Master Of Fantasy: Opening Fusion Supreme Sacred Body

Chapter 064: Precious Blood Of The Ancient Sage

After doing all this, Su Nuo slowly opened his eyes, and crushed the quota in the system that the Tianjiao disciple came to vote for.


A strange force disappeared slowly, so mysterious that even Su Nuo didn't notice anything.

At the same time, Gu Jianyi slowly opened his eyes in an ancient mountain in the barbaric area next to the South China Sea.

At this time, the Cultivation Base of his body broke out uncontrollably, and he was breaking through Yuanhai Territory Third Stage.

Here, there is an inheritance that he buried casually in his previous life. There are many treasures in the past. He has gone through untold hardships and finally found them.

And the tribe he belongs to has about three to five thousand people, with strong and weak strengths. The captain and deputy head of the hunting team is the strongest, and the strength is wirelessly close to Yuanhai Realm.

But when he was out hunting while leading the team, he happened to meet a big monster in the Yuanhai Realm, whose ferocity and terror made their faces ashen.

At this moment, just as the ancient sword came out from the place of its own inheritance, it appeared here without any nonsense, and with three punches it dealt with this huge Demonic Beasts in the Yuanhai Realm.

Afterwards, under the repeated insistence of the other party, he followed the other party into the tribe. This stay lasted for almost a month, and he just took advantage of this time to consolidate his own gains.

Originally, he was going to leave, but after he entered the ancestral hall at the entrance of the village and saw a willow tree, he felt a breath of Dao Qi Gathering from the other party's every move. A small sign of breakthrough.

So, he stayed again, and the Cultivation Base swelled in his body unceasingly, impacting all directions, and finally, a majestic aura burst out of him.

At this moment, Gu Jianyi broke through to Yuanhai Realm Third Stage.

The moment Gu Jianyi slowly opened his eyes, suddenly, another strange force blessed him.

Originally, he who had just broken through the third stage of Yuanhai Realm, unexpectedly soared again, and came to the Fifth Stage day of Yuanhai Realm, without any sequelae or side effects.

Such a scene made Gu Jian stunned for a while, and then he was relieved, he clearly felt that this power was somewhat similar to before!

"It seems that it must be Master Head Teacher's masterpiece again!" Gu Jianyi smiled wryly, except for the weirdest and most mysterious Master Head Teacher, he really couldn't think of anyone else with such ability.

"However, this tribe is really a bit unusual, especially the pearl willow tree in the ancestral hall. At first glance, it seems that there is no difference from the common lightning strike wood, but after careful observation, it seems very strange and very different!" Gu Jian I thought silently in my heart.

Afterwards, he sighed faintly again: "Oh, with the arrival of the great world, all Karma orders have begun in this life. How many Sacred Bodies, how many ancient Bloodlines have awakened, and how many Powers have reincarnated and returned, just for the purpose of reincarnating in this life." I can win the opportunity, and I don’t know if I still have the opportunity!”

"Fortunately, in this life, by accident, I actually joined such a weird force in Xuanmen. That Head Teacher is really terrifying. Follow him, and maybe I can find the opportunity that belongs to me!"

Thinking of this, Gu Jianyi couldn't help showing a soothing smile.

Gu Jianyi's breakthrough did not cause much shock in the village.

On the contrary, outside the ancestral hall where the sacrifices were made, the willow tree was completely scorched black, like a willow tree that had been struck by lightning, and shook a few times without showing any traces, as if it had sensed something incomprehensible.

Then, the willow branch didn't know what to think, the whole branch shook for a while, The next moment, a green willow branch suddenly appeared, heading towards the patriarch's house.

After Gu Jian made a breakthrough, he was about to go out when he found two people coming from the left, heading towards his residence.

He stood up and opened the door, and the person who came was none other than the chief of the tribe, followed by a 15 or 16 years old boy.

Seeing Gu Jian opened the door, the old and the young were taken aback for a moment, and then greeted directly.

"Ancient Dage!"

"Brother Gu!"

The names of the two were different, Gu Jianyi didn't care.

He looked at this young man for a year, and thought to himself that it was a pity, this person seemed to have some flaws, but he seemed to be covered by something, and he couldn't detect it.

But this young man is still not decadent, instead he is practicing day and night, polishing his own body.

At a young age, he has already arrived at the Realm of the Fifth Stage, which is even more terrifying than many people in the Taoist sect.

It seemed that he had noticed Gu Jianyi's gaze. Seeing this, the old man's heart moved, and he didn't continue to hide his clumsiness, and directly expressed his own thoughts.

"Brother Bumangu, this old man came here to ask for something!" The old patriarch said with a sigh.

Gu Jianyi didn't mean it, but looked at the young boy and said, "It's because of the little stone!"

The old patriarch smiled slightly, and then sighed again: "Brother has good eyesight, yes, Haotian's life experience is actually a suffering!"

0...seeking flowers 00

"When he was young, he should have been famous all over the world. In the imperial dynasty at that time, he was also a famous existence in the world. It was nothing but because he was born

Above the heart, there is a drop of the blood of the ancient sage!"

"Precious Blood of the Ancient Sage!" Gu Jianyi couldn't help but change color!

No one who dares to be called a saint is simple. In his previous life, the goal of his poor life was to attack the Saint, but he failed in the end.

That's why he was so horrified when he heard that the other party was born with a drop of the ancient sage's blood.

"The blood of the ancient sage, such a proud son of heaven, shouldn't there be a peak powerhouse to guard it day and night? Why?" Gu Jianyi asked.

Seeing this, the old patriarch said with a faint sigh: "Yes, Shi Haotian has been well protected since he was a child, but who knows, he is guarded day and night, and family thieves are hard to guard against. Who would have thought that his mother's only relative Elder sister, the most trustworthy person, the one who left her alone before she died, can actually lay hands on her."

"Little Shi Haotian's cousin, his aunt's son, is also extremely talented. He was born with a pair of divine pupils. In order to make his son's aptitude and strength stronger, his aunt forcibly peeled off the pupils when Xiao Shitou was four years old. to his chest, and took away the drop of the ancient sage's blood above his heart alive!"

"If it wasn't for the critical moment, when his father's most loyal confidant sensed something was wrong and broke out, I'm afraid that Little Stone would have died of pain, but even so, that drop of ancient sage's blood would have been taken away."

"In the end, a group of cronies desperately brought Xiaoshi to us. If his father hadn't rescued our family when his father was out for training, we would not have taken him in. There is a seed of hatred that I can't let go, so I came to look for Brother Gu!"

"Shi Haotian's hard work, Brother Gu has witnessed it with his own eyes. Unfortunately, the blood of the ancient sage was poached, and his Constitution was born inferior to ordinary people. Others practice for one day, but he needs three to five days. If this continues, his life's achievements , I’m afraid we can only stop here!”

"Brother Gu came to the Yuanhai Realm at a young age. There is such a Cultivation Base at such a young age. Putting it in a large area is a generation of pride. Can you walk out of this mountain with a small stone and see the world!"

The old patriarch asked so, looking at Gu Jianyi, he was even more insincere. .

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