Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 1842: : Condition analysis

Because Ms. Sakurada’s disease has been delayed for too long and recurring, it is not just a simple aphtha problem, and aphtha ulcer is just one of the obvious symptoms.

Therefore, in response to Ms. Sakurada's situation, Ye Chen added a few more Chinese medicines in accordance with the changes in her symptoms during the second visit.

After reading Ms. Sakurada's situation, Ye Chen asked her to take more rest, but did not stay again. He went to the ward of Mr. Dahe again.

Among the five patients treated by Ye Chen, Mr. Dahe's condition was considered very serious.

Mr. Dahe developed liver cirrhosis, liver ascites, bloating, reluctance to eat, fatigue, headache, dizziness, and dry mouth.

The western medicine treatment had no obvious effect. After receiving Ye Chen's treatment for half a month, when Ye Chen checked him, the headache and dizziness had been significantly relieved, the abdominal distension and pain were significantly reduced, and he was able to eat.

At this point, it is after insisting on drinking his Chinese medicine soup every day to achieve obvious results.

Now when Ye Chen brought the volunteer for the Hanfang Contest, Mr. Dahe, who was resting on the bed, looked at Ye Chen and the volunteer with much more energetic eyes.

When I saw each other for the first time, I thought that I would definitely not be able to survive.

However, the obvious changes now made the Han Fang volunteer very surprised by Ye Chen's TCM skills.

"Doctor Ye, take the liberty to ask, have you treated such patients before?" the Kampo contest volunteer asked.

"This is my first contact with patients with liver cirrhosis. However, I have previously treated patients with hepatitis." Ye Chen said.

Of course, hepatitis diseases such as Zhu Yue are actually developing severely, and it is very likely that there will be three small Yangs, three large Yangs, and finally a serious disease like the liver cirrhosis and liver ascites of the current Mr. Dahe.

However, it was indeed the first time that Ye Chen had contact with the situation of Mr. Dahe.

After an exchange meeting with the Chinese medicine contest translator and Mr. Dahe on the hospital bed, Ye Chen already knew his current symptoms.

Ye Chen will check his abdomen, pulse, tongue, etc.

Because he would come to check and decoct the medicine every day, he actually knew better about Mr. Dahe's situation than when he was seeing other patients in Shanghai.

Ye Chen brought the medical record and wrote under the prescription for the first diagnosis: “Second diagnosis: headache after taking the upper part, dizziness, abdominal distension and pain are obviously reduced, you can eat, stool is clear, urine volume increases, yellow color, yellow greasy coating is reduced. Chinese medicine Dialectical: Water dampness can drive, but stasis and heat still prevail. Treatment method: add 15 grams of Scutellaria baicalensis and 30 grams of Poria cocos in the prescription to strengthen the power of clearing heat and diuresis, adding 30 grams of malt to wake up Stomach invigorates the spleen."

After Ye Chen finished writing, he sorted out the prescription and prescribed 14 Chinese herbal soups for conditioning.

In the case of Mr. Dahe, last year he found ascites, hypochondriac pain, and gradually became lethargic, weight loss, abdominal pain, fullness and swelling, anorexia, constipation, and oliguria, resulting in a lack of righteousness. According to the patient’s symptoms and signs, Ye Chen believes that this is mainly due to stagnation of blood and heat toxins in the liver, poor blood flow, stasis gradually, damage to vitality over time, restricted spleen transport, soil deficiency cannot transport water and dampness. Congestion, retention and symptoms such as abdominal distension.

Ye Chen observes that the main contradiction of his symptoms is that his spleen is extremely weak and the real organs are injured. From disease to liver cirrhosis, there are signs of damage to the liver, spleen and kidneys, as well as signs of stagnation of qi, stagnation of blood stasis, and dampness.

Therefore, at the first diagnosis, Ye Chen used the principles of soothing the liver and strengthening the spleen, replenishing qi and promoting blood circulation, and clearing away heat and draining water.

Through the observation of Mr. Dahe in the past half month and the changes in his symptoms, Ye Chen found that he did prescribe the right medicine.

After Ye Chen had read to Mr. Dahe, he was going to see the boy again, but Mr. Dahe was holding Ye Chen's hand and speaking in Japanese, and he didn't let go for a long time.

In fact, even without those Japanese ninjas, Ye Chen's impression of the Japanese is not good, and his impression of them is not even as good as that of the Vietnamese.

But now this old Mr. Dahe is just a patient. Looking at his situation, Ye Chen didn't think too much about other things.

"Take a good rest, your body can return to normal in the future." Ye Chen said to the other party.

After the Han Fang contest volunteer translated to the old Mr. Dahe, he bent over to say hello, and then followed Ye Chen out.

After going outside, Ye Chen went to another ward and came to the ward of the boy Xiaohe. In addition to seeing the boy Xiaohe jumping on the bed, he also saw his parents.

Seeing Ye Chen's arrival, Xiaohe's parents hurriedly stood up and greeted Ye Chen respectfully.

Through the two-month contact, Xiaohe's parents discovered that although Ye Chen was young and also came from China, they found that in terms of Chinese medicine and medical ethics, they found that Japan is not as good as Ye Chen for the time being.

Ye Chen nodded with a smile, and then after asking about Xiaohe's condition, he checked his pulse and tongue, and found that after half a month of Ye Chen's treatment, the effect was very obvious.

Ye Chen took Xiaohe’s medical record and wrote under the prescription for the first visit: “Second visit: The patient sleeps well at night after taking the medicine, turns over during sleep, and reduces screams. Parents observe that when they wake up when turning over, they will urinate. After 1 urine, still grinding teeth while sleeping, food appetite has been significantly improved, stool is adjusted. The tongue is reddish, the coating is thin and white, and the veins are thin. The mulberry leaves are removed from the front, 20 grams of fruit is added, and 20 grams of regenerated malt. 7 Agent."

After Ye Chen finished writing, he sorted out the prescriptions and checked them carefully. After confirming that there were no other problems, he prescribed 7 doses of Chinese medicine. He believed that the boy with the child would drink Chinese medicine soup for another week. He was completely cured of his childhood nocturia.

According to the ancient Chinese medicine book "Suwen Meridian" read by Ye Chen, it says: "Drink into the stomach, overflow the essence and qi, lose the spleen upward, disperse the essence of the spleen, return to the lungs, regulate the waterway, and lose the bladder."

"Suwen Linglan Secret Code Theory" says: "The bladder, the official of the state capital, can store body fluid, but qi can produce it."

Therefore, in Ye Chen's view, although nocturia occurs mainly because the bladder cannot be restrained, the main reason for the bladder irresponsibility is related to the weakness of the lungs, spleen, and kidneys.

Children often have excess liver and often insufficient spleen, and the child with this hill is a child with prosperous liver. Wanggan children are characterized by being naughty and hyperactive during the day, restless at night, difficult to fall asleep, teeth grinding, awakening during sleep, loss of appetite, and easy to catch colds.

Xiaohe is more than six years old, and he often has enuresis at night. This is because the liver tree is too prosperous and the spleen and kidneys are insufficient. Therefore, when dialectic in Chinese medicine, Ye Chen started by calming the liver and strengthening the spleen and nourishing the kidney. After half a month of treatment by Ye Chen, the symptoms were obvious improve. In the second visit, because of the better appetite, malt was reduced, and Cishi was added to strengthen the kidney.

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