Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 2992: : Suspicious location

There are still other Japanese people who have been infected with this plague virus, which shows that isolation and treatment alone will definitely not work. It is necessary to find the source of the plague virus as soon as possible.

If the source of the transmission is not found, other ordinary people outside are still infected.

After Ye Chen and Yizi went to the dining room of Dahe Hospital for dinner, Ye Chen asked Yizi to go back to the room first, and he continued to watch the patients here.

Now those patients are taking the western medicine researched by Dadongyang Pharmaceutical Company again, and the effect is indeed obvious. Many patients' condition has been relieved. On the contrary, those patients who took Ye Chen's prescription have not changed much.

However, Ye Chen knew that even if the right medicine was prescribed, he was afraid that it would be difficult to reduce the condition of those patients so quickly.

At around nine o'clock in the evening, when Ye Chen returned to the superior ward, Yizi had already taken a shower and was sitting there watching TV.

When she saw Ye Chen came back, she took the clothes and prepared to give Ye Chen a bath. She knew that after Ye Chen took a bath, she would still get up late at night and continue to see the patients.

When Ye Chen was about to take a bath, his cell phone rang, and when he took it out, he found that it was the number three call.

"Ye Shao, we have found a suspicious place."

On the 3rd, according to the location provided by Ye Chen yesterday, and some members of the Fuqing Gang, like those warriors who practiced in the Chinese medicine factory before, they quickly found a suspicious location in Yokohama.

That possible site is a sewage treatment plant, surrounded by high walls. People outside only know that it is a sewage treatment plant, and many domestic water in Yokohama city is said to be treated inside. .

Therefore, most people do not pay much attention to this place, knowing that this is a sewage treatment plant, they will quickly leave. Moreover, there is also a garbage incineration plant inside.

Now the outside is surrounded by a high wall. There are security guards around for twenty-four hours. Outsiders wanting to enter through the main entrance need approval.


"This is a domestic sewage treatment plant and a domestic waste incineration plant, but there are many security guards around it, it is difficult to get inside."

"Look at it first, I'll go out later."

After Ye Chen hung up the phone with No.3, he looked at Yizi and asked, "Yiko, do you know the sewage treatment plant and domestic waste incineration plant in Yokohama?"

"I don't know very well, but Japan's waste incineration plants and sewage treatment plants are very developed. The treated sewage can be used as tap water again, and after the waste has a fever, no toxic gas will be emitted."

Because there are too many people in Japan, there are not many fresh water resources, and groundwater cannot be over-extracted. In this case, it is very important to recycle tap water. The domestic sewage that has been treated is not allowed to be drunk by the citizens, but, It can also be used as industrial water.

As for the incineration of domestic waste there, let alone, Japan has too little land to landfill. Therefore, it is used to generate fever. On the one hand, it can generate electricity and on the other hand, it can dispose of the garbage.

In the urban area of ​​Yokohama and Tokyo, it is unknown how many tons of garbage are generated every day, and a large amount of fever can only be processed through such garbage incineration plants.

"However, these garbage incineration plants and domestic sewage treatment plants are all handled by private family companies. Japanese state-owned enterprises have basically few state-owned enterprises except for some related to people's livelihood and military."

In this way, the domestic waste incineration plant and domestic sewage treatment plant should be another private Japanese enterprise.

If it is in China, this is definitely not possible. Basically, it is owned by state-owned enterprises, not private individuals.

"What are you asking about?"

Yizi asked strangely.

"I found a suspicious place, there is probably the source of the spread of the plague virus, I want to find out myself."

"Do you need to notify the government?"

"Being not."

Ye Chen felt that the Japanese government this time was also a bit suspicious.

After all, at the beginning, when so many Chinese and overseas Chinese were infected with this plague virus, they never announced it. Only when he came over to force the Japanese government, the other party held a press conference to announce it.

Of course, this is probably due to the spread of the plague virus this time, because Japanese people have already been infected and died.

"When will it pass?"

"Wee in the morning."

Now Yamato Hospital has been quarantined. There are police personnel outside, as well as Japanese Self-Defense Forces soldiers. Ye Chen wants to go out from the inside openly, fearing that he can’t. Moreover, he doesn’t want to be known by others, so he plans to quietly leave Yamato Hospital. Go inside and get out.

The wall here is not high, only three or four meters, it is very easy for him to get out of the wall.

After Ye Chen went to take a bath, came out of the bath, and looked at the patients' conditions, now that the Chinese and Western doctors from Shanghai like Secretary Liu are watching, Ye Chen doesn't need to worry too much.

By twelve o'clock in the morning, Yamato Hospital was already quiet at night, and occasionally I heard some patients' calls, but there was no other sound.

Ye Chen returned to the room, and after speaking to Yizi, he changed his white lab coat, then put on his usual clothes, a hat and a mask, and walked down from the high-level ward of the Yamato Hospital, and then downstairs. It was found from time to time that hospital security, police personnel, and even military personnel were patrolling inside and outside.

Ye Chen aimed at a point in time and an interval point, then came under the wall, turned directly out, and walked a long way before he stopped and called number three again.

After Ye Chen talked about his current location, he waited there for about ten minutes and saw a Japanese Toyota car and two members of the Fuqing Gang coming by on the third.

After Ye Chen opened the door and got into the car, the member of the Fuqing gang was driving, and No. 3 took out a piece of paper. That piece of paper was a simple topographic map they had drawn out during their investigation today.

From the topographic map, a domestic sewage treatment plant and a domestic waste incineration plant occupies a large area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters, surrounded by high walls, and then outside, several gates are guarded by security guards outside. With.

Usually, except for those carts with domestic garbage outside, the employees inside seem to seldom come out, and there are very few other vehicles going inside.

"Ye Shao, according to the information you provided, the tap water carried this plague virus, then it was passed on from this company. It is very likely that there are many tap waters under this company taking over. As for how to penetrate into it, we still don’t know. know."

Since this one is a domestic sewage treatment plant and a domestic waste incineration plant, Ye Chen himself felt that if there were problems with the equipment inside and the garbage carried a lot of bacteria and germs, it would be easy to contaminate the tap water.

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