Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 3641: : Ulan come here

In a blink of an eye, another week passed.

Now basically the patients have recovered, that is, there are some patients who were in the critical stage and still need treatment.

In this case, Ye Chen felt that as long as he followed the prescription he prescribed, he should be cured within half a month.

Now Ye Chen gave those prescriptions to other TCM doctors, and other TCM doctors directly prescribe those prescriptions based on the patients' conditions, and then just drink the TCM soup for the patients.

And on this day.

The main media headlines in China and Mongolia are all about the large bats found in that desert oasis mentioning viruses and bacteria. After multiple trials, the original antiviral drugs have been developed.

When this drug is put on these mice for experimentation, it will have a very good antiviral effect, which can kill most of the viruses in those mice and let them live for a while.

However, if the drug is used on larger livestock, including cattle, sheep and horses, it is not certain how effective it is.

As for those people, they certainly dare not use it.

However, judging from the current situation, there should be clinical trials in one or two months.

When he read these news, Ye Chen thought he had already developed those effective antiviral drugs.

If that's the case, that's good.

With at least one more guarantee, Ye Chen can return to Shanghai as soon as possible.

However, in this situation, I am afraid that I cannot leave for the time being.

But here, in a small city, Ye Chen has seen all the surrounding scenery.

However, I can't go anywhere now, I still have to spare time to visit those patients every day.

In addition, the relationship with Xia Qi is getting deeper and deeper.

On this day, when Ye Chen and Xia Qi were going to the dining hall for lunch, they suddenly saw someone approaching him.

What Ye Chen didn't expect was that the person who came was not someone else, but Ulan, the female translator from Mongolia.

After Ye Chen left that time, Ulan had always wanted to see Ye Chen for some reason.

This does not involve any feelings between men and women. It just wants to see each other. It is probably because of life and death in the desert, which makes Ulan feel very safe.

"Ulan? Why are you here?"

Ye Chen asked strangely.

"I mean I want to see you, do you believe it?"

Want to see him?

Ye Chen felt it was possible.

"You don't have to go to work now?"

"I took a day off."

This time, as Ye Chen's translator, he broke into the endless desert and finally discovered the source of the spread of the plague.

It can be said that this time Ulan made a great contribution.

In a small place like Mongolia, who made such a great contribution and was praised by those Mongolians, she must be a heroine of Mongolia.

As for the status of Ulan and her family in Mongolia, Ye Chen did not know.

However, it can be seen that it should not be an ordinary person.

Because Ye Chen had already heard that the other party's family was originally a Mongolian nobleman.

Therefore, the two soldiers, * and Morigen, paid so much attention to his safety.

"*How's it going?"

"Already recovered."

"That's good."

Now when facing Ulan, Ye Chen is not embarrassed or embarrassed. There really is no emotional issue involved between the two, so he should treat him as a friend of life and death.

"Have you had lunch?"

"not yet."

"Then let's go out to eat."

Since Ulan is here, I will not eat in the hospital dining hall.

The three came out of the hospital canteen and then went to a restaurant near the hospital.

When entering the restaurant, finding a seat, sitting down, and ordering food, Ulan on the side looked at Xia Qi with some envy.

I feel that Xia Qi and Ye Chen have experienced life and death together, and it is the kind of relationship between boy and girl friends.

When Ulan and Xia Qi were chatting there, they learned that Xia Qi was indeed a doctor, but a gynecologist, and this time he came with Ye Chen on purpose.

Of course, the other party dared to follow Ye Chen like that, Ulan naturally knew what it meant.

After having lunch in this restaurant, I will take Ulan to see the city.

For this side, although it is not far from Mongolia, Ulan is indeed the first time here.

Therefore, she found that this city, reputed to be in the south of the Yangtze River, is indeed very good, and it feels much more comfortable than living in Ulaanbaatar.

In fact, places with water, rivers and lakes are more comfortable to live in than those places with rivers and lakes.

Mongolia is now experiencing serious desertification. Instead, seeing the beautiful scenery here as south of the Yangtze River gives Ulan a different feeling.

"Inner Mongolia is very beautiful. It seems that I have to live here for a long time."

"Aren't you the official over there? Can you do this?"

"I can just quit."

Ulan doesn't seem to take those seriously.

Of course, after experiencing a life and death, many things, opinions and thoughts are indeed very different from the original.

Until the evening, the night lights of the city looked very good.

After dinner here, Ulan knew that Ye Chen and Xia Qi were going back.

"I will stay in the hotel tonight and return to Mongolia tomorrow."

"Miss Ulan, we will meet again when we have time. Of course, I think I may be returning to Shanghai soon. If you have a chance to come to Shanghai in the future, you can go to me."

"Really? I don't know when I have the opportunity to visit a big city like Shanghai."

At the entrance of a hotel, after Wulan entered, Ye Chen and Xia Qi stopped a taxi and returned to the hospital.

Of course, Xia Qi didn't say anything while on the road.

However, she felt that Ulan came all the way to look for Ye Chen, maybe she didn't just want to meet.

Judging from a woman's sixth sense, she thinks it is so.

After returning to the hospital, Xia Qi had been walking around all afternoon today and was already very tired. She went back to the dormitory to rest first, and Ye Chen went back to the hospital to see the patients before returning to the dormitory.

However, after Ye Chen finished the bath and was about to rest with Xia Qi, Wulan called again.

After chatting with Ye Chen for a while, the other party rested.

Ye Chen thought this Mongolian woman was really interesting.

Of course, he also found it interesting.

Ye Chen and Xia Qi continued to practice until the next morning. They were woken up by the phone and found that it was Ulan's call.

"Ye Chen, I'm sorry to wake you up early in the morning. I'm going to the airport to fly back to Ulaanbaatar now. Let's talk when we have time."

"It's okay, I wish you a good journey."

After Ulan also asked Xia Qi, the other party hung up and looked at each other with Xia Qi.

Xia Qi didn't have much, anyway, at this time, she would also get up.

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