Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1163: Outland Great Energy Dojo

"Incarnation?" Jiang Heng was startled.

"Boy, this is just the beginning." The grey-brown scaly seaman grinned, and immediately turned into the power of water movement, which was about to leave Jiang Heng's palm quickly.

"Huh?" Jiang Heng shouted coldly, "Don't try to escape today!"


Another huge palm enveloped him.

I saw Jiang Heng's left and right hands, like two huge mountains, slamming together fiercely.


The power of the water that the two giant palms slapped on the center was naturally completely annihilated, and only the screams echoed: "Hahaha, yes, yes!"

After killing the gray-brown sea creature covered with scales, Jiang Heng was suspended in the void.

"Listen to the meaning of the gray-brown scaly seaman, it was just his incarnation just now? And he killed me without warning. It seems that this place is indeed very dangerous. I have to be more careful later, maybe it's here There are more dangers!"

Jiang Heng shuddered a little. This avatar had a strength comparable to that of a pseudo-inner scene, especially the speed was actually blessed by the power of the inner scene. The speed was so fast that if no one at the inner scene level was checked, it would be easy to get tricked.

"Be more careful."

Jiang Heng continued to move forward.

"Interesting, it actually destroyed one of my avatars."

"Haha... It's rare to have such an interesting opponent."

"It's only interesting if you have some skills."

"Kill kill kill."

I saw gray-brown sea people covered with scales coming quickly from the sea areas in front of Jiang Heng. At the same time, their screams echoed in the sky and the earth. After a while, Jiang Heng also heard the screams echoing in the sky and the earth. Voice. All kinds of screams swept across the ocean, obviously the number was exaggerated.

"Are they gathering in large numbers? How many such existences are there?" Jiang Heng's eyes had a faint cold light, and he looked around, and could even see through the sea surface the gray-brown sea people covered with scales below.

"How come there are so many?"

Jiang Heng was a little horrified. He was afraid that there were hundreds of sea people he could see with the naked eye. The sea people he had killed before seemed to be easy to kill, but in terms of strength, it could barely be regarded as the inner scene level. Quantity beat yourself to death.

Boom boom boom!


Seeing the densely packed sea surface explode, around Jiang Heng, gray-brown sea people covered with scales broke through the water and floated out of the floating sea surface, all looking at Jiang Heng with fierce eyes.

He also discovered that in terms of speed, he couldn't match the speed of these gray-brown scaly sea people. If so, he could only fight and could not escape.

"A thousand?"

Jiang Heng slowly opened up his internal power, and several core laws floated behind him. When it comes to this, he must go all out.

"I don't want to shoot unless necessary."

His eyes scanned the densely packed gray-brown sea people covered with scales.

"Hahaha, but little guy, I miss you dead."

A thousand taupe sea people covered with scales spoke in unison, and their voices were mixed, which was surprisingly shocking.

"Be careful, otherwise it will be more interesting to die in my hands!"

Jiang Heng condensed the power of law, and became more vigilant.



In an instant, ten gray-brown and scaly seamen were besieging Jiang Heng with spears in their hands.

Murderous intent flashed in Jiang Heng's eyes, and when he poked his big hand, the law of destruction suddenly condensed.

Star Picker!

Puff puff…

I saw a taupe-brown scale-covered sea human bursting directly, and seeing each other, ten gray-brown scale-covered sea humans were all crushed into powder.

Dao of Destruction superimposes Star Picker!

Obviously, the most violent Dao of Destruction, even if it is still not the core law in the inner scene, still possesses extremely terrifying destructive power.

"Huh?" Jiang Heng's face changed slightly, the crushed taupe sea people covered with scales first turned into the power of water, and then the power of water turned into ten taupe sea people with scales, and then The killing intent in the eyes of these thousand gray-brown sea people covered with scales became even crazier.

In an instant, a thousand gray-brown and scaly sea people rushed towards Jiang Heng at the same time.

"One Qi transforms three cleans!" Jiang Heng suddenly appeared three identical figures, who also used the Star Picker to face this all-pervasive enemy.

Seeing these terrifying numbers of enemies, the three Jiang Hengs probed into the void one after another, and once they grabbed them, they grabbed three Jiang Hengs with the same scene.

Suddenly it became nine.

These are respectively the combination of one qi transforming into three clears and the three incarnations of time.

Each of the nine Jiang Hengs possesses internal scene-level combat power, and the supernatural power of transforming the three cleans into one qi was taught by Taoist Wuwei.

The revived Taoist Wuwei obviously has a more complete memory and knows many magical methods from the period of the gods.

The biggest difference between one qi transforming three cleans and one clearing three qi is that they can maintain 100% of the strength of the avatar and the body.

After constantly killing the opponent, Jiang Heng felt that the gray-brown scaly sea people he had killed had obviously declined in strength.

But Jiang Heng still felt a strong sense of oppression.

After all, there are too many, and each of them can be regarded as the level of the interior scene. Even if I have nine people, I will occasionally be attacked by taupe sea people covered with scales. However, his physical body can be considered an exaggeration at the interior level, and the interior scene is stable enough. Not so easily injured.

But if this continues, the opponent may not be able to handle it first. At the level of the inner scene, the inner scene is a world of its own, and the battery life itself is extremely exaggerated. It is no problem to use the inner scene level ability to last for tens of thousands of years. If only the main body combat can continue to kill Time is even more exaggerated.

"court death!"

The angry roar resounded, and the Hairen almost went mad.

A thousand grey-brown scaly sea people were all suspended in mid-air with angry expressions. Immediately afterwards, they quickly merged with each other one by one, and saw that these gray-brown scaly sea people continued to decrease sharply, merging into fewer and fewer sea people.

The last two sea people merged together and turned into a dark red stone sea person, and Jiang Heng was a little surprised by the powerful aura.

This dark red stone sea figure is as tall as ten feet, and its aura is even faintly approaching the peak of the inner scene level.

"It's not bad for you to be able to make my main body attack. For so many years, many people have entered this place and died before seeing my main body." The dark red stone sea man said in a low voice.

"Anyone else entered here?"

Jiang Heng was startled. Could it be that many powerful people in my own universe have entered this place before? "There are already a hundred people in the interior scene that fell in my hands." The dark red stone seaman looked at Jiang Heng, and suddenly a blood-colored Fangtian painted halberd appeared in his hand, but that The aura of the **** Fang Tian's painting halberd was obviously much stronger.

"You should be lucky to die in my hands." The dark red stone sea man grinned, "You want to get the treasure left by my master, is it just a fool's dream?"

Jiang Heng was startled, treasure, master?

Ever since he entered the world of Mohai, Jiang Heng felt that this should be the dojo of a powerful person from outside the territory, just like the sea road running through hundreds of millions of light years, and even the spiritual thoughts are blocked, this is very similar to the dojo of a certain powerful person. It's not like an unknown foreign world.

"If you want the master's inheritance, then trade your life for it!"

The dark red stone sea man smiled strangely, and then disappeared out of thin air holding the quaint blood-colored Fangtian painting halberd, and in the next moment, he was in front of Jiang Heng. It was too fast, and Jiang Heng could only raise his hand to stop it, but he couldn't do it. .


Jiang Heng flew backwards like a shooting star, and this confrontation also made Jiang Heng understand: "His strength is probably close to the peak of the internal scene, no wonder a hundred internal scenes fell in his hands.

"Weak, you are too weak!" The dark red stone Yaksha's crazy voice echoed, and at the same time, he chased and killed Jiang Heng again, and rushed straight at Jiang Heng again and again.

boom! boom!

Jiang Heng fell into the sea from time to time when he was bombarded, and he was at an absolute disadvantage when he was suppressed.

"You are too weak, but your physical body is not bad. The Waterway Avenue of this seat has vast and mighty power. It should surpass you by a large level in rank. I didn't expect you to bear this power."

The dark red stone sea man laughed wildly while attacking.

That's right, if it wasn't for his internal scene being stable enough and his physical body already strong enough, Jiang Heng wouldn't be able to stop a few tricks at all.

"This guy is stronger, his skills are very sparse and ordinary, and his speed is acceptable." While fighting, Jiang Heng is also quickly studying the other party's problems, "At the same time, I can't be reckless in a confrontation. Pure strength confronts me. He is not an opponent, he should be confronted with order and reincarnation, and take him with my advantage."


Jiang Heng broke through the water suddenly, and the dark red stone seaman also flew out of the sea, killing Jiang Heng.

"The water won't work here!" Jiang Heng's eyes flashed sharply, it was time to fight back.

The next moment, the Hairen felt a temporary stagnation in the laws of his body, and then Jiang Heng lifted his wrist, and saw the six reincarnations quickly turning into a big grinding disc covering the sky


Jiang Heng waved vigorously!

"It's still the power of rules, but it's a pity that your law level is not enough!" The dark red stone sea man laughed wildly, and rushed over as before. He didn't bother to care about Jiang Heng's methods. With the absolute strength advantage, he just needs to crush him Can.


Seeing that the grinding disc transformed by the Dao of Reincarnation collapsed suddenly, and the dark red stone sea man only paused slightly in midair.

"Samsara Dao's hard blow just made him stop slightly?!"

Jiang Heng took a deep breath, the power of the inner scene surged in, and with a grasp of his wrist, another millstone appeared in the palm of his hand, but at this time the Dao of Reincarnation seemed to have integrated into his own inner scene power.

"It's useless, pointless resistance is useless!"

The dark red stone seaman continued to rush forward with a wild laugh.

The big millstone of Samsara Dao flew out, bringing out an afterimage.

It seems to be the same as before, but when in front of the dark red stone sea man, the speed of the millstone suddenly increased, and the power of the inner scene suddenly exerted force. Seeing this dark red stone sea man tried his best to stop him, but he really did Unremarkable.


Accompanied by a roar, the dark red sea man paused, and immediately flew upside down like a broken sack. His body collapsed and began to transform into incarnations, and turned into a thousand incarnations again.

"With a bit of ability, if you can defeat my main body state once, I will count you as passing!"

A thousand sea people looked at Jiang Heng in unison, and said, "But I'm just the first step. I want to get the master's inheritance. There are several powerful guys in the future. I'm just the weakest one. You A little strength is really not enough! Not enough! Haha!"

After a burst of sharp laughter, the thousand green sea people scattered in all directions, quickly disappearing from sight.

Jiang Heng silently floated in the void.

"This is just the weakest one, what is this place?" Jiang Heng frowned and whispered to himself.

"It seems that there is an unimaginably great opportunity here, but it is not easy to obtain this opportunity with my strength." Jiang Heng thought to himself, "I am the first to encounter such a difficult existence. more difficult."


Jiang Heng continued along this sea route.

After another day or so, Jiang Heng saw a small island in the distance, and the end of the sea road was this island.

"A strange island that snows all day long, the law here is the ice attribute?" Jiang Heng quickly landed on the island. At a glance, the power of the law around the island is dense, with a dense snow-covered jungle, and in the jungle There is a towering and huge palace complex.

"Palace? Is this the almighty dojo?"

"However, according to what that person said, there should be other opponents in the follow-up, so this is the next threshold?" Jiang Heng secretly wondered, walking on the island while moving forward, and soon arrived not far from the palace.

Jiang Heng stood on the platform outside the palace and looked towards the palace.

"Huh?" Jiang Heng vaguely sensed something unusual inside.

There seems to be a shadow in the depths of the palace.

"There should be living creatures inside, could it be the next opponent?" Jiang Heng was suspicious and hesitant.

After hesitating for a moment, Jiang Heng stepped into the palace and found that the space here seemed to have been expanded, which looked very spacious, and each compartment looked elegant and exquisite, antique, and there was a large one in the middle. The other courtyard has a gazebo and a garden.

And bypassing this garden, there is a backyard inside, and Jiang Heng just looked around when he entered it.



A gust of wind hit, faint law fluctuations emerged around.

Immediately, Jiang Heng's complexion changed drastically, and with a lift of his wrist, the laws of the physical body and the laws of space Tao quickly emerged, UU reading www. A touch of gold appeared on the body of, and the surface was covered with layers of space barriers.


With a crisp sound, the surprise figure quickly disappeared into the darkness.

However, the next moment, the other party moved again, intending to continue to attack and kill Jiang Heng.

Jiang Heng's eyes shone with golden light. He squinted his eyes to see the person's appearance and figure clearly. At the same time, he felt the breath of law circulating in the other person's body. He couldn't help shouting: "Stop! I'm a human race!"


There was a sound of friction between the floor and the feet, and the figure of the man stopped suddenly. After he stopped, the appearance of the other party appeared in front of Jiang Heng.

It was a man with disheveled hair and a worn-out armour. The man's hair was fluffy and messy, and his long hair covered most of his face.

He hesitated and raised his head to look at Jiang Heng.

Through the messy long hair, Jiang Heng could only see one of the other's cloudy eyes.

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