Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 972: Get the biggest trouble out of the way first

"So that's the case. It seems that I guessed wrong." Ke nodded and smiled.

"Xiao Ke, you really dare to think, how could Lao Shen master the law of space, that is the top way!" Liu Que interjected and joked.

She doesn't believe in the top law of Jiang Henghui's Space Dao at all. It's not that it's impossible, it's completely hopeless.

It's just that in a place where Fu Gang and Liu Que couldn't see, Ke's delicate face turned over with a hint of suspicion.

At this time, the game was still going on, and most of the day had passed before we knew it.

Jiang Heng looked at the number of people displayed in the jade slips, and there were a total of forty-five people.

"The speed of the sharp drop in the number of people has slowed down, but it is estimated that there will be another wave of sharp drop in the number of people in the next two battles for the last two promotion orders."

Not long ago, the third promotion order had fallen.

This time, three waves of battles broke out, but they were all eliminated by Qingwu, the strongest player in the field, without exception.

The fluctuation of the sixth-order powerhouse was undoubtedly revealed, and the two teams teamed up to no avail, and they regretted being eliminated.

This situation also made many teams who wanted to compete with Qingwu for the promotion order dumbfounded.

Naturally, this also includes the three championship teams where Xing Yun is.

At this time, Xingyun and the captain looked at each other in silence.

"I already feel that Qingwu's aura is getting closer and closer to us. It means that their search range is advancing here. I guess we will only be able to face them in the near future!"

The captain sighed, there's no way Qingwu didn't intend to hide his breath at all, and the opponent's purpose was also obvious, just to give the other teams a strong psychological shock.


But this kind of overbearing makes people despair, the opponent's strength is too strong!

"His strength is almost the same as that of our Lord General Huo! And he is also a physical body, and he has inherited many fighting secrets of the Marquis. In actual combat and hand-to-hand combat, he is not inferior to our three champions!"

Xing Yun also analyzed helplessly, the more he analyzed like this, the more helpless he felt.

He thought about whether he could defeat the opponent with the Sky Opening Axe, but after careful analysis and weighing, he had no choice but to veto it.


If they now have a team of thousands of people to form a large formation to gather the strength of the battle formation, they may be able to compete with the opponent one or two.

But now there are only ten people, and the battle formation composed of ten people can only increase the strength to the fifth level.

After using the sky-opening ax to burst out, he barely reached the level of entering the sixth level, but facing Qingwu's monster, it was a joke.

"Wait first! There must be someone who can't help snatching the next promotion order. Just now I discovered that there is a small team not far from us. They are closer to the Qingwu search area.

With Qingwu's intimidating power, I guess they would not dare to contend with Qingwu, and they would hide by our side. Time to see if we can form an alliance! "Xing Yun looked at his captain and said in a deep voice.

"You want to unite with other teams to fight against Qingwu? Can you really beat it?" The captain hesitated.

Qingwu's strength is really disappointing.

"It doesn't matter whether we fight or not. If we don't resist anymore, with Qingwu's attitude, as long as he finds us, we will almost be eliminated. Unless we discuss cooperation with Qingwu, but with the relationship between us, Lord General Huo and him, what do you think? Is it possible?" Nebula sneered.

The captain was also silent.

Because the relationship between his own master general Huo and Qingwu has been in a state of competition.

The two often didn't fight each other, which was due to the fact that Master Huo beat up Qingwu who was still weak when he was young. It happened in a contest.

But now that Qingwu is strong, he wants to regain his position many times.

But General Huo is also a chicken thief, knowing that there is a high probability that he will not be able to beat Qingwu, so he seldom participates in some contests between high-level military officials.

Just as Xingyun and his team were discussing here, as expected, the whole team has already rushed over here.

Soon the two teams met and became wary of each other.

"Moon Shadow! It's you!"

But after seeing the person coming, Xing Yun immediately called out the name of the leader opposite.

The person who came was none other than the other five demigods from the Jiying Legion. They had been hiding in the area not far from the third part of the champion just now, but now Qingwu was searching here. They can only continue to evacuate to the periphery.

"Xingyun! The third part of the championship! What do you want to do?"

Yueying looked at Xingyun and the others very vigilantly, because he saw that there were ten people in Xingyun's group.

Not to mention the large number of opponents, even if the number is equal, Yueying will definitely fight with the fighting power of this group of reckless people on the opposite side. If there is a fight, there is a high probability that their side will also be defeated.

"We won't do anything, we want to talk about cooperation!" Xing Yun said with a warm smile on his face.


After talking for a while, Yue Ying understood the intentions of these reckless men.

"So you want to fight the monster Qingwu head-on?"

Knowing the intentions of these reckless men, Yueying was even more surprised.

What are you kidding, you want to fight that monster?

Do you really think that the opponent's reputation as the strongest below the high position in the southern border is just bragging?

"No, no, no! We can cooperate, but if you want to deal with Qingwu, then we'd better leave."

Moon Shadow shook her head again and again.

"Hmph! If you don't cooperate, you can only be eliminated first. Presumably you also know our strength. At such a distance, even if you are good at escaping, it will be difficult to escape from us? And we are better than you. More!"

As soon as the other party disagreed, Xing Yun changed his face faster than turning the pages of a book. At the same time, all the companions around took their positions, faintly double-teaming the other party.

The air machine was locked by the opponent, and the faces of Yueying and other teammates suddenly looked ugly.

"I think the outside world's impression of our three championships is somewhat different. In fact, we are still very reasonable. As long as you are willing to fight Qingwu with us, then we are allies, whether it is here or going out!"

Xingyun's words made Yueying and other Jiying team members roll their eyes.

Are you kidding me, your champions three are a bunch of reckless people.

"Okay! We can cooperate with you, but we have played a lot of strength in fighting Qingwu, and you all know this point."

The situation is stronger than people, Yueying can only grit his teeth and agree.

But what he said is also true. The members of the Extreme Shadow Legion are definitely far inferior to the reckless people in the third part of the championship in terms of actual combat ability.

"Okay! You can pretend to attack and harass from the side, and we will stand in front. If the situation is not good, you can take us to run together!" Seeing the other party's agreement, Xing Yun nodded very satisfied.

"Yes, but we are not sure about escaping from the monster Qingwu. I think your strategy is not perfect. If we want to attack Qingwu, we need more allies!"

"We will do this without your telling us, so now we need to find other people."

This side is plotting big things here, and at this moment the fourth promotion order from Tianbian has fallen.

It's just a coincidence that the fourth promotion order was on top of the two teams.

But when they saw the promotion order slowly falling from their heads, the people from both teams showed astonishment and panic at the same time.


Almost as soon as the promotion order appeared, the breath of Qingwu in the distance suddenly moved to this side quickly.

"not good!"

Almost in an instant, everyone broke out with all their strength at the same time and was about to escape.

"Everyone, don't disperse!"

Seeing that everyone was hiding in different directions, Xing Yun hurriedly yelled through sound transmission.

However, the situation was too critical at this time, and several members of the Jiying Legion panicked. They just relied on their own speed to quickly find a direction and ran with their heads buried in it, not paying any attention to what Xingyun said.

Seeing this, Xingyun was a little annoyed, but fortunately, the ten members of his team were still unified, and they were running in one direction at the same time.

In just ten breaths, Qingwu's figure appeared in the area where the two teams were previously, and he had already pinched the promotion order in his hand.

A smile appeared on his face when he felt it carefully.

"It seems that every time the promotion order appears, there is a team nearby. This is to speed up the elimination. It just saves me and I will continue to look for it!"

With a slight smile on his lips, Qingwu followed the nearest sensory area, opened up his escape speed at full speed, and stopped a member of the Jiying team in the blink of an eye at the peak speed of the sixth order.

"Don't... don't do it... I quit!"

Feeling the aura of the sixth-order peak that was close at hand, this team member almost didn't need to say that he consciously crushed the jade slip in his hand.

Seeing this, Qingwu didn't hesitate at all, he felt his figure and disappeared again in a flash.

Xingyun and the others were running wildly at this moment, but when they felt that the number of islands eliminated appeared one after another at this moment, their hearts sank.

I didn't expect the opponent to move so quickly.

"If it's too late, he will definitely catch up with us!" An abrupt voice resounded in the hearts of everyone in the three champions.

But he saw Yueying's figure appearing not far from them, walking hand in hand with them.

Seeing the figure of the other party, Xing Yun knew instantly that the other party probably felt that he would not be able to escape, so he simply planned to fight together with them.

Seeing that the captain hadn't spoken yet, Xing Yun took the lead in giving orders.

"Stop! Everyone stop!"

Hearing this, everyone stopped, even the captain of the three teams of champions. He knew that Xing Yun was one of the few guys in their army who liked to use their brains.

It is also this time that Huo Zhu will specially arrange people to participate in this competition, mainly to prevent their group of fools from being fooled around.

All the members are convinced from the bottom of their hearts, because they are too lazy to use their brains.

"With Qingwu's speed just now, it may take five breaths to catch up! During this period of time, we will take out all the formation disks in the storage space, quickly deploy a large formation, and at the same time form a combined attack battle formation!"

Everyone carried a lot of formation disks that could be used directly, most of them were buff disks, the purpose of which was to increase their explosive power and combat effectiveness.

This can be regarded as some preparations that their legion often makes when facing some small encounters.

Hearing the words, everyone understood, and quickly took out the array disks one by one to convey energy and throw them out.

"Yueying, don't hide your clumsiness at this time, use whatever hole cards you have. Now that all members of your Jiying team are eliminated, you don't want to eliminate even your captain with us, do you?"

Xing Yun's words were a bit aggressive, but Yue Ying had to accept it. After all, the entire legion didn't even make it through the first round, so it would be embarrassing for the legion commander to go out.

What's more, their legion commander is still a Marquis.

"You don't need to tell me about this, I will do my best!"

Gritting his teeth, Yueying said fiercely. At this moment, he was already making moves, and he also threw out several arrays.

Different from the buff array disks of Champion Three, his array disks immediately diffused a dense black mist as soon as they were thrown out, and the black mist quickly covered an area of ​​tens of thousands of meters.

At the same time, he took out dozens of bottles and cans, and then directly mixed them with a special medicine without any explanation, forming a viscous liquid and smearing it on the dagger at his waist.

This dagger is naturally the Shadowless Cone. After applying this potion on the surface of the Shadowless Cone, it quickly becomes nothingness. At the same time, if you use the soul to probe, you will also receive a certain chronic poison against the soul.

He has already applied some breath-restraining drugs and some highly poisonous drugs on the surface of the shadowless cone, not only for the body but also for the strong toxins of the soul.

This can be regarded as the close combat method of their Extreme Shadow Legion.

In addition to these severe pains, he also quickly took out several talisman seals from the storage space, and these talisman seals with many inscriptions were directly attached to the joints of his body.

At the same time, the champions of the third part did not have such fancy methods as Yueying, but they also took out large jars from the storage space and smashed them directly on the head.

Immediately, a stream of blood-red liquid dripped directly onto their bodies.

As the blood-red liquid evenly covered the surface of the body, every team member emitted scorching heat in an instant, and their skin quickly became red and congested.

A majestic aura began to erupt.


As another even bigger aura suppressed the audience, everyone raised their heads one after another and saw the young figure floating in So it seems that you want to fight first? "

Seeing the actions of the group below, Qingwu spoke calmly, but there was some approval and joy in his words.

He didn't make any moves along the way, so he took a higher look at such a **** man. Of course, he also wanted to exercise his muscles and bones.

"Qingwu! Don't deceive others too much! You dare to be so arrogant because your realm is higher than ours. Do you dare to suppress your realm at the fifth level and confront us with dignity?

Or do you dare not, you haven't learned the semi-successful end of the old man's actual combat? "

Nebula shouted loudly from below.

Hearing that Qingwu's expression was as usual, his tone was still flat and he said, "It's a superficial aggressive method. But it's also useful. But it's impossible for me to suppress it to the fifth level. The power that erupts in a combined battle with a large number of you cannot be underestimated.

Let's do this, I will suppress the realm at the level of the sixth-level entry. If you can last three breaths in my hands, how about I let you go for a while? "

Speaking of Qingwu's aura quickly subsiding, the realm quickly dropped, and the originally incomparably full realm suddenly reached the level that could even step into the sixth level.

Even so, the terrible coercion emanating from it still made the people below secretly startled.

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