Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 919: : Back to Light

If you really want to explain the dialectic of gastric cancer to Xiao Yang in Chinese medicine, Ye Chen is afraid it will take a long time. However, Western medicine has Western medicine treatment methods, and Chinese medicine has traditional Chinese medicine treatment methods.

In the case of the old woman Liang, she experienced gastric discomfort, poor appetite, fatigue, and insomnia after gastric cancer surgery. It was caused by the deficiency of spleen qi. Therefore, the treatment should be to replenish qi and invigorate the spleen.

In the prescriptions, Codonopsis, Atractylodes, Poria, have the effect of invigorating the spleen and replenishing qi; tangerine peel, woody fragrance in the air circulation; Oldenlandia diffusa, agrimony, and zedoary turmeric have the effect of inhibiting tumors; Jiaozhaqu can reduce food and promote digestion; Albizia bark relieves depression and promotes sleep.

Although it seems simple, if the right medicine is really done, then the effect will not be simple.

In this regard, the exchanges between Ye Chen and Xiao Yang in the office can be regarded as simple exchanges in Chinese and Western medicine. However, Xiao Yang, as the deputy director of the oncology department of Huashan Hospital, is also an associate professor of the Fuda Medical School. He is an old expert in the oncology department and a very powerful western doctor.

However, in the past, he did not know much about the treatment of cancer and tumors in Chinese medicine, because he was not proficient in this. On the contrary, he had been focusing on the treatment of tumors in Western medicine, hoping to improve the cure rate.

However, the effect seems to be the same. In the absence of western medicines with specific effects to kill or inhibit cancer cells, even with the development of modern medical equipment, the cure rate is still not improved much.

As for the knowledge of Ye Chen, the effect he achieved after treating Lin Mao for lung cancer made him start to have some changes in his views on Chinese medicine.

For example, in Lin Mao's original situation, if he did not receive Ye Chen's traditional Chinese medicine treatment, or he continued radiotherapy or chemotherapy after the operation, what would happen then?

Xiao Yang didn't know, but he knew that Lin Mao would definitely not be able to leave the hospital so soon to go back to civil work. Of course, Lin Mao's condition must have not fully recovered yet, and he still needs to be treated with Chinese medicine.

However, from Lin Mao's personal reaction and the examination of modern medical equipment, it was found that his condition has changed a lot. The effect achieved is the same as from the middle stage of cancer recovery to the early stage of cancer.

Xiao Yang also didn't know what the effect of Ye Chen's treatment for the old woman would be. However, from the perspective of Ye Chen's self-confidence, I am afraid that it is not only the poor results of Western medicine.

"The situation of the old woman depends on the effect of her taking the medicine. The most important thing is that her emotional aspect is relaxed. If she can maintain an optimistic state, her condition will gradually stabilize, and there is still a high possibility of recovery. Yes." Ye Chen said.

. . .

The two of them talked for more than two hours in the office. Seeing that the time had already reached seven o'clock in the evening, Ye Chen guessed that the old man should drink the Chinese medicine he prescribed.

Just, don’t know how effective it is?

When Ye Chen and Xiao Yang went to the old man's ward, when they just knocked on the door to get inside, Ye Chen found that there were more people inside.

In addition to seeing the old man’s family and friends in the afternoon, there are more people inside. Among them, there are two more than 30 people in suits, ties, gold glasses and briefcases. Year old man.

Now that Ye Chen and Xiao Yang came in, the old man's family and friends hurriedly gave way.

Of course, those family members and friends of the old man suddenly felt that Ye Chen was really a god. Ye Chen just prescribed a prescription for the old man, and then asked the nurse to take it to take the medicine and decoct the medicine to the old man to drink.

After the old man took it for less than half an hour, I thought it would be good for the old man to lie in bed and rest. After all, regardless of Chinese and Western medicine, when you continue to drink the medicine, basically sleep is the mainstay. Naturally, most medicines have the medicinal effect of making people sleep.

However, less than half an hour after the old man drank the medicinal soup, he became more sober. It turned out that there was a trace of ruddy on that thin, pale face.

"Dad, don't you rest?" one of the old man's sons looked at him and asked.

"I don't want to sleep anymore. I know my current situation very well. The time I stay in the world is passing by minute by minute. I must cherish the remaining time." The old man said clearly.

Originally, the old man was a senior member before retirement. It is because of this that he has that kind of consciousness. After he leaves the world, he can donate his organs to the research structure, which is better than burning it. It is better to be buried in the cemetery.

Of course, the old man also did not expect that, after undergoing the operation before, and receiving painful chemotherapy and radiotherapy many times, he felt that his body was getting worse and worse. Apart from the pain, he would rather leave slowly like this. Go, unwilling to accept the torture of chemotherapy and illness.

Until the afternoon, the young doctor Ye Chen came over and prescribed the prescription for him, and then let him drink the medicine. He found that his original illness seemed to disappear all of a sudden, there was no such illness, no torture of the illness.

However, he knew very well that in his own situation, let alone Ye Chen, even if Hua Tuo reincarnated, he would not be able to cure it. The cancer cells spread throughout the body and have reached the advanced stage of cancer. Can't kill those cancer cells, if you want to be tough, it will torture his last bit of vitality.

Therefore, he thought that during the remaining period of time, he had to arrange his affairs well, so as not to have more conflicts and disputes at home after he left.

He worked as a senior in a state-owned company until he retired, and his income was naturally good. He was a Shanghai native and had a house. When he was in the company, the company allocated a welfare house. Then he bought a house for the full amount with his legal income.

In addition to these fixed properties, there are more than two million in cash and other financial products, which are also visible.

Except for his interpersonal relationship, naturally there is nothing else worthwhile.

However, the three houses alone are relatively valuable in the case of downtown Shanghai, and they have already exceeded 10 million in total.

But now he has three sons, one daughter, and both son and daughter have children. Therefore, in such a situation, he must clearly distinguish those family properties, so as not to deepen the family conflicts at that time, and get angry and go to the court to go to court.

As for the expenses of his hospitalization during this period, he also spent a lot of money. However, when he retires, he has a sum of money every month. With Shanghai medical insurance and social insurance, he does not need to pay for those children.

Therefore, during this period of time, in addition to receiving treatment because of illness, and the condition of being confused due to illness, he also considered a lot.

Now after drinking that pair of medicinal materials, he is still in the most sober state, he knows what he wants and what to do.

So now he looked at those family members and friends and said: "I feel that I am fine now. I am just like when I went back to the childhood of a child. There is no sorrow, no worries, and very relaxed."

When the old man said that, many of his family and friends were secretly sad when they heard it, knowing that it belonged to Huiguangfanzhao.

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