Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 2988: :behind

The speed of the anti-rodent operation is very fast. When the Japanese news just came out, when the news was announced, the urban area of ​​Yokohama, which had already begun to panic, and the surrounding urban areas, including Tokyo, had begun large-scale anti-rodent operations.

One hundred yen is equivalent to five or six yuan, which is not a lot. However, with the call of the Japanese government, many residents have begun to take action against rats themselves.

The citizens first found the mice in their homes and yards. After they were killed, they were photographed and handed over to the Japanese government to dispose of them. Most of the mice hidden in the trash can and sewers were handed over to related organizations to destroy them.

In one day, hundreds of thousands of mice may be wiped out.

On the other hand, Western medical researchers began to study whether mosquitoes, cockroaches and other living creatures were infected with this virus.

While those Western medicine researchers are conducting research, other Western medicine researchers also conduct sampling tests on the tap water in Yokohama to see if there is that plague virus?

It turned out that it was surprising that those mosquitoes and cockroaches, as well as chickens, ducks and geese, did not carry this plague virus.

However, in the tap water drawn for testing, the plague virus was found in the tap water.

This shows that if those citizens directly drank the tap water as before, then they are likely to be infected with this plague.

After the western medical researchers found out, they immediately notified the government, and the government held a press conference to tell those citizens not to drink the tap water directly.

Moreover, it is best not to drink the tap water in downtown Yokohama for the time being.

However, there are so many residents in Yokohama. If they don't use the tap water nearby, they need to use bottled water from other places, which is naturally very wasteful.

Ye Chen didn't know these things, but he knew that rats were not only the way to spread the plague virus, but also that the tap water was also a source of transmission.

So now Ye Chen is very interested in the source of the plague virus spread by tap water. He feels that he might soon find the source of the spread?

After all, it is only found that tap water in a few places has this situation for the time being, then it is very likely that it has penetrated in through tap water somewhere.

But where exactly is that place?

This requires Ye Chen to ask those western medical researchers.

After Ye Chen and Yizi went to eat a simple breakfast, and then saw the patients, he found that the condition of those patients had been temporarily relieved today.

Especially after taking the new prescription he prescribed, the condition began to decrease significantly.

. . .

In the basement of a building in the outskirts of Yokohama, the basement here is like during the day, but many researchers wearing white research uniforms walk around in the basement and appear very busy.

In an office called the president, a Japanese man in his 50s was sitting there, and another Japanese man in his 30s was standing opposite him.

"President, this matter is a bit serious."

"Are many people infected with this virus?"

"In the beginning, most of them were infected by those Chinese and overseas Chinese, about four to five hundred people, but there have been no deaths. Now many Japanese have begun to be infected, and there have been deaths."

The president turned around and said, "Don't you have a good cure at the beginning?"

"President, we had this kind of corresponding prescription at the beginning, and we were also prepared to sell this prescription to a hospital at an appropriate time, so that the doctor would treat those patients. Unexpectedly, this virus began to appear. Abnormal changes, we can only re-study new drugs to treat those patients."

"Then find an effective drug now?"

"Still under study."

Said the man in his thirties.

Originally, they were doing research in the basement here, and they were always very low-key. Basically no one knew about it. Unexpectedly, this virus accidentally leaked out this time, first infiltrating the tap water, and even the rats inside. This kind of virus also went outside and had contact with other rats.

Of course, when Chinese and overseas Chinese were infected in the first place, this is where the government was quietly suppressing them, and they hoped to cure those infected with effective drugs.

Unexpectedly, the number of infected Chinese and overseas Chinese was relatively large, and before they announced that they had developed effective drugs, those viruses began to change, which was beyond the scope of the drugs they originally studied.

They can only redo the research.

Now it is announced that a large number of rats have carried this virus, and when the virus is found in the tap water, the staff inside, including the president, and the man in his 30s who are talking, feel that the incident is worse. It's getting worse.

This is a chemical plant company on the surface, but the real laboratory is underground, and the research has little to do with the chemical industry.

Therefore, the man in his thirties feels that he should temporarily close the laboratory and wait for the limelight to pass before restarting work operations.

However, the machines inside are now operating normally 24 hours a day, and the researchers inside are also in three shifts, conducting research day and night.

Now, when they asked them to stop, the president felt it was impossible.

"Can't stop yet."

"Then what if I get found here? This is illegal."

Said the man in his thirties.

"Don't worry, I will let people suppress it. The storm of this matter will pass soon. However, you must research effective drugs as soon as possible and hand them directly to the government. The government will buy our drugs at a high price. Recognize our existence."

"Yes, President."

The two were communicating in Japanese in the office, and no one knew what they were talking about.

After the man in his thirties came out of the office and closed the door, he continued to watch the researchers doing research.

In addition to those animals, including mice, monkeys, and even orangutans, for in vivo tests, there are also human corpses and even living people for virus tests and drug tests.

However, in this basement research room, not many people know its existence.

If it hadn't been for the plague viruses to infiltrate the tap water this time, or the rats carrying the plague viruses went outside, it would be impossible for anyone to know that such a laboratory exists here.

Even now, most people do not know the existence of this laboratory.

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