Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 4190: : Early stage of the fifth floor of the rotation period

Ye Chen found that this snake pill had more aura than the inner pill of Shennongjia, and he was going to take a little bit to practice.



Tang Linger didn't know what Ye Chen's ancient martial strength was, but judging from the fact that he killed three large pythons in the water, his strength was not worse than the old man and the horseman.

Ghosts are always mysterious masters, and their strength has reached the level of a great martial artist.

At this point, I am afraid that only her father can compare to the other side.

Unexpectedly, Ye Chen could easily kill this ferocious three-headed python.

"Cultivating Guwu's internal strength?"

"Of course not, I am different from your cultivation."

After Tang Linger left.

Ye Chen began to practice.

Soon, Ye Chen felt that the aura in his dantian began to grow more and more, as if the sea had burst a bank again, and with a bang, Ye Chen knew that those auras seemed to break through the dantian.

When he felt that the lotus-shaped thing in his dantian became more and more obvious, Ye Chen knew that his cultivation had broken through again.

From the peak breakthrough of the fourth floor of the rotation period to the beginning of the fifth floor of the rotation period.

Now Ye Chen opened his eyes.

I feel sweaty all over.

When I went to take a shower and then went outside, he looked at the groom and asked, "Dharma guardian, what time is it now?"

"Head, it's noon now."

Noon is from eleven to one in the afternoon.

However, now that it is completely dark, it is impossible to be at noon. In other words, this endless sea always looks dark.

Ye Chen didn't know why there was no sunlight here. It might be related to the geographical structure here.

Now on the deck of the ship, you can feel the sea breeze and the lights emitted by their ships.

Moreover, now that Ye Chen came out, the three-headed sea snake had been dealt with by those Tang Sect members.

In addition to the snake scales being peeled off, a part of the snake meat is also left, so that in special circumstances, if there is no other food, at least these things will be eaten.

This endless sea is a ghost place after all.

Moreover, when there is sea breeze, the ship will be faster with the help of strong wind.

Ye Chen no longer knew where he was, because he could no longer see the shore. However, he did not believe that he would stay on this ship all the time.

The next few days.

In fact, day and night are the same, just feel the clock inside to confirm what time it is.

Under such circumstances, if the xinxing is not good, ordinary people may not be able to stand it.

However, this night.

Suddenly I felt that the endless sea seemed to be getting more and more different.

In addition to the sea breeze, there is also a lot of sea fog. These sea fog has already covered their ships and cannot see other places. In this case, these ships may slowly lose contact.

"Head, the sea fog is very heavy, and there are already other ships that can't be reached." Tang Wu came over and said.

At first, Ye Chen thought of this situation.

However, Tang Ling'er's father asked them to bring more food and weapons, but he did not expect that he had already encountered this situation when he encountered Hai Mist.

"Stop first, and wait until the sea mist has blown away."

Ye Chen certainly couldn't lose other Tang Sect members.

After stopping, the ship was still affected by the sea breeze, but it was still moving.

I am afraid that there are only three ships left, and the other two can no longer be contacted. That is to say, the Tang Sect members above don't know what will happen to those two ships.

Ye Chen, Gu Ling, Gui Lao, Groom, Tang Ling'er, Tang Wu, etc. are all encountering this situation for the first time. Fortunately, there is no poisonous gas in this sea fog, but now it has not only caused the other two ships to disappear. , Now they stay here, when the sea fog disperses again, they actually see something ahead.

"Head, look over there."

Ye Chen looked over.

Seeing the distance from afar, isn’t that an island?

The island does not look big or small.

"It should be an island."

The Endless Sea is so big, it stands to reason that there should be islands, but it has never been reported before.

Unexpectedly, they have really discovered it now.

The group of people began to go over there slowly, in order to prevent accidents, it is still necessary to check whether there is a reef below.

Waiting to come to a beach.

Ye Chen and them took torches, kerosene and other things, and then all of them got down from above except for the two Tang Sect members.

Ye Chen had already seen this island.

There are many trees on the island, but I don’t know if anyone is there, but there are other things.

Now Old Gui, the groom and others are in front, Ye Chen and Tang Ling'er, Gu Ling in the middle, and Tang Sect members behind, illuminated by torches and kerosene.

Suddenly, Tang Linger yelled.

Ye Chen thought it was something.

Unexpectedly, looking at it, it turned out to be a skull, and there are several such skulls.

"Miss Tang, this is actually a skeleton."

When Gui Lao inspected it, he found that the skeleton was at least several hundred years old.

In other words, it is very likely that someone discovered this place very early, but no one returned to the ancient martial world, naturally there was no island in the endless sea.

"Why do these people die here?" Ye Chen felt strange.

Is it old age?

Or was it eaten by other animals?

In Ye Chen's view, if it was eaten by other animals, then it is very likely that these bones are incomplete, and this is not a complete skull.

"Looking at the color of their skeletons, I suspect they were poisoned and died." Gui Lao said.

"Head, this should be poisoned."

Tang Linger, Tang Wu and others could see it.

"Find a place to bury their bones, but since they were poisoned to death, pay attention to this small island."

Members of the Tang Sect quickly found a place to bury these bones, and then proceeded carefully to the front, carefully checked, and when they confirmed that there was no danger, they continued to go ahead.

However, no building was found here, indicating that no one has lived here for a long time.

Right now, Ye Chen just came to this island to take a look. If there is nothing of value, then he will naturally leave.

Of course, a mark will be made on it.

At least let others know that there are islands here.

They walked a long way on the island.

Except for the calls of some insects, nothing else was heard for the time being.

Because now day and night are the same.

However, Ye Chen and the others did not have any adverse reactions for such a long time at sea. They just stepped on the land again, and it felt a little different.

"If nothing is found, we will continue back to the ship."

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