Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 949: Extreme Shadow Racing Team

wrong! Still damaged!

Alice saw a special omnic warrior in the distance, and this man had already blown up four thousand guns that were attacking it.

It is an omnic warrior of the fourth rank or even comparable to the fifth rank!

"There are omnipotent apostle omnics in the enemy's main formation, tens of thousands of people, in attack form! Gather!"

In an instant, nearly a hundred thousand spears that were attacking by themselves gathered again, and the giant wheel quickly slashed towards the opponent at a tricky angle.

Seeing this huge high-frequency rotating cutting wheel formed by rapid convergence, the apostle soldier clearly knew the destructive power of this thing very well.

The thrusters on his body allowed him to maintain terrifying mobility, and he avoided the trajectory of the giant wheel flying very easily.

Seeing this, this apostle warrior has a very accurate prediction in the database, that is, the opponent's flywheel cannot hit him, but he can easily rush in front of the enemy's leader.


But just when he was about to pounce and get close to Alice, his eyes suddenly blurred, and the giant wheel that he had avoided originally appeared in front of him for some reason.

Then he felt that he had lost control of his lower limbs.

Before he could react, the flywheel made another round and slashed at him again.

Alice in the distance watched this scene, her face that was originally as cold as frost could no longer be stretched anymore, her small mouth was opening little by little, at an exaggerated angle.

She saw with her own eyes that the giant wheel she controlled actually had other special abilities, disguised as a false phantom, and then suddenly the speed of evasion increased suddenly.

It's like the husky I raised at home, only to find out one day that this thing is actually a wolf king.

After only being stunned for a moment, Alice reacted.

"Wan** scattered! Free state! Attack!"

While commanding the transformation of the form of the ten thousand **, Alice also shouted to the soldiers under her command: "Quick! Quick! Break through the encirclement! There are fifth-order apostle-level soldiers here. It is unrealistic to completely kill the opponent. Let us take this opportunity to break through !"

Where does Alice need to order at this moment, everyone in the team urged the power of law in the body.

The power of the law of hundreds of people quickly linked together, and at this moment the squad of hundreds of people arranged in a sharp cone formation was really like a sharp cone piercing the enemy's heart.

And at this time, with the connection of the power of the law of a hundred people,

The super shadow battle formation of the Jiying Legion is fully activated, even if it is only a small super shadow formation formed by a hundred people, the escape speed of the formation suddenly increases several times at this moment.

The speed of the spike queue soared rapidly, drawing a series of phantoms along the way.

At the same time, the few soldiers who mastered the law of thunder in each hundred-man team of the Jiying Legion also urged the power of thunder, and the escape speed increased again under the blessing of thunder.

In addition, there are many auxiliary demigods who assist in speeding up, and the few supporting demigods who cooperate with the super shadow battle formation also urge their own power of law.

In an instant, the entire team seemed to be traveling through a super-long-distance star gate, and the entire spike queue seemed to be stretched, which meant that their speed had made them stretch continuously.

Just like a leather ball, under the rapid linear motion, the ball will stretch into an extreme ellipse.

This is also the case at this moment, and it is even crazier, almost stretched into a straight line.

"Come on!"

"Our Jiying Legion can transcend time and everything! Go!

! "

All the soldiers in the team voice began to roar excitedly, which is the style of the Jiying Legion.

They love the high adrenaline rush of speed, which makes them feel like everyone else is left behind.

In fact it is true.

Accompanied by a buzzing sound, when the Omnic Legion reorganized to counterattack the siege, the opponent had already broken through and disappeared into their blockade.

The speed has almost soared to the limit of the sixth-order peak, and this speed is no longer what their omnic legion can catch up with.

Unless the throne-level or sixth-level apostle soldiers come in person.

Countless fluid micro-nanometers began to quickly capture the wreckage and repair the body from the fracture of the fifth-level apostle soldier who had been chopped into dozens of pieces.

Just looking at the direction in which the enemy was going away, the apostle-level soldier fell into a long period of contemplation.

At this time, Alice's team, which successfully broke through, continued to rush forward for hundreds of light years before gradually slowing down.

Many people are still in the aftertaste of excitement.

Cool! So cool!

They also experienced this feeling at the beginning of the war.

As the war continued, the Omnic Legion became more comfortable dealing with them, which made it difficult for them to have such a smooth racing experience today.

In fact, the response of the omnic legion today is very correct and effective.

If it was normal, a team of one hundred like Alice would have been bogged down.

The style of the Jiying Legion is that it needs to soar in speed to exert its strength.

If it is normal, they will slow down when they encounter the first layer of shield barrier, and then they will fall into the ocean of the opponent's army.

If this is normal, their speed will drop to freezing point within three breaths, stagnate after five breaths, and be trapped and unable to move within ten breaths.

But it's different today, it's almost as if he's trying to destroy everything in one go.

"Centurion, you are too powerful. This command is amazing. If it were other centurions, I'm afraid they would have been trapped to death."

If there is a leader, he flatters his centurion openly and aboveboard through the voice of the team.

"That's right! It's really cool today, those omnic soldiers are like being chopped melons and vegetables by us. The barrier that stops us from charging is cut into fine pieces by our flywheel."

Many people are flattering, no one is reserved at this time, excited.

This is so cool, their Jiying Legion will have to soar. The faster the speed, the harder their ten thousand guns cut.

And this is also a breakthrough. If it is a guerrilla attack, when they surge up, there will still be many tyrannical methods that can only be used under high-speed movement.

Listening to the rainbow fart of the subordinates, Alice has calmed down at this time.

"It's not that I commanded properly. My command today is the same as before. Don't you realize that your Wan ** is different from before?"

Alice did not hide the merits of the weapon in this battle.

Hearing this, the soldiers were all stunned for a moment, and immediately began to check their personal belongings in the shuttle.

"It's nothing different, but let's not say that the quality of this thing is obviously much better than the previous batches, no! It's better than all the ten thousand guns I've used before!"

"It's more than that, after this round of charging, there is no groove on the top!"

"Hey! Why is there an inscription on it? What is this?"

Finally, someone found that his millionaire was a little different from before.

"There is indeed an inscription. It seems that there is a formation in it? How did it get inscribed?"

"Can formations be engraved in the weapon? Good guy, there are five different circular formations, which can absorb cosmic energy to maintain operation at all times. How can this be done?

It is said that the formation can really be engraved in the magic weapon? "

Many people were dumbfounded, they hadn't seen formations engraved into the magic weapon.

In fact, this is normal. Formation engraving masters belong to a noble profession that serves the powerful. At most, they serve some big shots or centurions and thousands of commanders.

They don't have time to engrave formations on the standard equipment of ordinary legionnaires.

"This is the formation inscription!"

Alice sighed and told what she knew.

"You guys have hit the jackpot. Under normal circumstances, there are very few semi-divine artifacts inscribed with formations on the market. The price of such a first-level divine weapon with five formations inscribed will be ten times higher than the original price. That's why I say you're lucky.

In my opinion, its sturdiness is no less than that of a Tier 2 semi-sacred weapon, and its sharpness has reached the limit of a Tier 2 semi-sacred weapon. Customized! "

As she said that, Alice suddenly thought of the ordinary-looking middle-aged man who docked with her at the rear base some time ago.

When she saw that person at first, Alice felt that the other person was an arrogant and ordinary first-order refiner.

Even if she sees that the other party has really completed the task efficiently, she just thinks that the other party's skills are good, but that's all.

But I didn't expect the other party to give me such a surprise.

With such a piece of Wancha whose various data have reached the second-order level, cutting those first-order omnic warriors is naturally as easy as cutting melons and vegetables.

And relying on the power of the formation to gather together, it doesn't seem so strange to cut the fifth-order apostle soldiers.

"That! Centurion, can you get me another one? I... mine was destroyed by the fifth-order apostle soldier."

A soldier said sadly in the voice of the team.

"Yes! And me!"

"mine too!"

One after another, several people wanted to cry but did not cry.

Knowing that this thing is so easy to use, they cried with envy.

Jiang Heng didn't know that what he added to the magic reform of Wan ** due to his own interest would be of such great help to the Jiying Legion.

He is still preparing the textbook for the next class.

That's right, after several years of courses, these students are now making rapid progress. Lao Tian, ​​who was already close to a fourth-order formation master, is now an official fourth-order formation master.

For this, Jiang Heng naturally had to give some excellent students different treatment. After all, the students in the class have different attainments in formation techniques, and they are as powerful as Lao Tian. Besides him, there are two other students who are also attacking the fourth-order formation masters. As for the other students, there are also Several of them have stepped into the level of Tier 3 Array Master one after another.

A small number of first-order formation masters have now stepped into the second-order level.

It's not that their original formation skills were poor that caused them to make slow progress. The main reason is that the previous instructors were too stretched.

In fact, these students who specialize in formations have good formation talents.

Loose cultivators are different from official powerhouses with better backgrounds. They can step up to the demigod level step by step by discovering what they are best at and then specializing in one of them.

In this regard, the instructors of the Eye of Heaven who came here are not even as good as them, because many of the formation instructors are half-baked, and the reason why they can still come to be instructors is half-baked.

This is mainly a mandatory requirement of the military, and secondly, the formation books they have access to are the real essence of formations that casual cultivators can't imagine.

How difficult it is for casual cultivators to obtain the essence of formations written by a master of formations, but on the military side, they store the essences of formations left by the masters of formations over the years. Taking it out can cause a sensation among the casual practitioners.

Now Jiang Heng has absorbed and summarized the essence of these formation masters and then taught them to these casual practitioners, which naturally benefited them a lot.

In addition, Jiang Heng likes to learn from others' strengths, and the knowledge of formations he has learned is never rigid, so the knowledge he tells is all practical and practical.

Of course, Jiang Heng also felt it. As the teaching continued to deepen, the progress of these students gradually slowed down.

The further the speed of progress, the higher the requirements for talent.

"My current accomplishments in formations are equivalent to the fourth-order level, and my theoretical knowledge should be at the fifth-level level. However, as I have been practicing formation engraving recently, I should break through to the fifth-level formation master very quickly. The sixth-level formation master I need to learn more as soon as possible, learning the relevant basics earlier will be good for me to engrave formations and arrange formations in the future."

Jiang Heng was thinking about this while sorting out his textbooks.

The essence of the sixth-order formation is a relatively high-level and relatively confidential knowledge, and the military controls it strictly.

Because the power of the sixth-order formation has strategic significance to a certain extent, if some formation geniuses can even trap the seventh-order demigods in a short time with the compound superposition formation formed by the interlocking sixth-order formations.

Therefore, if you want to learn the essence of the sixth-order formation, you need the Hou Ye who sits at the base to write it in By the way, who is the Hou Ye who sits here? "

Jiang Heng thought for a while and suddenly said, "Ji Haihou!"

This is the oldest Marquis in the Southern Territory. With an age of 20 million years, this Marquis is not the strongest among all the Marquises, but he is definitely the most prestigious. I also have to give this guy a bit of a nudge.

These were all mentioned by Fu Gang, the team leader of Jiang Hengting. It seems that this old Hou Ye came to the southern border fiefdom with Nan Wang when he was young.


Whispering in his mouth, he was thinking about the difficulty of obtaining Lord Hou's handwriting in his mind. After careful consideration, the difficulty is still there.

First of all, you need to obtain the qualification of a Tier 5 formation mage. This requires an examination at the base, and there is an opportunity to apply for the examination every ten years.

In addition, obtaining the qualification of Tier 5 Array Mage has to go through the strict review of the base. First of all, the students are definitely not qualified. The instructor is still qualified because he is from the Eye of the Sky organization and can withstand the investigation.

The most important thing is the guarantee of at least two commander-level officials of the legion. This is the most troublesome thing that troubles Jiang Heng.

"Forget it, let's take a step and see."

Jiang Heng shook his head, if it was a guarantee, he could ask Xingyun to see if he could bring his colleagues to help him as a guarantee.

This point has to be asked to know.

After handling the textbooks, Jiang Heng went out to impart new knowledge to the students.

As for the refining task, Jiang Heng has not considered continuing to accept this task for the time being since he has done a batch of customized tasks for Mr. Wan.

The direction of his consideration is definitely not the Extreme Shadow Legion, but the orders of other legions, try to forge weapons of other types.

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