Master of Fist

Chapter 195: 1 knife breaks the river

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"What? Is it strange to see the head of this sect?" Liu Jiantang had a playful face, dismissing a group of loyal dead men and some guest officials around Fu Qingshui, and sneered even more on his face.

"The Fu family is doomed today, no one can protect you!"

"Liu Jiantang! This old man really thinks highly of you!"

At this moment, a shout came from the crowd, and the crowd parted. Fu Changsheng walked out slowly, staring straight at Liu Jiantang on the horseback with a pair of cloudy eyes.

"At first, the old man saw that you had the backbone of a martial artist, and let you occupy a corner in Cangzhou. I didn't expect that you would become someone else's minion. I knew that this old man should have slapped you to death!"

Facing Fu Changsheng's scolding, Liu Jiantang's rather heroic face turned red with embarrassment.

"This sect master doesn't need you, an old man, to look up to you, and you don't need your subordinates to be merciful. Everything about this sect master is done by me with one sword!"

"Huh! Huangkou kid, you forgot that you first came to the ramp and offended people who dared not offend, who knelt at the door of my Fu's house and let the old man..."

"shut up!!"

Liu Jiantang flicked his sleeves abruptly and a sword blade appeared in his hand, he slapped his horse back and jumped up towards Fu Changsheng.

"Old man, today's world is not something that an old man like you can understand!"

Shouting angrily, Liu Jiantang's anger was surging, and several sword blades flew out of their scabbards one after another, shooting towards Fu Changsheng one after another, and he himself even tiptoed towards Fu Changsheng. , it is necessary to do it directly.

"Hehe, I don't know where I stole a move from the Jiange and thought I could control things like a master master? The old man will kill you today!!"

However, Fu Changsheng drew the saber slowly, but his aura was still consolidating rapidly. When the saber was drawn halfway, the blade was pulled out suddenly, and the saber aura surged straight ahead like a storm in an instant.

The sound of the sword and the sound of the sword intersected each other. After entering the storm of sword energy, the first blade only lasted for less than half a breath, and the whole blade lost its stability and kept shaking.


The body of the sword exploded inch by inch, followed by the second handle, and the third handle... After being eroded by the saber energy, the blades all burst open, glistening in the sun like snowflakes flying backwards, attacking Liu Jiantang go.


Liu Jiantang's complexion changed suddenly, and the internal energy that exploded was already at the sixth rank level. He thought that facing an old man with one foot in the coffin would be a sure thing, but he never thought about it.

The blade in his hand was flying rapidly, and dozens of blade fragments swung away one after another, but there were still dozens of fine blade fragments scratching his clothes, arms and legs.

But the saber aura that followed made him even more miserable. With a loud shout, he turned his body regardless of his image, and rolled to the right, narrowly avoiding the violent saber aura.

And the disciples of the Iron Sword Sect who came behind him let out screams. Dozens of people were stunned, blood burst out, and countless pieces of flesh and blood fell to the ground together. The smell of blood.

With lingering fear in his heart, Liu Jiantang glanced at the dismembered corpses on the ground, his expression extremely ugly.

"Hmph! Huangkou kid, after all these years, your courage is still as small as ever." Flicking the blade, the next moment Fu Changsheng's breath circulated again, and he slashed out fiercely again, without any intention of giving the opponent a breather.

With three blows in a row, Liu Jiantang's retreat was almost completely blocked.

Looking at the overwhelming saber aura, Liu Jiantang felt desperate, but at this moment, a stronger oppressive force struck, forming an invisible air wave, which impacted the turbulent saber aura, and the two air waves collided. In an instant, the saber energy disappeared into the invisible.


An ice-cold voice came from Liu Jiantang's side, but at this moment, a tall and burly man like an iron tower walked out slowly. This man was dressed in armor, and he was the iron wall who often accompanied Zhang Jiangzhu.

"Thank you General Tie for saving your life!" Seeing the person coming, Liu Jiantang quickly curbed his arrogance, showing respect and flattery on his face.

"This is the heir of Grandmaster Jianghe Fu, who claims to have broken the river with one sword? But it's a pity that my father is such a hero, but his son is a bear. The three swords just added up may not even have the power of the old master to succeed!"

Facing the armored general who suddenly appeared, Fu Changsheng's throat was sweet, and a stream of dark red blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Grandmaster master!"

Fu Changsheng was secretly startled, but his face remained calm. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his sleeve, put the knife back into its sheath, and turned to Fu Qingshui, who was beside him, and said in a low voice: "Boss has brought the second and fourth to break out from the encirclement. Now, Xiao Wu doesn’t know she’s in the backyard, so hurry up and take her and run away to find Jiang Heng!”

Fu Qingshui was startled, his eyes were flushed, and his lips twitched as he wanted to say something. It can be seen that the ancestor's face was unprecedentedly dignified, he gritted his teeth and turned around with a few deceased guests beside him.

"Want to escape? Have you asked about my fist?" Tie Bi sneered twisted his wrist, and was about to step forward to kill.

"I'm leaving now? The old man hasn't shown his true skills just now!" Fu Changsheng stood in front of him with a horizontal knife in his hand, and looked straight at the tall and strong armored man who was far stronger than his thin body with a calm face. man.

"Hmph! Forget it, kill the old one, and then kill the young ones!"

Hearing that Fu Changsheng just smiled faintly, but felt a burst of depression in his heart.

Today's surprise attack by the army was really unexpected, and I didn't receive any news in advance. Otherwise, with a little preparation for the Canglang Gang and the assistance of various sharp weapons, unless an army of 100,000 all rushes forward, it is absolutely impossible to destroy the Canglang Gang.

"Today, I'll let you see how my father killed the river! Young man...don't blink!"

With a dry and bone-like palm holding the handle of the knife in one hand and the scabbard in the other, with a flick of the wrist, the blade that was originally dirty, dusty, and even rusty suddenly felt brand new at this moment, and the blade was pulled out slowly, but this time Pulling it out exudes a terrifying power that is dozens of times stronger than before, and this power can make the skin tingle slightly even if it is far away.

"Father, the saber energy you left behind back then will be wasted all at once. I hope you don't blame me when you get to the ground!"

At this time, the expression of the tall and strong armored man who looked like an iron tower changed for the first time. He stared at Fu Changsheng solemnly, to be precise, at the slowly drawn knife in his hand!

"Cut me!!"

A loud shout, as if exhausting all the strength in the whole body, the surroundings suddenly fell silent, a dazzling white light suddenly flung out from the blade, like a dragon spouting water, and the next moment everyone felt the sound of the blade making their eardrums hurt , was completely occupied by a dazzling and extremely solid white air blade in front of his eyes...

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