Master of Fist

Chapter 291: Essence burning

Huang Min was the fifth eldest in the Huang family. Among the seven brothers in the Huang family, he was considered to be the kind with a pretty good brain.

Today, I got the order from my eldest brother to search for Yu Youdao's whereabouts according to the clues provided by the Black Armor Army.

For this kind of thing, there is no one in the Huang family who is better than Huang Wen. What's more, this is something that the prince attaches great importance to.

But when Huang Wen finished listening to Hei Jiajun's narration and today's interview, he had no choice but to secretly scold Hei Jiajun for such idiots. I don't even know I was cheated.

Huang Wen was standing outside the main hall of Qiong Ding Peak at this time, watching the black armored soldiers under his command who had originally assisted him in his search for Youdao poured into the main hall, and there was a haze between his brows.

In the Huang family, he cared most about his fourth brother. As for the eldest brother and the other brothers, in his opinion, they were all mediocre. This may be because the two of them have been mixing together before.

When he found out that Yu Youdao's incident was deceitful, he heard that the fourth brother was sent by the boss to the Twelve Swords of the Sky League to investigate the matter of the sixth child. League has a problem.

Huang Wen didn't have the attitude of contempt for all human races like other members of the Huang family. This may be due to the fact that he and his fourth brother were not favored by his father since he was a child.

Huang Wen and his fourth brother had always been at the bottom of the family, but fortunately, they gradually gained a bit of color behind them, and they were serious in their work. In the early years, because he often worked in the Zhenyou Division, he saved a lot of bloodstones, and this is how he has his current strength.

Huang Wen is the fourth grade of the ?? level, and his fourth brother is slightly inferior, the third rank of the ?? level.

Huang Wen met many capable human races in those years when she was on duty in Zhenyou Division. Perhaps these human races existed like ants in the eyes of most of the same race at the ?? level. But in Huang Wen's view, these human races are like a pack of wolves, a pack of wolves that will always stick together.

Maybe they usually look like cats without the slightest threat. But if their interests are really involved, don't be surprised by what they do.

It was as if he was in the palace. In the eyes of all the brothers, including the prince, the Kui family, and the Heijiajun, the entire Bazhou belonged to the prince, and no one dared to disobey the prince.

But Huang Min felt that every day and every night in it, the Wangfu was like a huge scorching sun, which was hanging high in the sky, scorching all the time.

And the people in Bazhou are like fish and shrimp in a pond. It seems that these fish and shrimp can only look up at the sun in the sky, but when the water in the pond becomes less and less, no one knows what will happen when the fish and shrimp go crazy.

He even knew that Bazhou Town Fusi Sheng commander, on the surface nodded and bowed to the prince. In fact, he knew that this person had been collecting ancient books recently, and seemed to be researching something.

As for what he was studying, Huang Wei knew it well.

"Master Huang, I'm afraid you are not in compliance with the rules. Today we are going to catch Yu Youdao!"

At this time, a person standing beside Huang Min frowned and said, this person is the arrogant and domineering man in Juxian Villa that day.

"so what?"

Huang Wen didn't even look at this person, her eyes were still fixed on the direction of the main hall in the distance.

"You..." The feminine man was a little annoyed, but he didn't dare to attack because of his status. He rolled his eyes and grinned lightly and said, "Master Huang, what you are going to do, I naturally dare not speak nonsense. I'm afraid Master Kui..."

Hearing this, Huang Wen frowned, glanced at this person, and said coldly: "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

"Don't dare! Don't dare!"

The effeminate man immediately showed a look of sincerity and fear, but then he also expressed doubts: "If Mr. Kui blames me..."

"Zhu Fugui! You're a bastard, even if you say that I will kill you now, will your Lord Kui speak for you?"

Hearing this, the feminine man Zhu Fugui's expression changed again and again, but he still couldn't say a word of cruelty.

There was nothing wrong with what the other party said, he was indeed just a collateral lineage of the Zhu family, although he was relatively high status in the collateral lineage, this was mainly because his father's status in the Zhu family was not bad.

But collateral is collateral, and in the eyes of these descendants, he is a bastard.

And what kind of family is the Zhu family? It is completely the existence at the bottom of the family. Strength is generally on the one hand, and on the other hand, the Zhu family is very capable.

How far can this happen? It is the point of a dozen or twenty in a litter. It belongs to the most famous existence in the family that is rich in half-demons.

At the same time, it is also the main output place of the Black Armor Army and other family guards.

It is no exaggeration to say that more than half of Zhu Fugui's group of black armored troops belong to his Zhu family.

How about such an existence that can be replaced at will, Zhu Fugui feels that he is really dead in Huang Wen's hands now, Master Kui can only reprimand him a few words, and there is nothing else.

"Let your people search for my fourth brother first! Anyone who resists will be killed!"

Huang Wen told Zhu Fugui.

Zhu Fugui grinned or nodded, he waved his hand, and the black armored army began to rush inward in unison.

Huang Wen stood outside, feeling a little uneasy for some reason. It's not that he is worried about his fourth brother being killed, but this anxiety is more like a feeling of imminent disaster.

"Is this the Black Armored Army?"

Looking at the soldiers in black armor pouring into the hall densely, Jiang Heng raised his eyebrows and smiled.

This is the first time he has seen this so-called Black Armored Army, and he missed it in Juxian Villa before.

"Senior Lu, leave these miscellaneous fish to me!"

Seeing that Lu Yixin was about to make a move, Jiang Heng had already strode away.

Jiang Heng didn't come here in a hurry today, he was very well prepared, carrying blood soldiers and demon bones on his back, the combined weight of the two was nearly 60,000 jin.

Lu Yixin silently looked at Jiang Although he didn't say anything, he unconsciously took a few steps forward.

One by one, the Black Armored Army came towards the river in a uniform order like puppets.

Jiang Heng grinned, and slowly took out a black blood soldier with a length of two or three meters from his back. He pulled out the blood soldier and flicked it, with a heavy and powerful sound of piercing the void.

"Today I can finally kill myself!"

Jiang Heng had already accumulated a lot of anger in his heart, and now he wanted to vent it completely.

As soon as the hand tore it, the top was directly torn into flying catkins, revealing the soft armor vest with silver and white demon bones inside, and the blood dragons on the body began to swim like living creatures.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Heng's qi and blood began to surge like a flash flood.

"Blast me!"

Roaring in his heart, a drop of blood in his heart began to react violently under his forcible intervention, like two extremely unstable atomic nuclei colliding with each other to fuse.

At this moment, the energy and blood all over his body boiled violently as if a pot had exploded, and a drop of blood essence detonated completely at this moment, like a nuclear bomb of energy and blood crazily filling every meridian in the body.

The eyes were bloody, and a pair of bloodthirsty eyes scanned the surroundings.


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