Master of Fist

Chapter 129: The change in Liuzhou?

Could it be these two people that day? !

Jiang Heng thought to himself, already terrified in his heart.

And the black and yellow stripes, is that really the skin that humans have?

What exactly is the person of Zhenyousi?

"It seems that they are not simple!"

Jiang Heng was thinking silently. At this moment, he remembered that he vaguely heard that the two adults asked Commander Lu for death row prisoners at the Zhenfu Division!

Why death row?

Jiang Heng doesn't believe that these two people have any habit of killing others, so there is another reasonable reason that can explain the reason and force them to do so!

And this reason may be closely related to what they are!

Since the great master of martial arts is the limit that the world can achieve, why can the people who suppress Yousi break this situation?

It is very likely that they are not ordinary people at all! It should be said that they are not human in the strict sense!

Jiang Heng didn't go into details, but looked at Fatty Pi and continued to ask: "I don't know where the two Lord Zhenyousi are now?"

"It is said that Mr. Huang is going to other state capitals for business. As for Mr. Liu, it is said that he is temporarily staying in the former Prince Cheng's mansion!"

Fatty Pi thought for a while and said.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng nodded, this Chengwang Mansion is also the residence of the prince who was entrusted here a hundred years ago, but the house has been confiscated because of some taboos. However, because it was built on a part of the former capital of the previous dynasty, it occupies a very large area, and the interior is full of luxury. Because the demolition was too large, it later became a temporary residence for some officials sent by the imperial court to inspect. From time to time, there are police officers cleaning regularly.

It's just that Jiang Heng didn't expect that there was still one person staying in Cangzhou temporarily from Yousi in this town.

"Have you ever understood why Master Liu chose to stay in Cangzhou temporarily?"

"That's not true, but it's rumored that Mr. Liu lives reclusively and rarely meets outsiders. The day before yesterday, there were two silver-clothed guards who wanted to visit but were turned away by them. Even if Mr. Lu wanted to meet Just say hello in advance."

"But Brother Jiang, don't you want to cling to Master Liu's relationship? Forget it! This Master Liu is not in the same way as our Zhen Fusi, although this Master Liu seems to be much more talkative than that Master Huang, But I think they are still very arrogant, they don't take us seriously at all!"

Fatty Pi couldn't help but shook his head and smiled wryly.

Jiang Heng also smiled slightly and shook his head. The fat man thought he was crazy about wanting to be superior.

He didn't explain much, but changed the subject and said with a smile: "Forget it, and I have to learn from Mr. Liu recently, and I have to live in secluded life for a while!"

"Well! That's right, brother Jiang, you have to avoid it now, tsk tsk, now the town governor is saying that you are afraid that you will die soon, brother Jiang, why don't you scare these guys stupid by showing your face now?" Fatty Pi laughed endlessly.

Hearing that Jiang Heng just nodded his head slightly, but frowned slightly.

"Yeah, there are always some people who think that XX is about to die, and this hand is starting to be dishonest!"

Fatty Pi was taken aback for a moment, then laughed straight away, he naturally knew what Jiang Heng meant. But the small eyes looked at Jiang Heng, turned his eyes and lowered his voice and said:

"But brother Jiang, the position of the deputy commander... I wonder if you have any ideas?"


Jiang Heng shook his head resolutely.


"The position of the deputy commander is not so easy to sit in! Let's see how their heads are bleeding! I think this thing is very hot even if you sit on it! And before the imperial court order came down, sitting in this position was nothing but False titles don't mean much!"

Jiang Heng laughed lightly, although he had some thoughts about the position of the deputy commander, but he was not so excited to be the first bird at this time.

"That's true! Brother Jiang is still thinking a lot, but I've heard that Cangzhou won't be peaceful for long recently. It is said that the brains in Yunzhou are about to come out. And Liuzhou is also not peaceful. There was a lot of rebellion there, and the sudden appearance of the Demon Slayer Sage Monarch gathered nearly 200,000 refugees and threatened to fight to the capital.

Even the counter-insurgency army sent by the imperial court a few days ago is now retreating steadily, and it is estimated that they will soon have to hit our Cangzhou border. Even if someone actually took the position of deputy commander, it would be a life of worry! It would be impossible to earn money as desperately as Mr. Jiang did! "

Only Jiang Heng and Fatty Pi were in the room, but Fatty Pi still kept his voice very low for fear of being overheard by others.

"Monster Slaying Monarch!"

Jiang Heng was very familiar with this name, he had heard of it when he first entered Cangzhou, and it was said that it had caused quite a stir in the border of Liuzhou. He even created momentum for himself, bluntly saying that the man in the capital is a demon from the sky, he is doing justice for the sky, and he claims to be the sage king of demon slaying.

Liuzhou is originally connected to Yunzhou, coupled with natural disasters and man-made disasters, and the continued recruitment of young and strong by the Yunzhou frontier army, and the imperial court's taxes are too harsh, so that the people are struggling It is not surprising that there are rebel uprisings.

It's just that Jiang Heng didn't expect that the opponent's momentum would intensify in just one or two months, and it continued like this. I'm afraid the situation in Yunzhou will become turbulent.

Once it spreads to Cangzhou and opens Cangzhou, the only channel leading to several states in the Central Plains, the rebel army will completely sweep the world!

"It's better for us little people. If something goes wrong, it's natural to be on the head! In fact, there's nothing wrong with us having a drink on weekdays. However, the merchants in this city are already preparing their own escape routes. Of course, they are also rushing in. Many foreign merchants are not afraid of death. It is said that many of them have started to march to Liuzhou to salvage a fortune. They are doing smuggling. It is no exaggeration to say that now as long as we and the government Grab a little tighter over there, I don’t know how many merchants will be arrested and imprisoned in a day.”

Now that the conversation had started, Fatty Pi's interest in talking became more and more high.

"Oh? Did brother Pi ever plan to retreat?" Jiang Heng asked Fatty Pi with a smile on his face when he heard the words.

"This..." As he spoke, Fatty looked around again, and after confirming that there were really no outsiders, he whispered: "To be honest, Brother Jiang, do you know why the power in the Jianghu in Cangzhou dropped sharply a month ago? Why didn't Fuji move them?"

"Oh? Why?"

Fatty Pi's change of subject made Jiang Heng a little curious.

"Of course it's the Canglang Gang! The Canglang Gang is the leader of our Cangzhou Water Transport. It can be said that there is nothing in the Canglang River that their Canglang Gang can't do. The entire Canglang River Water Transport can be said to be the territory of their Canglang Gang. Lu The reason why the commander did not move them was because he knew the inside information. He also did it for his own consideration, and with the convenience of water transportation, even if the rebel army attacked, he would not retreat completely!"

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