Master of Fist

Chapter 445: Hegemony vs Mechanical Armor (Part 1)

"His physical strength is much stronger than the previous few encounters..."

The King of Weapons glanced at Jiang Heng who was rushing over, and raised his eyebrows.

Jiang Heng's current physique is indeed terrifying. Not only the pure physical strength has reached the peak level of the advanced late stage, but it also has the functions of tremor, distortion and weakening, which can greatly weaken the damage from the outside world.

It means that Jiang Heng is almost immune to most low-level and middle-level damage, and also immune to high-level physical blows to a certain extent.

That is to say, if it is purely physical damage, only a physical attack that exceeds the strongest burst in the middle of the ordinary can cause actual damage to Jiang Heng.

The same is true for other special injuries such as energy, and the weakening is equally serious. For example, the energy impact can only cause damage to Jiang Heng if it exceeds the offset of the effects of resonance and distortion on the surface of the flesh. After that, it still needs to surpass Jiang Heng's pure physical defense.

For example, if the enemy hits Jiang Heng with damage exceeding the energy level of 9,000, the resonance will be canceled by about 10%, and then distorted by about 10%. After that, the defense of the physical body itself is even more terrifying.

Afterwards, if the damage after double reduction does not reach the strongest burst in the upper middle stage, it will not even cause the slightest damage to Jiang Heng in the end.

Only after two reductions can it have the strongest burst beyond the upper middle stage, so that it can cause damage to Jiang Heng.

After multiple weakenings, the balance of the damage caused by the upper mid-term is the real damage Jiang Heng suffered!

The most frightening thing is that Jiang Heng also has an extremely terrifying resilience, which provides him with an extremely terrifying endurance, especially his ball can give him sufficient physical strength and energy supply.

Meaty, hard and long-lasting is the correct way for a warrior to open it!

This is the real warrior!

Jiang Heng doesn't know how strong he is now, and it is estimated that Lin Heng could only hurt him in his heyday. But if we really want to fight, it is almost impossible to solve Jiang Heng in a short time.

If Jiang Heng's ball reserves enough energy, it can even drag the opponent to death.

Only the Nine-Headed Mysterious Qi with mental attack has a strong suppressive power against Jiang Heng. After all, mental attacks are very unique. Resonance and physical body are almost completely ineffective. Only twisting can weaken it to a certain extent, and the weakening effect is far inferior to that of other attacks.

"His martial arts..." Machine King Murphys narrowed his eyes slightly, and at the same time, countless data streams were rapidly appearing in front of him, and with the emergence of data streams, a smile gradually appeared on his face, but there was still some dissatisfaction between his brows.

"There are traces of Dao realm martial arts, but unfortunately it is not a complete Dao realm martial arts!"

"Forget it, the harvest this time is not bad. I hope that Lin Heng can give me even more surprises in the future!"

Mechanic King Murphys groped his chin on the Iron Throne, not panicking at all because Jiang Heng was rushing towards him.

"This guy's physical strength is a bit too strong. This martial art is a bit difficult. It will take some time to simulate it. Now I don't need to fight this guy hand-to-hand."

At this time, the King of Weapons knew very well that it was absolutely meaningless to fight Jiang Heng. Even if he summoned the armor, it would be quite troublesome to blow up the warriors in front of him.

And seeing Jiang Heng's sudden advance at this time, he knew very well that Jiang Heng planned to fight quickly, and he was calm in his heart.

"If you want to kill me in seconds, how can it be so easy!"

Mechanic King Murphys sneered, and made a big move. Immediately, densely packed flying shuttles sprang out from the giant battleship behind him again. There were hundreds of thousands of flying shuttles.

"Warrior's martial art is driven by energy, blood and physical strength, first sharpen his spirit!"

The King of Machines didn't want these flying shuttles to cause much damage to Jiang Heng, but the accumulation of so many flying shuttles could also cause considerable consumption to the opponent.

Even if Jiang Heng is not afraid of these overwhelming shuttles, as long as he can entangle Jiang Heng's slow and methodical pendulum. This is also the regular style of play of mechanics like the King of Arms, using massive reserves to carry out crowd tactics.

Often this tactic is very effective. For example, some new superior mechanics without armor will carry millions of flying shuttles with them for self-protection. necessary.

After seeing Jiang Heng's destructive offensive, Mechanic King Murphys knew that it was impossible to deal with the man in front of him with a mecha armor explosive hammer as before.

If he still sticks to the previous style of play, he really can't guarantee whether he can beat the person in front of him to the ground before his energy is exhausted.

Although he has stored up his energy reserves to 100% for this competition, he is very clear that facing such a guy with extremely strong body, using the armor and using the opponent is really too exhausting.

At this time, more than a dozen flying shuttles flew into the throne where the King of Machinery sat down and inlaid it, forming a powerful combined propeller. The next moment, Murphys, the King of Machinery, sat on the throne and turned into a ray of light and quickly retreated. The battlefield space is still quite wide Yes, enough for him to move around and create a safe enough distance from Jiang Heng.

"Haha! The King of Weapons is scared!" Hou Fusheng, who was watching the battle, had never felt so happy seeing this.

He remembered clearly that when he was fighting against the opponent, the opponent was a giant mechanical giant and then hit him with a violent hammer, which made him lose his temper at all.

At this time, seeing the other party being chased by Jiang Heng, how uncomfortable it is.

"He's wasting Jiang Heng's strength!" Lu Hui observed the situation on the field with a solemn expression.

"So what? Jiang Heng's physical body is really scary. It's very difficult for such a terrifying physical body to kill Jiang Heng!" Hou Fusheng disagreed.

Hearing that Lu Hui did not speak but continued to observe the situation on the court.

At this time, Jiang Heng's momentum was like a rainbow, and every time he punched, he spit out a strong liquid blood, like a comet constantly swaying its own energy, and the invisible force formed by each punch could sweep away groups of flying shuttles. However, one group that was smashed will soon be blocked by another group, chasing and intercepting Jiang Heng one after another.

Jiang Heng's whole body was flushed red at the moment. This was not caused by Qi and blood, but caused by the dense laser focus around him. Jiang Heng was always resisting the strafing of countless lasers. These laser rays, which are enough for ordinary superiors to spend a certain amount of energy to counteract, seem nothing to Jiang Heng.

"If this goes on, it will drag into the opponent's rhythm!" Jiang Heng smashed nearly a hundred shuttles with one punch and one punch, and his brows frowned immediately.

This is the first time Jiang Heng has fought against a high-level mechanic, although he has fought against a medium-level mechanic named Ross before. But there is a world of difference between middle class and upper class.

And that fight with Rose was just a small encounter at a super long distance, that time the opponent didn't even show one percent of his strength. Even so, he almost died on the spot.

Of course, it was a confrontation of unequal strength.

But now Jiang Heng really understands the difficulties of a superior mechanic.

Mechanics are based on their background, and the deeper their background, the stronger they will be. It is obvious that the person in front of them is a senior mechanic!

Jiang Heng looked around and grinned. This was not the situation he wanted. What he wanted was the feeling of hitting the opponent hard with his fists in a frontal close hand-to-hand fight.

"It takes a little effort..." Jiang Heng ignored the laser rays constantly spewing out by the surrounding shuttles, and took a deep breath, but what he was inhaling at the moment was not oxygen but various cosmic rays that were ubiquitous in the universe, and every pore As if absorbing the billowing rays, every cell quickly became active like boiling water.



Following Jiang Heng's low drink, Jiang Heng's body seemed to be erupting like a mountain torrent, and surging energy swarmed out crazily. At this moment, the original two-meter figure began to swell and grow taller, and the muscles continued to squirm, and the veins on it were jumping like electric currents.

The elastic and loose robe on his body became bulging like a short hexagram at this moment. Jiang Heng's burly body was further expanding, and the muscles under the skin seemed to be soaring in an instant and continuously opened to support Jiang Heng. become larger.

Soon the robe on Jiang Heng's body hung on his body like a child's blouse, and the elastic pants were stretched into extremely tight pants, and the trouser legs were stretched to the thigh, like a pair of boxer pants.

This is also thanks to the fact that Jiang Heng's clothes have been prepared to be made of special materials, which have strong stretching and memory.

At this time, Jiang Heng had already turned into a little giant with a figure of ten meters and a red body that seemed to be steaming hot.

At this moment, Jiang Heng really showed the effect of domineering body weight!

Jiang Heng now feels in an unprecedentedly good condition. Jiuji, who was originally a huge burden on his body, has also weakened to a very weak level at this moment.

Right now, it is the correct way to open Jiuji and Hegemony Body. The only side effect of Jiuji's display is a great burden on the body. After Jiang Heng cultivates Hegemony Body, the physical body becomes extremely powerful. In theory, as long as the physical body is strong enough, Jiuji The pole can also be stacked more At this time, the nine poles have been stacked to six layers, and the terrifying blood is crazily suppressed in the body.

An amount of qi and blood that was almost in the advanced stage accumulated in the body.

After completing the training of the first level of the theoretical hegemony, he has never really tried such a match. At this moment, his eyes turned to the location of the Machine King Murphys, and the smirk flashed away in his eyes.


With one punch, Jiang Heng punched out.


With a whistling sound, the next moment, everyone felt their eyes go blank, and everything they saw was covered by a huge energy beam.

Dazzling strong light bloomed from the thick energy beam blasted by Jiang Heng's fist, directly cutting through the pitch-black cosmic space, and the speed was extremely astonishing, lasing away at more than ten times the speed of light. Moreover, this blow is originally a superior martial art, it is the unique move of Patriarch Chongyun, and it has the effect of locking energy. At this moment, the King of Machinery has nowhere to hide under Jiang Heng's qi.

Mechanic King Murphys wanted to dodge and move, but the light beam almost strangled all his possibility of moving as if he had eyes. In the end, he had no choice but to be swept away by the thick energy beam, and his whole body was completely covered by white light.

None of the flying shuttles blocked along the way could stop them, and they would completely vaporize before the light beam actually came into contact with it, and the same was true for the flying shuttles around the light beam.


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