Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1137: Valkyrie's attention

"Father! Are you all right?"

Seeing the figure of Martial God suddenly appearing in front of him at this time, Emperor Da Zhou hurriedly asked.

At this time, Valkyrie didn't look too embarrassed, but the surface of his body was covered with dense cracks, and his face was extremely pale.

"The interior scene is a bit damaged, the physical body is damaged to the root, and it will take a lot of time to recover. But it is worthwhile to beat that guy back anyway. And he was injured more than me!"

Martial God said indifferently, the fact is indeed the case, he paid for this serious injury and a complete road. But the other party directly fell from the inner scene to the half-step inner scene. If there is no special treasure material, it may take hundreds of millions of years to recover.

"By the way, when I was fighting with that person just now, I would have been entangled for a long time, and there was even a possibility of losing. But suddenly someone came to help, and that person seemed to be a strong insider. Did you know something about it just now?" Condition?"

Martial God looked at the Great Zhou Emperor, he was still full of doubts, how could there be a strong person at the inner level to help him, could it be that there are strong people at the inner level besides himself in their universe?

"Father, this... just now there was indeed an aura of an inner scene-level powerhouse. The man didn't see it, but he just knew that this senior had helped Jiang Heng and that kid to survive the true **** calamity! Maybe he I know who that senior is." Da Zhouhuang said truthfully.

He still doesn't know where the so-called interior-level powerhouse is. If Jiang Hengdu hadn't attacked the opponent once before, he wouldn't be able to sense the opponent's breath.

"Oh! Jiang Heng seems to be the husband of Xiao Ke's child, right? Has he broken through to the Real God Realm? I remember that he just stepped into a high position not long ago, right?"

Martial God frowned slightly, and now he wondered if his brain had lost his memory because of his severe injury.

"That child was indeed in a high-level realm not long ago, but his talent is so rare that it cannot be deduced by common sense. But he has indeed stepped into the level of a true god, and he has stepped into the realm of dominance in one fell swoop. The number of laws he masters is no less than Five ways!"

"Oh! You just broke through and you are the master of five realms or above?"

Even though the Great Zhou Emperor was well-informed and even read ancient books, he knew about the past of Tianjiao in ancient times, so he couldn't help but take a deep breath at this time.

"Haha! You have helped Xiao Ke find a good husband, and you have also found a good son-in-law for our Great Zhou Empire. Let me see that the value of your son-in-law will be no less than that of a real internal scene-level powerhouse in the future!"

"The future is no less than a real inner scene-level powerhouse? Father estimates that this child will break through the inner scene in the future?" Hearing this, Zhou Huang was shocked. It was the first time he had heard such a high evaluation of others from his father.

"That's true! To be able to master more than five complete avenues as soon as he breaks through, this kind of talent and foundation is one of the best geniuses in ancient and modern times.

Even in the age of ancient times when heroes and talents came together, Jiang Heng's aptitude was still among the best. It was very rare for even some of the top talents at that time to be able to master so many avenues as soon as they broke through.

Which one of them didn't spend a long time accumulating little by little after stepping into the master. His aptitude, I reckon, even if he can't match that of the leaders of the four major forces back then, he can still be regarded as the top-notch existence in the first line last time.

Once stepping into the inner scene, he is also an extremely powerful inner scene-level powerhouse, far from being a half-hearted father! "

Wushen became a little lonely when he said that for no reason, and his mood was a little complicated.

In the first half of his life, he was looking for an opponent, but in the second half of his life, although he was much calmer, he also boasted that he was invincible, and there was no single enemy in the whole universe.

I often dream that I was born in the wrong age. If I lived in that magnificent time in ancient times, maybe I would be the top echelon.

But at this moment, he was a little lonely seeing such a talented person. On the one hand, he was happy to have such a talented person on his side, and on the other hand, he felt a little bit of a hero.

If I could be born at the same time as these geniuses, maybe I would have a most suitable competitor, and my future accomplishments would be far more than that.

And he is very clear that it is already the limit of his life to step into half a step into the interior scene, and this has already been achieved with the help of external force.

"By the way, where is that child now? I want to see him!" The Valkyrie calmed down, after all, after living so many years, some complicated emotions can be put down quickly.

"He. Should be there by now..."

Halfway through the words, the Great Zhou Emperor was stunned, and the Martial God was also stunned at the same time. Both father and son looked in the same direction in a daze.

"This aura is too strong. Five ways? No! It's definitely more than five ways, it should be the breath of eight or even nine rulers!"

The Great Zhou Emperor murmured with disbelief in his eyes.

Valkyrie also showed surprise on his face.

As far as he is now half-step inside the scene, it is useless for a ruler-level powerhouse to master more avenues, but he is still astonished to see an eight-way ruler bursting out with all his might.

You must know that he only relies on one path to become a master, and naturally he followed a single physical path, but his rank was raised high enough to reach the master level.

But this has a fatal flaw, that is, if there is no great opportunity, he will almost be trapped in the dominance situation for the rest of his life.

Fortunately, he was lucky enough to find an existence who was willing to give his own interior, so he successfully created a not-so-complete half-step interior with his interior.

Therefore, the Valkyrie is really envious now, the ruler of the Eight Paths!

If you can master multiple rules, with so many years of accumulation, you may be able to step into half-step interior scenes with your own talents, and you may have the opportunity to touch the threshold of real interior scenes in the future.

"Hey! What kind of law is this? Such a strong yin energy and the power of the soul, what is he going to do with such a terrifying soul?!" The Great Zhou Emperor was stunned, and he couldn't see what it was with his knowledge. Condition.

On the other hand, Valkyrie had a dignified expression. At this time, he also noticed this, and after a long silence, he said with some difficulty: "This is the way of did he Can you master the way of reincarnation? This...isn't this one of the roads to fame that the **** emperor used back then?"

Valkyrie has entered countless ancient ruins, so he naturally understands, and it is precisely because he understands that he is even more horrified.

"The Dao of Reincarnation? God Emperor? Father, what's going on? Why did he have something to do with the God Emperor?" The Great Zhou Emperor was also surprised. The Dao of Reincarnation didn't know, but he knew the famous Lord of the Ancient Divine Court!

"The **** emperor has a very famous way, which is for reincarnation! This way can reverse life and death, allowing countless creatures under his command to enter his kingdom of the dead after death.

The Dao of Reincarnation is very special. It is said to be a top avenue, but it is also a composite avenue. There are six simulated avenues in it, and these six avenues have evolved into six different planes of the dead, and there is also a statue in each of them. The guardian of every dead world.

Among them, our current spiritual world is one of the worlds of the dead of the six paths of the **** emperor reincarnation, and a part of the human path. "Valkyrie explained.

"How is this possible? Isn't it rumored that the spiritual world was transformed after the fall of a true god-level senior who mastered the spirit-like avenue in ancient times?" Hearing this, the Great Zhou Emperor immediately asked in puzzlement.

"That's right, and he is one of the guards, this is not a conflict, it's just that the guard has completely fallen.

Otherwise, do you think that the fallen true **** can really evolve a world? It is precisely because he is not the true master of this spiritual world that that world still exists after the fall. "

The Valkyrie sighed, looking in the direction of Jiang Heng with complicated eyes.

"This kid wants to use the power of reincarnation to revive nearly tens of millions of dead souls who have fallen on this battlefield!"

"How is this possible?! Even if this kind of reincarnation can die and be resurrected, it should still have its soul intact. Now these fallen people are all shattered, how can they be resurrected?!"

The Great Zhou Emperor was even more shocked, what a joke, isn't it a well-known thing in the world that when the soul disappears, it will fall completely?

"Yes! You're right. Under normal circumstances, it's true. When the soul is shattered, everything will be empty." The God of War nodded, and then continued, "But the way of reincarnation is different, it can reshape the soul! "

"Reshape the soul?"

"Theoretically, it can be done. It is rumored that in the ancient times, the **** emperor would revive in batches every once in a while for the existence below the true **** level. Let them be reborn and continue to fight for him.

There are also a small number of cases in which the **** emperor came back to life for the true **** ruler in the records, but the number is not many. According to the records, resurrecting the true **** and ruler was easy and difficult even for the **** emperor who had reached the peak of his cultivation at that time, and it would always require paying a huge price. "

The Martial God seemed to be amazed by the unfathomable power of gods and ghosts that the **** emperor could do back then, and continued.

"The records describe that even if the **** emperor revives the true gods in batches, it will take a little mental effort. This is the case for the inner-level powerhouse. I can't imagine how Jiang Heng dares to forcibly revive the child with the master-level cultivation. Thousands of demigod domain master level powerhouses!"

"This..." After listening to the Great Zhou Emperor, he understood it, but he was a little silent and didn't know how to describe his mood at this time.

"Father, maybe help him?"

"No!" Valkyrie shook his head decisively.

As if he was afraid that the Great Zhou Emperor would think too much, he continued, "It's not that I don't help him because of my father, it's because my father can't think of how to help him with this method.

Although my father doesn't know the secrets of the rules of reincarnation, but I know that resurrecting the dead is bound to fight against the power of the entire rules of this universe!

This needs to be squeezed by the power of the entire universe.

Under the pressure of the power of the entire universe, not to mention him, even if he is a father, the inner scene will be shattered if he can't hold his breath.

That's why only the God Emperor was able to do it back then, because he was a real Neijing-level powerhouse, and he was one of the strongest beings at the Neijing-level at that time.

Only he can contend against the power of the universe's rules! "

"Then... can that interrupt his trick?" Hearing this, the Great Zhou Emperor was also shocked, and did not expect the consequences to be so serious.

"It's too late, the power of rules has already begun to be drawn, and he has already noticed him. Not only will he not be interrupted, but his father will also be involved. When the time comes, the inner scene will be shattered and he will fall on the spot with him."

As soon as the words fell, an invisible hurricane was seen spinning and rising with Jiang Heng as the center. For a moment, almost everyone felt that their souls seemed to be drawn away by some kind of force, but fortunately, this hurricane It seems that it is impossible to pull out the soul wrapped in a physical body.

If it is some out-of-body spirits, they may be caught off guard and sucked away.

But what they couldn't see, there were countless small ripples and invisible magnetic field energy in Jiang Heng's field of vision. These things seemed to be pulled towards Jiang Heng's palm, and gradually gathered into a pale light cluster. .

When these fragments of fallen ghosts and souls gathered together, everyone felt an extremely terrifying soul power.

"What's going on over there? How can there be such a terrifying soul power?!" Everyone was shocked.

Among them, those who were relatively close to Jiang Heng felt the terrible coercion of their souls. This kind of suppression in numbers made their souls sluggish, stopping their movements and even thinking one by one.

That is to say, only those true god-level existences can stay awake, so Rao still feels that the soul of the soul is actually panicked.

"Master, your old man never said that this thing would be so terrifying!"

Jiang Heng couldn't hold back and directly broke the defense. With nearly ten million dead soul fragments gathered in his palm, the terrifying coercion superimposed by dense souls and ghosts made him, the ruler of the eight realms, unbearably terrified.

The rest of the people may be far and they didn't have direct contact with each other, maybe the feeling is not obvious enough, but Jiang Heng has zero-distance contact at this time, which is equivalent to touching such a terrible thing with his own soul and body.

The pressure brought by the soul power did not act on the physical body, but it completely acted on the soul. This pressure was far more obvious than the pressure on the physical body.

It was as if the soul had been suppressed by one dimension.

"That's where it is. The quality of the mass of nearly ten million soul body fragments is naturally extremely terrifying. This may be an invisible substance for the physical body, but it is indeed a terrible pressure for the soul. But if you even support this If you don’t stop, everything will be empty!”

Wuwei Taoist shouted.

Hearing that Jiang Heng had also come to his senses, if he couldn't even hold on to this, then it would be a waste to activate the power of the universe's rules this time, and it would be a waste of Li Shenjiang's efforts.

"Senior! Can you still hold on?" Jiang Heng raised his head to look at General Li who was floating above his head.

At this time Li Shen will already be contending with the rules of this universe.

"It's's okay...this ****'s all right!"

Li Shenjiang gritted his teeth and forced a smile.

Jiang Heng nodded, thinking that your expression might be more convincing if your expression is not so distorted.

He no longer hesitated in his heart, his willpower exploded, driving his soul to slowly hold up this ball of horrible white light, and saw a vortex emerging in front of him, and his palm penetrated into it.

The palm of the hand penetrated into the human world again, and at this moment, the entire human world erupted into a more terrifying shock, as if the whole world was on the verge of collapse, and the earth, sky and even all spaces were violently shaken.

Countless people are terrified, they want to escape, but they can't do anything, as a big hand that looks like a scorching sun emerges from the crack, this world seems to be under an unspeakable terrible pressure.

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