Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1098: alliance

"Heh, Your Majesty's words are too ugly!"

The Great Zhou Emperor gave a cold snort, but with a flick of his wrist, he saw that the contract had been spread out, and he quickly wrote his name on it.

Seeing this mechanical god, he didn't care too much, he also had a thought, and a name also appeared on it.

Both of them are at the true **** level, and the mechanical true **** is still at the master level, so of course they should be called masters now.

Ordinary people can't see their names at all, just like the true faces of the two are covered by a layer of hazy brilliance in front of the crowd.

"Now that the alliance agreement has been concluded, I wonder what you plan to do next in the super-dimensional kingdom?" Seeing that the other party also signed the contract, the Great Zhou Emperor said with a slightly relaxed expression.

"It's very simple. Whether you and I communicate with each other, you know that I have high-dimensional teleportation technology, and I can send legions into designated areas to participate in wars at any time. I can set up multiple high-dimensional channels in your Great Zhou territory. If you If a war breaks out on my side, I will send troops to support it. Similarly, if a war breaks out on my side, the Great Zhou Empire will not be able to shirk."

The Mechanic Lord chuckled lightly.

"Yes!" The Great Zhou Emperor agreed after a moment of pondering.

This is indeed a very friendly condition for both sides. After all, the total number of armies of both sides is there, and it cannot be endless like foreigners.

"But you should be more than that, right?"

"Of course, if it's just a superficial alliance, then this alliance is meaningless. I have another idea, that is, resource sharing between the two parties." The machine master said.

"How to share one resource, and to what extent is it necessary to share one?" Da Zhouhuang narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Simple, the resources at the high-dimensional level where my super-dimensional kingdom of God is located are extremely scarce, and I have not dared to expand my army wildly for so many years. You know, as long as the resources are abundant, I can build an endless army.

So I wonder if I can borrow the endless starry sky resources in the Great Zhou Empire to expand my army. "

"Impossible!" The Great Zhou Emperor flatly refused almost instantly.

All the ministers and even Jiang Heng also looked ugly. No one knows what the concept of the expansion of the super-dimensional kingdom of God is. It is completely locusts passing through the border, but they will search for all substances with energy fluctuations and use them to build the army.

An arsenal is like a nest of constantly hatching swarms.

If the super-dimensional kingdom of God is allowed to flourish on the plane of the main universe, I don’t know if the foreigners will feel uncomfortable, at least their main universe, the Great Zhou Empire, will certainly be very uncomfortable.

"Hehe, why did you refuse so quickly? Your Excellency also knows how long it takes you to train a demigod-level soldier, and my super-dimensional kingdom can provide continuous support as long as the resources are sufficient. I believe you have also seen foreign troops. How huge."

The master of the machine is confident. Indeed, he also has the capital of self-confidence. As long as the resources are sufficient, he can continuously explode soldiers, and he can have as many soldiers as demigods.

As long as the resources of this world are not exhausted, then he can continue to fight against the world of Saint Yuan.

"No, if that's the case, I won't bother you to take action." Da Zhouhuang's face was gloomy and his attitude was still firm.

He can't open this hole, and what else is there for them to do. What's more, the massive loss of cosmic energy can easily lead to violent fluctuations in the gravitational force in the universe. At that time, these domain masters, demigods and even true gods will be fine, but the mortals below will only be wiped out in large numbers.

"Forget it, let's change the idea of ​​cooperation. We exchange resources. This master will exchange the resources of the high dimension and even the ninth dimension with the resources of your main universe."

The proposal of the mechanical master is quite pertinent, and the Great Zhou Emperor is a little moved.

If it is a free supply of resources, the Great Zhou Emperor will definitely not agree, but this condition is really mutually beneficial, because there are indeed many good things in the high-dimensional level, especially because of the rule of the super-dimensional kingdom of God in the ninth dimension, many forces in the main universe None of the resources can be obtained.

It is said that there are many treasures and resources in the birthplace of the universe in the ninth dimension, and those things may have a good effect on the breakthrough of warriors.

"I can agree to this matter, turn around and you and I

The two countries can discuss in detail later. "Da Zhouhuang nodded.

"Well, this Master also brought a piece of news when he came here this time."

"Oh? It's very important that you can bother Your Excellency to come and see it in person."

Everyone was also attracted by the conversation between the two. I am afraid that the ninth dimension of the super-dimensional kingdom of God has contacted more foreigners. It is foreseeable that the scale of the war there will not be smaller than here, and the intelligence aspect is also the same.

"I already know that the main **** of this main battle is named Lord Luo Yu. According to the records of the classics, this person should have also participated in the last catastrophe battle. He belongs to the inner scene-level powerhouse who escaped from our world after the catastrophe.

And right now he is still unable to break through the shackles of the boundary and step into our world, but based on the weakening of the barriers in the past, it is estimated that the time to allow him to enter at this level is about 50,000 years.

And after 30,000 years, the power of the realm will fail to suppress the Juggernaut level, that is to say, after 30,000 years, the true gods who have entered our world before will recover their cultivation.

Fifty thousand years can barely accommodate a strong person at the inner scene level, and the suppression of the inner scene level by the power of the boundary will become extremely weak. With the power of law control, he will become our nightmare. "

The Mechanic Lord's voice was flat, but every word he said made everyone present feel heavy.

"Huh!" The Great Zhou Emperor let out a breath, his eyes were sharp, "I think you have some countermeasures for telling this news, right? I don't know if you have any coups to solve or limit this Lord Luo Yu?"

"Hehe, I like to talk to smart people." The Mechanic Lord smiled slightly, "I am absolutely unable to compete with the Inner Viewer in fifty thousand years, but what if I can awaken an ancient Inner Viewer?"

"You have an ancient inner scene level powerhouse?!"

Everyone was surprised. People who can participate in this level of meeting more or less understand the division of ancient gods above the true **** level, and understand what the interior level represents.

"Oh, no, no! Don't get me wrong, it's not a real interior-class one, it's just an ancient corpse. The inner universe has been damaged, but the physical body is strong.

I have already analyzed it, and even if this ancient corpse does not have an inner universe, its physical body is still terrifying and possesses peak dominance strength! "

"An ancient corpse? How can the ancient corpse of such a strong man be awakened? Could it be that there are still remnants of soul left?" The Great Zhou Emperor asked suspiciously.

"No!" The mechanical lord shook his head, and before the Great Zhou Emperor got angry, he said again, "But I can temporarily control this body and use the physical power of this body."

"Oh?!" The Great Zhou Emperor chuckled, "You've already said that. I think there are quite a lot of restrictions. I need the help of the Emperor, right?"

"No way, I haven't analyzed the body road. On the contrary, didn't you become a **** in the body? It is a bit difficult to drive the body of the inner scene with a true god-level soul, but it is not impossible." The Mechanic Lord shrugged.

"You want me to abandon my body and merge into an ancient corpse?!" The Great Zhou Emperor was furious.

He was angry for no reason. It was useless to wake up an interior-level physical body and drive it, simply out of body possession.

It is necessary to use the secret method to transfer all the original laws of oneself and the sea of ​​consciousness, which is equivalent to the fact that the Great Zhou Emperor will no longer exist in the future, and there will only be an ancient corpse that has awakened and possessed the consciousness of the Great Zhou Emperor.

"What's the matter? Your Excellency, why not think about it, this is the peak combat power of the Dominator. If you can control it, so what if you abandon your current body?

Nowadays, there is not as much avenue of physical body as in the past. You may not be able to step into the realm of physical body **** with this body in your whole life. It would be better to change the physical body and directly possess the peak combat power of the ruler so that he can also block the main **** of Luoyu. "

It was said that the Great Zhou Emperor fell into silence for a long time, and all the ministers were also silent. This matter needs to be decided by the Great Zhou Emperor himself, and outsiders cannot make decisions.

Jiang Heng was thoughtful, and sent a voice transmission in his mind: "Master, do you know who the owner of this ancient corpse is?"

"It's hard to guess. There were too many Neijing-levels that fell that year. Some of them simply annihilated their bodies, and some did preserve their bodies, but most of them were confiscated by foreigners and became trophies.

Being a teacher can be regarded as a relatively early batch of internal scene class that fell, and I can't guess, maybe it was the group of people returning to the source of all things, or it might be the council of the ancients.

There are strong physical bodies in these two organizations, especially the Return of All Things Association has three internal scene-level gods with physical bodies, and there is one in the Council of the Ancients. "

"Hey! There is a divine sense coming!"

After all, Taoist Wuwei didn't say anything anymore.

Jiang Heng sensed it carefully, but he didn't feel any external divine thoughts.

"Promise him!"

At the same time, a deep voice suddenly appeared in Emperor Zhou's mind.


"Why? I...I..."

"Heh! It's my wish that you don't want to use that body." Valkyrie chuckled.

"Why is this? Does father want this body for any use?"

"It's just refining an incarnation outside the body!" The Valkyrie smiled lightly.

"Incarnation outside the body?! Father, have you stepped into the inner scene?"

The Great Zhou Emperor's heart was shaken. To refine an ancient interior-level corpse into an incarnation outside the body, this requires a strong body. At least it must be able to suppress the remaining will of the corpse, otherwise it will fall into madness.

Unless you abandon yourself and become one with that ancient corpse.

But the Great Zhou Emperor knew about his own family affairs, and his old man had already stepped into the peak of the Domination Realm. Speaking of it now, there was only one possibility, that he had stepped into the half-step inner scene.

"Well! Not long ago, I just stepped into the half-step interior scene and touched the traces of the inner universe, but the accumulation is still too little, the number of laws is not enough, and the inner universe cannot be firmly formed.

If you want to step into the real interior scene level, you need to learn more about the avenue of laws. Time is running out, pity, pity! If you give him another hundred million years, there may be such a chance. "

Valkyrie sighed, the realm he pursued all his life was the level of the truly powerful people in ancient times.

The Great Zhou Emperor was already in ecstasy at this time, half a step inside! This is a half-step interior scene!

This is a half-step interior view of the physical body, and its intensity is self-evident.

"Father, you were unable to contact because of your realm breakthrough some time ago?" The Great Zhou Emperor remembered that he was unable to contact the Valkyrie when the war broke out not long ago.

"That's right, you can't go out at the critical moment of the breakthrough, and you are still in a stable state right now, and you need to try many methods slowly." Valkyrie nodded.

"Then father can fight Naluoyu Lord God?"

"I haven't fought against him, but even if his realm returns to the inner scene, we shouldn't lose quickly if we fight against him. If he dares to be suppressed to the peak dominance level and step into our realm.

Then he must be beheaded for his father! "

Martial God's tone was extremely arrogant and determined, upon hearing this, the Great Zhou Emperor was determined.

Before that, he was worried almost every day, but now he has just calmed down.

There is a half-step inner mirror that can rival the inner mirror. In any case, it is impossible to decide the outcome of this battle within a hundred thousand years, and they still have a chance.

"This matter cannot be spread to the world for the time being, if you want to kill Na Luoyu, you have to hide it!"

"My child knows!" The Great Zhou Emperor knew the importance of it.

"Okay, I still need to be firm as a father, so let's go!"

As soon as the words fell, the Martial God's divine sense quickly withdrew.

"You agreed?" The mechanical master was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the Great Zhou Emperor would really abandon his original body. It seemed to him that he was quite surprised to be able to endure this kind of shock.

In his own opinion, switching bodies is perfectly acceptable. But he also knew that the Great Zhou Emperor and his flesh-and-blood bodies would respond to this.

But now that the other party agrees, it will be easy to handle.

"The emperor can accept it, but you have to send that ancient corpse as soon as possible. I need to make some preparations in advance."

"Of course, but don't you feel that you have to pay some rewards? This is an interior-level ancient corpse!" Of course, the master of machinery will not trade at a loss.

"what do you want?"

The Great Zhou Emperor stared at each other

He was surprised that the other party didn't mention the reward.

"I want resources, give me one-third of the resources of the main universe!" The mechanical master said.

"Impossible! This condition..."

"Don't refuse in a hurry, this master didn't say he wanted the resources of your Great Zhou Empire." The mechanical master waved his hand.

"Are you going to..."

"The temple of the gods!" The mechanical master spit out the words one by one.

For a while, everyone in the audience held their breath, waiting for the follow-up development.

"You and I will work together to destroy the temples first. As the saying goes, the outside must be safe inside. Is it safe for your Great Zhou Empire to have such a group of restless guys next to it?"

The Mechanic Master stood up and paced slowly in the middle, with a leisurely pace and a relaxed tone. It is hard to imagine that he is saying that he has destroyed one of the three giants of the universe.

"That guy who plays with fire in the temple of the gods, speaking of which, the ruler used to be his subordinate, just an old antique, and he kept saying that I am orthodox! The ancient **** is orthodox, a ridiculous and pathetic clown, this ruler has long been disgusted with him up.

how? Are you interested? "

Hearing this, Jiang Heng remembered that this Mechanic Overlord was originally a descendant of a great nobleman in the old Zhou Dynasty. In this way, he was really a subject of the boss of the Temple of Gods.

However, many courtiers of the Great Zhou who were present were not aware of this Only the four kings and the elders knew a little bit, and the Emperor of the Great Zhou was naturally included in this list.

"Heh, how do I know that this is not a situation jointly set up by you and the temple of the gods?" Da Zhouhuang was not overwhelmed by ecstasy.

Destroying the temples of the gods has always been what he wanted to do, but because the temples of the gods hold an ancient relic in their hands, they are suspected of colluding with foreigners. It is too risky to take action with the Great Zhou Empire alone.

Of course, now the Great Zhou Emperor felt that his own forces could also do something, because the old man stepped into the half-step interior scene.

However, for the sake of a greater victory, he still didn't say it clearly.

"Oh, that's it, that's easy too. Just give this person to you, and let you dispose of it. Then you will believe in the sincerity of this master."

As soon as the voice fell, I saw the Mechanic Master casually probing, the void was stirred and twisted, and a woman in a panic was dragged out urgently.

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