Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 988: enter the ruins

When Jiang Heng's field of vision changed, what he saw was already an incomparably vast wasteland and Gobi area, and not far away was a big river that was still flowing quietly.

There were wind and sand all over the place, and every now and then a gust of blowing would make Jiang Heng's skin feel slightly frosted. If it was an ordinary low-level demigod, the feeling at this moment should be a slight tingling on the skin.

Jiang Heng looked up at the sky, and found that it was gloomy here, and the clouds in the sky were extremely low, as if there was a thunderstorm brewing above.

This is the first day Jiang Heng entered the ruins. The ruins are located in a barren area nearly a thousand light-years away from the port of Athos. The entrance is in the middle of an inconspicuous meteorite belt. It's an unremarkable void, but as long as you get close to it, you can feel the distortion of space and there is a space tunnel enough for one person to pass through.

People who enter the ruins enter it through the narrow space tunnel.

"According to the data description, after entering the entrance of the ruins, it will be randomly dropped into the outer area of ​​the ruins, so I should be in the outer area of ​​the Wanli Huangsha now."

Jiang Heng took out the map that was like a draft paper, compared it a little and found out his current location.

Wanli Huangsha is a vast area covering nearly one-third of the outer area. The diameter of this area is nearly hundreds of light-years.

And there are a large number of ancient ruins buildings and cities buried in the sand in this area, and this is also the most popular place for many gold diggers who want to pick up the missing ones.

Because as long as you bring some treasure hunting devices, you may be able to dig out good treasures by exploring slowly.

After all, most of the places here were buried by yellow sand, and the previous wasteland reclamation teams didn't bother to dig it out, which actually made it easier for the follow-up gold diggers.

"There should be the most scattered people here. I can explore here first. It's not too late to explore the ruins after getting familiar with the environment."

Jiang Heng put away the map, this time he didn't follow the other teams to enter, and for the first time, he still wanted to explore alone to get familiar with the familiar environment.

After walking a few steps, Jiang Heng was attracted by the big river not far away. It stands to reason that with the climate here and such windy and sandy terrain, there should not have been rivers here in such a long time in the past.

However, there is indeed a big river flowing towards the distance in front of us. It looks the same as the rivers outside, except that there are a lot of sand and gravel in the river, which makes it very turbid.

With curiosity, Jiang Heng walked to the side of the big river, squatted down and observed carefully.

"What the **** are these rivers? Why are they still flowing after so many years?" Jiang Heng looked towards the end of the river and muttered to himself.

Slightly pondering, Jiang Heng didn't touch this weird long river rashly, but went upstream along the long river, wanting to find out the source of this long river.

The wind and sand here seems a bit weird, if the speed increases, the resistance will increase in a straight line.

"The highest escape speed can be increased to the peak of the domain master. If it continues to increase, I'm afraid that the ordinary middle-ranked demigods will collapse in an instant."

After feeling it for a while, Jiang Heng didn't dare to continue to increase his escape speed. Although he still has some confidence in the strength of his physical body, the situation here is complicated. If he doesn't understand clearly before consuming too much, he is afraid that many variables will arise.

The scenery here seems to be the same, no matter where you go, the feeling is the same. There is no alternation of day and night, no change of seasons here, as if time is a very vague concept here.

Jiang Heng buried his head and flew away, his eyes were always on the big river below, and at the same time he also calculated in his heart that a few days had passed compared to the outside world. About ten days later, Jiang Heng found that the big river below was still there, as if it was exactly the same as what he saw when he first entered this place.

If it wasn't for the slight difference in the height of the nearby desert wall from before, Jiang Heng would have thought he was still in place.

Rao Jiang Heng had enough patience, but he was still a little impatient at this moment. See the long river below is still the same.

"Is there a formation here? Anyway, it's a waste of time to continue walking like this." Jiang Heng slowly lowered his figure and landed on the soft sandy soil, pondered for a moment, glanced around, and finally landed not far away on the long river.

Just when Jiang Heng came to Changhe and was about to use a bottle to get some river water to test.

Sudden mutation occurred.

The river that was rushing forward suddenly began to stir. A small vortex appeared in the center of the river, and it began to expand rapidly. The surrounding river seemed to suddenly set off waves, and the surging river was like angry dragons rolling inside.

Whoosh whoosh!

Just when Jiang Heng was secretly on guard, the chains formed by the dense water flow suddenly protruded from the river, so fast that Jiang Heng was restrained before he had time to react.

Jiang Heng was about to move in space to get away, but a huge force suddenly came from the chains, and Jiang Heng was caught off guard by the huge force and was dragged directly into the vortex.

Jiang Heng was terrified, and wanted to use the power of space to break free, but a very strange electric current quickly spread from the chain to the whole body, and the electric current quickly penetrated into the limbs and bones and penetrated into many orifices.

The law of space that originally flowed through the acupoints to the dantian was stimulated by this strange electric current, and it collapsed for a short time.

And it was this brief collapse, Jiang Heng was completely sucked into the vortex by the chains under the loss of strength.

When swallowed by the turbid water, Jiang Heng felt his eyes go dark, a strong drowsiness swept over his body, and his consciousness fell into chaos.

I don't know how long it has passed, Jiang Heng gradually regained consciousness, and found himself lying near a nearly half-collapsed palace, with a strange spear piercing his chest and back in his chest, the blood had solidified, and a sharp pain continued Passed to the depths of the soul.

"It seems that this is what caused me to faint just now, but how can there be such a sharp weapon in the water?"

Jiang Heng frowned. The moment he was dragged into the river, he was ambushed by such a thing.

Being able to pierce the body comparable to a demigod with a physical body of the fifth rank, this spear itself is very strange.

Jiang Heng looked at the shape of the spear, and said that the spear should actually be a ship's anchor, but the shape is very slender and sharp, but because of the long-term exposure to water, the surface of the spear obviously has a lot of dirt.

However, he could find that the spear was still very strong inside. Jiang Heng tried to pull out the spear, and found that it was able to continuously devour his own flesh and blood, just like a metal carnivorous animal.

Jiang Heng's complexion changed slightly, knowing that he could not let this thing stay in his body, only then did he realize that his body was so empty, maybe it was just this beast that swallowed a large amount of his blood and flesh.

"I don't know how long I was in a coma just now."

Jiang Heng cursed secretly, he didn't expect to encounter such a thing when he just entered the ruins and didn't get anything.

It would have been extremely easy for Jiang Heng to pull out such a spear in normal times, but it was extremely difficult at this time, and his strength and strength, which were depleted of essence and blood, were even weaker.

It took several minutes for Jiang Heng to finally pull out the thing.

When the spear was completely pulled out, Jiang Heng could see the whole picture of the thing clearly.

The spear itself should be fine, but the dirt on the surface is not dirt, but a strange octopus-like creature attached to the surface of the spear. Each tentacle of this fang is covered with sharp barbs and tiny sucking holes. Mouthparts, it is this thing that is constantly devouring one's own flesh and blood.

This object seems to have grown together with the spear because of too long a time, so it was forced to be pulled out, otherwise it might still remain in Jiang Heng's body.

And when they were pulled out, a lot of flesh and blood were involved in those tentacles.

Jiang Heng cursed secretly, the wound healed quickly, and at the same time he quickly took several pills and began to adjust his breath.

After staying for half a day, feeling the breath gradually recovering, Jiang Heng carefully looked at the strange thing next to him.

Due to the loss of the water flow, this thing is like a water creature that has been dragged by the water, it has become dry and flat, and its energy has also been sluggish, and it looks like it is lying there weakly.

Picking up the spear, Jiang Heng felt it a little bit.

The spear itself should be a semi-sacred weapon of the fifth rank in the middle. Perhaps its initial rank was very high and reached a high rank, but after such a long period of time, it has not been stored in a place with extremely abundant energy, and its rank is inevitable. .

"Although the spear looks ordinary, it seems to have strong concealment and a very strong spirit poison."

Jiang Heng carefully recalled the situation that he was hit by this object without warning before, and he didn't know it.

"not bad!"

After weighing the spear, Jiang Heng threw it directly into a lake in his secret cave.

This thing is also considered a good baby.

After solving the weird spear, Jiang Heng's face faintly showed a bit of fatigue.

The toxin of the soul has not completely dissipated, the soul is still a little groggy, and the mental state is not very good.

"The situation here is unknown, let's explore the vicinity first."

Not having time to continue to adjust his breathing, Jiang Heng looked not far away, and found that in the area about ten steps in front of him, there seemed to be a huge stone slab that was mostly buried in dust.

With a wave of Jiang Heng's hand, a strong gust of wind blows away the dust in front of him, revealing the whole picture of the giant stone slab.

I saw that this was a broken eaves and broken wall of a large dark gray building somewhere. This stone slab seemed to be only a part of it. Obviously this was a rather special kind of hard stone. After such a long time in the past, it was still not too heavy. Visible weathering.

Since there are building wrecks, it means that there are a large number of temples or buildings here, and a ray of joy appears on the river, and they continue to move forward without stopping.

The further you go in, you will see that there are more and more green vegetation dotted nearby, and it is no longer as barren as the long river was before.

Jiang Heng looked up and found that there was a rather dark and thick cloud above his head. Jiang Heng speculated that this should be a hidden space under the river.

The surrounding green vegetation is gradually dense, and there are more and more ruins on the ground.

Jiang Heng continued to move forward. At this time, when he looked around, he could already see a group of palaces at the end of his field of vision, covering an area of ​​several thousand mu of land. The palace groups were generally 34 feet high, and the whole body was made of dark gray stone. piled up.

If it was in ancient times, these temple complexes must have been very magnificent, but now they are just devastated, with holes and collapses everywhere, as well as being buried by thick dust.

It's just that when I saw the potholes in the square in front of a palace, it didn't seem to be caused by geographical changes, but the trauma left by a fight.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng's eyes flickered slightly, and while secretly vigilant, he quickly probed out his divine sense.

After a while, Jiang Heng came to a collapsed eaves, and lifted the broken rubble to blow away the dust inside.

But I saw a body pressed inside, strictly speaking, a corpse, which has been weathered for many years, but still retains a humanoid corpse.

The body was wearing a long robe, which was dark gray like the color of the temple, but Jiang Heng knew that the color here should be uniform white in the past.

It's just that after many years of erosion and the baptism of dust, the white gradually turned into dark gray.

The clothing on this corpse is obviously also made of special materials, and from this Jiang Heng can infer that the identity of this corpse will never be low.

It is almost impossible for the clothing that has been eroded by such a long time to be preserved until now, except for the existence of the semi-artifact level.

Even if these fabrics would fly away like shredded paper if Jiang Heng gently pulled them at this time, the fact that they can be preserved to this day is enough to show how extraordinary the clothes were back then.

Dressed so well, the owner of this corpse is not simple.

Jiang Heng also noticed that the head of the corpse was wearing a crown full of theological worship. After such a long period of erosion, the engraved lines on the surface of the golden crown were blurred and could not be seen clearly. The crown that represents status and identity The owner of this corpse may be a believer with a high status in the kingdom of God or even an apostle of the mother goddess.

The cultivation base in front of the other party will never be low, at least it is around the sixth level, otherwise the physical body would not be so long without decay and weathering.

After all, this is such a long time from ancient times to the present, and the time experienced during this period can be calculated in hundreds of millions or even tens of billions of years.

According to Jiang Heng's knowledge of the Zhou Empire's chronicle of the universe, the time of the birth of the universe is no longer available, and even the period of the ancient gods' rule cannot be accurately estimated.

But there is a rough estimate, that is, the old Zhou Dynasty ruled the universe for 500 million years, and it took tens of millions of years just to overthrow the ancient gods. The establishment of the New Great Zhou has only been around 300 million years since its establishment.

In total, it lasted 800 million years, and the rule of the ancient gods is said to be ten times and a hundred times longer than these 800 million years.

Especially the existence of original gods like mother gods. They are the natural gods who first conceived wisdom and divinity at the beginning of the universe. If there is no battle of the gods at the dusk of the gods, with their near-eternal lifespan, they Can rule so far.

It can be said that even if this corpse is a person from the end of ancient times, it has been dead for more than 800 million years. Such a long time, the body of ordinary low-level and middle-level demigods has long been reduced to ashes.

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