Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1187: leave

Chapter 1187 Leave

[Suppressing God] This is a supernatural power passed down in the ancient Ming universe, that is, the hometown of the ancestors of Yuansheng. It has a history of countless years, and it belongs to the ability that only people in the Wonderful Life can perform and comprehend. The power of [Suppressing God] can be said to be very ordinary It can also be said that there is almost no end!

The reason for this is only because [Suppressing God] has eighteen most basic 'changes'.

These eighteen changes... are like the codes in a computer language. With the help of several basic codes, they are continuously combined and connected to form a complex programming language. These eighteen changes are the eighteen basic codes. .

This supernatural power [Suppressing God] is like this.

These eighteen changes can be arranged in many different combinations to form an extremely complicated and precise inscription structure. In this way, the rough supernatural powers that the human universe comprehended by comprehending the original power of the universe, such as the Brahma Martial Holy Body and the Five Elements Palm, are basically Can't compare to it.

These eighteen changes are like the most basic basic code, just like the computer language that Jiang Heng has seen in his previous life, it is also composed of the most basic codes, so its growth potential is almost endless As it evolves, it becomes more and more complicated and delicate inscriptions that become more and more difficult for people to decipher.

And these inscriptions, in the magical powers displayed by the law through the inscriptions, their energy will also increase geometrically, reaching infinite skyrocketing, which can surpass the magical powers of all human universes.


Of course, this is only on the theoretical level. In fact, even if it is a code program, in Jiang Heng’s previous life, not everyone was a master programmer. It is to start developing the underlying computer code.

In the same way, [Suppressing God] has countless powerful geniuses in the heavens and myriad worlds, but it is extremely difficult to evolve a perfect and powerful ultimate move from them.

"Although it is very difficult, according to the description in it, this magical power can be regarded as a very good magical power in the Wonderful Life in the Ancient Ming Universe." Jiang Heng secretly said, "This is equivalent to giving me the ability to push open the door. , the prerequisite for realizing the supernatural power!"

"Patriarch Yuansheng is also a wonderful person. It turns out that he set up such a dojo to test geniuses, because only true geniuses are qualified to learn his supernatural powers."

"Cultivation techniques can keep me from stagnant in my follow-up cultivation realm. Mystical powers can also keep my actual combat ability in the future from being stretched, and I will always be in a situation of continuous growth.

As long as my comprehension is stronger, the supernatural powers I will realize will be more powerful. This is a positive ratio. "Jiang Heng was filled with emotion.

The middle-aged man with fiery red long hair was standing outside the house. When Jiang Heng came out, the middle-aged man with fiery red long hair smiled and said: "Having obtained the exercises and supernatural powers from the realm of wonderful life to the realm of good fortune, from now on you and the human universe behind you will be able to It’s completely different from those primordial universes.”

"Do you know the content of exercises and supernatural powers?" Jiang Heng frowned.

"The master has been dead for many years, and I am in charge of all the big and small matters in the Zhongming Palace. I know this." The middle-aged man with long red hair smiled.

"Then let me ask you, where is the ancient Ming universe?" Jiang Heng asked.

"I don't know." The middle-aged man with fiery red hair shook his head.

"I don't know?" Jiang Heng wondered, "Is your master Yuansheng Patriarch? Was this powerful dojo created by Yuansheng Patriarch? Did Yuansheng Patriarch come from the ancient Ming universe?"

The fiery red long-haired middle-aged man nodded and said: "My master is the Yuansheng Patriarch, and he is the only existence in the ancient Ming universe who has stepped into the Creation Realm. With despicable means, why did my master do this?

Back then, the master was under heavy siege, the inner universe was shattered, and the soul was almost completely wiped out. There was only a ray of divine sense stored in the chaotic space-time dimension, which escaped all the way to this place.

At that time, I was in a panic, I didn't know where this was, let alone the direction to the ancient Ming universe.

At that time, the master had fled for tens of billions of years, even if it was so, he almost didn't get rid of their pursuit. At that time, the universe was just born not long ago.

Even my master has seen the pioneer of your human universe, but unfortunately he was severely injured when he broke through the realm of good fortune, and my master is considered to have the same disease. "

"Severely injured?"

Jiang Heng was taken aback for a moment, he was still curious about the situation of the strongest man who opened up the human universe back then.

"Well, the one in your universe should have just stepped into the Creation Realm not long ago.

It may be that they went to the nearby treasure land and suffered heavy losses when they competed for treasures with other strong people in the Creation Realm and even the peak powerhouses in the Wonderful Life Realm.

Similar to the existence in your universe, who is unknown in all worlds, has a grassroots background, has no inheritance, and can only move forward step by step, fighting for resources and everything.

He happened to be seriously injured shortly after he broke through to the Creation Realm. It was very likely that he had just robbed the treasure, used the treasure to break through the realm, and was hunted down by his enemies.

Fortunately, his universe was not destroyed. My master saw it with his own eyes when he fell. Even if his injuries were too serious, he would not be able to live for billions of years.

So simply transfer all living organisms into your universe.

So you people in the human universe can have good aptitude and background. To be honest, UU reading has to be emotional, this good luck environment. "

The middle-aged man with fiery red hair sighed softly.

"Seniors, you know, who is the name and nickname of the person who created the human universe?"

Jiang Heng was very curious, this strong man strictly belonged to the parents of the entire human universe.

Now that the other party has fallen, he wants to find out the reason for Yi Er's fall in the future, and if he has the opportunity, he can help him take revenge.

"I forgot the name, but he claims to be the Patriarch of the Great Desolation and has lived for three Myriad Realm Eras." The fiery red middle-aged man rubbed his chin and said.

"Old Patriarch of the Great Wilderness, but how long are these three Myriad Realm Epochs?" Jiang Heng asked suspiciously.

"One Myriad Realm Era is 100 billion years, and three Myriad Realm Era is 300 billion years."

The words of the fiery middle-aged man made Jiang Heng speechless.

Three hundred billion years is such a long time.

"Hehe, don't make such a fuss, in fact, many wonderful habitats have lived for an era, and there are many people like the ancestor of the Great Desolation.

Even some of the Wonderful Living Realm powerhouses who only think about surviving rather than fighting hard, most of them have lived for ten epochs. "

The fiery red middle-aged man shook his head and smiled lightly.

"Ten epochs? One trillion years? How many epochs have there been in this world?" Jiang Heng was a little stunned.

After such a long time, isn't this group of Wonderful Living Realms going crazy?

"Hehe, according to my master's calculation, Wanjie has no less than a thousand epochs, and this is only the approximate time that my master's current state can calculate.

May exist longer.

As for those in the wonderful living environment who like to live, it is their ability to live for so many years. In the ten thousand realms, even the true **** realm can have theoretically endless lifespan.

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