Master of Fist

Chapter 365: Worries

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Lao Yan came and went in a hurry, leaving a group of disciples of Chongyun Gym in a mess in the wind.

Fortunately, everyone is not a child. Seeing the people in charge leave one after another, the disciples are chatting in small groups.

Apart from Jiang Heng and Yang Qi, maybe everyone in the Chongyun Gym has never traveled far.

The oldest of them has only practiced martial arts in the gymnasium for two hundred years, which is also a rising star in the martial arts circle of the Aker Alliance.

It can be said that except for Yang Qi, the other disciples of Chongyun Gym have never even left Chongyunxing in their entire lives.

Jiang Heng silently looked at the people in the Chongyun gymnasium who kept chatting to relieve their tension, and at the same time looked at people from other forces on the deck.

Taking a casual glance, there are densely packed, not to mention nearly a hundred people from other forces gathered here, so many people standing together on the deck seem to be very powerful. The point is that most of the eyes of this group of people are focused on them.

"Brother Jiang, don't bother. This group of people only dare to watch. On the alliance's flying boat, they dare not cause trouble!"

Yang Qi also looked around, his expression extremely calm.

"Hey, isn't this Brother Yang?"

At this moment, a slightly happy and rich voice sounded from the crowd.

But he saw a burly man who was almost the same as Yang Qi and squeezed through the crowd.

This man has a hulking back. Of course, most warriors have this kind of physique, but he is more eye-catching.

The muscles on his body are like a prisoner's dragon, bursting with explosive power. It can be seen that his physique is tempered very well, and his foundation is very good. What made Jiang Heng look a little weird was that this guy actually had a pretty baby face.

Jiang Heng felt that if this guy's hair was longer, he would definitely think that this guy was a sweet and lovely little girl if he didn't look down from the head.

just..... no just...

"Brother An!"

Yang Qi also had a happy face, but as soon as he finished speaking, the burly man rushing in front of him gave him a big hug.

Jiang Heng's expression became even weirder.

"Ahem! Brother An, I didn't expect you to be on this flying boat. Why are you here this time?"

Yang Qi shoved the man surnamed An in embarrassment, but this time he just pushed him away a little bit, and now the burly man hugged Yang Qi's right arm with both hands, um...

"Yeah, I didn't expect to meet Brother Yang." The man surnamed An looked very happy, with a lingering smile on his face, as if seeing a close relative.

"Brother An, you are coughing... You said not to do this when there are many people..."

Yang Qi increased his strength again, and the man surnamed An let go of Yang Qi, with a little disappointment on his face.

"Well, Brother An, you haven't answered my question yet." In order to ease the embarrassment, Yang Qi hurriedly said again.

"Oh, but there is no one else in my Boulder Dojo who can lead the team besides me? Last time it was my senior brother, know, the senior brother didn't come back."

When the man surnamed An said these words, he didn't feel too sad. Maybe he should have been sad a long time ago, and now he just sighed.

At this time, Jiang Heng also found that behind the man surnamed An there was a group of about a hundred people, all wearing light red martial arts uniforms embroidered with waves.

The strength of this man surnamed An should be slightly inferior to that of Yang Qi.

"Haha, sissy, did you find your old friend? Hey, isn't this Senior Brother Yang Qi from Chongyun?"

But at this moment, an untimely voice sounded, and a short, thick-browed man in a brown Taoist uniform came over. Behind him followed a large group of disciples.

"It's Wang Hu from the Tianxing Dojo!" The man surnamed An suddenly revealed the origin of this person.

Yang Qi saw this person frowned, he naturally knew where this person came from.

"Hey, a waste from the boulder dojo, plus a waste from Chongyun, are you a union of waste?" Wang Hu obviously came in a bad way, and his words were not polite at all.

"Wang Hu, why are you crazy? This time we all escaped death, and we can't say whether we can survive. Who can you scare like this?"

Yang Qi also didn't give the other party any face. In this situation, the other party still acted so recklessly, no matter how good-tempered he was, he couldn't help but yell at him.

"Hmph, for you trash, it's a narrow escape, but for someone, it's just gold plating."

Hearing Wang Hu's sarcasm, Jiang Heng raised his eyebrows slightly, this guy is really good. At least from the fluctuation of qi and blood, the opponent is actually a middle-level warrior. Even if the qi and blood are a little unstable, it's just a beginner at the middle level.

But his strength is indeed higher than that of Yang Qi and others.

"Brother Yang, don't pay attention to these people. I know where you live, and I'll take you there!"

The man surnamed An seemed to have had some unpleasant incidents with Wang Hu before, so he grabbed Yang Qi's hand and went to the cabin.

Yang Qi frowned, but in the end he didn't resist, and called everyone in Chongyun Gym to leave together.

Looking at the leaving Chongyun Gym and Jushi Gym, Wang Hu had a sneer on his face.

"Brother, don't you teach them a lesson? Master Luo..."

The younger brother standing behind Wang Hu hesitated to remind.

Wang Hu glanced at this person, and said angrily, "What's the rush? Of course we have to take care of what Master Luo told us. Do you want to be punished by the alliance for causing trouble now?

Don't worry, you have plenty of time. And it's not a treasure hunt this time. Even if they can't make trouble for them on the flying boat. After that, as long as you stumble them on the battlefield, aren't they dead?

Not even middle-level fighters, they are dead! "

"That's right! Brother, you are a middle-level warrior. According to the alliance's wartime dispatch order, I'm afraid they will still get our servants at that time!"

Hearing this, Junior Brother hastily patted Rainbow farts.

"Hmph, not bad. Why don't you let me knead it then?"

The flying boat stayed in the sky above Chongyunxing for a little while, and after a short rest, the huge flying boat lifted off slowly and came to the back of the space. After a slight tremor, the flying boat quickly turned into a stream of light and disappeared in the Chongyun Star Field. The speed directly soared to ten times the speed of light, and the light emitted by countless stars was stretched into a straight line at this moment.

Looking out from the inside of the flying boat, it seems that the flying boat is standing still.

In one of the most majestic attics on the flying boat, people wearing black alliance costumes came in and out from time to time.

And on the top floor, it was quite quiet here. The entire attic seemed empty, only three old men in black alliance costumes were sitting cross-legged at a low table drinking tea and talking about something.

"Brother Yan, how long will this journey take?"

Among the three, a bald, short and fat old man took a sip of tea and looked at the emaciated Yan Lao with a calm expression.

This old man is obviously the old man who received Jiang Heng and his party earlier.

"Hehe, it just so happens that there is a wormhole leading to the Iron Ring star field here. It only takes one month to get to the wormhole from here, and then you can sail for another month with the help of the wormhole." Old Yan Fuxu chuckled. .

"Well, there's plenty of time, and then we can go straight to the wormhole after picking up the remaining gymnasts." The chunky old man nodded with a smile.

It's just that the difference between the smiling faces of the two is that the other old man with beard and hair as white as frost and snow and age spots on his face is frowning, and he didn't drink the tea in his hand for a long time.

"Senior Brother Zhang, what's wrong?"

Old Yan and the short and fat old man looked at the old man with the surname Zhang, and their smiles were somewhat restrained.

The old man surnamed Zhang put down his teacup with a solemn expression, looked at the two and sighed softly: "Junior Brother Yan, Junior Brother Cao, are you too optimistic? The news from the front this time is not very good."

Hearing the words of the old man surnamed Zhang, Old Yan and the short and fat old man surnamed Cao looked at each other for a moment.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Old Yan was the first to let out a hearty laugh, and the old man surnamed Cao also laughed without saying a word.

"Senior Brother Zhang is too unfounded. It's just a group of wild beasts and barbarians. In the past ten thousand years, my alliance has fought against this group of wild beasts and barbarians more than once. When did it not come with a huge force, and the ones we killed were defeated and fled?

I heard that even a group of ordinary people on Luo Hui and Xingya's side can easily deal with it. What's more, the fifth adult will also be approaching this time. They will arrive at the front line in a few days, and those wild beasts and barbarians will not be killed by then? "

"Not bad! Brother Yan is right! There are hundreds of high-ranking fighters in our alliance, and there are countless fighters under my command. Why should I be afraid of a group of wild beasts and barbarians?"

The old man surnamed Cao nodded in agreement.

Seeing the words of the two juniors, the old man surnamed Zhang still looked dignified, but he secretly sighed in his heart.

He lived nearly five thousand years, in his race. Even if he is a middle-level warrior, he is approaching the limit of his lifespan.

He lived a long life and liked to travel even in his early years. There are naturally more places to go. He has been to the Seiya Federation and the Luohui Empire.

But the situation over there, where these two juniors spoke so lightly. Which time the orcs invaded, the other two major forces had to spend a lot of effort to successfully resist.

As for those remarks, they are just the result of the major forces bragging about each other to other forces in order not to lose face.

As a result, most people in the alliance took it seriously.

Even after he returned to the alliance, he read through the historical files of nearly ten thousand years, and keenly discovered that the intensity of the orc invasion was rising at a linear speed.

Tens of thousands of years ago, it was very rare for a high-class orc to appear in every invasion. But for nearly a thousand years, there are at least three high-class orcs.

On average, the vast ocean-like army of beasts is led by four superior beasts to The old man surnamed Zhang knows that even if he tells these things to these juniors, they will Can't listen to it either. Because he had tried it more than once.

But the alliance is like a decayed antique, seemingly with a long history. But the inside is rotten.

The arrogance of most of the top executives in the alliance has been deeply implanted in the bone marrow after a long period of arrogance.

"Haha! Senior Brother Zhang, don't worry, the sixth lord will also come in three years. If the six lords make a move, why do we need to worry?"

"Not bad! I think this tea is too bland, why not have a drink?"

"Haha, great goodness!"

Looking at the two juniors, the laughter continued, and the old man surnamed Zhang remained silent...

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