Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 3625: :Three Jiao Dialectics

Febrile disease is very complicated, and it is really difficult for ordinary Chinese doctors to learn.

But Ye Chen kept thinking about it just now, when he suddenly thought of a question.

The core Weiqiyingxue syndrome differentiation and Sanjiao syndrome differentiation in febrile disease.

Among them, Ye Chen thought of the triple-burner dialectics.

Triple-burner syndrome differentiation is one of the syndrome differentiation guidelines for exogenous febrile diseases, which was advocated by the Qing Dynasty physician Wu Jutong. It is based on the concept of the parts of the Sanjiao in the Neijing, roughly dividing the organs of the human body into upper, middle, and lower parts.

From the throat to the thoracic septum, it belongs to the upper Jiao; the abdominal abdomen belongs to the middle Jiao; the lower abdomen and the two yin belong to the lower Jiao. Based on the Six Meridian Syndrome of "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" and the Ye Tianshiwei Qiyingxue Syndrome, combined with the spread of febrile disease Based on the characteristics of the law.

The various syndromes of triple burnt disease indicate three different stages in the development of febrile disease. Among them, the syndrome of Shangjiao disease is mostly manifested in the early stage of febrile disease; the syndrome of middle burnt disease is mostly manifested in the extreme stage of febrile disease; and the syndrome of Xiajiao disease is mostly manifested in the terminal stage of febrile disease.

The transmission usually starts from the Taiyin Lung Meridian of the upper Jiao hand, from which it is transmitted to the middle Jiao, and then into the lower Jiao as a smooth transmission; if the pathogen is more severe, the disease is transmitted from the lung guard to the hand. Yin pericardium meridian is reverse transmission.

The transmission of the triple burn disease depends on factors such as the nature of the pathogen and the resistance of the affected body. For example, the patient's physique is biased towards yin deficiency and the resistance is strong, and the pathogens are felt by warmth, warmth, and wind. Warm, febrile disease, and winter plague, if the middle Jiao is passed along, it is usually from dryness to Yangming dryness; if it is introduced to lower Jiao, it is the syndrome of liver and kidney yin deficiency.

If the patient's physique is biased towards Yang deficiency and the resistance is weak, the pathogens of the disease are cold and damp. If the middle Jiao is passed along, it will be humidified, and it is the Taiyin humidification syndrome; if the lower Jiao is passed in, it will be wet for a long time and hurt the Yang. Proof.

Only the summer heat and damp heat, the incoming middle coke can be dried or humidified; it can hurt the yin and the yang if it is passed down to the person, depending on the situation.

Although the transmission process of the triple burn is from top to bottom, this only refers to the general, and it is not fixed. Some patients get Jiao, and they are cured by treatment, without transmission change; some can pass from the upper Jiao path to the lower Jiao, or from the middle Jiao to the liver and kidney, which is similar to the transmission of the six channels through the meridians and the transcendence. .

There are also symptoms of Zhongjiao Taiyin symptoms at first, and Jueyin symptoms at the beginning. This is similar to Zhizhong in the Six Meridian Syndrome. In addition, there are also symptoms of the two-burner symptoms and the three-burner disease, which is similar to the combined disease and comorbidity of the six classics.


This febrile disease is indeed more complicated, and many people may not understand it from the dialectical core of febrile disease.

As for the three-burner syndrome, Ye Chen naturally had contact with it very early.

However, Ye Chen didn't pay much attention to it before.

Now he suddenly felt the problem.

Xia Qi saw Ye Chen's expression keep changing.

"Ye Chen, what are you thinking?"

"The core of febrile disease."

Febrile disease core?

Naturally, Xia Qi didn't know much. She majored in gynecology and didn't know much about other Chinese medicine.

Ye Chen knows that the science of febrile disease has the deepest influence. One is Ye Tianshi's syndrome differentiation of Wei Qiying and the other is Wu Jutong's triple burn syndrome.

It can be said that these two people are the founders and representatives of the Febrile Disease School, so they are still influential.

And Ye Chen has always used Weiqiyingxue differentiation.

Weiqiyingxue syndrome differentiation, that is, the pathological process of exogenous febrile disease from shallow to deep, or from light to severe, is divided into four stages: Wei, Qi, Ying, and blood, each with its corresponding syndrome characteristics.

The pathological changes gradually develop from health, qi, ying, and blood to ying and blood points as retrograde transmission. Two of the syndromes appearing at the same time are called the same disease. Health is divided into the manifestation stage, and different causes should be identified; Qi is divided into the heat-rich stage, and it should be distinguished whether the heat evil accumulates; if it is damp heat, the degree of heat and moisture should be distinguished; The stage of internal occlusion or hemorrhage caused by Shangyin, and the disease of the heart, liver, kidney, etc. must be distinguished, so as to establish the content of the syndrome differentiation from the cause, stage, location, transformation, and degree of the disease.

Traditional Chinese medicine takes health, qi, ying, and blood as the key elements, and comprehensively analyzes and summarizes the clinical manifestations according to the characteristics of the occurrence, development and symptom changes of febrile disease, so as to distinguish the stage of the disease, identify the lesion site, summarize the type of syndrome, and determine the pathogenesis The essence, the principle of treatment, and the dialectical method of predicting the prognosis.

The establishment of Weiqiyingxue Syndrome differentiation enriches and develops the differentiation and treatment methods of exogenous diseases, and gradually forms a relatively complete and independent theoretical system of febrile disease.

It is still widely used clinically.

"Wei, Qi, Ying, and blood" refer to the basic substances that constitute the human body and maintain the life activities of the human body. In the Qing Dynasty, based on predecessors' expositions on Yingwei Qi and blood, combined with his own practical experience, Ye Tianshi used Weiqi and Yingxue as the syndrome differentiation guideline in the "Wen Re Lun" to analyze the severity of the disease. It summarizes the occurrence and development process of febrile disease into four types of different syndromes, and proposes corresponding diagnosis and treatment methods, thereby establishing the theoretical system of Weiqiyingxue differentiation.

Ye Chen knows the core dialectics of these two kinds of febrile diseases. If he is very familiar with the two kinds of febrile diseases, he basically knows most of the febrile diseases.

However, Ye Chen has really been thinking about the situation of the three-joule dialectic.

So, now pulling Xia Qi back to the isolation ward in a hurry.

Ye Chen then analyzed the conditions of those patients.

Finally, Ye Chen prescribed a new prescription.

The difference between Chinese and Western medicine is that Chinese medicine has always been dialectically based on the patient's own situation to administer medicine, while Western medicine is always determining the condition of the same disease and giving the same medicine.

In other words, Chinese medicine is the same for the same disease, but based on different dialectics, the prescriptions prescribed may be somewhat different.

However, in Western medicine, if it is determined that it is the same disease, the Western medicine or treatment given must be the same.

This is why Chinese medicine seems more difficult, while Western medicine seems much simpler.

When Ye Chen finished this, his confidence came back again.

He felt that the prescription he prescribed would definitely cure those patients.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

On the fifth day after leaving the desert and returning to the hospital outside the quarantine area, when Ye Chen went to the hospital in the quarantine area, a doctor came to him excitedly.

"Doctor Ye, it seems that some patients have recovered."


Really recovered?

If other people hear it, they can't believe that the effect of Chinese medicine is really that good?

Play so fast effect?

"Doctor Ye, this morning, it was discovered that two patients who were in the early stages of infection found that their body temperature had returned to normal in all aspects of the examination, which is no longer different from ordinary people's normal conditions. Now, if you check the blood, you just have to wait for the examination. The result turned out to be negative, it should be certain that these two patients should have fully recovered."

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