Master of Fist

Chapter 135: Search for me!

"Hey, I said you...Hong...Master Hong, right? What do you think of this?"

Perhaps it was because Master Zhang, the silver-clothed guard, remained silent all this time, and this officer Zhang was a little displeased.

He is not a native of Cangzhou, but escaped from Liuzhou a few days ago. He himself is also the leader of a Jianghu gang in Liuzhou, and his strength has also stepped into the realm of pulse refining. Fleeing to Cangzhou was also valued by the lord of the government because of his ability, but after all, he had no merits when he first came to the ramp, although all the servants under his command were under his orders.

This is also because there are not many people who practice martial arts in the government office than Zhen Fusi. Martial arts refiners like Zhang Dianli are rare.

But the official rank is too low, which always makes Zhang Dianli a little unhappy, so he took advantage of this golden opportunity and decided to show his hand. It's just that he is very dissatisfied with this specially invited Yinyiwei of the Zhenfu Division.

It's not that Zhang Dianli has never heard of the name of Zhenfusi, and it is also a powerful force in Liuzhou Zhenfusi. However, with the collapse of the imperial court's political situation in Liuzhou, Liuzhou Town Fusi also escaped death.

It can be said that there is no deterrence at all in Liuzhou Town Fusi.

How can Dianli Zhang, who is new to the ramp, think highly of Mr. Hong who always seems to be putting on airs?

"No matter how you look at it, this time Mr. Hong is only here by invitation. You decide on such small matters by yourself, and Mr. Hong will take action when necessary!" Mr. Hong was still very cold and said in a flat tone.

"You...!" Hearing this, Zhang Dianli was very annoyed in his heart, but there was nothing wrong with the other party's speech, but such an attitude made Zhang Dianli, who was out of business like this, very upset.

"Master Zhang, don't hurt your peace. Master Hong is in the Zhenfu Division, and he is busy with his official duties. Now assisting us in handling the case is also a great effort. Of course, this time it is also up to Master Zhang and Master Hong to work together!"

Seeing this, Mr. Li hurriedly spoke out to comfort him, feeling a burst of contempt in his heart, a muddy leg is a muddy leg, a brainless thing!

Forget it, I would have let these two outsiders go through the motions today, so that what the Lord Fu Zun told me would be completed.

If it was just to track down a group of human traffickers, Li Zhubo would not be so motivating. But tracing human traffickers is false, but perjury is true!

Everything has been prepared, and the focus is still on Mr. Hong who was deliberately invited today. As long as the people from the Zhenfu Division see it, then Mr. Fu will naturally be able to sit back and relax. The Zhenfu Division has dealt with Yin Sha all the year round, and they can see who made the move.

Otherwise, why bother to invite a silver-clothed guard here?

It's not that the identity of the silver-clothed guard is there, while the Xuanyi guard and the black-clothed guard don't have enough right to speak.

"Hmph! So what about Zhenfusi! Liuzhou is in chaos, those **** in Zhenfusi run fast!"

Zhang Dianli was very unconvinced when he heard the words, but he was cursing, but the voice could only be heard by himself. If Mr. Hong listened to this, it might be a battle of swords.

A group of fifty riders continued to move forward, but with Zhang Dianli waving his hand for a while, everyone reined in their horses one after another.

According to Li Zhubo's description, the gang of thieves had a total of four carriages. Mr. Zhang counted them with his fingers, and found that there were four carriages parked not too far away, and he was overjoyed.

"Haha! There are thieves ahead, take them down!"

But as soon as the words were out of his mouth, he looked carefully and found the corpses all over the place. He quickly waved his hand again to signal everyone not to act rashly.

Seeing this, Mr. Li at the side breathed a sigh of relief. This group of people was silenced, and if nothing else, so did the children. Next, it will be up to Master Zhenfu Sihong to verify it.

"There are people inside!"

Master Hong on the side spoke coldly at this time, and Master Zhang nodded slightly when he heard the words. He was also at the Pulse Refining Realm, and indeed felt that there were many people living in the several carriages.

"Bowmen ready!"

Zhang Dianli said loudly. Although he is reckless, he is not someone who likes to fight alone in everything.

"It really made me wait for a while!"

At this moment, a slightly lazy voice of Hache slowly came from one of the carriages.

Then I saw a burly figure lift the curtain and slowly walk out of the carriage. Seeing this strange man who suddenly appeared, most of them tightened their bows, but the expressions of the three leaders were different.

Mr. Zhang looked wary, but Li Zhubo was overjoyed. Although it seemed that something unexpected happened, isn't this a proper scapegoat?

Master Hong, on the other hand, had a look of surprise and uncertainty.

"Good thieves! Abducting and selling so many children! The crimes committed are beyond words! Mr. Zhang must take down such arrogant thieves!" Li Zhubo hurriedly said to the official Zhang beside him.

Zhang Dianli nodded, and was about to order everyone to shoot arrows, but Master Hong, who had been relatively silent at the side, waved his hand.

"Master Hong, what do you mean?"

Mr. Hong glanced at Mr. Li, then looked at Dianli Zhang, and said calmly: "Is there any misunderstanding? This person... I remember, it's Xuanyiwei, my governor!"


These words stunned Zhang Dianli and Li They looked at each other in blank dismay, they didn't expect things to change like this.

It was Li Zhubo who was the first to react, and changed his previous amiable appearance and said coldly: "I can't see the misunderstanding! If you want to say that there is a misunderstanding, do you dare to have a few carriages searched?"

"If we really can't find any evidence, we will naturally not embarrass the colleagues of the Zhen Fusi, but if we really find something, then Mr. Hong will have to deal with it! Otherwise, if it is stabbed to Mr. Fu Zun Commander Lu can't help you!"

"As it should be!"

Hearing that Mr. Hong thought for a while, he nodded. The reason why he pleaded for Jiang Heng was not about his relationship with Jiang Heng. However, Jiang Heng represents the Zhenfu Division. If such rumors that are not conducive to the Zhenfu Division are spread, it will be greatly detrimental to the Zhenfu Division.

Of course, if Jiang Heng did it, he would be the first to show no mercy, and would kill him as soon as possible. Of course, if conditions permit, he doesn't mind killing everyone here!

"Search for me!" Zhang Dianli waved his hand, and everyone under his command was about to step forward.

"Did I tell you to search?"

At this moment, Jiang Heng, who was yelling at him, said calmly, with a touch of coldness in his tone.

"Jiang Heng, right? I met you in Zhenwu Tower, and asking them to search is just to return your innocence. Don't worry, as long as you are innocent, I will keep you safe!" Lord Hong frowned slightly, but he still reassured loudly.

"you know me?"

"That's right, my memory isn't that bad!" Mr. Hong became even more displeased, this junior was really rude. I don't know if this officer is protecting him? Look back and see how the officer gave you small shoes to wear!

"Oh! What a pity, you are still reasonable!" Wen Yan Jiang Heng shook his head and sighed, as if he was regretting something.

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