Master of Fist

Chapter 342: madman

"Your Excellency Dark Demon, this joke is not funny at all."

A look of embarrassment appeared on the face of one of the two snake-headed figures, and there was a hint of fear in his eyes.

"I came here with the sincerity of the orc clan. My young master needs you. And you agreed, so you should follow the rules!"

The snake head spoke the common language, and there was a hint of threat between the words.

Hei Mo didn't take seriously what the snake-headed beasts said, he looked at the snake-headed beasts with a smile and said with a chuckle: "Hey, of course I know. I just don't know if I find the person you are looking for, what will you do for me?" Me what?"

Hearing that the Snake-headed Beast Race's complexion was slightly gloomy, they were a little hesitant.

"Your Excellency Dark Demon, you should know about this, right?"

Speaking of which, the Snake-Headed Beast took out something from his waist pocket. It was a strange bead exuding a pitch-black luster, which seemed to absorb the surrounding light all the time, which was very strange.

Seeing the object in the hands of the snake-headed beast clan, the black devil's purple pupils shrank suddenly.

"Star core fragments!" The black demon almost called out the name of this thing word by word from his throat.

"That's right, it's exactly this thing. Although it's only a small piece, it shouldn't be a problem as a reward for this time, right?"

"No problem! Haha absolutely no problem!"

Only then did Hei Mo come back to his senses, and let out a hearty laugh.

"It's refreshing to cooperate with you orcs! Don't worry, I will definitely handle it beautifully."

Speaking of which, the Black Demon was about to reach out for the black bead, while the Snake-headed Beast quickly put it in his pocket with a flip of his hand.

"Your Excellency Black Demon, sooner or later, the thing will be yours, but this matter should be done first." The snake-headed beast clan had a smile on its face, and after thinking about it, he added: "Of course, Your Excellency Dark Demon can directly take it from me." Take this thing directly, and I also believe that Your Excellency the Black Demon has this strength. It's just the consequences..."

Hei Mo shyly withdrew his hand, waved his hand with a smile, and said generously, "Oh, my business with you orcs has always been very pleasant, and I won't be unruly."

"It's just that this port is also the property of a constellation-level civilization. If the other party resists desperately, I can't guarantee that this time will go smoothly!" Hei Mo immediately showed a look of embarrassment on his face.

"Of course, if you can lend me that thing for a while, and use the power of the star core in the star core fragments. This matter will be sure!"

"Oh! Take it!"

I thought I needed to spend more time talking, but the snake-headed beasts threw the black beads they had hidden without even thinking about it.

Some frantically caught the black beads, and the black devil laughed even louder.

"It seems that the person you are looking for is very important!"

The Snake-headed Beast Clan didn't pay any attention to the Black Demon's inquiry, offending a direct member of a high-ranking bloodline family, that person would definitely die. As for the fragments of the star core...hehe...let a dead man hold it first!

In the gravity room, which has already reached a hundred times the gravity, the air is extremely heavy. Jiang Heng is soaked in sweat, his body surface is shiny, and the muscles seem to be compressed to the limit and appear extremely hard. The blue veins are beating wantonly on it.

"Very good, the third bone tempering has been tempered for two hundred knots at one time, and it will take a while to complete all of them and step into the ranks of intermediate warriors!"

Jiang Heng secretly thought in his heart that the ability to obtain such a great improvement is not only related to the profound energy background, but also has something to do with the improved nine-star transportation method and the gravitational environment.

It's just that the energy is running out right now.

It stands to reason that such a majestic energy is enough for people to step into the ranks of intermediate warriors without any loss. It’s just that the environment in which Jiang Heng breaks through is too extreme. Generally, he breaks through directly outside the normal environment. How can anyone break through in an environment with a hundred times the gravity like Jiang Heng.

Even under the oppression of star power, this kind of gravity even has to be superimposed a lot.

As a result, most of the energy absorbed by Jiang Heng was consumed in blood coagulation, which was almost double the consumption of blood and bones.

Normal middle-level fighters are promoted by tempering the bones first, and then condensing the blood on the basis of the bones. The blood condensing is very limited when breaking through.

It's just that Jiang Heng did the opposite, which caused the majestic energy to be squandered all at once, so that he was even short of stepping into a middle-level warrior.


Jiang Heng shook his head, he didn't think much of it, he was just a little helpless, the energy consumed to step into a middle-level martial artist was too much.

Turning off the gravity field, wiped the sweat off his body, and walked out horizontally.

As soon as he got outside, he heard the wristbands on the storage rack outside kept ringing. Because of gravity training, Jiang Heng took off these devices in advance to prevent damage.

At this time, when I opened the bracelet, I was shocked, and dozens of communication calls popped up.

Just as Jiang Heng was in a daze, another communication request came.

"Your Excellency Jiang Heng? Is Your Excellency Jiang Heng there? I am Captain Larose!"

Larose's familiar voice came from the other end of the bracelet.

"Well, I'm Jiang Heng, what's the matter?" Jiang Heng was a little puzzled, could it be that something happened to Senior Chen?

"Great, finally connected. Where are you now? I think we're all in trouble!"

Larose's voice was happy at first, and then became very anxious and dignified.

Jiang Heng frowned, hearing that the other party was very anxious, after thinking for a while, Jiang Heng said truthfully: "I'm on the side of the Muse Foundation, well... I don't know exactly where..."

"Oh, good! Good! I know where it is. You wait for me there first, and we can talk in the past."

Talking to the other party, he hung up the communication very quickly. Jiang Heng was a little taken aback by the hasty anxious situation, and soon Jiang Heng's face He took a shower casually, but this time he came out , Peter was already waiting in the living room of the house, and Jiang Heng keenly noticed that his face was also a little gloomy.

"Your Excellency! We are in big trouble!"

Peter's tone was anxious, with the feeling that a catastrophe was imminent.

"What happened?" Seeing this, Jiang Heng asked quickly.

The successive situations made Jiang Heng vaguely guess what.

Peter looked helplessly through the floor-to-ceiling windows to the dome outside.

"Unfortunate news, this time the Star Thief Group is not an ordinary thing, but the notorious Black Magic Star Thief Group!"

Then Peter gave a concise description of some of the deeds of the Black Magic Star Bandit Group. Simply put, the Black Magic Star Bandit Group is a small and medium-sized star bandit group with a population of 100,000.

Well, this number can only be regarded as a small and medium Star Thief Group in the vast interstellar war.

But Naihe is the leader of the Black Demon Clan, who are naturally bloodthirsty, and their behavior style has many similarities with the Beast Clan, they like killing more than looting.

"Hei Mo, the leader of the Black Magic Star Bandit Group, is a lunatic, a lunatic who kills for the sake of killing."


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