Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1161: 1 The source of everything, the man behind the scenes

"My master? Did he do it back then?"

Jiang Heng was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help being curious, but it can be explained after careful consideration. No wonder Taoist Wuwei was extremely repulsed by the resurrection at that time. Could it be that the master had failed in the past?

As if he had guessed what Jiang Heng was thinking, the old man said indifferently:

"Back then, your master and the **** emperor carried out a resurrection against time and space for one person, but I believe you have guessed the ending, and it failed."

"Senior, do you know the reason?" Jiang Heng asked.

The combination of the **** emperor and the master is definitely a strong alliance, far stronger than his half-baked version of the **** emperor.

"The reason is that reversing time and space for resurrection is against the rules. You will be strongly rejected by the universe, and naturally your luck will be temporarily stripped away. What do you think will happen to people who lose their luck?"

Hearing this, Jiang Heng understood, no wonder he was so unlucky, he received extra attention from beings like the old one as soon as he came in.

After working for a long time, it turned out to be because of this reason. I thought that the punishment by the rules of the universe was just like the phantom of the giant ax before.

Now it seems that there is more than that.

"But your kid is lucky." The old man continued.


Jiang Heng was a little confused, didn't he mean bad luck? How can I be lucky?

"You kid met the old man, isn't it just luck? The old man and Brother Wuwei are old friends. Since the old man appears here, then do something within his power, at least so that the two of you will not meet each other at this time." got into too much trouble."

The old man's tone is not small.

Jiang Heng was really curious about the confidence of the other party in saying this.

Suddenly, at this moment, Jiang Heng was startled, his eyes quickly looked somewhere, and he suddenly found that the space-time was distorted somewhere, and then the tentacles of the tide surged out of the passage crazily, the scene was extremely shocking and overwhelming. People are creepy.

"In the old days, let's talk, this old man knows that the two of you have a lot of bad luck. This is just the beginning. If you continue to stay at this time point, you will only encounter more and more troubles."

The old man still had time to joke, Jiang Heng didn't know what to say.

The power of the inner scene is running, and the way of reincarnation and order appear behind the scenes.

At the moment when the giant eye was about to burst out of the tunnel, Jiang Heng took the lead in attacking with a low shout.

"Time travel is prohibited here!"

Rumbling, as the words finished, the space-time tunnel began to heal rapidly, but then it was deadlocked on the spot.

Jiang Heng frowned, and the power of the inner scene crazily rushed towards the path of order, but this stalemate was not broken, as if Jiang Heng added more strength to this side, and the same to the other side.

"The time and space here go back thirty breaths ago!"

As soon as the words fell, this time the overwhelming tentacles began to slowly retreat.

Jiang Heng took a trick this time, combining the Dao of Order with the Dao of Time. The superposition of the two did not expect the effect to be so good.

"The destructive power here is doubled!"

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Heng had come to the sky above the passage, and Yaoyao's punch suddenly blasted out, and the destructive power was suppressed downward like the power of destroying the world.


The internal scene-level shooting methods are already terrifying, not to mention that Jiang Heng also used such a clever superposition method, and the power has reached the top internal scene level.


However, after the punch, those tentacles reappeared not long after.

Seeing that Jiang Heng's face changed slightly, he flipped his wrist, and slammed his palm downward, the cycle of reincarnation, with the power of the palm as the core, formed a big grinding disc that covered the sky, and began to fall down with a loud crash.

But this blow still couldn't stop the opponent for a long time, and the tentacles still rushed out of the tunnel crazily.

Seeing this drastic change in Jiang Heng's expression, he wanted to move to Taoist Wuwei and temporarily take him away from this time and space.

He knew very well that once the other party came out, there would be no escape, and it would be impossible to use the Jade Plate of Creation.

After the previous wave of resistance, the fortune jade plate has been severely injured now, and it is said that it needs to be cultivated.

Although Jiang Heng felt that if he used it forcibly, the other party could only let it be driven by him under pressure, but he still didn't want to use it unless it was absolutely necessary. After all, the cracks on the surface could not be faked.

But completely resisting this time node, the old days glanced around, and then those indifferent eyes locked on Jiang Heng.

"Time travel is really a good ability, so little bugs, you should die next!"

In the old days, it was as if a death sentence had been pronounced, looking at Jiang Heng and the other two.

In the next moment, his eyes widened, and the terrifying power of staring was about to be triggered.

But at this moment, he paused suddenly, and looked suspiciously at the old man on one side.

"What are you? I don't feel anything from you."

In the old days, he was a little puzzled, he was just an incarnation, only possessing one-tenth of the strength of the main body. Even so, Rao also has the strength far beyond the top interior scenes.

But now I can't see through this seemingly ordinary old man of the human race.

"Old days, it really is a terrible thing. This is the first time that this old man has faced such a great horror. It seems that I have to send you back as soon as possible, otherwise my physical body won't last long in front of you."

As soon as he finished speaking, the old man smiled lightly and waved his hand towards the void.

Juyan Jiuri was slightly taken aback, not understanding what the old man meant by this move.

His eyes were full of doubts, but soon he was a little shocked, because he suddenly forgot who he was.


Even the purpose of coming here to the ethnic group to which I belong is gradually forgotten.

"What the **** am I here for?"

His giant eyes were very confused, "Who am I?"

"You are a wanderer, now you should go home, the way home is the way you came from."

The old man's voice was flat and warm, falling into the old mind as if he was writing a brand new memory.

Feeling the newly emerging memories, the old days began to drill into the tunnel of time and space ignorantly.


He wants to go home along the way he came, and he can't stay outside all the time because he is homesick.

With this thought constantly appearing in his mind, he began to leave quickly along the way he came.

The tunnel was healed again, and Jiang Heng was dumbfounded when he saw the end of the whole process.

Looking at the old man with a warm face again, he felt a chill inexplicably in his heart.

Who is this old man?

Tampering and erasing the memory of the old doppelgänger?

No wonder the other party told you the name, but you can't remember it.

"Thank you senior for your help! This junior will never forget it!"

Jiang Heng saluted deeply again.

Such an expert is willing to contribute, he is naturally very grateful.

"Hehe, this is also my home, and you are also a part of it. The old man guards his home at this time point, and you also guard this hometown in your time and space. There is no difference between you and me."

The old man smiled, turned his head and left with a flick of his whisk.

"And don't worry, it will take at least an hour to restore the old memories. Within this time, I believe that you, the master and the apprentice, have left this time and space."

As soon as the voice fell, the figure of the other party had disappeared, and no matter how Jiang Heng perceived it, he still couldn't detect where the other party was.

"A master!"

Jiang Heng sighed, he did not expect such a person to exist in the ancient gods period.

I couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"Why did such a senior expert fall in this war? With this method, even if the old clone comes, there is nothing he can do about it, unless the old Japanese body comes in person."

Jiang Heng couldn't figure it out, so he waited for the master to wake up and asked.

After about half an hour, Taoist Wuwei woke up slowly, and when he woke up again, he looked a little different in Jiang Heng's eyes.

In Jiang Heng's eyes, the original Wuwei Taoist always feels a little unreal. This is a common problem when going back in time and space to the past. What he sees and hears seems to be separated by a layer of veil.

Just like a person is consciously dreaming, even if the situation in the dream is extremely real, you just know it is fake and you are dreaming.

This was the case before, but now it feels very real, no longer separated by a layer of veil.

"Congratulations to Master for his successful resurrection!"

Jiang Heng bowed his hands and saluted. This is the real resurrection, and even the process of reshaping the body is omitted.

"Huh! It's a good thing you didn't disgrace your life. It's not in vain to be a teacher now."

Taoist Wuwei sighed lightly.

Immediately he frowned.

"The breath of the old days, did the old days catch up just now?"


Jiang Heng nodded, and then told everything that happened just now.

"It turned out to be like this, but since it was the one who shot, it's not bad."

Taoist Wuwei nodded knowingly.

Seeing Master's nonchalant expression, Jiang Heng couldn't help becoming curious.

"Master trusts that senior so much? This senior can erase the memory of the old avatar and has such great supernatural powers. Doesn't that mean that this person's actual cultivation strength is extremely high?"

Jiang Heng asked out his doubts.

"I told you about this person, he is indeed only at the master level, as for his strength..."

Speaking of Wuwei Taoist also fell into a moment of silence.

"To be honest, I have never seen him go all out as a teacher. This person's origin is extremely mysterious. His Majesty the God Emperor Shenting once invited this person, but this person is really unpredictable."

Taoist Wuwei sighed.

"At that time, I was a lobbyist for my teacher. This person invited me to a game of chess, which was actually a game of rules, but I lost that battle for no reason. After I finally left, I don't remember what happened at that time.

There was even a period of time when the teacher even forgot his own name. He also forgot where he was. "

In this way, this person is really quite mysterious!

Hearing this, Jiang Heng was filled with emotion.

Fortunately, the resurrection process has been completed at this time, and you can leave.

The space-time tunnel is opened again, with Wuwei Taoist, the real master of time and space at the interior level, as the leader, and it will be very easy for the two to cross such a long time and space.

Fortunately, he did not encounter any danger this time, and successfully arrived at the original time and space.

"Phew! This adventure is a thrill. Fortunately, there is no danger. Master, please hide it for a while. If the prediction is not bad, there will definitely be a big battle coming."

Jiang Heng reminded.

"Hehe, I know, do you want to be a dark child for the teacher? That's okay, I just want to live a life of idle clouds and wild cranes for the teacher."

At the same time, as Jiang Heng and Taoist Wuwei returned to the original time node, in a hidden small plane somewhere in the universe—

If Jiang Heng saw the situation of this plane here, he would definitely not be able to help but exclaim.

Because as far as the eye can see, there are all high-rise buildings, airplanes, cars, pedestrians, mobile phones, TVs, and satellites.

This is... the Earth!

And in a small Taoist temple in the mountains somewhere in the Xia Kingdom, an old man worked hard like a mortal to **** the ground.

From time to time, he wiped the sweat from his forehead, and took another sip of the water from the gourd on his waist.

Only then did he glance at somewhere high in the sky, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Hehe, Jiang Heng, it's your good fortune that you can come to this day. It seems that you can take on this important task. I hope that you and I can be called friends in the near future."

The old man whispered to himself, only a cat and a dog were playing around beside him, and occasionally there were birds chirping in the jungle.

If Jiang Heng was here, he would be very familiar with this old man, because he had seen this old man with his own eyes just now.

Of course, even if he is standing here now, he can't recognize the old man, because he can't perceive and remember.

Even this small plane does not exist in the eyes of the inner view level powerhouse.

And yet he really exists here.

Qinglan Realm—


Now it should be called a certain continent in the human world.

That's right, as Jiang Heng merged many small planes to achieve the Six Paths, and the Qinglan Realm was Jiang Heng's place of enlightenment, this place naturally became one of the Six Paths.

"You decided to continue to understand the rest of the Dao here?"

Looking at Jiang Heng who was fishing like a fisherman, Daoist Wuwei sat aside and said with a light smile.

"Try it, the order of reincarnation has been completed, destruction, power, physical body, time, space, air way, you can understand as much as you can. If I have nothing here, I will leave and go to all parts of the universe. It may also be possible to look outside the domain.”

Jiang Heng smiled lightly, without looking sideways, still sinking his heart into fishing.

"Well, it's okay, if you don't forget your original intention, it's also great to be touched here, and it really has a miraculous effect on understanding."

Taoist Wuwei nodded, Jiang Heng's previous performance confirmed this point.

What Taoist Wuwei didn't know was that he couldn't find anything more effective for Jiang Heng.

That was home, my true home.

He has already stepped into the interior scene level, and Jiang Heng has even imitated the lake for his hometown.

He doesn't even know now, UU reading www. Was this a dream, or was it a dream in the previous life?

Whether he can find his hometown in the future, Jiang Heng is not sure.

"Master, where are you going next?"

"Walking around, I just used your vision to see this world before. Now that I am alive, I have hands and feet. Naturally, I have to walk more, to see my homeland, and also to see the ruins of the former gods, or to find out if there are any Friends survive."

After saying that, the two had a brief chat, and Taoist Wuwei left.

Jiang Heng agrees with Taoist Wuwei's decision.

"It's good to walk more, the leisurely days like now won't be too long, I have to work harder to see if I can go further."

Jiang Heng murmured slightly, his eyes still focused on the fishing rod in his hand.

Although the person has not moved, one after another incarnation has already flown from the body to all parts of the universe in the form of airflow, and also flew to all parts of the six realms of reincarnation.

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