Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 2416: : Picking tea

Ye Chen found that Jin Duoduo's grandmother had very flexible hands and feet, and it didn't take long for him to use the broken strips to weave into a bamboo basket.

One afternoon, Ye Chen found that Jin Duoduo's grandma had woven seven or eight bamboo baskets the size of which were also some other bamboo utensils.

They all look very strong and very delicate.

With the craftsmanship of Grandma Jin Duoduo, she can't be hungry at all.

Of course, what Ye Chen wanted to know most was the Five Poison Sect. Jin Duoduo's grandma didn't mention it again, and Ye Chen couldn't talk about it again.

After an afternoon passed, Ye Chen didn't see the Jin Yu or the patriarch coming to look for him and Jin Duoduo at dinner time.

Ye Chen felt that if he beat Jinyu and the others like that in the morning, it was definitely impossible to let Ye Chen go like that.

But now that the other party doesn't come, Ye Chen can't take the initiative to find the door.

After all, if a dog bites a person, it is impossible for a person to bite a dog.

When the sun goes down, Jin Duoduo's grandma prepares dinner.

Dinner was still similar to the morning meal, but Ye Chen still felt it was delicious.

After dinner, Ye Chen felt that the Miao Village in Halong Bay was quiet.

Because this is one of the scenic spots, it is powered on. Ye Chen saw that many Miao Village houses had lights on, but, like other villages, it was very quiet.

Jin Duoduo's grandma did not have a TV or other electrical appliances here. After dinner, Jin Duoduo's grandma went out to chat with other neighbors.

Jin Duoduo did not follow, but stayed with Ye Chen.

"Dudou, why doesn't your grandma have a TV here?" Ye Chen asked.

"My grandma doesn't need it." Jin Duoduo said.

"What about heating systems? It's not hot in summer here, but if it enters winter, wouldn't it be very cold? Can the elderly take it?" Ye Chen asked.

There must be no heating here, and at most some firewood can be used for heating.

However, if the door is closed and the fire is heated, it is very easy to carbon dioxide. When Ye Chen was in Liudonggou, the house he encountered was carbon dioxide poisoning. Several people died in the family. They thought it was haunted at home. In fact, it can only be regarded as The location and Feng Shui are not good.

However, Ye Chen also does not recommend that the room be heated by firewood in winter, and the room and windows should be closed. This is not only easy to carbon dioxide poisoning, but also easy to cause fire.

"We are used to burning wood here in our hometown," Jin Duoduo said.

However, Ye Chen’s suggestion is also good. You can buy a heating system for your grandma. In winter, you can plug in the electricity to keep warm, which is much safer than burning wood for heating.

About nine o'clock in the evening, Jin Duoduo's grandma came back, her face still as usual.

However, let Ye Chen and Jin Duoduo rest early and pick tea tomorrow.

Ye Chen took a shower in the yard and changed his clothes. After taking a bath, Jin Duoduo personally helped Ye Chen wash the clothes. At this point, Jin Duoduo's grandma had seen it.

However, Jin Duoduo's grandma was not surprised at all.

After taking a shower, Ye Chen went back to his room and lay down to rest. He took out his mobile phone and found that the signal here was not good, occasionally there was some signal, and soon it was not received. In fact, it was similar to Tao Caiwen's hometown.

In this way, I can't make phone calls, text messages, or connect to the Internet.

However, Ye Chen felt strange when she heard that she was going to pick tea with Jin Duoduo's grandma tomorrow.

Because he followed his grandfather Ye Dao to pick mountain herbs, but he never picked tea.

However, there are many mountains here and there should be a lot of tea.

When he lay down and went to sleep, he slept until midnight, feeling that there was someone around him. However, when Ye Chen opened his eyes, he didn't see anyone. The window was open, but there was no one except the blower coming in.

Ye Chen felt strange, did he encounter a ghost press again?

When I came back to stay in the hotel with Tao Caiwen, I encountered a ghost press. Of course, with Ye Chen's physique and powerful mental power, he was not afraid of that at all.

Now he opened his eyes to confirm that he really didn't see anything, and lay down again to sleep.

The next day, when Ye Chen woke up, there was a knock on the door outside the door, it was Jin Duoduo.

Jin Duoduo is now wearing very plain old clothes, because he is going to go up the mountain and wearing those beautiful clothes will definitely get dirty soon.

And wearing these old clothes, it doesn't matter if they get dirty.

"Wake up so early, will you not get used to it?" Jin Duoduo asked.

"It's okay, I usually get up early," Ye Chen said.

When he went to wash, Ye Chen saw that Jin Duoduo's grandma had already prepared breakfast.

The three of them sat down to eat breakfast, then put on the bamboo basket and came out of the house. Then Ye Chen and Jin Duoduo followed their grandmother.

When I came out, I met other villagers from Miao Village on the road from time to time.

However, the villagers avoided far away, and no three greeted them.

It might be because Ye Chen beat the patriarch and grandson yesterday. Jin Duoduo and her grandmother didn't say anything. They came out of Miao Village, and then went along a mountain road into the mountain road.

Ye Chen and Jin Duoduo followed their grandmother. They went farther and farther, climbing up the mountains and running higher and higher. When they were halfway up the mountain, Ye Chen finally saw a large area of ​​tea trees.

Ye Chen also saw other Miao Village villagers picking tea. It is August and the lunar calendar is July, which is considered to be July tea.

However, the tea here is picked all year round.

"Duo Duo, whose tea mountain is here?" Ye Chen asked.

"Everyone has a share, this piece belongs to our family." Jin Duoduo said.

Ye Chen looked over and found that the tea trees in Chashan were about half a meter tall. Ye Chen knew that these tea trees must have been pruned regularly, otherwise they would have grown very tall.

However, looking at it now, they are not very high, and they can still be picked like that.

"Just pick it like this?" Ye Chen asked.

He has never picked tea, so he doesn't know this. When Jin Duoduo's grandmother taught Ye Chen how to pick tea leaves, Ye Chen quickly understood that he wanted to pick the tenderest part of the tea leaves.

The sun is not very hot now, Ye Chen and Jin Duoduo followed their grandma, picking those tea leaves from time to time. However, Ye Chen couldn't understand why Jin Duoduo's grandmother brought Ye Chen to pick tea leaves here?

Is it because Grandma Jin Duoduo took the picked tea leaves to sell?

"Duo Duo, will these tea leaves be sold too?" Ye Chen asked.

"It used to be, now I don't know." Jin Duoduo said.

However, Ye Chen feels that if he picks so much, if he doesn't sell it, he can't finish drinking it!

More than three hours in the morning passed quickly. At around eleven in the morning, all three of them picked a bamboo basket of tea, and the three of them were ready to go down the mountain.

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