Master of Fist

Chapter 192: Meet Fatty again

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Looking at the five children in front of him, Jiang Heng nodded slightly, Sanlang understood and quickly closed the door and exited the room.

Looking back at the door, Yang Sanlang shook his head with a smile, "It's really a group of lucky boys. They can pass all the thresholds of the lower three ranks in a short time, and they can practice pulse directly at the age of twelve. They are really lucky."

Having said this, Yang Sanlang squeezed his fists, and a burst of Qi and blood power of the third rank burst out, secretly delighted in his heart. I didn't expect my adults to have such means.

Yang Sanlang admired his master's methods even more.

Instilling energy into these children one by one, Jiang Heng wanted to train as many subordinates as possible this time. Anyway, there was still a lot of energy absorbed from the Fu family that was useless, so he simply cultivated as many loyal subordinates as possible.

Of course, these are of no help to Jiang Heng right now.

The point is nothing more than cultivating more potential martial arts seeds.

At the age of twelve, one can imagine that the chances of stepping into a martial arts master will be extremely high in the future!

Of course, the benefits of this kind of energy infusion are limited to my cronies and these lucky ones!

But when the indoctrination reached the third one, Jiang Heng's expression was a little moved. This child is a little different.

Zhang Fu enjoyed it somewhat comfortably, he didn't know what this senior was doing. But he just felt warm all over.

This kid can completely bear his own energy.

Jiang Heng was a little surprised, like the children before, they need to control the energy output very carefully.

And this child didn't feel any discomfort at all.

Even those grown-up men can't do this.

"This kid is the real martial arts prodigy, right?!"

Jiang Heng was secretly startled, the meridians in this boy's body were much thicker than those of ordinary people.

And the heart is also different from ordinary people, directly rushing this kid to the pinnacle of the third rank in one breath!

He even directly helped him step into the threshold of pure bones.


A series of continuous explosions sounded like fried beans.

Zhang Fu, who was originally thin, is now covered with muscles, his clothes are torn, and his veins are wandering unsteadily.

"This kid!"

Looking at Zhang Fu who was covered in red, Jiang Heng felt a burst of emotion in his heart, some people are really born to win at the starting line.

However, he didn't continue to inculcate, this kid himself has no foundation, and it's not good to overthrow a seedling and grow too fast. Let him get used to it for a while.

Then teach the breathing method, maybe it will be a big help in the future!

Let Sanlang come in and give instructions. Except for Zhang Fu, the others will practice simple martial arts for a period of time, and then they will be uniformly awarded fourth-grade martial arts to help them step into the pulse refining state.

As for Zhang Fu, he arranges it alone, mainly laying down the foundation.

Jiang Heng has only one request for him, to adapt to his current strength as soon as possible!

After leaving the Dadaomen garrison, the surrounding streets can already be seen in a bleak state, and from time to time, a few soldiers with shoulders and backs can be seen passing by.

But when he turned his head, he saw another outrageous scene.

A few soldiers were walking up and down the dark alleyway with a lady on their hands.

"Little lady, don't be afraid, let the military master love you well!"

The big dark and rough hand suddenly touched the woman's white and tender little hand and kneaded for a while, causing the woman to scream in horror.

But there were many pedestrians on the road, but no one dared to step forward to meddle in their own business.


"Hmph! If you don't eat a toast, you will be punished!"

A loud slap was slapped across the face, and the pretty face of the slapped woman quickly turned red and swollen.

"Come on! My brothers gave her to me! Today I have to toss and toss this little girl!"

The soldier laughed and took the lead to lift one side, while the companions behind him rushed into the alley with one leg in their arms.

The woman was desperate, but she still let out a hoarse cry.

"Hey! It's no use screaming to break your throat! Today the king of heaven is here..."

With a whoosh, accompanied by the sound of melons and fruits breaking open, a blood groove the size of a bowl appeared in the lower abdomen of the leading soldier, and the next moment he fell straight forward.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

The few remaining soldiers were so frightened that they shouted and prepared to draw their knives and turn around.


Whoosh! Whoosh!

But as several strong winds whizzed by, several, the remaining soldiers all died suddenly on the spot before they even had time to turn their heads.

Several of them seemed to have been blown apart by violence. The flesh and blood spilled all over the floor, and at the same time, it also covered the woman's face.

The woman, however, did not scream uncharacteristically, she tightly pulled her clothes tightly. For life, chastity seems to be more important.

At this moment, she seemed to have just remembered something, walked out of the alleyway and looked around looking for something.

But most of them were pedestrians in a hurry, and she couldn't help feeling a little disappointed. However, he still knelt on the ground and kowtowed heavily towards the empty place in front of him.

After walking around for half a circle, Jiang Heng sighed with emotion, how many people died in this city. Murder soldiers can be seen everywhere.

Those who robbed money and food, forcibly occupied houses, and even forcibly robbed people, wives and daughters.

As long as Jiang Heng can help, he will do so immediately.

These **** are even more terrifying than bandits. If bandits are compared to combs, then these **** are sieves. If you sieve them hard, you will have no way out.

Along the street, you can still see some colleagues of Zhen Fusi.

Now Zhenfu Division has completely stagnated.

I don't know why, Lu Zhi recently has seen some dragons see their heads but not their tails. During the period, the Yang family brothers were also sent to inquire about one or two, but the two were of low status and could not inquire about anything.

It is also because of Lu Zhi's recent indifference to world affairs that the entire Cangzhou is vaguely dominated by that general.

As for that Jiang Fuzun, he didn't know what he was busy with recently. Since the army entered the city, he closed his door to thank guests.

"What kind of medicine are these two old foxes selling in this gourd?"

Puzzled in my heart, I vaguely heard someone calling as I walked.

calls me?

Following the sound, I saw that not far behind was the Zhenbao Pavilion, and at the window on the second floor a familiar fat man was poking his head and waving his hands vigorously.

"Fatty skin! Why are you here?"

Entering the private room on the second floor, a table of banquets has already been ordered, all of which are full of special dishes in the Jumbo Pavilion, and there are all kinds of drinks and snacks.

At this moment, there are only two people in the room, Fatty Pi and Jiang Heng. I was a little surprised to see this fellow ordered so many.

"Brother Jiang, you haven't seen me for a long time, come and sit! Sit!"

Fatty Pi was as enthusiastic as ever, and even poured Jiang Heng a drink himself.

"What the **** are you..."

Looking at the table of wine and food, he looked at Fatty Pi with a puzzled look on his face.

Hearing that Fatty Pi was full of frustration, he poured himself a glass of wine, drank it all, and sighed: "It's not that the brothers are having a hard time recently, and Commander Lu won't come out to preside over the overall situation, aren't we..."

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