Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 1516: : Uncover the murderer

An orphan who had no parents and no other relatives since he was a child, and was born a deaf and dumb young man, how could he be a master of witchcraft?

Even, in the eyes of the village cadres in Xiashanzhai, the other party could not even read his own name, how could he have learned those profound Gu techniques?

Ye Chen can confirm that this person was the one who committed the murderer who committed the murders one after another in the cottage. Therefore, instead of stopping now, he asked Chief Jin to lead the way, and Ye Chen, Ma Maoshan, and two police officers hurried to a house in the cottage.

Probably because of years of experience in handling cases, Ma Maoshan knew that the murderer was this person when Ye Chen said it just now.

So, if you catch the murderer now, for him, the gain this time is really great.

Soon, I came to the outside of the house that was not far from the ancestral hall and looked a little shabby, and found that the inside of the house was dark.

The door was locked inside, Ye Chen guessed, he could also feel that person was inside, even staring at them inside.

"If it is him, he will harm people's Gu technique, we still wait outside." Some village officials in the village said.

Ye Chen felt that there was nothing, because for those Miao people, it was really talking about "Gu" discoloration.

However, Ye Chen was not afraid.

Seeing that it was locked inside, the two police officers wanted to open the door when they wanted to show themselves in front of Deputy Chief Sima, but found that they couldn't open it.

At this moment, when the two people tried to open the door, they found something blocking it.

"You get away first," Ye Chen said.

When the two police officers stepped aside, Ye Chen kicked in the middle of the door, only to hear a creak, and then the door was kicked open.

When Ye Chen went inside first, he found a very unpleasant smell inside, like the rancid smell mixed with dead mice, corpses, and a lot of garbage.

The inside of the house was dark, but when Ye Chen was shining with a flashlight, he had already seen a person sitting in a room.

When he walked over to that person, he first saw the back of that person with his back to him, and he found that it was exactly the same as the hunchback that he saw in a deal with the two middle-aged men last night.

Although the other party seems to want to hide something now, how can his actions be concealed in front of him?

Ye Chen went straight over and kicked the opponent to the ground. The opponent stared at Ye Chen with fierce eyes. However, when Chief Jin and the others came in, the opponent quickly took away the fierce eyes and became a little confused. He looked in his eyes, and then made a "um, ah," voice, still gesturing in front of them like Chief Jin.

"No need to pretend in front of me, the cold-blooded murderer who killed more than ten villagers would be like this!" Ye Chen said coldly.

He hasn't seen any kind of person in Shanghai for more than a year.

Like the young man in front of him, he is at best using his identity as a deaf-mute person to get the sympathy of others and make others ignore his existence.

Now when Ye Chen first let the two police officers fumble for the deaf-mute man, the two police officers were a little scared.

Because the other party also knows that the person in front of him is really a murderer, so it is very likely that he is a master of slaying Gu.

"Don't be afraid. He doesn't have a medium for poisoning. He is like a tiger without teeth or a poisonous snake without venom." Ye Chen said.

Since this was the case, the two police officers were no longer afraid, and soon found things from each other, including the death list.

Ye Chen took the death list, and he saw at a glance that it was the same as the death list that Patriarch Jin showed him that night.

However, many of the names above were crossed with red pen, and two more names were added at the back.

When Patriarch Jin looked over, he could already confirm that the murderer was really the deaf and mute man in front of him. Because he found that at the end of the list, two people's names were added.

One is Ye Chen and the other is Yang Ling, both in Miao writing.

However, it can be seen from here that those villagers who died of Gu poison must be caused by the other party.

"Doctor Ye, these are the names of you and Miss Yang." Chief Jin said.

After Ye Chen saw it, he kicked the deaf and mute man.

Originally, Ye Chen had a pitiful attitude towards the disadvantaged, and he even helped many such people. However, now this deaf-mute person can be said to be extremely perverted. Could such a person be miserable?

Ye Chen kicked the opponent abruptly. When the opponent felt pain in his stomach while holding on to the ground, when other village cadres came in to collect the table in this room, they unexpectedly found the Five Plagues.

Under normal circumstances, no one would worship the Five Plagues Gods like these, and worship would only be done by those practicing Witch Gu. In addition, whether it is snake gu, epilepsy, chancre, etc., it is related to worship and five plague gods.

They didn’t know if they didn’t look for it. They were shocked when they looked for it. Inside, they actually found a lot of things related to witches, and even saw some unknown animals, which were cultivated by the deaf-mute man himself. Witch Gu.

Seeing those monsters that were moving and not like other ordinary animals, Ye Chen felt sick when they saw it.

"Patriarch Jin, how do you think these things should be handled?" Ye Chen asked.

"It can only be killed with kerosene, otherwise, other people will be harmed by then," Chief Jin said.

He really did not expect that he has been receiving relief from the tribe and is equivalent to the deaf and mute who was raised by the villagers in the village. He actually harmed more than a dozen people in the village, even the rat, and wanted to kill more villagers murderer.

Remove all the boxes for raising poison from the inside and prepare to burn them with fire, because these are evidence, but the state does not recognize the existence of witches, so it is impossible to move them to the court as evidence , It can only be burned at most.

People were asked to fetch the flammable items of pine oil, and quickly burned those boxes, even the statues of the Five Plagues, and thick smoke emerged from those boxes.

The young man who has now been subdued was caught by two police officers and tied the rope. It is impossible for the other party to struggle. Without the ability to use the witch, the other party is a toothless tiger, at most one. Just ordinary people, how could it be possible that two police officers were struggling?

Ye Chen watched the boxes burning with kerosene. When the monsters and insects inside were crawling, most of the insects were quickly swallowed by the fire.

However, there was a golden insect, like a silkworm with a silkworm in the middle of its head, two large tongs, a shrimp-like tail, and a pair of wings. There was no time to see clearly. It flew out of the fire. Then quickly flew to the night sky and disappeared.

Ye Chen didn't think too much. Now when he looked at Chief Jin and Deputy Chief Ma, he said: "I just want to ask some other things. As for how the murderer should deal with it, it's up to you."

Ye Chen's purpose here is mainly to understand the Five Poison Sect, so he doesn't want to pay attention to other things. He wants to cure the plague-infected villagers in the village, and he will leave here.

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