Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 982: Advent (below)

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The dense alarm sounded harshly, and many managers who were still a little bit confused woke up instantly, and one by one began to get busy in an orderly manner.

The super-dimensional Divine Kingdom's behavior style is extremely efficient, and they locked the anomalies in the space almost instantly.

"I found an abnormal node and searched it. After the search is completed, it is inside the arsenal!"

"Immediately enter the highest alert, dispatch soldiers to search for the target location, and eliminate the enemy immediately if found. Simultaneously block the space!"

A series of instructions were issued, and the command room was busy, but there was no tension at all. They were like a small cog in a giant machine, coordinating with the whole to operate regularly and efficiently.

Almost at the moment when the order was issued, the soldiers who had been quietly waiting in each cabin began to light up their scarlet eyes one after another, and headed towards their destination in an orderly manner.

At the same time, the entire arsenal went into ear-piercing alarms. The sirens rang through every cabin and working area of ​​the arsenal, and many life forms living inside looked around in confusion.

They are different from those managers and soldiers here, they can't receive the command room's instructions, they just look at all this in confusion, because this kind of alarm has never happened since they lived here.

These Alto's clansmen lived in the adjacent living area, and when they sensed the alarm, they started to walk out of their lounges one by one to the corridor to check what was going on.

But seeing that everyone is equally confused, everyone is even more confused.

But at this moment, the hatch of the living area was opened from the outside, and rows of soldiers gleaming with cold metallic luster rushed in quickly, with murderous intent.

"In an emergency, everyone is not allowed to leave here, and those who violate the rules will die!" The cold electronic synthesis voice came from inside the leader soldier, and the pair of scarlet eyes scanned around, and their eyes quickly fell on one of the rest rooms that had never been opened. room.

"Rush in!"

The leading soldier gestured to the left and right, and soon soldiers on both sides rushed over to the door of the room. The two looked at each other and were about to break open the door together, but at this moment, an invisible wave The power suddenly exploded from within.


With a loud bang, the entire metal door was rushed out like scraps of paper, and the strong momentum caused the two soldiers waiting at the door to be knocked out.


As soon as the leader's voice fell, a black shadow quickly approached, and his voice and even his ability to act stopped abruptly.

It wasn't until this time that the surrounding Alto people saw that the soldier had stopped functioning, and a burly figure had smashed the opponent's metal head with one hand, like an egg, and the outer metal armor was smashed. The finely divided internal parts are like paper lakes.

It's just that when everyone looked at the figure, they hurriedly avoided it and didn't dare to look directly at it, because they felt the pain of their eyes being burned again with just one glance, not only their eyes, but even their whole body seemed to be about to break apart But out of the ordinary, weird and treacherous.

A faint coercion also permeated the entire living area following the appearance of this person, and countless people from the tribe knelt down unconsciously when their legs softened. He lowered his head, not daring to look directly at the other party, and seemed to be worshiping the mysterious figure that suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Who the **** are you? This is the 76th arsenal branch of the Super-Dimensional Kingdom of God. You are attacking the main military base of one of the three major forces in the universe!"

Suddenly, one of the soldier's mechanically dull face began to become more humane. This was because the manager was remotely taking over the management of this soldier. He looked at this strange and powerful man and questioned him.

This is the foundation of a powerful force. The super-dimensional kingdom of God does not allow others to infringe on their interests, especially here is a secret arsenal of the super-dimensional kingdom of God in the main universe.

This will be an important step in the follow-up plot of the super-dimensional kingdom of God to the main universe plane.

Because of this, the manager was puzzled and surprised. He didn't know why such a strong life form appeared here.

Judging from the energy level analysis, the opponent's energy level response has reached the fourth level of the life realm level.

And if such a strong man is not dealt with in a low-level arsenal like theirs, it will be a big trouble.

"So much nonsense!"

The figure opened his mouth faintly, and as soon as the words fell, an invisible force field descended instantly, and in an instant, nearly a hundred soldiers who had reached the low-level first-order demigod level around this person were instantly crushed into metal by an invisible force field falling from the sky Round cake.

And this scene was also transmitted to the command room by the monitoring nearby. Seeing this situation, all the managers in the command room realized the seriousness of the problem.

"Immediately send out a signal for help, and at the same time ask several **** envoys for instructions, only they can take action to hold back the target!"

"No! The nearby space seems to be distorted by a force, and our signal cannot be transmitted in time!"

"Then increase the power!"

For the first time, there was a little panic in the command room.


At the same time, Jiang Heng, who dealt with a group of soldiers, did not stop at all. With a flash of his figure, he saw dozens of figures walking out of his body, one by one rushing towards different directions.

Soon there was a burst of continuous explosions resounding outside.

Jiang Heng's initial decision to come to this star field was to make a quick decision. The space distortion can only limit the opponent for a moment. With the technological means of the super-dimensional kingdom of God, there are some communication capabilities that can ignore the space distortion force field.

Once the news is delivered, it is foreseeable that Jiang Heng will have to face tens of thousands of times as many enemies as himself in a short time, and it is inevitable that he will be killed or captured alive.

As Jiang Heng left the living area, countless people in the living area gradually recovered from the shock and horror just now.

Rao Shi still looked at each other gasping for breath, and they didn't quite understand what was going on.

The long-term enslavement made them unwilling to take action even if they saw the hope of escaping from the chaos.

Now they even think about who this is, and whether this will affect their work here.


This is what Orto saw when he walked out of the room. The faces of the people who entered the target group were still numb, as if the visual impact just now did not stir up much waves in his heart at all.

"Why are you still standing there? This is my god! This is the **** my family has always believed in! The **** heard our prayer and came to save us!"

Alto yelled out his hatred for iron and steel, as if awakening the unwilling bloodiness of his people.

However, very few responded to him, and many even pretended not to hear his words.

This scene made Orto very sad and disappointed. Is your own clan like this now?

"Don't you just want to work here for the rest of your life? Like animals, assigned by the manager? Whether it's eating or sleeping, our words and deeds need to be strictly controlled by the manager. We are a life with our own thinking, not a group of numb people. livestock.

Do you want to be commanded by a group of iron lumps for the rest of your life? Have you forgotten the glory of being human? "

Orto's almost roaring cry.

Perhaps because of Alto's great self-emotion, the people around finally had some reactions, and there was a glimmer of light in the godless eyes, which gradually became brighter and brighter as Alto continued to tell. abnormal.

"That's right! We are living creatures, a group of intelligent beings, not slaves and animals driven by a group of dead things!"

A young man with a relatively strong figure threw off the metal tool he was holding tightly in his hand, and let out the biggest cry in his life.

This cry was like a single spark, but it soon became a prairie fire.

"Yes! I can't take it anymore."

"Me too, every day, I....I am so painful that I can't sleep every day, but I dare not rest every day. I must ensure the workload, otherwise I will be judged by the manager as a target that needs to be cleared. Why? ! I don't accept it!"

"Yes! My mother has been upset for a long time. I heard that this was our hometown before, but now we want to help these managers destroy our hometown. This is a shame!"

It may be nothing when one or two **** people are shouting, but a hundred or thousands of people are shouting, and soon this shouting will form a cluster effect, and more and more people will start to raise their arms and shout, and soon this high-pitched Shouts and unwilling shouts resounded throughout the living area.

"Orto! I heard that you used to be the royal family of my family. I, Barus, am willing to serve you, and I will do whatever it takes!"

A young man knelt on one knee and said in an excited tone.

"I, Texil, am willing to serve you!"

"I, Sean, am willing to serve you!"

"And I...."

One by one, young or old, men or women, began to swear allegiance to Alto.

Many of them may be acting irrationally because of the environment present, but at this moment, the whole group has undoubtedly begun to gradually become a rope!

The clansmen who watched this large film were half kneeling on the ground, Alto's expression was dazed, and a line of tears rolled down his cheeks.

He had only seen this scene in his dreams before, and even as the reality became more and more cruel, he gradually dared not even dream about this kind of dream, because it was too unrealistic.

But at this moment, all of this has appeared, and the ethnic group is about to rise! To resist!

"Okay! Then we'll kill the **** managers and destroy everything they want! Kill!"

Alto waved one arm, and suddenly the mountains roared and the tsunami shook like thunder, even if there were constant explosions from outside at this moment, it still couldn't cover up the boiling sound here at this moment.


Cutting dozens of soldiers instantly with space cutting, Jiang Heng's avatar flashed and quickly moved to another war zone with space teleportation.

Dozens of avatars quickly and mercilessly slaughtered the soldiers and resistance forces here in an extremely efficient killing method.

"Who sent you here? Is it the Great Zhou Empire or the Temple of the Gods?"

A voice sounded, and a metal figure different from other soldiers emerged.

Jiang Heng is very familiar with such a figure, because he has seen it on the battlefield in the southern border. The opponent's surface is extremely smooth and streamlined, and his face has very human simulation characteristics.

This is the so-called **** envoy level powerhouse in the super-dimensional kingdom of God, who is the commander, manager and high-level person in the super-dimensional kingdom of God.

It belongs to the existence second only to the **** seat level, and its combat power is probably above the first in the low rank, and below the sixth rank in the high rank.

And the combat strength of the statue in front of him should be around the median fourth rank.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, the avatar in front of him flicked his fingers, and a ray of invisible blade cut quickly.

Seeing the scene where one of his soldiers was cut without a sound, this envoy-level powerhouse was obviously prepared, and quickly made evasive movements.

But the next moment, several avatars appeared in all directions around him, and without exception, these avatars cut out a space cut one after another.

Then I saw this strong man here, this envoy level became eight yuan, sixteen yuan, thirty-two yuan!

In the end, in a burst of intensive cutting, the envoy turned into cosmic residue.

There are two divine envoys here, but without exception, they were all cut and killed by the defenseless space.

They may be relatively difficult existences for ordinary fourth-order demigods, and they need to be taken seriously.

But for Jiang Heng, the existence of this level can no longer stop him in the slightest.

"Divide into thirty incarnations, and each of them can maintain a state of about two levels. Now I can use the method of incarnation outside the body more freely. The space cutting of the second level can barely break through the defense of the fourth-level powerhouse, but If you want to kill, you still need several avatars to join Jiang Heng is quite satisfied with this, but immediately shook his head with a wry smile: "However, in the future, if such means can be used, we should use them as little as possible. Relying too much on the simple and crude method of space cutting will not help me practice martial arts after a long time. "

Although the power of space is very practical, but relying too much on it will make you feel dependent.

In this regard, Shi Yu, one of the Twelve Houses of the Temple of the Gods, is a lesson from the past.

He clearly mastered such a powerful law of time, and even reached the high eighth level of cultivation, but he almost died in the face of Jian Wushen of the seventh level.

Although Jian Wushen has a tricky behavior to block the opponent's law, it is undeniable that Shi Yu has nothing to do with Jian Wushen in a frontal fight.

It only took an hour for Jiang Heng, the arsenal, to be completely wiped out. Except for a transport ship carrying Orto and his people, this place was completely wiped out by Jiang Heng.

The simplest and rude way to deal with the super-dimensional kingdom of God is to completely wipe out all the intelligent equipment, otherwise a little signal can be transmitted quickly.

Fortunately, it took a very short time for Jiang Heng to clear the place, and he never encountered any support from the super-dimensional divine kingdom until the evacuation.

When passing through the passage, came to another starry sky. Alto and all his people looked at this strange starry sky outside the porthole.

There was no sentimentality in their hearts, but only excitement, and the complex emotions of seeing the sun again.

They actually really got rid of that hellish life, got rid of the fate of being enslaved generation after generation, maybe they are really free at this moment.

Olto felt the most complicated and excited about this. He fantasized about this scene all the time, but it didn't feel real when it happened.

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