Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 3683: : Medicinal materials are almost used up

There is no rice, no other grains, and no vegetables. The only meat is fish and some animals that the Africans hit.

If this continues, I am afraid that I will not be able to stand it.

"Miss interpreter, there is no rice for sale in nearby cities?"

"should have."

There should still be small cities nearby.

If that's the case, it's best to take the car and buy it back in the refrigerator.

Moreover, Ye Chen couldn't stand it herself without eating vegetables or meat for a long time.

Now that it’s important to see a doctor, I just go back and make some breakfast.

After eating breakfast, continue to divide the labor to treat the black patients.

What Ye Chen didn't expect was that these patients watched more and more.

It may be that more and more patients come here for treatment.

Ye Chen's rate of seeing a doctor is still relatively fast, but Doctor He and the others will be much slower.

When it was time for lunch, Ye Chen could only spare time to cook a simple lunch. After eating, he didn't have time to rest in the afternoon and continued to see the black men.

Unexpectedly, when I saw it after four o'clock in the afternoon, the doctor Liu came over and said, "Doctor Ye, the medicinal materials are consumed too fast, and the medicine cabinets are all used up."

The medicinal materials that are prescribed now are seven doses each.

It may be that a small number of patients don't consume much, but in the case of so many patients, the consumption is really severe.

And the remaining medicinal materials are still in those bags.

It needs to be placed in the medicine cabinet.

However, Ye Chen found out that it would definitely be consumed these days.

At that time, they will be able to treat these patients, but when there are no medicinal materials, how can they be treated?

This problem needs to be solved again.

The only way to be treated with acupuncture and moxibustion is acupuncture, which can still save a lot of medicinal materials.

"Let the translator contact her superior to see."

Without medicinal materials, it is like a clever woman who cannot cook without rice.

Now Dr. Liang and they are all a little confused.

Although I knew that the conditions in Africa were not good, I did not expect this to happen.

When the female translator Black Pearl contacted her superior, the other party could only contact her superior as soon as possible.

Until 7 o'clock in the evening, almost after seeing these patients, they stayed here in the hospital.

In this case, Ye Chen might have to check the ward at night.

Ye Chen has been to many places and treated many patients, but this is the first time he has encountered this situation.

He has not eaten dinner yet, and he is very hungry.

Only these black Chinese doctors and these female nurses can eat the food in the hospital canteen. Ye Chen, the Chinese doctors, would not eat at all, nor could they eat it.

I can only go there and get some food to get it myself.

Now Dr. Liang and the others came over to surround Ye Chen and asked, "Doctor Ye, how can I go on like this?"

Difficult, very difficult!

They really met Doctor Liang.

"Through acupuncture as much as possible."

Ye Chen said.

Dr. Liang and Dr. He knew they could only do this.

After having dinner, I went down and filled the remaining Chinese herbal medicines into the medicine cabinet, and then checked the conditions of the hospitalized patients.

When I saw the female translator Black Pearl, the other party said that they had contacted the Chinese side to see if they could get more Chinese medicinal materials. If not, they would naturally have to pay for the purchase from their own country.

Originally, most of them rely on support, although it is free medical care throughout the country.

However, there is no difference between free and not free in this case.

It's still poor after all!

Moreover, it is still too poor!

"Miss interpreter, just ignore those things. I'll write a note. Tomorrow someone will go to a nearby small city to help me buy those vegetables and meat. In addition, I have to buy a refrigerator."

"Okay, Doctor Ye."

The other party himself lives in Dar es Salaam and has also studied in Europe and the United States. Naturally, I know that the conditions here are more difficult, and most people really can't stand it.

However, Ye Chen, a young doctor, is indeed very skilled.

When Ye Chen wrote the menu to the other party, he also took two to three thousand yuan to the other party.

However, the other party did not want it.

These are all reimbursed by the government above, so Ye Chen doesn't need to spend money on his own.

After the black pearl female translator left.

Ye Chen returned to the room upstairs. It was twelve o'clock in the evening again.

The night is very quiet.

Ye Chen looked outside, but didn't see any lights.

Except for the hospital, the houses in these small towns may not have electricity.

In the early morning of the next day, Ye Chen got up, heard the noise outside again, and saw that it was a crowd of black people again.

They all came in groups to see the doctor.

These patients may not only come from nearby towns, but patients from farther away.

After Ye Chen washed down, he was too late to make breakfast, so that the black Chinese doctors could maintain the order of these patients.

When Ye Chen sat there and began to see them, what he didn't expect soon was that many African patients here have skin diseases, and these skin diseases are rotten hands and feet, and they look very serious.

These skin diseases can be easily cured if medicine is available.

Especially those anti-dampness medicated oils and anti-dampness ointments, these are particularly useful.

However, it is not here.

It was almost lunch time, Ye Chen ate some bread to fill his stomach, and after throwing away the gloves, Ye Chen went outside and called Ling Die.

"Lingdie, it's me."

It's twelve o'clock here, and it's only seven or eight in China.

"what's up?"

"I'm in Africa." Ye Chen said.

"Why did you go to Africa and have nothing to do when you are full?"


Ye Chen and Ling Die said that they donated 10 million yuan of anti-dampness medicinal oil and anti-dampness ointment to this side in the name of the company, and sent them as soon as possible from there.

Now there is no other way but to let the Chinese medicine over there first.

Of course, if it is given as a gift, it is certainly not enough.

After the phone call, he went to get an afternoon meal first. He didn't have anything yet, and he was afraid that Dr. He and Dr. Liang could not stand it.

I don’t know if the female translator sent someone to a nearby city to buy him the food.

When Ye Chen called a female translator, he came to the town again and bought a fresh sea bass weighing more than ten or twenty catties.

I heard that the largest perch in Lake Victoria has more than a hundred catties. It looks different from the domestic perch, but the meat is much better than those tilapia.

After returning to his place, he started to cook lunch.

After lunch is prepared, call Dr. He and the others for dinner.

In fact, this time, they regretted a bit in their hearts, but they had already guessed the situation here, and they didn't think about it, as long as they stayed until the Spring Festival.

After lunch, we continue to divide the work to treat those patients in the afternoon.

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