longer knife.

Even so, Jiang Heng's swift and violent attack still focused all the attention of the star behemoth on Jiang Heng.

"Damn! Damn! Damn! Damn you all!"

The stellar behemoth, whose heart was completely filled with anger, let out a roar.

At this moment, two white rays came from opposite directions, piercing through many spaces and accelerating continuously.


A white awn was directly sent flying by the angry giant beast, and a pair of huge scarlet pupils breathing out flames stared at the owner of the white awn, Qing Tian.

The other one was also about to hit the target's back directly, but the next moment a fiery red tail whipped down the middle like a dazzling energy whip, as if it had eyes.

Finally, his eyes moved to the insect with six arms and three eyes, which was only a short distance away.

not good!

Layers of fine beads of sweat burst out of his back in an instant, and this reaction still occurred in this scorching environment. This is a fatal crisis.



Roaring in his heart, his figure quickly turned into a flying Lei Peng, but his vision was quickly covered by a **** mouth.

The person is already in the mouth, as long as the opponent bites down, even if Jiang Heng does not die on the spot, he will dissolve in the hot environment in the opponent's body that is completely compressed by countless star energy.


At this moment, a distorted world quickly appeared behind him, and Jiang Heng's figure quickly disappeared in place.

The next moment, Jiang Heng, covered in a layer of cold sweat, appeared beside Qingtian.

Qingtian's complexion is also not very good. Wrinkles have begun to appear on his face after successive shots.

With continuous shots, life is passing.

At this moment, Qingtian led Jiang Heng and Qingyue to distance themselves from the beast.

This round of shots was a failure.

"Beyond my expectation, something is wrong with this guy!" Qingyue's voice sounded in the minds of the two of them.

"What's going on?!" Jiang Heng's tone at this time was sullen.

He jumped on the death line every time he attacked, and the big man seemed clumsy. The speed of movement is no less than that of his Flying Lei Peng posture.

Although it doesn't have the spatial ability of Dao Realm, it can fight at close range, and it has no shortcomings.

At this time, the scars on the giant star beast that had been cut by the Time Knife had healed quickly. The physique of the stellar behemoth is quite special, and its physique is an aggregate between energy and flesh and blood. As long as there is enough energy in the body, it will continue to heal.

If you want to kill such a fierce creature, you can completely destroy or absorb the energy core in its body with the crushing force.

The stellar behemoth stood on the red giant star at the moment like a feline looking around at its prey, pacing like a stroll in the garden, with a pair of scarlet eyes constantly looking at the three prey in the distance.

It is like the most vicious and cunning jungle hunter waiting for an opportunity at this moment.

Being stared at by such a flawless monster that crushed them in every way, the complexions and emotions of several people were a little unnatural.

"This guy seems to be more than just an ordinary stellar giant beast. His bloodline may also contain the blood of other starry sky giant beasts. That is to say, his parents may be a stellar giant beast and another unknown Star Behemoth."

Qingyue said in a serious tone.

"It's been pretending!" Qing Tian's expression was also not very good.

"Since the estimate is wrong, then withdraw! I don't want to lose my life here!" Jiang Heng's face was ugly, and his tone was a little aggressive.

He wanted the blood and materials of the star beast, but he didn't want the price to be his own life.

"It's too late. It's up to the other party to decide whether you can leave or not!"

Qingyue took a deep breath, her voice trembling.

"What's the meaning?"

Jiang Heng frowned, and a bad premonition emerged.

"This guy has completely stopped pretending now. I guess the other half of his bloodline is not simple." Qing Tian said with a wry smile at this time.

Hearing the words, Jiang Heng looked at the giant beast, and saw that the guy didn't have any anger at this moment, but only playful and contemptuous, with a sarcasm and disdain.

The huge figure walked gracefully on catwalks, looking at these prey with contempt. It doesn't look like the other party will run away alone.


Jiang Heng cursed inwardly, what kind of monster is this.

This is purely bad luck. There are not many starry sky behemoths, which leads to the possibility that many starry sky behemoths may have hybrids of small breeds.

Of course, the stronger and more unpredictable the number of starry sky behemoths is, so the number of starry sky behemoths that are often hybridized with extremely strong varieties is not many.

But at the moment, it seems that there is a terrible breed in his family members.

Indirectly, this stellar behemoth also has half of the blood of that species.

"Junior Sister! This time I can only trouble you." Qingtian said with a sad face, facing such an unknown monster is far from being able to deal with them.


Hearing this, Jiang Heng glanced at Qingyue who was on the side, but the other party still turned his back to everyone and couldn't see his expression.

"That's all I have to do, I hope I can still be alive later."

What's the meaning? Qingyue, this old woman, does she have some powerful cards?

It's not easy to ask directly, Jiang Heng just stepped back and watched the changes. At the same time, he began to be on high alert.

Time passed by little by little, and the two sides remained in a stalemate for half a stick of incense time.

Just when Jiang Heng thought that the stalemate would continue like this, he suddenly found that the stellar behemoth disappeared in place.


Qingtian grabbed Jiang Heng's figure and quickly retreated towards the space passage.

The two of them directly appeared in the bizarre space channel.

Just as both of them breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly the whole space shook strangely.

Then the two saw an extremely terrifying scene at the same time, a huge scarlet eye was looking at them with a playful smile in the space channel.

How would it appear here? !

At this moment, the two of them were completely cold, and their thinking was almost frozen.

"It's space! The other half of his blood is space!"

Qingtian pulled Jiang Heng and was about to take the two of them out of the space But he stretched out his hand and pressed it, but he couldn't return to the real world no matter what.

"Since you appeared in front of me, you have been my food!"

A dull and weird sound came from the throat of this giant starry sky beast, and the sound shook the space.

"It's just that these long years are so boring. Boring, boring, it's fun to play with you today."

"Your race will always be so arrogant and stupid in my memory. You think you are the master of this world, and treat everything as superior to others, but you don't realize that you are just playthings in my eyes!"

As soon as the words were finished, it raised its palm and thrust forward suddenly. The other end of its arm appeared in front of Jiang Heng Qingtian from a long distance, and immediately grabbed it.

Everything happened so suddenly that neither of them had room to react.

The space is being manipulated by the opponent, and there is no possibility of dodging.


At this moment, there was a bang, and Shi Potian was startled. He raised his eyes, but saw that the passage in the flank space suddenly broke open, and a **** hand that was as dry as a skinny bone was inserted into the passage.

This big hand is extremely huge, and there is no end in sight.

In front of it, a body as huge as this starry sky behemoth is just a kitten.

"this is....."


The giant starry sky beast screamed in terror as if it had seen the most terrifying thing in the world. Quickly withdraw your hand and at the same time quickly open another passage in the passage in front of you, and you are about to drill in...

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