Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 984: Reincarnation Hall

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While Jiang Heng was inquiring about news in the tavern, at the same time, many people had gathered near the port some distance from here.

Port Athos is the largest port in the hinterland of the Free Star Alliance. Its area is large enough to accommodate nearly tens of billions of starships landing and taking off at the same time. It is also divided into many areas, such as public areas, VIP areas, and even some private areas. .

At this time, in a private area, there are already nearly a hundred figures standing in the port reception area. These people are well-dressed, have various racial characteristics, and have aloof expressions.

If some local people outside saw it, they would be able to recognize it at a glance. These people are members of the Free Star Alliance council.

Members of the Council often attend some public events of the Freedom Star Alliance, and they are the voices of the forces behind it, so they are naturally very recognizable within the Freedom Star Alliance.

At this time, these people are gathered here, and most of them are showing anxiety, apprehension or nervousness, and they seem to be waiting for something.

"Who exactly do you think is the special envoy from the Hall of Ten Thousand Laws? The Yin and Yang elders want us all to come and welcome them?" A council member frowned and asked in confusion.

"Who knows. Although the Hall of Reincarnation is one of the neutral forces alongside our Freedom Star Alliance, the Hall of Reincarnation has always been relatively low-key. In terms of mystery, they are second only to Sanshen Mountain!"

"That's right, it's reasonable for a power like the Hall of Ten Thousand Laws to let me wait to meet him, but I don't know which hall master of the Hall of Reincarnation it is."

"The Hall of Reincarnation only has six Hall Masters. If the Hall Masters of the Heavenly Hall come in person, it is estimated that the Yin and Yang elders will come out to greet them in person. Presumably it should be the rest of the Hall Masters!"

Someone analyzed that everyone in the Hall of Reincarnation is naturally familiar with it. After all, they are all neutral forces of the same size. Even though the Hall of Reincarnation is not as good as the Freedom Star Alliance at the level of top powerhouses, the Hall of Reincarnation has an advantage in terms of high number of positions.

It is said that there are six hall masters in the Hall of Reincarnation, and each hall master's strength is at a high level. It is rumored that the most powerful hall master of the Heavenly Hall even has a high-ranking ninth-level combat power.

In contrast, although the Liberty Star Alliance has two ninth-rank powerhouses, there is no other high-ranking powerhouse in charge.

And the Freedom Star Alliance is said to be a powerful organization, but the yin and yang elders don't have much control over this organization at all.

The Hall of Reincarnation is more like a sect with strong executive power, and each hall master has many disciples and elders under his command.

"It seems to be almost time, why haven't you come yet?"

"Wait a little longer. After all, I heard that the Hall of Reincarnation had a good relationship with the Yin and Yang elders. Anyway, we still have to give the two elders face."

Everyone became a little anxious, and at this moment there was a slight fluctuation in the distant starry sky. This fluctuation was quickly captured by the port platform personnel, and they were about to inform all the waiting congressmen.

The next moment, the wave appeared in everyone's field of vision in an instant, and it was even suspended above the port and was slowly descending.

This is a starship with a rather eerie and strange shape. The front part resembles a ferocious skull. When sailing, the entire hull of the ship will be wrapped in a cloud of dark green flames.

It looks like a ghostly will-o'-the-wisp sailing in the void of space.

The starship soon docked steadily at the fixed area, but the hatch opened, and the first to rush out were two rows of mysterious figures in black robes. These people seemed to have no feet, and they were more like It's like floating out.

At the same time, the top of the head was covered by the hood, so it was impossible to see their appearance clearly. I saw them standing in a very orderly manner on both sides of the hatch steps, as if waiting for the arrival of their master.

"Here we come! Don't lose the manners of our Liberty Alliance members!"

The crowd waited nervously for a moment, and after a while, a young man in a black dress with a delicate white skull scepter in his hand slowly walked out. The man's skin was extremely pale, and his face was thin like a skinny skeleton. It looks like it will fall apart if the wind blows.

Seeing that the person who came was just a young man, the congressmen couldn't help but look at each other.

But they also know that the other party is the special envoy of the Hall of Reincarnation no matter what, and some proper etiquette is still required.

"I am a member of the Free Star Alliance, and I am here to welcome the Special Envoy of the Hall of Reincarnation!"

The first fat congressman greeted him with a smile, as if the elders looked at the younger generation, at least in terms of momentum, they overwhelmed the other party.

The young man didn't express much when he heard the words of the fat congressman, and he didn't even bother to look at them. Let these guys bluff and cheat with their signature."

The voice wasn't loud, but it wasn't low either, and it happened that the fat congressman heard every bit of it in his ears, and his face turned blue and white with anger.

"The special envoy was joking. Our Liberty Star Alliance respects the elders, and treats the elders as if they were their own elders. How can we say that we are bluffing and deceiving."

"I don't like people making noise next to me. If there is a next time, I don't mind letting you be like them." As he spoke, the young man glanced at the servants on both sides of him.

Hearing this, the fat member of parliament felt a chill inexplicably, glanced at the men in black robes on both sides, and told him intuitively that the things inside might not be living people.

It is rumored that although the Temple of Reincarnation is a neutral force, its behavior has not been approved by outsiders. Their code of conduct is to herd the creatures of the universe and maintain the balance of the six realms.

And the laws of the several hall masters in the hall of reincarnation are also quite strange and incomprehensible chills.

It is said that the Lord of the Animal Hall can extract the soul of a living person to reincarnate into an animal womb, and he can also secretly arrange what kind of animal others will be reincarnated into in their next life.

The Hall Master of the Human Hall can reincarnate others into other family environments in the next life. As long as he wants, he can even make you the heir of a strong demigod.

It stands to reason that this kind of reincarnation has always been relatively trivial. Even a true god-level powerhouse cannot guarantee whether his heir will be his heir in the next life after death.

However, due to the special laws of the several hall masters of the Reincarnation Hall, they have this strange power to control the reincarnation of others.

It is also for this reason that the Hall of Reincarnation is extremely famous in the universe, and even many high-ranking demigods have come to them, hoping that they will allow their children to still be their children in the next life.

It is not clear which law of the Six Paths the young man in front of him has mastered. Even if the fat congressman is angry in his heart, he can only hold back at this moment and dare not say anything more.

After listening to the chatter of these people in the tavern, Jiang Heng had a general understanding of the ruins.

Generally speaking, this is a fairly well-preserved relic, suspected to be the cave of a certain ancient true god. Inside the cave, there are a large number of well-preserved treasures and many dense medicinal equipment.

In addition, some people even speculate that it contains the remains of a dead true god.

Needless to say, the value of a remains of a true **** is definitely a treasure that even high-ranking powerhouses will go crazy and want to obtain.

Jiang Heng pondered for a while, then left the tavern, not in a hurry to get involved, but returned to his residence.

Jiang Heng lives in a relatively mid-range hotel in the port. The hotel is jointly managed by a couple named Tom. It is said that this was their house before. Later, old Tom was unable to work as a sailor, so he spent his life savings here. I bought a house and now manage the hotel.

Old Tom is a low-level demigod who is about 800,000 years old. His wife, Jocelyn, was married three thousand years ago. She is a young domain master, but now she has also become a shrew.

But the family is still very harmonious and beautiful. The husband and wife gave birth to a son and a daughter a hundred years ago. Now the son is practicing with the master of the port martial arts school, and the daughter is helping with the family's business.

As soon as Jiang Heng came back, little Jocelyn called out sweetly: "Brother Shen, you are back, we made a delicious sea beast stew pot today and there are still many more to eat, if you don't dislike me, give it to me." Send it to your room!"

"Oh, thank you very much. Living with you has saved me a lot of money!" Jiang Heng joked with a smile. He likes little Jocelyn very much, and he also thinks that Old Tom's family is very nice.

Old Tom would often make more food to entertain the guests in the store. According to Old Tom, he would provide free food if he could. He just hoped that the customers in the store would not go crazy.

This is also because there are many sailors who come to his shop. Sailors have always liked alcohol and often come back drunk. If they don't keep an eye on these people, maybe the shop will have to undergo major repairs the next day.

I heard from Old Tom that his shop has to be repaired hundreds of times every century and rebuilt once.

He thought about using better materials to build a house, but he didn't have the money. He was just a sailor, and all his savings in his early years were used to buy land. As the largest and most lively port of the Free Star Alliance, the land here is not cheap.

"Hee hee, Brother Shen, my father said that you are different from those sailors!" The little girl replied with a smile.

"Different? How is it different?" Jiang Heng was suspicious. His current outfit was deliberately disguised according to the style of the sailor here, and it stands to reason that there would be no flaws.

Seeing this little girl's body slightly leaning forward with her hands behind her back, she smiled and said in a low voice, "Brother Shen, let me tell you, don't tell my father."

Jiang Heng nodded and smiled lightly in his heart.

"Actually, my father told me that Brother Shen, you are definitely not an ordinary person. Your clothes are no different from that of a sailor, and even your skin looks like a sailor who has been busy on the starship all year round, but you are not full of bad words."

Hearing this, Jiang Heng understood, and he was a little dumbfounded. He had to say that the sailors here were indeed full of swear words, and they couldn’t do without swear words.

"Also, my father said that you should not be a local of the Free Star Alliance, because you don't seem to know much about this place. When you came here for the first time, you even asked the price very politely. The locals all know Old Tom's Hotel s price."

The little girl looked like you still need to work harder, Jiang Heng was both amused and alerted a lot.

Although I didn't think of a perfect disguise at first, at most it was just a change of appearance, but this is indeed worth noting. If I need to seriously disguise in the future, I guess this little surprise will be fatal.

"By the way, Brother Shen, your hand..."

The little girl paused for a while and didn't continue, she just looked at Jiang Heng curiously.

Jiang Heng knew what the other party meant, because he left the southern border, so he didn't use the prosthetic at all, and the left sleeve was still empty.

"It's okay, it's already an old problem." Jiang Heng chuckled, waved his hands and went upstairs to his room.

Closing the door, he took off his shirt to reveal the wound on his left arm, which was already covered with carrion, and maggots could be vaguely seen wriggling on the surface. Seeing this, Jiang Heng immediately took out a knife blade and a tray, and directly cut the Maggots and carrion were scraped away one by one.

Regarding this, Jiang Heng's expression did not change at all, as if the knife was slashing someone else.

The carrion fell on the tray, and soon the carrion turned into dense squirming worms, wriggling and jumping on the tray, but soon these maggots seemed to have lost their source of food, and after a moment of wriggling, they remained motionless on the tray, as if dead.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng narrowed his eyes slightly, and the offerings of these things that lost the law would be instantly corrupted.

Dao injuries are terrifying to a certain Faced with the things on this tray, Jiang Heng did not dare to be careless at all, directly tore a piece of space, and at the same time wrapped the entire tray with the power of space and immediately threw it into the void.

These rotten flesh has become highly poisonous, with a strong distortion effect.

If it is faced with this thing under a demigod, the carrion will soon become a living creature and use the other party as a seedbed to absorb nutrients.

Even if a low-level demigod is contaminated by such things, if it is not dealt with in time, these things will seriously affect the low-level demigod until it is deformed or assimilated and corroded.

After scraping off the carrion, Jiang Heng took out the small porcelain bottle from the storage space very familiarly, poured out several pills, crushed them, and applied them directly to the wound on his left arm.

A heart-piercing pain hit, but Jiang Heng was unmoved, and wrapped it up with some new bandages on his own, before putting on his shirt again.

"Based on my current state, I am no longer at my peak state. At this time, there is a high probability that I will need to use the Sanctuary to explore the ruins. In my current state, I can only maintain about three breaths. Every second after the three breaths will greatly increase the Taoist injury Injuries, the laws of the physical body will be even more difficult to sustain."

Jiang Heng rubbed the center of his brows, it was extremely difficult for him to choose now.

These tavern rumors are certainly true to a certain extent, but if you directly believe the rumors, it is completely a gamble.

"I can't grasp the situation in the ruins at this time. Maybe I can follow a team of adventurers to explore the situation first. I don't want to get anything when I go in for the first time, but I just want to find out a little bit. For the second entry Get ready."

Jiang Heng has made a fuss, he is really in a bad state now.

The aftermath of the last battle with Qingwu has not been resolved, and this does not include the case of Dao injury.

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