Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 1625: : Lung carbuncle

Generally speaking, the races of Asian yellow people look similar, and if you really need to identify them carefully, they are equally easy to identify.

Like the middle-aged man sitting in front of Ye Chen, Ye Chen was equally easy to recognize even if the other party did not speak Korean.

Now this middle-aged Korean patient already believes in Ye Chen's traditional Chinese medicine skills, and he appears to be very cooperative.

Therefore, Ye Chen first looked at him and asked: "Sir, what is your name and how old is this year?"

There is no need for Li Jingxi's interpreter. The other party already understands that when he said his name in Korean, he heard the other party say that his surname is Jin and he is 42 years old.

Next, Ye Chen asked about his current health.

It was soon learned that the middle-aged South Korean had suffered from pneumonia since he was a child, but he was cured that year and there has been no other symptoms.

Until five years ago, he had coughing, chest pain, and vomiting fishy sputum without any cause. He was treated by Western medicine at a Western hospital in South Korea. It was confirmed that the bronchiectasis was treated with antibiotics and it was still effective.

However, every time I catch a cold later, I will have a cold attack and the same symptoms as before. However, taking those antibiotics again has no effect.

This time I heard that the Korean medicine competition was held, and the other party used the relationship to get a place. This time, I came to the treatment to see if Western medicine was of no effect.

Ye Chen asked, while Li Jingxi sat aside while translating. After listening, the middle-aged man spoke in Korean and Li Jingxi translated it again.

Basically, through Li Jingxi's translation, Ye Chen already knew the middle-aged man's situation very well.

"Mr. Jin, have you brought your previous medical records?" Ye Chen asked the middle-aged man Jin.

After Li Jingxi's translation, the family next to the middle-aged man Jin hurriedly took his previous medical records. Ye Chen looked over and found that it was written in Korean. Ye Chen naturally couldn't understand it.

However, when Li Jingxi saw it, although the Korean doctors were not as scribbled as the medical records written by the Chinese doctors, in addition to seeing some of the symptoms of Kim’s previous medical treatment, he also had a physical examination. Li Jingxi didn't understand some of the Western medicines prescribed because they were proprietary Western medicine terms.

It didn't matter to Ye Chen what antibiotics did the Western doctors prescribe Jin.

After Ye Chen confirmed Jin’s previous medical records, he had already shown the pulse and tongue to the other person. What kind of disease can he diagnose?

"Mr. Jin, you have to have lung carbuncle, which is the bronchiectasis that Western doctor said." Ye Chen said.

Although the diagnosis of Western doctors was correct, Ye Chen didn't know why the antibiotics prescribed by Western doctors were not effective.

Of course, that happened to Mr. Jin five years ago, and it was confirmed that it was bronchiectasis and antibiotics were prescribed.

However, after five years, it started to recur and became more serious, which shows that the antibiotics only treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

When Ye Chen took the pulse of Mr. Jin just now, he could also clearly see that the other party's hands had thick calluses, which showed that the work he was engaged in was hard labor.

"Mr. Jin, what do you do?" Ye Chen asked.

After Li Jingxi translated it, Mr. Jin said: "Doctor Ye, I work in the construction industry."

Perhaps for many people in China, the income of the construction industry is good, but it is very hard work. Those who have no culture are willing to do it.

However, in South Korea, the construction industry is also very tiring and dangerous. However, it is not just ordinary people with low education who are engaged in this kind of work. Even college students will be engaged in this industry.

Because the wage income of this industry is much higher than that of many industries.

Ye Chen asked this question mainly because he felt that it had a lot to do with Mr. Jin’s usual work, so he had better not be too tired before he was cured, otherwise, he would not earn enough money in the future. His medical expenses.

After confirming that Mr. Jin had no other problems, Ye Chen took out the medical record paper prepared on the table, and he wrote directly on it in Chinese: "Jin, male, 42 years old. Repeated cough, chest pain, cough and stench. The thick phlegm has been more than 5 years and it has increased recently."

"First diagnosis: The patient had been suffering from pneumonia since childhood. Five years ago, there was no obvious cause of cough, chest pain, and smelly sputum. He was confirmed to be bronchiectasis in a western hospital, and antibiotic treatment was effective. Since then, every time he catches a cold, he has repeated colds. From then on, after catching a cold, it happened again. Taking antibiotics, the effect was not obvious."

"Current symptoms: cough, yellow sputum, fishy sputum, easy to cough up, foamy, sticky, low-grade fever, mental fatigue, anorexia, dry stool, normal sleep. You can confirm that the other person has obvious other breathing noises. Check. : Tongue condition: red tongue tip, yellow coating and less fluid. Pulse condition: narrow pulse."

"Traditional Chinese medicine dialectics: diagnosis of lung carbuncle, phlegm-heat entrapment syndrome. This is the syndrome of wind-heat invading the lung, internal entrapment, heat entrapment in the lung collaterals, phlegm and stasis obstruction, resulting in blood sepsis and flesh rot and purulent carbuncle, chronic yin Coughing, yellow sputum, and other symptoms appear. The disease is located in the lungs, and the syndrome is a syndrome of deficiency and excess. Treatment: nourishing yin and clearing lungs, promoting lungs and resolving phlegm."

"Prescription: 15 grams of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi, 15 grams of Mulberry Bark, 12 grams of Digu Bark, 30 grams of Houttuynia Cordata, 45 grams of Reed Stem, 30 grams of Winter Melon Kernel, 30 grams of Coix Seed, 15 grams of Northern Adenophora, 12 grams of Scrophulariaceae , Zhebei 12g, Platycodon 12g, Trichosanthes 20g, Peach kernel 20g, Ophiopogon 15g, Polygonatum 12g, Raw licorice 12g. 7 doses, decocted in water, 1 dose per day."

After Ye Chen finished writing, he checked it carefully and wrote another medical record for him. He knew that one was given to the organizing committee of the Korean Medicine Contest for scoring, and the other was given to the patient himself.

"Mr. Jin, I suggest you go to the medicinal store in Chinatown to buy medicine. Moreover, this is 7 doses of Chinese medicine. If you drink 7 doses by then, it will work. You think my medical skills are OK. If I have not returned to China by then, You can find me at the InterContinental Hotel. If I may return to China, then you can find me in Shanghai." Ye Chen said.

Now he naturally wants to explain the matter clearly. After Li Jingxi heard it, he also translated it to Mr. Jin and his family.

Like Mr. Jin’s situation, the other party felt that it was impossible to get cured so quickly. However, now that he knew that Ye Chen was a famous doctor, he naturally believed in Ye Chen's prescription.

After the other party stood up and bent over to thank Ye Chen, he took the two prescriptions and left.

After watching each other leave, the other four people have successively come over with their families.

However, when Ye Chen was seeing Mr. Jin just now, the other three people were patiently sitting aside and waiting. This shows that in addition to the feeling of inferiority complex, these Koreans have good personal qualities. <

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