Master of Fist

Chapter 129: many secrets

"What? Heng'er, you said that there will be a military disaster in Cangzhou soon? Could it be that the recent rumors in the market are true?" Jiang Erhai stood up in shock.

Ever since the soldiers who rode fast horses for 800 miles into the city yesterday, various rumors have spread in the city, saying that Cangzhou is about to have a war, so that people in the city are panicking now, but today from my town The son of Fusi's errand confirmed it, but he was still a little shocked.

"Isn't this Cangzhou close to the Central Plains? It is also separated from the border by the land of Liuzhou. Why?"

Jiang Heng had no choice but to reveal a little bit about the chaos in Liuzhou, and he also talked about the rebels by the way.

Hearing this, Jiang Erhai was finally convinced, and he sat back on the wooden chair in a daze.

"But father, don't worry, I've already asked people to start preparing. Once the war breaks out, the Jiang family will give priority to sending them out of the city."

Seeing this, Jiang Heng comforted him, saying that he would never let anything happen to the Jiang family.

"Heng'er, I believe what you said, but those who have been with our Jiang family all his life in these **** agencies..." Jiang Erhai nodded, and then he felt a little worried again.

"Of course we go out of the city together!" Jiang Heng laughed when he heard the words, "Could it be possible that I let a group of unfamiliar people **** my Jiang family?"

"Well, Heng'er, I don't worry about what you do!" Now Jiang Erhai was completely relieved, but he vaguely felt that what his son said seemed to be wrong, so he looked straight at Jiang Heng and said solemnly: "But Heng'er ,how about you?"

"Don't worry! I will naturally go out of the city with you. Is it possible that I will go looking for death?"

"However, it will be a little later. After all, I am still a member of the imperial court. I'm afraid it would be inappropriate to leave early. But it's okay, I will find a chance to escape!" Jiang Heng thought for a while and continued to comfort his father.

Jiang Erhai didn't know that there were so many gates at the Zhenfu Division, so he was relieved to hear his son say this, and he agreed a little bit: "Yes! Yes! It's just the position of the Zhenfu Division. At worst, if you lose the official position, you will lose it." It's better to be an official than to throw your life in!"

Jiang Heng nodded, but did not say anything to explain. After that, he said a few more words before Jiang's father was completely relieved.

Leaving his father's study, Jiang Heng was about to go to the backyard where his mother and younger sister were to have a heart-to-heart talk.

But at this moment, Laifu came in a hurry and whispered a few words in Jiang Heng's ear.

"Oh! Let him in!"

Hearing this, Laifu nodded, then walked away quickly, and after a while Su Yu came in with a well-dressed suit.

"My lord!" Su Yu was respectful as always, but there was a trace of sadness between his brows.

"Why are you so anxious to see me?"

However, Su Yu didn't respond immediately when he heard the words, but looked around with hesitation.

Jiang Heng nodded, this is the house where Father Jiang and Mother Jiang lived, and there were many servants coming and going around. Looking around, Jiang Heng took the lead to go to a secluded place, seeing this Su Yu hurriedly followed.

"Tell me! What is it?"

Seeing that the surroundings were extremely quiet, Su Yu nodded and did not continue to hide anything and said in a low voice: "My lord, when I went to the government office recently to check the account holder who manages the household register, I found a strange thing!"


Seeing Su Yu's rare solemn expression, Jiang Heng calmed down and motioned for the other party to continue.

"In the past few days, I found that several horse-drawn carriages entered the government office every day when night fell. Every time I entered at night, I went out around dawn. I followed a certain distance. I didn't dare to follow too far, but I saw these horse-drawn carriages. As soon as the dawn is approaching, I will leave the government office and send it out of the city... I feel that this matter is quite strange, so I came here to report it to my lord!"

Su Yugong cupped his hands very respectfully.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng was a little surprised, and at the same time, he was very satisfied with Su Yu's performance this time.

"Not bad! You did a good job and didn't act rashly. But if you come to see, what do you think is in this carriage?" Jiang Heng nodded, then looked at Su Yu and asked.

"This..." Su Yu was stunned for a moment, unexpectedly Jiang Heng would ask a question suddenly, and after a little thought, he spoke with eloquence: "From the point of view of my humble position, this should not be a carriage for transporting night fragrance and sewage. This kind of carriage Generally, the time will be very fixed, and they will not stay in the government office for such a long time. It is not like transporting any property out of the city, because the wheels of the carriage are not difficult.

But to be able to be so unimpeded in the government office, and to be allowed to leave the city before the city gate is opened. The person behind the carriage should have a high position in the government office.

The humble job should be... the man from the government office..., but as for what it is... I'm not sure about this humble job! Presumably it should be something shady! "

Su Yu's analysis was very clear, Jiang Heng nodded from time to time, and then glanced at him appreciatively.

It has to be said that people will grow up, and Su Yu can be regarded as the one who watched him grow up. In the past, he was still a scholar who didn't know much about the world, but now he looks like a staff member.

"That's right! It seems that our Lord Fu Zun also has a lot of secrets!"

"By the You just said that you are not sure, so do you have a clue?" Jiang Heng looked at Su Yu and asked with a smile.

"Humble job has some clues, I don't know if they are clues or not!" Su Yugong replied honestly, cupping his hands.

"Tell me!"

"In the past few days, there have been a lot of reporters in the government office! However, most of these reporters are similar, and they all have children who have been lost at home..." Su Yu looked at Jiang Heng at this point, with a serious expression on his face. A slight smile emerged: "My lord, do you think this has any connection with that carriage?"

After listening to Su Yu's report, Jiang Heng was really surprised. Looking at Su Yu again, who seemed to have not seen him for a long time, he sighed slightly in his heart.

Thinking about the reason why he was taken under his command at the beginning, it was more about the relationship of the other party in the government. Unexpectedly, to this day, the young man who was not familiar with the world at that time can now observe the subtleties and find many clues from some inconspicuous clues.

"You did very well!"

Jiang Heng nodded, which was regarded as the greatest compliment to Su Yu. Hearing this, Su Yu was also in a calm mood. He knew that his boss had not been particularly satisfied with his work all this time. Now I finally handed in a perfect answer sheet.

"However, the child is missing, what kind of secret is this Master Fu hiding! I'm getting more and more interested!"

Jiang Heng squinted his eyes slightly, and a ray of cold light shot out from the slits in his eyes.

In fact, there is still one thing he didn't say, that is, could the Lord of the house be a hindrance to the Jiang family's sinister incident?

If the Master of the House is not Yin Sha, then he has a lot to do with Yin Sha!

Jiang Heng paused slightly while playing with the iron ball in his hand, looked at Su Yu, and said with a smile: "Su Yu, do you want to go out of the city with me at night?"

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