Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 2929: : The role of Reiki

When the owner of the jade shop and other stone gambling owners wanted to buy Ye Chen’s ice jade jade, Ye Chen didn’t plan to sell it. He wanted the master to carve it and give it to those big ones. Miss makes a present.

As for whether there are other jadeites in this pile of rough stones, Ye Chen didn't want to try again, because there are still many jade shops of this kind.

Ye Chen asked the clerk to put the jade and jade into the sack. After Ye Chen picked it up, he and Sun Mengjie, Jin Duoduo came out of it.

Seeing Ye Chen lift the jade away like trash, everyone else was surprised what this young man thought?

When he went outside, Jin Duoduo came over and hugged Ye Chen's arm and asked, "Ye Chen, how did you do it just now?"

Jin Duoduo didn't believe Ye Chen's luck just now.

If you are lucky, you may win the bet the first time, but you may not win the second time.

When Ye Chen saw that no one else was paying attention, he said a few words in her ear.

Jin Duoduo was surprised, could he do it himself?

She couldn't believe it.

"what are you saying?"

When Sun Mengjie saw the two people whispering intimately there, she asked a little unhappy.

"Mengjie, let me tell you."

Ye Chen also whispered a few words in Sun Mengjie's ear. Sun Mengjie couldn't believe it. Ye Chen used his spiritual energy to bet on rocks.

No wonder Ye Chen just won the bet on both dollars, and they couldn't bet if they just took it.

"Then let's try again."

Sun Mengjie said.

Although she was not short of money, it would be different for Sun Mengjie if she could bet 100% on those jadeites through aura.

"Then go in and take a look, but you have to be smart and don't expose it."

After entering the jade shop in front of him, Ye Chen saw a large group of people betting on stones there. The result was the same as the jade shop just now. They were all rotten stones after being cut open.

When Ye Chen came in, he looked at the boss and said, "We want to try too."

Ye Chen asked Jin Duoduo to hold the sack first, after all, the jade in the sack was worth several million.

While Jin Duoduo was holding the sack, Ye Chen walked over to the pile of rough stones and touched the rough stones one by one, using that spiritual energy to sense whether the rough stones were wrapped with jade.

Ye Chen watched a lot, and did not notice that kind of rebound feeling.

And when Sun Mengjie also tried it before, as Ye Chen said, through her cultivation of the spiritual energy, input from the palm of the hand to the rough stone.

If the rough stone is rebound, it means there is a reaction, and there will be jadeite inside.

However, if there is no reaction and no rebound, it means that the rough stone is just a pile of rotten stones.

Sun Mengjie tried several times, and finally found that a heavy stone reacted, and there was a strong reaction. Sun Mengjie also called Ye Chen over.

Ye Chen touched the stone, the same reaction.

This shows that a large piece of jade is probably wrapped in this large stone.

"Boss, we want this one."

When the boss asked several employees to move the two or three kilograms of rough stones to weigh, and in the end it cost at least 280,000, the shop owner asked Ye Chen if he really wanted it?

Ye Chen took out his bank card and swiped it directly to pay, and then asked the clerk to cut according to the line he said.

Sun Mengjie watched nervously. The clerk began to cut the rough stone, and the rough stone that was soon cut open was indeed wrapped in a large piece of jade.

This is a very common bean-like jade jade, and the market price is not very high. However, it should be a good-quality bean-like jade jade. Such a large piece is worth at least several hundred thousand. Sun Mengjie still made a profit. .

Seeing that it was just ordinary bean-seed jade jade, Sun Mengjie was still very happy because she knew that the method Ye Chen just said was really effective.

After cutting the big piece of jade and putting it in a sack, Sun Mengjie wanted to go and try it again.

Ye Chen didn't go there anymore. Looking here, Sun Mengjie used aura to sense the large pile of rough stones everywhere, but most of them were rotten stones and didn't feel anything at all, and many of them were held down by rough stones. Sun Mengjie asked the clerk to open the other rough stones, and she wanted to continue to explore.

The shop owner and other people watching the excitement didn't know what Sun Mengjie was doing, but they felt that this beauty seemed to have some skills in betting on rocks, or she made hundreds of thousands in one go?

After searching for more than ten minutes, Sun Mengjie finally found a piece of rough stone worth tens of thousands of dollars. The clerk moved there, and Ye Chen touched it. There was also a strong rebound, indicating that it was actually wrapped with jade.

When asked the clerk to cut it, what surprised the others was that there was really a piece of green jade in it, which should be worth hundreds of thousands.

Although not a lot, Sun Mengjie made millions at once, which surprised Jin Duoduo. When she wanted to give it a try in the past, Ye Chen whispered to her: "To the next house, you Try again."

Next, Sun Mengjie looked for it carefully, but never found a rough stone that responded. In order not to reveal her situation, she bought a rough stone worth more than 100,000. There must be a pile of rotten stones in the rough stone.

Seeing that Sun Mengjie was not betting this time, everyone else felt that Sun Mengjie was lucky twice.

Ye Chen paid the money for these rough stones, and Sun Mengjie, Jin Duoduo came out of that jade shop, then walked more than ten meters away, and then came to another jade shop.

Many people also bet on stones in it, but the prices are all the same. Ten bets and nine losers. The cut rough stones are just a lot of rotten stones.

Ye Chen knew that this would be the case for a long time, so if this kind of gambling on stones, if there is no skill, it is really just sending money to the store owner.

When Jin Duoduo was going to try, Ye Chen asked her to try it, and Sun Mengjie was looking at the sacks here.

Ye Chen also tried it and found that there was no response in the pile of rough stones, which showed that the probability of jade jade from this pile of rough stones was very low.

Jin Duoduo has been touching the stones everywhere, which makes the shop owner and other people who watch the excitement feel this, what is this beauty doing when touching those stones?

What's so good about these stones?

Jin Duoduo didn't stop, touched a lot of rough stones, and finally she felt a certain reaction from one rough stone, so she let Ye Chen go over and take a look.

When Ye Chen tried to input spiritual energy in the past, he found that there was a response, but this kind of rebound was not very strong, which showed that the jade inside should be very small.

Of course, jadeite is classified according to quality, not size. If the quality is good, a small piece of emperor green jade is also very valuable.

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