Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 3124: :diabetes

There is no heavy industry in Guokang Old Street. There are many mountains and forests, and the air quality must be much better than that of large cities in China.

Ye Chen directly practiced the base-phase mental method mantra in the room, until the next morning, Ye Chen heard the noise outside.

When he got up, he saw that Zhu Shan was already up.

After drinking the medicine last night, Zhu Shan found that there was indeed some effect, and his asthma was really not that severe anymore.

Early in the day, he heard the noise outside the door, and when he opened the door, he realized that they were all coming to see Doctor Ye.

"Doctor Ye hasn't gotten up yet, don't make so much noise."

Zhu Shan said.

"That Doctor Ye is really still inside?"

"Of course, he has already bought this place, and he has been living here for medical treatment during this time."

Zhu Shan said.

We are letting those people in, but we can't make a big noise like just now. From Zhu Shan's point of view, the young man must have woken up very late in bed.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Shan discovered that Ye Chen had woken up, but Ye Chen did not wear his sunglasses again starting today, but went to eat breakfast first.

Soy milk, eggs, fried dough sticks.

After eating, Ye Chen began to see the first patient today.

Compared with last night, there may be more patients today, which may have exceeded one hundred places.

Ye Chen didn't drive them away, but asked them to line up for medical treatment.

Last night, Ye Chen was here to treat those patients, and he discovered that he had encountered many strange diseases, although they were not intractable diseases, and they were not difficult to treat.

However, based on the situation here, the medical skills are relatively backward, and there are not many powerful Chinese doctors. As for the medical equipment of Western medicine, there are not many.

Those rich in families here, if they are sick, either go to Yangon or go to a hospital in Yunnan. In Guogan, there is definitely no good hospital.

As for the Kokang hospital, it may not even match the health centers in towns on the mainland.

Now the first patient Ye Chen wants to see is a middle-aged man in his 40s, but he seems to be 50 or 60 years old.

According to the other party’s dictation, the middle-aged man Gao discovered diabetes six years ago and could only take some western medicine for treatment.

The patient’s condition is that in the past month, fatigue and drowsiness have occurred. After an examination in Yunnan, the blood sugar was severely exceeded. He had taken Baitangping, Jiangtang tablets and other medicines without obvious effect.

Now I have fatigue, drowsiness, less than six taels of food a day, dry stool, and more saliva.

After Ye Chen checked his pulse condition and tongue condition, the tongue coating was slightly greasy and the pulse condition was gentle. He was diagnosed with Diabetes, which is diabetes in Western medicine.

This symptom belongs to the syndrome of deficiency of spleen qi, and should be used to replenish qi and cultivate vitality.

"Mr. Gao, your condition belongs to Diabetes in Chinese medicine. This kind of disease can be controlled by taking the medicine. As for whether it can be completely cured, it depends on your personal recovery."

It was not the first time that Ye Chen came into contact with diabetes like her counterpart, but in the past, he was treated as a Chinese medicine diabetic.

In the past, when the western medical term of diabetes did not come in, in Chinese doctors, patients with this condition were collectively referred to as Diabetes.

As mentioned in Chinese medicine, diabetic refers to a disease characterized by polydipsia, polyphagia, polyuria, and weight loss. Its occurrence may be related to insufficient congenital endowment, yin deficiency in the body, and eating disorder, emotional discomfort, and fatigue. Caused by excessive and other reasons.

At the beginning of this disease, it is based on yin deficiency and dryness and heat as the standard. Further development will cause both qi and yin injury, yin and yang decline, and long-term illness will lead to insufficient righteousness and congestion endogenously.

The treatment of this disease is generally divided into upper, middle and lower three eliminations, upper elimination to treat lung and dryness, middle elimination to treat stomach, stomach heat, lower to eliminate kidney, and kidney deficiency.

Diabetes, diabetes insipidus, and neurosis diagnosed by western medicine all belong to this category of diabetic diseases, among which diabetes is probably the most common one.

After Ye Chen read it to Mr. Gao directly, he brought a piece of white paper, and wrote the symptoms of Mr. Gao's condition on the white paper, and then prescribed the prescription for the first diagnosis.

"15 grams of ginseng, 10 grams of Poria cocos, 10 grams of fried atractylodes, 10 grams of tangerine peel, 6 grams of raw white peony root, 5 grams of roasted licorice, 6 grams of angelica, 15 grams of fried grain buds, 6 grams of jiaoqu, 6 grams of Zhuru, 10 grams of Ophiopogon, 5 grams of Bupleurum, 10 grams of raw astragalus, 10 grams of cornus, 3 jujubes, 5 grams of mint. 15 doses, decocted in water, 1 dose a day."

After Ye Chen finished writing, he double-checked it again and handed it directly to Mr. Gao.

"You can just drink the medicinal soup directly during this period, and stop taking those western medicines, otherwise, the effect of the medicine may be rejected."

Mr. Gao still took the prescription and left with some doubts.

However, if he didn't believe Ye Chen, he would definitely not be able to come to see a doctor. Moreover, when Ye Chen asked him a question just now, Mr. Gao discovered that this young man's medical skills should be much better than the barefoot doctors here in Guokang.

The most important thing is that this young man doesn't charge money for medical treatment. If he doesn't charge money, it means that the other party is not making money for the purpose of making money. It is probably just for fame.

After that Mr. Gao left, Ye Chen continued to see the second patient.

. . .

Last night, Gu Ling, who lives next door, heard the noise and noise in the place where Ye Chen lived, and learned that Ye Chen was treating people, and he kept seeing it very late.

Unexpectedly, early in the morning, she found that more people came here to see Ye Chen.

Is Ye Chen really that boring or something else?

Gu Ling didn't know, but she knew that the ghost doctor in the ghost school usually treated people to make money. Like the Killer Alliance, who would go to see people for no reason.

However, Gu Ling discovered that from the time she had accepted the task of assassinating Ye Chen, she found that Ye Chen had been treating people. In many cases, not only did she not charge money, but she posted money to treat people. The spirit is the strangest.

Of course, now Gu Ling discovered that Ye Chen came here this time and bought this shop, he also specially treated people for free.

Gu Ling came from next door, and when he wanted to go inside, someone immediately stopped her and said, "Young man, if you want to see a doctor, please line up first."

Those people thought that Gu Ling was here to see Ye Chen.

Gu Ling ignored it, and when he squeezed in, he found that Ye Chen was really sitting there, looking and inquiring over and over, writing the prescription over and over again.

After seeing, hearing and inquiring for a patient, after the end, then the prescription he prescribed is also out.

Standing in the crowd, Gu Ling saw that Ye Chen had watched about ten patients before she came out.

When he went outside, Gu Ling found that if Ye Chen did that every day, it would be too boring, and also very boring.

For someone from a killer alliance like her, the task is to collect commissions to kill people and earn commissions. As for saving people, they have never done it.

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