Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 986: ania

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"I'm barely recovering from the First World War, but I've used too many pills. Fortunately, Bai Lao gave me enough. In the next period of time, I can recover as much as possible, and the rest can be kept for later entry. The ruins are used as a backup."

Jiang Heng recalled that he was quite satisfied with the recuperation of his body in the past 800 years. The battle with Qingwu almost kept the meridians and acupoints in his body on the verge of collapse. With extremely strong combat power, it might not be impossible to have a short peak period if he forcibly uses the Brahma Martial Eucharist.

Soon Jiang Heng came down to the testing area led by the reception lady. The testing area is on the first floor of the building. According to the other party's description, the building metal here is forged with a lot of void gold materials and invited a brilliant array mage. The inscription formation is hard enough to block the energy fluctuations dissipated by the sixth-order powerhouse.

The test target is each metal pile, and these metal piles are marked with their respective strengths. The tester can choose the metal pile of the corresponding gear for testing according to his own needs. He only needs to hit the surface to a depth of about one foot. success.

Jiang Heng glanced at the metal piles at the lower level and directly went to the middle level, pointed to the one in front of him and asked, "Then I will choose this one."

Following Jiang Heng's pointing, the woman looked over, and was immediately stunned. After a while, she said in a slightly tactful tone: "Mr. Shen, you can actually try the less difficult one first, after all, most warriors You need to practice one or two more times, if you directly challenge the sixth-level strength at the beginning..."

The woman is also kind, because there is only one chance for each gear test. Of course, the woman feels that Mr. Shen in front of her is a bit too exaggerated.

After all, the person in front of him still looked very young, not quite like those old monsters who had been famous for a long time, and even had a broken arm, in short, he didn't look too powerful.

"It's okay, just take one and try it."

As Jiang Heng said, he stopped explaining anything, and with a light wave of his hand, the woman beside him was wrapped in a gentle force and retreated to a distant place.

Swinging away the others, Jiang Heng watched intently at this metal stake, which was as tall and wide as a person, with sporadic palm prints or fist prints on it, but generally speaking, compared with other metal stakes, this metal stake had very few imprints. There are only a handful of people who have the courage to challenge this and leave their mark on it.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Heng's eyes narrowed slightly, and in an instant, the laws of the physical body in his body began to rush through his body like boiling hot oil, and quickly circulated through the eight extraordinary meridians and many acupoints in his body.

Wisps of golden streamer flowed on the body surface, and the Brahma Martial Saint Body suddenly moved, and immediately saw several phantoms rising from Jiang Heng's body surface, hovering slightly above his head, and soon fell into Jiang Heng's body again.

In just an instant, Jiang Heng changed into a posture with three eyes and six arms.

The woman on the side was not surprised when she saw this scene. She had seen this kind of situation a lot. After all, many warriors experienced some physical changes when they erupted with secret arts.

The six arms are stretched out in unison, like six bowstrings being stretched to the limit.

Immediately, they all swung out together, just like Jiang Heng's shocking palm against Qingwu, the star-picking hand also moved quietly, the power of the stars covered the palm, and countless stars slapped out along the palm like a torrent.

At this moment, the six palms seemed to merge into one in mid-air.


Accompanied by a powerful and heavy bang, the entire underground floor seemed to tremble violently, and a heat wave quickly evaporated on the surface of the metal pile, as if the high temperature was rapidly dissolving something.

Jiang Heng's physical body quickly returned to normal, his chest heaved violently, and his face was slightly pale.

Using the Brahma Martial Holy Physique did not dare to use more, Jiang Heng almost quickly charged up his palm to shoot, and did not dare to waste any extra energy and time during the period, so he completed all this series of operations in just one breath. There is still a feeling that the broken bellows box is twitching violently.

Breathing became extremely difficult, as if the lungs were about to explode.

"Sure enough, with the passing of the laws of the physical body, the strength of my physical body is also declining. If things go on like this, if the physical body loses the accumulation of laws, I am afraid that I will eventually fall into a demigod and become a domain master."

Jiang Heng secretly sighed in his heart.

At the same time, the billowing steam was slowly spreading out to reveal the situation inside. The woman stared at the metal pile without blinking, but when she saw the appearance of the black lacquered metal round pile, her eyes shrank slightly. .

On the metal post, directly in front of the silent standing position, an extremely clear palm print was deeply imprinted into the metal post, its depth may be nearly two feet deep.

This palm print also overshadowed the marks left by some people before, which can be called overbearing.

"Ma'am, am I successful now?" Jiang Heng asked after adjusting his breath slightly to calm down.

"Ah... yes! Mr. Shen, you succeeded, and I will register for you!"

The woman seemed to have just recovered from her trance, and looked at Jiang Heng with even more respect.

The strong are always admired by people, especially the one in front of him who doesn't look particularly old and has a sixth-level combat power.

The efficiency of the Adventurer's Union is extremely high. After the test, Jiang Heng only waited for a few minutes before he got his adventurer's identity certificate.

In the future, with this proof, Jiang Heng can come to the Adventurer's Guild to buy and sell information and receive or deliver tasks.

Jiang Heng looked at his identity certificate, and found that the description in the column of strength and realm was impressive: Possess the power of a sixth-order single strike, and the estimated realm is at the peak of the fifth or even sixth-order level!

Jiang Heng is very satisfied with this evaluation, so he can be regarded as initially having the admission ticket to enter the ancient ruins.

It's just that Jiang Heng didn't expect that under the circumstance that the evaluation of certification strength was extremely high, the reception lady was obviously more polite and respectful to him.

The service is even more meticulous, and he carefully explained to Jiang Heng the operation process between the adventurer and the adventurer's union and some more details.

For these narrations, Jiang Heng naturally readily agreed.

I am still just talking about the profession of adventurer, and it is naturally desirable to have such a professional explaining it.

After listening to Jiang Heng, he understood the conditions needed to enter the ancient ruins.

In fact, there are no conditions. Even a lone adventurer can enter the ancient ruins alone, but most people dare not do that, because other people act in groups and can deal with danger together.

At the same time, casual people can easily be robbed by other teams when they meet other teams.

Don't think that there is harmony between adventurers and adventurers here in the Freedom Star Alliance. As long as the adventurers in the wild ruins or secret places only need to cover or change their appearance, they can instantly become robbers.

That's why the Adventurer's Guild made a clear reminder in its notice to the ancient ruins of the Mother Goddess of Life.

'The trade union suggests that it is best to explore in small groups, otherwise casualties will not matter! '

Seeing that Jiang Heng was so interested in the ancient ruins, the young lady named Ania smiled and became more eager.

The information she told was of no value at all, but if it could make a good impression on this big shot who was likely to become a top adventurer in the future, she didn't mind saying more.

"Mr. Shen, are you interested in this ancient ruins? If you are interested, I can help you contact the senior adventurer team that is currently recruiting members. It is relatively less dangerous to enter and explore with companions of comparable strength."

"Can you help contact other teams here?"

"This is naturally possible. Many team captains issue recruitment orders through the trade union. It's just that it's really hard for newcomers like you to join the team directly. But don't worry, the risk of exploring the ruins is extremely high, and the casualty rate is also very high. , Many teams that have explored many times also suffered heavy losses, and are in urgent need of replenishing teammates.

Someone as strong as you, even though the task record is zero. But in this situation, I believe they will not worry too much. ’ explained Ania.

Jiang Heng nodded, and was not in a hurry to express his opinion. Instead, he changed the topic: "I wonder if you have some detailed information on the ruins, or a map inside the ruins?"

"This..." Arnia was taken aback, but didn't think much about it, thinking that Mr. Shen just wanted to know the situation in the ruins in advance.

However, she still looked around and said via voice transmission: "Senior, I can provide you with this detailed information for free, but we also have maps here, but they are hung by other adventurer teams here. And the maps are only for their team Currently explored area records, so there is still a large area that is blank and unknown."

Hearing this, Jiang Heng didn't even think about it: "I want it all, how much is the map?"

"500,000 imperial coins, or one million common currency of the Free Star Alliance."

"This is 500,000 Imperial Coins!" Jiang Heng took out 500,000 Imperial Coins without any nonsense, and the value preservation rate of Imperial Coins in the entire universe is also extremely high.

Anya opened her mouth. She really didn't expect someone to agree so quickly, and even took out the cash directly.

Indeed, what Jiang Heng handed over was a storage ring containing 500,000 imperial coins.

Ania knew the number was correct just by perceiving it with her divine sense.

This is not to blame for Jiang Heng's decisiveness. There is no other way. Bai Lao gave too much, hundreds of millions of wealth. If this is not necessary, it is a waste of his master's talent for making money.

"This is relevant information!" Arnia simply took out a small lens card and handed it over. At the same time, she also sent a small card slot machine. It seems that the combination of the two can read the active information stored in the card.

As for the map, it is much simpler. It is just a piece of white paper with many hand-drawn lines crookedly drawn, which is very unprofessional and does not need to consider accuracy at all. The only thing that Jiang Heng is quite satisfied with is that there are many text labels on it.

And just when Ania thought that Mr. Shen in front of him would leave, this Mr. Shen actually took out a storage ring again.

"This is one million imperial coins. I need more detailed information. I know you must have better things here."

Don't look at Ania's appearance just now that she seems to be giving away information for free without telling the trade union, but in fact Jiang Heng knows that this information may be free and open, and there may be some information added by Miss Ania herself. smuggled goods.

Arnia was stunned. Indeed, what she brought out was public information, but it was limited to information that was disclosed within the trade union.

If you sell this information outside to some laymen, you can indeed make some money, but in fact, you only need to ask any adventurer who has been in it, and the other party will tell you if he is in a good mood.

Arnia admitted that the information just now was just detailed information and records on the periphery of the ruins. This information was summarized hundreds of years ago, and it is completely outdated and useless information.

"Mr. Shen, you are really smart, but you want better information, and this amount of money is not enough." After being shocked, Ania quickly realized that she couldn't help showing a bright smile on her face.

"How much?" Jiang Heng asked lightly.

"Five million imperial coins!" Anya's lips parted slightly, and she looked at Jiang Heng with winking eyes.

Jiang Heng narrowed his eyes slightly, and then began to carefully look at the lady in front of him.

This is a female of the tribe who looks indistinguishable from a human. Its beauty is in line with human aesthetics, that is, there are a pair of slightly curved horns on the top of the At the same time, there seems to be a tail as small as an ox's tail shaking from time to time.

"Ms. Arnia, I don't think you are an ordinary trade union employee?"

"Of course, if I'm just an ordinary trade union employee, I don't have the authority to negotiate such a business with you." Ania smiled slightly, flicking her temples.

"Then let me introduce you now, Arnia, the honorary vice president of the Adventurer's Guild!"

After all, this lady Ania bowed slightly and saluted Jiang Heng. Her elegant dress similar to a cheongsam highlighted her perfect and slim figure very attractively at this moment.

Jiang Heng nodded at the same time, his eyes focused on the delicate face of the other party.

It's very strange, obviously I have never felt that there is anything unusual about this Ms. Arnia, she looks mediocre in terms of temperament, appearance and figure.

But at this moment, Jiang Heng seemed to be surprised by the astonishment of the person in front of him.



This person has always been dressed like this, and has always looked like this. Why did I subconsciously think that she was just an ordinary employee? "

For a moment, Jiang Heng's back was covered in cold sweat, and his eyes immediately glanced at the reception staff at other windows in the distance. The clothes of those people are actually very different from that of Miss Arnia, and it can even be described as completely different.

But just now, I always felt that Ania was no different from these people, just an ordinary person.

"Is it the internal law of restraining breath, or the law of hidden spirits? Miss Ania, you really surprised me!" Jiang Heng restrained his mind and joked with a chuckle at the same time.

"I have never noticed such a beautiful lady in front of me."

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