Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1141: bold idea

"It's a pity!" Jiang Heng sighed lightly, "But you don't leave in obscurity, at least you still have portraits and inheritance."

Jiang Heng could tell from the postures of some members of the royal family practicing martial arts in the palace that this was the routine of Shen Mo back then, but the traces were faded, and it lacked the reckless vigor of Mo Mo back then.

Obviously, it is a killer move that is desperate for life, and a deadly move, but it has practiced the posture of health-preserving kung fu. It has to be said that time is a very powerful weapon.

Without the personal guidance of the person involved in silence, coupled with the pampering of these royal family members, it is impossible to go through life and death training to become like this over time, and it is only natural.

"But the offspring you leave behind will not be brilliant for long."

Jiang Heng could see clearly that this huge dynasty was about to collapse, and a thousand years might just pass in a flash for him, but for ordinary people, it passed quickly.

Through some dossiers of the royal family, Jiang Heng knew that the ancestor of the Shen family fell silently 800,000 years ago, his cultivation was as high as the sky, and he finally lived to be 5,000 years old before he died.

At that time, the Shen family had created a prosperous dynasty, but following the fall of Silence, the dynasty was in turmoil, and the heirs did not live up to expectations.

Fortunately, there are still a group of descendants who have been carefully instructed by Shen Mo, so many middle-level warrior royal families were born.

These members of the royal family also became the source of turmoil due to the silent fall, starting a state of separatism that lasted for tens of thousands of years.

It took 50,000 years for the entire Shen family to collapse completely.

It has to be said that on this mortal planet, being able to step into the realm of low-level warriors can open up the existence of a dynasty in ordinary times. The overall strength of the family has declined sharply, but there are still two or even three inferior warriors in the family.

And after 50,000 years passed, a middle-level warrior who rose from the grassroots appeared in the middle of it, and then the rule of the Shen family was completely ended. From then on, the Shen family was liquidated, and all the low-level warriors were slaughtered.

The main family of the Shen family was completely wiped out, and most of the branch families were wiped out. Only one or two branches of the remote Shen family survived.

But this Shen family has continued all the way, and there have been no outstanding figures among them, but they have always shown outstanding talents in business.

Some ZTE masters also appeared in the middle, and specially set up two tribes for the family, the light and the dark, and the external tribes were responsible for business and official management, and maintained the overall operation of the family.

But not too outstanding, the Shen family has always maintained a low-key and restrained style of conduct.

The Anbu family is the carefully selected elite family children, who are responsible for accepting the inheritance of the Shen family's martial arts.

With such group training, the Shen family has been passed down from generation to generation for hundreds of thousands of years, and faults almost appeared several times in the middle.

After all, this is a period of hundreds of thousands of years. It is very difficult for any family to maintain an unbroken hierarchy, but the Shen family did it.

This is very miraculous. Through the scrolls, Jiang Heng found that every time in troubled times that swept the world, there would be some amazingly talented and brilliant heads of the Shen family.

These people will often make extremely correct decisions, so as to pull the Shen family out of the quagmire from the brink of extinction.

Of course, there is another reason, that is, the Shen family has always believed in a low-key and introverted style of conduct. With this low-key style, the Shen family can often have both sides.

Every time there is a hero who starts a new dynasty, they will not go there immediately to curry favor, and they don't expect any extravagance from the dragon, but they will not resist the opponent's rule.

And when the troubled times are approaching, they will not rise up in the first place, and even find a way to distribute some of the tribesmen to hide in the mountains, and leave a message to the tribesmen, asking them to pick up these hermits in the mountains after the troubled times subside .

Relying on such a somewhat inherent and even rigid style of behavior, the Shen family has survived until now, and it can even be said that it was an accident that they opened up the Daqian Dynasty.

It stands to reason that the Shen family would never do such a thing as establishing a dynasty.

However, because the last chaotic world lasted for hundreds of years, from the era of chaotic wars where the heroes fought together, to the juxtaposition of the next few countries, wars broke out every year and lasted for hundreds of years.

The original population of Qinglanxing was once reduced from hundreds of millions to millions.

This kind of situation is very rare. Although the Shen family started to stop losses in time at the beginning of the troubled times, but after going through such a long time in the troubled times, the savings of the Shen family for so many years are somewhat unable to sustain it.

So the current head of the Shen family made an unprecedented decision, that is to divide the family into two, and the children of the two parts of the family have no contact with each other ever since.

A small number of tribesmen have since lived in seclusion in the mountains, while others have started to fight in all directions, sweeping the entire troubled times.

Among them, the part of the tribe responsible for ending the troubled times did not know where the hermit tribe would go. The only person who knew the location was the old Patriarch at that time.

But with the fall of the old Patriarch, everything has become a mystery.

But at that time, the old head of the Shen family said a word, telling the heads of the two tribes.

If the dynasty established by the Shen family collapses later, then members of the Shen family who lived in seclusion will be born and will once again be responsible for continuing the inheritance of the Shen family.

As a result, the originally hidden Anzi will become Mingzi.

I have to say that after reading the historical files recorded by the Shen family for so many years, Jiang Heng was moved.

The dynasties established by mortals may only be brilliant for a while, because they control too much power and people as mortals, which is bound to collapse due to lack of manpower.

But mortals only maintain a family, but they can still exist for such a long time, which still makes Jiang Heng feel incredible.

"Hehe! Silence, you probably never thought that the family you created would have such strong executive power. Is this the bond of blood relatives?"

Jiang Heng was filled with emotion.

After so many years, he is nearly hundreds of thousands of years old and nearly a million years old.

Naturally, I have also seen the rise of many families, and the fall and destruction of many people.

In Jiang Heng's view, the duration of the Shen family is no less than that of the general demigod-level powerhouse clan.

Most of the domain master-level families have not lasted as long as the Shen family, because many domain master-level families are actually a one-shot deal.

Once the domain lord falls, and there is no new domain lord in the follow-up family, the family will collapse quickly, and other nearby domain lord-level strengths will never allow this family to occupy a large amount of resources.

It can be said that many clans at the domain master level follow this evolution law, and the typical plate spread is too large, which is not low-key at all.

Of course, the fact that the Shen family has been able to last for so many years is certainly related to the family's execution ability, but it is more because they play on Qinglan Star, which is a three-acre land, and their circle is relatively small, so the uncontrollable risks they encounter are really serious. Small on a lot.

At least from Jiang Heng's point of view, many domain master-level families actually did not last as long as the Shen family.

And if it continues to develop like this, he reckons that the Shen family can last for many more years, and when this great dynasty collapses, soon another branch of the Shen family will still continue the family inheritance.

Thinking of this, Jiang Heng began to completely wrap his perception around the entire Qinglan star. With his current cultivation base, it should not be too easy for his divine sense to detect the blood ties between mortals.

Soon he found a densely populated place among the vast mountains and fields on the edge of the Daqian Dynasty.

This place is as quiet as a peach blossom garden, and the road leading to the outside world is only a narrow and long mountain corridor, and this corridor is also very long and dangerous.

If you are not looking for death outside, you may not be able to find this place, and the concealment here is extremely strong, surrounded by steep mountains, and there is a huge basin inside.

There are mountain springs in the basin, and because the terrain of the basin is open and flat, it is suitable for planting, so it can maintain self-sufficiency for tens of thousands of people for a long time.

Looking around, there are farmers plowing the land with oxen, some people are fetching water with water carts, and some women are washing clothes in the mountain stream.

After careful inspection, Jiang Heng soon discovered that the area had grown to a scale of 30,000 people.

There are signs of developing a small village and town. There are young people learning martial arts under the guidance of middle-aged people. They practice and fight each other very fiercely. Although they all use wooden weapons, they are as fierce as real knives and guns.

"Hey! It's interesting, inferior warrior?"

Jiang Heng suddenly let out a light hey, and under the investigation of his divine sense, he felt a surge of energy and blood in a room.

It was beyond his expectation that another inferior warrior could be bred in this poor mountain.

Because when the divine mind covered the entire planet, he discovered that there is not even a single low-level warrior in the entire Qinglan star.

The strongest are the court warriors of the Dagan Dynasty, but they are still one step away from the inferior warriors.

Don't be petty and low-level warriors, although low-level warriors are already a thing of the past in Jiang Heng's view.

But back then he knew very well that low-level warriors were equivalent to ten thousand or even one hundred thousand enemies. If there were no elite heavy armored legions to fight against, he would use human lives to pile up, use heavy weapons and heavy crossbows, etc., to kill one Inferior warriors are simply wishful thinking.

This point can be compared to the Chen Wudi that Jiang Heng himself met when he was still in the Qinglan Realm. At that time, he was known as the existence of the Martial God of the Qinglan Realm.

He was obviously just a down-and-out low-level warrior who had wandered here and there, and was even seriously injured, but he was still able to create the Dayan Dynasty with his own power for more than 800 years.

If the follow-up is not for the invasion of the orcs, this dynasty can last longer.

Jiang Heng's perception, the other party naturally couldn't detect it. This is an ordinary-looking middle-aged man, but because he is still in the stage of hoarding energy and blood for low-level warriors.

That's why this person's physique is exceptionally strong. He is three or four meters tall when he sits in the room, and he might not be less than four or five meters when he stands up.

"The one who cultivated is not the inheritance of that silent boy?"

Jiang Heng felt more and more interesting.

"You kid still has this spare time to watch other people's situations, you'd better sort out your own situation before talking about it!" Taoist Wuwei's voice sounded in his mind.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng laughed quickly, "Master, I just looked at myself and thought of myself back then, thinking that I was once a warrior in such a small mortal world, a domain master level or even a demigod level powerhouse in the void It seems that we were nothing more than a string of numbers back then, and even the planets they wiped out with one blow would not even think about the existence of people like us."

"So you want to help him?"

"No, but Master, I have a good idea now!"

"Oh? What do you think?"

Taoist Wuwei felt curious, his apprentice had never expressed his thoughts so formally before.

"Master, didn't you always feel that this disciple dared not think about it? Then now this disciple has a very bold idea."

Jiang Heng smiled, of course he didn't come here purely to heal his wounds, where can't he heal his wounds?

"Master, how do you think I'm starting to attack the inner scene level now?"

"Interior level is indeed getting ready, huh?! What do you mean it's about to hit the interior?!"

Taoist Wuwei was startled suddenly, his voice changed a little.

Somewhat unbelievable, he felt that Jiang Heng seemed to have become a little unfamiliar to him since he broke through to dominate. Is this the same Jiang Heng who was diligent in every step before and did not rush?

The previous Jiang Heng seemed to break through the realm quickly, but in fact, considering the guidance and support of the two top powers in ancient times, Jade Butterfly and Taoist Wuwei, it is strange that the breakthrough speed is slow, and this is not true. Calculate fast.

Because you have to take into account the legacy of the **** emperor obtained before, there is great power to point out the opportunity, and great luck, how can you slow down?

It's just that it's a bit over now, what does it mean to start hitting the interior scene. UU Reading

Didn't this just break through to dominate?

Taoist Wuwei wondered if the time of his thinking and memory had gone awry.

"Ahem, are you right?"

"No, the apprentice is seriously discussing business with the master." Jiang Heng still nodded with a smile.

Taoist Wuwei was silent for a long time after hearing the words.

After a while, he opened his mouth and said, "Tell me about your plan. If you dare to say that, you should have a solid foundation."

In the end, Taoist Wuwei decided to trust his apprentice. After all, his guidance and opportunities were part of the way to get to this point, but Jiang Heng's own ability was also part of it, especially his perseverance was the key.

"It's not a plan, it's just an immature idea. Master, as you said, breakthrough scenes are generally divided into two types, one is multi-law, and the other is single law.

Multiple laws is the way of the master and the **** emperor back then, focusing on the main laws as the core to build a complete and stable inner universe.

And the single law is actually the way of Li Shenjiang, who pays attention to the ability to continuously improve the level with a single law. It is best to use quantitative changes to complete qualitative breakthroughs, until the single law is used as the basis to open up a single law with this single law as the main core. single inner universe. "

Maybe what Jiang Heng said is a bit convoluted, but what he means is that a single law achieves the inner scene, and the final built inner universe ability will also be very single.

Perhaps in the end, it will also evolve into a universe with countless avenues like the most powerful person who opened up this universe.

But that would have to be worked harder in the follow-up.

And multi-method enlightenment is to build a solid foundation from the very beginning, so that the surface built with multiple points will naturally be more stable.

In the confrontation between the inner scene-level powerhouses, the inner scene of the multi-law proof and the inner scene of the single-law inner scene will also have an advantage in the inner scene collision.

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