Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 946: Do you want to engage in refining equipment?

Compared to Jiang Heng's shame, Luo Mingming was full of self-blame, no matter what, it was his fault, and the alchemy he was so proud of suddenly couldn't do it.

Thinking of this, Luo Mingming had another sad expression on his face.

I don't know what the captain and the others will think of me after I go back?

Thinking of this, Luo Mingming sighed even more.

"Brother Luo, don't worry too much. Maybe it's just accidental?"

"Accidental? What does that mean?"

"Even I don't feel very good sometimes, which often leads to some big problems when I arrange formations. I think you want to take a break? Or change the environment?"

Jiang Heng used words to guide the other party.

"Is this effective? I've also heard that mood also determines the success rate of alchemy. It's just that I can't even refine the lowest demigod-level elixir. I... can I be saved?"

Luo Mingming wanted to cry but had no tears, it seemed that he was useless already.

"Don't worry! Brother Luo, I think this is mainly a psychological problem for you. I wonder if the more you practice alchemy recently, the more irritable and anxious you feel?"


"Is there always a fire in my heart, and this fire is getting hotter and hotter?"


"Do you feel that the rules are a bit confusing?"


"Do you only think about how to make alchemy in your mind now?"

"Yes yes yes yes!"


Luo Mingming saw Jiang Heng sigh, patted him on the shoulder and looked at him earnestly: "Brother Luo, you are showing symptoms of madness!"

"Ah? No way? I feel like I'm normal, but the state of mind and body is not so good. I want to recuperate for a while." Luo Mingming was shocked. He didn't feel that he was crazy.

"If it were really so easy to find out if it was so easy to find out, then there wouldn't be so many people who are crazy. You look at your current appearance, and then think about your previous appearance! It's like a different person, I see, this alchemy has already It has become your obsession, you should take a break and go out for more walks during this period, maybe this alchemy technique will slowly come back, and the signs of madness will also recede."

"Is that so? I understand!"

Luo Mingming nodded suddenly, but his mood was still not very good.

Seeing Luo Mingming disappearing from the field of vision with some dismay, Jiang Heng couldn't help showing a touch of shame.

"It looks like you have to go to the refining room to practice formation engraving in the future."

The base has complete facilities, including a dedicated alchemy refining room, and of course a practice room dedicated to array formations and inscriptions.

It's just that the former has a high-power energy-gathering array, but Jiang Heng feels that there are too many people there, so if he does it himself, he might attract attention.

Jiang Heng decided to go to the refining room to have a look first.

First remove the energy-gathering array in the courtyard, and only keep the original energy-gathering array, and then Jiang Heng went to the refining room.

The energy around his home is almost emptied all the time, Jiang Heng feels that if this continues, Luo Mingming will be forced to go crazy even if he is not crazy.

The refining room is far away from the accommodation area and the training area, and it is located at the outermost edge of the base, because the influence of the high-power concentrated energy array on other areas will be minimized.

When stepping into this area, Jiang Heng can feel that the temperature here has increased a lot.

After showing his certificate, Jiang Heng entered this area without any hindrance. The trainees and instructors in the alchemy room here can borrow it at will. Only the materials need to be prepared by themselves. Unless they accept the military's refining task, the military will give them materials, and at the same time, you have to refine a specified number of pills and magical weapons according to their requirements.

At this time, the benefits of your superb refining skills will be reflected. If you have good refining skills and can save a lot of extra materials after completing the task, then these extra materials can be kept by yourself.

In short, there are quite a few alchemy masters here. When Jiang Heng came here, he found that Luo Mingming was also rushing here, and the two happened to meet again.

"Brother Shen, are you here? Are you proficient in alchemy and weapon refining?" Seeing Jiang Heng, Luo Mingming was a little surprised.

"I know some weapon refining techniques, and I want to come here to practice. Are you coming here to change the environment?" Jiang Heng said casually.

"Hmm! I think what you said is very reasonable. Maybe I can get back the feeling I had before in a different environment."

"Then I wish you success!"

"Well! Brother Shen, I accept your blessing, I will definitely succeed this time!" Luo Mingming clenched his fists and the scorching fire burst out from his eyes again.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng also breathed a sigh of relief. The other party came here to make alchemy, so there will be no problem, right?

It's just that when Jiang Heng, Luo Ming and Ming Qiqi stepped into the alchemy refining room, both of them were taken aback by the scene in front of them.

"It turns out that the alchemy and alchemy are interspersed with each other. This layout is quite good."

After all, Luo Mingming is a veteran in alchemy, and he quickly understood the layout here.

After looking at the layout here, Jiang Heng also understood what the other party meant by the intersecting interval.

This is the specific layout of some large-scale alchemy and refining places. Simply put, private rooms stand side by side. The second is the alchemy room, and the fourth is the equipment refining room.

The advantage of this layout is that the surrounding energy required for alchemy is very large, which often affects the energy density of the next compartment, so there is a refining room in the middle as a buffer zone.

As for the refining equipment, there is no need for too many external energy substances, and it mainly cares about the refining equipment material itself and the furnace. Of course, there is also the tempering skills of the craftsman himself.

Jiang Heng is also quite satisfied with this layout, because each room here is separated separately, and the material of the private room has many materials that isolate the breath, so he doesn't worry about outsiders prying into the interior.

This is good!

"Brother Shen, you see that the two side-by-side rooms here are just vacant, or I will choose this alchemy room and you will choose this one!" Luo Mingming pointed to the two unoccupied private rooms not far away and was a little excited road.

Hearing these things, Jiang Heng felt that there was nothing wrong with it, but for some reason, he vaguely felt that this was not very good.

But unable to withstand Luo Mingming's enthusiasm, he still chose the refining room next to Luo Mingming.

Before closing the door, Jiang Heng heard Luo Mingming's excited voice.

"Brother Shen, take care, I will succeed this time!"

Shaking his head, Jiang Heng began to devote himself to the inscriptions and formation comprehension.

The private room is huge, almost equivalent to a large space of 500 square meters. There is a huge forging table in the middle, and there are many templates for plasticizing weapons on the wall. Of course, there is no shortage of various forging hammers. .

The forging hammers here are obviously of the semi-artifact level, and the materials used seem to be solid gold materials, and there seem to be many inscription formations engraved on them to strengthen and resist heat.

"Tsk tsk, is the quality of the forging hammers here so high? There are five layers of reinforcement formations, five layers of high-temperature resistance formations, and five layers of extreme cold formations. But this kind of thinking is indeed very suitable for this kind of forging hammer. Greatly avoid the damage of the forging hammer. Its own quality is at the third level, and after engraving the formation, the strength of the forging hammer itself is close to the fourth level, and its own material is special. It is estimated that forging a fourth-level semi-sacred weapon is not a problem."

While separating the avatars to comprehend the formation of inscriptions, the main body began to look at these objects in the house.

This is the first time Jiang Heng has come to such a professional refining room.

I've heard about the working environment of some loose weapon practitioners before. Simply put, it's very simple, and they use whatever they have. Even the forging hammer is ordinary, which can be regarded as making the best use of everything.

Therefore, the forging hammer of casual cultivators is their most expensive possession.

It's just that casual cultivators can't be so extravagant. Not to mention the exquisite materials of the forging hammer here, it's even engraved with exclusive formations, which is rare.

I looked at the forging table again, and it was not bad either, similar to the idea of ​​a forging hammer, or even better.

Jiang Heng raised his eyebrows when looking at the forging furnace.

"This is the essence of stars? The essence in this furnace is equivalent to a star compressed to the limit?"

Jiang Heng secretly marveled at the great power of the big forces, and there are 500 low-level forging rooms similar to this one prepared here.

There are ten middle-level forging rooms, but Jiang Heng can't go there. He needs to forge a top-grade third-tier semi-artifact in the lower-level forging room to be eligible to enter the middle-level forging room.

Jiang Heng also looked at those median forging rooms, only three of the ten were in use, and the remaining seven were idle.

But this is also normal. Artifact masters are also relatively scarce professions. Although there are more low-level artisan masters, the number of artisans in the middle ranks will drop off a cliff.

As for high-ranking craftsmen, it is even rarer.

"Would you like to practice refining weapons as well?"

Seeing so many high-end refining equipment here, Jiang Heng felt that he would be reckless if he didn't take advantage of it.

"You can try it. If you can figure out the principle of refining the weapon, it will be of great benefit to me in engraving the formation in the demi-sacred weapon."

Jiang Heng felt that it was still necessary to give it a try. After all, he would know the basics of the weapons he had refined, and the success rate of engraving formations would be greatly enhanced.

Jiang Heng's theoretical knowledge of refining equipment is also good, at least at the low level of the second and third ranks.

It's just that I haven't actually operated it myself, so my level can't even be considered as a low-level one. I can only say that the theory of this thing is a theory, and it needs to be practiced to really reach this level.

Without hesitation, Jiang Heng began to think about the refining equipment.

"I have a lot of materials in storage now, plus a large number of demigod relics and demigod relics scraped from the battlefield ruins of the Tianhe Fortress some time ago, these are good refining materials for refining low-level first and second tiers Demi-artifacts are definitely more than enough."

So Jiang Heng began to carefully count the many wreckage and materials stored in the secret territory of Dongtian.

"Well, we can probably gather the materials to refine one hundred low-level first-order semi-sacred artifacts, and some good-quality materials can be used to refine ten second-tier semi-sacred artifacts."

Thinking of this, Jiang Heng did not hesitate to start operating step by step according to the theoretical knowledge recorded in his mind.

For the first time refining a semi-artifact, Jiang Heng seemed to be very cautious, following the steps in his mind step by step carefully.

However, when all the steps were completed, Jiang Heng also began to forge according to a relatively clever forging method he had seen.

It's just that when it was finally plasticized, the weapon disintegrated directly into a pile of residue.

"It failed, and there seemed to be a lot of problems. But it was expected."

Seeing this, Jiang Heng was not surprised, but began to reflect.

Not only was he staring and reflecting alone, but nearly dozens of avatars surrounded him.

"I think it should be that the furnace fire is not well controlled. You can see that the extra nodes on the weapon are all burned due to abnormal high temperature."

"On the contrary, I feel that I didn't pay attention when forging. You can see that a lot of damage is caused by uneven force."

"You are all wrong. In my opinion, the ontology didn't control the time to put in the materials. It is precisely because of the lack of timing that it caused a series of problems in the future."

Dozens of avatars are like dozens of different people arguing with each other. For a while, Jiang Heng's refining room seemed to be holding some seminars, which were extremely intense.

This is also the reason why the refining room isolates the sound from inside and outside, otherwise the people nearby will have to be stunned.

"All right!"

About a quarter of an hour later, Jiang Heng's main body interrupted the discussion, "I have summarized the general questions, and you have all the questions you raised, so try again!"

Waved Jiang Heng to indicate to the avatars what to do, and the main body continued to start the next round of refining.

As a result, it was refined again for the second time, but this time the situation was much better, only the sword body was slightly broken, which was much better than the previous direct explosion.

This is Jiang Heng's advantage.

It can gather the opinions of dozens of people and find out many problems at one time.

It can be said that every time Jiang Heng makes a mistake, he benefits greatly. Compared with other people, they may only find a few problems when they make a Then they need to pay for many more mistakes than Jiang Heng. Find out all the problems.

This is also the reason why some loose cultivators are still unable to improve their forging skills rapidly. Without him, who can bear such a situation of constant trial and error, let alone a relatively poor casual cultivator.

As for the refiners who are backed by the three major forces, it is much better, but compared to the improvement efficiency, it is still far inferior to Jiang Heng.

Time passed little by little, and when the materials for the ten semi-sacred weapons were scrapped, and the eleventh one was refined, Jiang Heng finally succeeded in refining the first semi-sacred weapon.

This is a semi-sacred weapon in the shape of a long sword, and its structural shape is still applied with the ready-made plastic template here.

If you want to forge a relatively novel shape, you need a little bit of plasticity, which Jiang Heng doesn't have.

Even so, Jiang Heng was still very satisfied.

"It can barely be regarded as a semi-divine weapon. Many materials are wasted. If it is a veteran, the quality and power of this weapon will increase by about 60 to 70 percent."

After taking a closer look at Jiang Heng, he shook his head in disappointment, but still solemnly stored it in the cave.

This is the first finished product refined by myself, and it is still of collection significance.

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