Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 3711: : Chief Arkham

In fact, the state like this chief is a state of suspended animation.

In forensic science, fake death and real life refer to the vital characteristics of certain people, such as breathing, heartbeat, blood pressure, pulse, etc., which are extremely weak, and are in a state where they seem to have died but are actually alive.

Suspended death is the result of cerebral blood hypoxia, and is common in various mechanical asphyxia, hypnotics, anesthetics and other poisons, electric shock, cold lethargy, solar stroke, heat stroke, deep coma, severe diarrhea caused by cholera or arsenic poisoning And dehydration, postpartum hemorrhage, hypoxia and nutritional disorders, and uremia.

Newborns, especially those who are immature, are more prone to suspended animation.

Adults are also prone to suspended animation under the following five conditions, namely alcoholism, anemia, hypoxemia, brain damage, opiates, hypnotics and anesthetics, uremia and diabetic coma.

Death is a gradual process, and its time is irreversible; it is difficult for the pseudo-dead to be distinguished from the real dead.

However, if the fake deceased is rescued in time, the possibility of recovery is very great. If the time is delayed, it is easy to "fake the fake into reality" and make the fake deceased lose the possibility of regeneration.

Therefore, it is very important to determine the status of suspended animation in a timely manner.

Like this chief, it was because of his passion with a wife, who was a young woman, that the heart problem appeared.

And this was two hours ago.

When Ye Chen came in just now, he knew what was going on when Ye Chen smelled that smell.

The opponent is a chief.

As far as the chiefs are concerned in Africa, in fact, the power and status are still great.

The chief is the leader of a tribe.

The chieftain system is more common in the vast areas of Africa south of the Sahara Desert, especially in the vast remote and backward areas.

According to the investigation, the chieftain system originally evolved from the original clan system.

As Africa gradually transitioned from a slave society to a feudal society, the chieftains and chieftain systems of all sizes gradually formed on the basis of the clan system.

Both in the past and today, the chieftaincy system plays a pivotal role in African political and social life.

The chieftain system is mostly hereditary.

Generally speaking, there are two ways of hereditary: one is passed down from the patrilineal line, and the other is passed down from the matrilineal line. The so-called patrilineal transmission means that the son inherits the father's position, and this method has been very popular in large areas of Africa.

Of course, matrilineal transmission is also practiced in some places, that is, the nephew inherits the position of the uncle. For example, this has been practiced for a long time in central and southern Ghana.

In Africa, chiefs have considerable rights, especially in the countryside. The chief decides the big and small things in his jurisdiction and even some family chores. Nothing can be done without the chief’s approval. All disputes are on the merits and can only be determined by the chief.

The villagers must be respectful and submissive to the chief.

The chief went out, dressed in gleaming, embroidered African robes. He was either sitting on a sedan chair or riding a horse. Numerous attendants were escorted by the guards, shouting before and after embracing, sounding gongs to clear the way.

The chief is also called the Tuwang locally.

The house where the chief lives is called the "Royal Palace".

In Africa, the traditional chieftain system is generally divided into the territories of one, two, and three chiefs, under the jurisdiction of the first, second, and third chiefs respectively.

Due to the different levels of chiefs, the houses they live in are also very different. The palaces of the first-class chiefs are magnificent and majestic.

The Ashanti Palace in Ghana, the Maladi Palace in Niger, the Kano Palace in Nigeria, the Zaria and the Lagos Palaces are the five most famous palaces in West Africa.

In Africa, the guests meeting the chiefs are always legendary. Any personal experience will be unforgettable for life. The meeting with the chieftain was quite solemn, and the scene was similar to those of the ancient emperors in the movie meeting foreign envoys.

In many parts of Africa, polygamy is practiced.

Almost everyone in the chief is polygamous.

In Africa, it is not new that a small chief has a dozen wives, and a large chief has hundreds of wives. It is said that a great chief of Ashanti, Ghana, once married 336 wives.

Historically, the chiefs of Africa were regarded as "natural rulers", and their political status and economic privileges were sacred and inviolable.

The chief of a region or a tribe, like a small king, has absolute authority in politics, economy, military, culture, etc. The chief's words are "sacred decree" and can only do so, not defy.

When he was in the small town, because Ye Chen wanted to know the local herbs, the two wizards he knew were actually a local chief's wizard.

However, the chief was not the chief in front of him.

Ye Chen didn't know who the chief was, because he had never been.

The chief in front of him should be a first-class chief, and his status is very high. However, his jurisdiction is not here, and it is still far from Mwanza.

However, he has moved here.

He has handed over the land under his jurisdiction to his son, but he will send people here to enjoy the annual tax revenue.

Like he himself has a dozen wives, including the one he played tonight, but one of them.

When Ye Chen went out of the chief's room, because he had just rescued him, the chief himself and his family respected Ye Chen very much.

I think he is a genius doctor sent by China.

Originally, Ye Chen wanted to go back to Boss Cai for dinner, but unexpectedly, the chief greeted Ye Chen very warmly.

When Ye Chen sat outside with Mi Le, the turkey, and the elephant, Mi Le asked, "Doctor Ye, what happened to the chief just now?"

"It's just that his body is too fat, and after he and his wife are passionate, the heart can't bear it, and he almost can't take his breath away, almost killing him."

In fact, Ye Chen had already seen that this old chief was afraid that it was usually like this, and that he was getting older, and he liked it again.

How can this not happen?

However, this was the other party's business, and Ye Chen didn't bother to pay attention.

The chief named Arkham came out from the inside with the support of his wife, saying that he must greet Ye Chen well.

When Ye Chen heard that he hadn't eaten dinner, he immediately went over and asked someone to prepare dinner.

The other party is a great chief, who may be in charge of a few hundred square kilometers of land, and the annual tax revenue is a lot. Although many Africans are poor, these chiefs have always been rich.

Ye Chen thought what the chief would ask the chef to do. He didn't expect that after cooking there, he found that it was Western food, which looked very high-end Western food, and even wine imported from France.

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